What you think of other countries?
Archive: 47 posts
What do you think of other countries? A simple question, simply because I, and many others, are curious. I (and you should as well) will try to stay on topic and anti-flaming, but this could dissolve into madness quite fast. If some troll comes in, just don't reply to them and pretend they aren't there. Put on your flame suits and LET'S ROLL. http://images.thetruthaboutcars.com/2008/12/flame_suit.jpg http://www.hampstead-english.ac.uk/images/uploads/large/london_skyline.jpg Ok, for all you UK people out there, here's what I think. Great political makeup, as there are THREE parties, not just two like us. It seems more balanced and the voters have more options when it comes to party choices. The queen? I see her as a voice of the nation, but she does nothing for it but "leads" in a sense. The history behind this country is amazing, spanning centuries, while the US is only 200 some years old. http://farm1.static.flickr.com/22/24687837_c92c8e94aa.jpg France? Not too much to say... Good food, wine (from what I heard, not 21 just yet!) History, as well, spanning quite far back. The media seems to make french more "regal" and "elegent". Here is a great blog post about it (http://gabbling-geeks.blogspot.com/2010/04/french-cultured.html). As for the rest, I may get to them later. So what do you guys think of us slobby, socalist (ugh) americans? (I don't really think the majority is "slobby, just a poke at "humor") | 2010-04-08 05:19:00 Author: chezhead ![]() Posts: 1063 |
Only country im a bit scared of is Russia, i have heard a lot of stories of friends and family members getting robbed at gunpoint right in the airport lol XD Other than that I don't really have opinions about other countries except for what there most known for. But i would REALLY like to hear what they think about us Americans, some of the things I have heard just amaze me, for those who have been fed those kinda things I kinda feel sorry for. | 2010-04-08 05:56:00 Author: Littlebigdude805 ![]() Posts: 1924 |
socialist americans? are you referring to canada? am confuse of other countries: CLEARLY inferior to the great american master race. ha. | 2010-04-08 05:57:00 Author: monstahr ![]() Posts: 1361 |
i like yugoslavia because they are awesome | 2010-04-08 06:19:00 Author: Voodeedoo ![]() Posts: 724 |
is there even yugoslavia anymore...there isnt is there | 2010-04-08 06:29:00 Author: Littlebigdude805 ![]() Posts: 1924 |
Rome. Rome-y Rome. | 2010-04-08 06:39:00 Author: Stephanie_Ravens ![]() Posts: 188 |
I absolutely love Japan. The discipline and the culture is awesome, the beautiful buildings, houses with doors that slide and you take your shoe's off and then sit on the floor and drink green tea and then walk into the beautiful garden with the gorgeous trees and flowers and Koi in the ponds with bridges over them. I love the language and the way it sounds when it's spoken, Kirei, beautiful. The Samurai way of life is something I have always been in awe of, if I could I would be Samurai. Let's face it I'm old enough to be!. I realise this isn't what the whole of Japan is like, just my vision of it. I would love to visit other than in my dreams. Icey | 2010-04-08 10:01:00 Author: IceMaiden ![]() Posts: 1057 |
i agree with icey here, i've been fascinated with their culture since i was a wiiman. i love how wise they can be, and it seems like such a difference from us people everywhere else, being driven insane by media and things like that. i came across this video the other day, but it's sure to blow your mind. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aos0hnwiHt8&feature=player_embedded# | 2010-04-08 10:46:00 Author: Voodeedoo ![]() Posts: 724 |
Socalist americans, as the new "Health Care for everyone" thing was passed, maybe another poke at humor. But Japan has always intrigued me. The large, crowded cities, so different culture, being on an island for so long, developing their own society, and their forms of entertainment. | 2010-04-08 15:20:00 Author: chezhead ![]() Posts: 1063 |
Ok my blast at it: USA: As the most powerful and thought of country in the world, I find it interesting. Alwas wanted to go there to get a better light of how things go there. Every american I have met is outgoing and talkative while us secluded irishmen don't like to talk much. Could this have to do with the amount of people around you? Russia: I find this country very fascinating as alot of stories come from there, and one of the most interesting things for me in my favourite subject history, is about the soviet union. I know that isn't what Russia today is but I still would love to visit there. There's something so mysterious about it to me. Japan: As the game capital of the world I most go there! Fantastical culture and foods and stuff. Now has anyone got a word to say about Ireland?? Oh btw: I like Togo because it is also awesome. | 2010-04-08 15:44:00 Author: KQuinn94Z ![]() Posts: 1758 |
I love Japan since I was a kid, long before Anime and Manga became as popular as it is today! I love the language, the people, well Anime and Manga of course, the nature, the culture and everything else about it! My biggest dream is to go there one day and to never come back again! Countries I don't like are England (sorry Splash I hope ur not mad with me now xD) and Spain! The reason I really dislike England is that I just almost don't like anything about it! The food is disgusting and made me puke everytime I ate it, their dialect sounds completely g@y just like the culture, they drive at the wrong side, my useless father comes from there and lots of other reasons! The only good things about it are salt & vinegar chips, the humor and few of the people I know from there. The reason I hate Spain is that I had to learn that stupid language and I HATED IT!!!!! I curse that d@mn country!!! >_< | 2010-04-08 15:50:00 Author: Chrree ![]() Posts: 554 |
I love Japan since I was a kid, long before Anime and Manga became as popular as it is today! I love the language, the people, well Anime and Manga of course, the nature, the culture and everything else about it! My biggest dream is to go there one day and to never back again! Countries I don't like are England (sorry Splash I hope ur not mad with me now xD) and Spain! The reason I really dislike England is that is just almost don't like anything about it! The food is disgusting and made me puke everytime I ate it, their dialect sounds completely *** just like the culture, they drive at the wrong side, my useless father and lots of other reasons! The only good things about it are salt & vinegar chips, the humor and few of the people I know from there. The Reason why I hate Spain is that I had to learn that stupid language and I HATET IT!!!!! I curse that **** country!!! >_< Well if your going to be so rough you might offend somebody. | 2010-04-08 16:02:00 Author: KQuinn94Z ![]() Posts: 1758 |
There is a ton of countries that I would love to travel to and KZQ will be happy to know Ireland is one of my top ones to visit if I win the lottery! From all the pics I have seen of Ireland, it just looks amazing there! There are more... I will add some later! ![]() | 2010-04-08 16:06:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
Countries I don't like are England (sorry Splash I hope ur not mad with me now xD) Aww, don't worry. ^^ I don't like Germany. xD | 2010-04-08 16:10:00 Author: Splash ![]() Posts: 102 |
@killzonequinn07 It always good to be honest just like when I said that I always had to vomit when I ate english food. That is actually true. @Splash That's only fair. xD | 2010-04-08 16:17:00 Author: Chrree ![]() Posts: 554 |
Too right it is, I looooovvvveeee Japan! =D Japan is basically all the best parts of the world put together, they make brilliant technology, cars, houses and their language is sooo amazing! Wish I could live there, with Chrree of course (That way we could go clothes shopping and just watch and play horror games/movies.) | 2010-04-08 16:23:00 Author: Splash ![]() Posts: 102 |
Yay! That would be fun!! | 2010-04-08 16:25:00 Author: Chrree ![]() Posts: 554 |
by the way, I have not even been out of country, not even Canada. I'm thinking that my first country other than America would be... The UK! Speaks english, great history, and hey, I may be able to meat some of you guys! ..If my parents didn't think that everyone on the internet is a stalker trying to kill me. | 2010-04-08 18:12:00 Author: chezhead ![]() Posts: 1063 |
Okay, I'm an American and I've been around, and what I can say about other countries that I admire is that just about all of them (that aren't third-world undeveloped backwaters and/or run by card-carrying evil dictators) have a better educational system them we have here. Frankly, its something of a point of shame but you guys should be proud that more then 75% of you know the Earth revolves around the Sun. Honestly, the greatest thing I admire about my own country is the works of fiction it produces. I generally have nothing too bad to say about modern Europe in general; fascinating, albeit bloody history but with that comes a sense of social maturity that America and a lot of other countries don't quite have yet I think. China and India are the up and comers on the economic field, and it's gonna be increasingly hard for anyone to compete with them. But the relatively poor level of workers rights and environmental conscience makes it seem like a faustian bargain for them in the long run I think... And man, guess I shouldn't be too surprised there are plenty of Japanophiles here, but my opinion on Japan is a bit more ambivalent. On one hand generally like their exports in regards to foodstuff and consumer products, and admire the level of technological advancement they have (especially in regards to videogames of course). On the other hand, I really can't bring myself respect much of the social norms. Rampant sexism and xenophobia? Not cool. A population on the verge of collapse due to the former two? Better address them soon. Trying to repopulate with robots? Possibly crazy. People marrying videogame characters and pillows? Very crazy (or very sad). Oh, and Korea? Try and cut back on the online gaming. | 2010-04-08 18:46:00 Author: Dapiek Absaroka ![]() Posts: 512 |
..If my parents didn't think that everyone on the internet is a stalker trying to kill me. You don't think that? I suggest you don't come near me then. | 2010-04-08 19:25:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
@killzonequinn07 It always good to be honest just like when I said that I always had to vomit when I ate english food. That is actually true. You can easily tell the truth in a nicer manner. Saying ; I HATED IT!!!!! I curse that d@mn country!!! >_< Isn't what honesty and being good is about... You didn't have to say what is clearly offense... | 2010-04-08 22:05:00 Author: KQuinn94Z ![]() Posts: 1758 |
How did I not see this before. Well, it seems just like everyone else here I also want to go to Japan. Mainly because I'm a big fan of Japanese cars and I really want to race at Tsukuba Circuit but I also love the culture and really want to see their way of life. I would also love to visit Germany, again because of more car stuff. I really want to drive on the autobahns and race at the Nurburgring. I don't really know what Germany is like so I would like to visit to just simply see the place. | 2010-04-08 23:19:00 Author: SR20DETDOG ![]() Posts: 2431 |
I've been to the UK once... it was quite epic i must say ![]() | 2010-04-08 23:51:00 Author: Yarbone ![]() Posts: 3036 |
I think they exist, if THAT'S what you mean... And I know that's not what you mean, so I guess, by law of syllogism... they don't exist. WOW! USA! USA! | 2010-04-08 23:53:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
socialist americans? are you referring to canada? am confuse of other countries: CLEARLY inferior to the great american master race. ha. Aaahh the American way of thinking ![]() We, Canadians, are very influenced by America, it's true. But like if we had the choice, they are the most powerful country for the MOMENT and we are close neighbors... The country I prefer is Greece, so beautiful, the history is awesome and the mythology, gosh... Amazing! Its food is delicious and its language is interesting too. I enjoy being around my Greek cousins. | 2010-04-08 23:58:00 Author: Chump ![]() Posts: 1712 |
update on my thoughts: on new zealand: sheep and lord of the rings? also this communist kid who sits behind me in english on djibouti: djibouti djibouti djibouti places i have visited: on costa rica: monkeys throwing mangoes at my hotel at 4 in the morning, don't know if this is awesome or terrible on israel: i love the way everyone talks. not the accent specifically, but the way they use language, the humor. hot though on the netherlands: bad experience on a bike trip. too much wind. signs impossible for me to pronounce, and confusing anyway on belgium: yay i like you on canada: basically feels like america, maybe diluted due to immense space. not that that's a bad thing ![]() | 2010-04-09 00:09:00 Author: monstahr ![]() Posts: 1361 |
update on my thoughts: on new zealand: sheep and lord of the rings? I white water rafted down one of the rivers they used in Lord Of The Rings ![]() | 2010-04-09 03:25:00 Author: SR20DETDOG ![]() Posts: 2431 |
It's no offense to say that you hate something. Only if I would say something like that all spanish girls are ***** would be an offense. | 2010-04-09 03:46:00 Author: Chrree ![]() Posts: 554 |
I white water rafted down one of the rivers they used in Lord Of The Rings![]() that, is balling. tell me, where there sheep | 2010-04-09 05:07:00 Author: monstahr ![]() Posts: 1361 |
I'm going to start the first very evil/rude post. I hate China... -Eat dogs, slugs, and anything that fits in an oven. -Has he largest army in the world, and seems ready to use it. -Still has downright unbelievable laws, like one child per family. (I apologize if any of those have changed since I've heard about them.) Two countries I do admire, for various reasons: -Britain: Still a leading country in education, health and more- like it has been time and time again in different periods over the centuries. -Germany: Able to come back from wars to rebuild their country in astonishingly short amounts of time. They seem to be through with war. | 2010-04-09 06:34:00 Author: Incinerator22 ![]() Posts: 3251 |
I'm going to start the first very evil/rude post. I hate China... -Eat dogs, slugs, and anything that fits in an oven. -Has he largest army in the world, and seems ready to use it. -Still has downright unbelievable laws, like one child per family. (I apologize if any of those have changed since I've heard about them.) Two countries I do admire, for various reasons: -Britain: Still a leading country in education, health and more- like it has been time and time again in different periods over the centuries. -Germany: Able to come back from wars to rebuild their country in astonishingly short amounts of time. They seem to be through with war. i like america, i know it gets alot of criticism but it stands by its actions and doesnt mess about and has tough legal actions. wish it more like that over here in britain as people can get away with anything, there is no fear of cause and effect. i also love japan, technology capital of the world, they are years ahead | 2010-04-09 11:30:00 Author: monkeymagic ![]() Posts: 71 |
-Eat dogs, slugs, and anything that fits in an oven. why would you even say this? that's on the verge of racist, i think you should reconsider | 2010-04-09 11:42:00 Author: monstahr ![]() Posts: 1361 |
I white water rafted down one of the rivers they used in Lord Of The Rings![]() I saw them filming the wraith/horse scenes since it was just down the street. ![]() I live in a tourist town close to where most of the good scenery is in NZ. Yes. We have a lot of sheep. They live on farms, and we have a ton of farms. ![]() "New Zealand, Ewe Should Come (http://www.flickr.com/photos/denee/sets/72157613920556579/)" In episodes of "Flight of the Conchords" great show btw, (you get it in USA) there are tourism posters in Murray's office. My favourite slogan was: "New Zealand, like Scotland but further" or something to that effect. ![]() There is a great episode where an american fruit stall guy refuses to sell to NZers, hahaha. I'm proud to live in NZ. Only bad thing is that we get entertainment late (movies/games/etc), and internet/phone is expensive compared to other countries. Another thing I don't like about NZ is that some people claim stupid things like actors just because they were born here even though they move to Australia the next day ![]() Then they claim Australian born people and say they are kiwi because they grew up here. lol. Curious to hear what more people think of NZ ![]() What do I think about other countries? USA: I work in a supermarket and we get a lot of tourists. Most of them are nice, I have found a minority of americans (might have been canadian lol) can be a bit rude if we don't have what they want. One guy was -really- against low-fat mayo, haha. They always ask for "doritos" even though we have the exact thing, just with different name/packaging. I have always wanted to go there just to see how things work. Simple things like supermarkets to see if they are any smarter than ours (as I find our store can be rather amateur at times). Certain female american accents are hot! I don't know which are from which region though. In general they think the world revolves around them. In some cases it does, but no need to be a jerk about it. ![]() Most are WAY to patriotic. Statistics say they are overweight. "The Simpsons" is what I respect them most for. ![]() Question for americans: When you order a Mcdonalds combo, is the default large? then the workers ask for super size? Or is the default regular, and supersize means large? Or does it go small,med,large,super? Because we dont hear "supersize" in NZ. JAPAN: The language sounds lovely when spoken. They kill whales though! grr. I have read the majority of japanese are against it, but still, it shouldn't happen. Stop eating them you jerks. BRAZIL: I work with a few brazilians, and they are pretty cool. ![]() SOUTH AFRICA: Their accents are funny. ![]() AUSTRALIA: We are rivals and we "claim" each others stuff. For example who invented the pavlova,etc. They have nicer weather than us, but we can waste as much water as we want. ![]() | 2010-04-09 13:31:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
NZ is my favourite country of all those I've visited or lived in. And yes NZ > AUS. Easily. ![]() | 2010-04-09 14:46:00 Author: Syroc ![]() Posts: 3193 |
When I think of New Zealand, I think it's Austrailia's little and prettier sister. When someone mentioned the river in Lord of the rings.... I imagined the huge one with the statues at both sides... It was cool... | 2010-04-09 16:45:00 Author: KQuinn94Z ![]() Posts: 1758 |
Other countries... Well, I'd say most of them are better than America... I'm really starting to hate this place... Anyway, Japan is great, I'd love to go there. The UK looks like a pretty cool place to visit, also. For me, the best place to be would be someplace like Norway or Sweden. Or Finland, can't forget Finland. Also, places like Poland are pretty cool, I'd like to go there. So, yeah. I like most places more than America. | 2010-04-09 16:56:00 Author: dandygandy2704 ![]() Posts: 1002 |
-Still has downright unbelievable laws, like one child per family. . Would you rather they had 5/6 children per family, causing further over population than we already have? No family should be allowed more than 3 kinds max, worldwide. | 2010-04-09 17:52:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Oh yeah, Flight of the Concords, that is tied to NZ too. Lord of the Rings, sheep, Flight of the Concords, that communist kid in english... anything else? and idk about McDonalds sizes. I don't buy meals. Just like a burger or something if I go. Wendy's kicks its *** anyway. | 2010-04-09 19:50:00 Author: monstahr ![]() Posts: 1361 |
why would you even say this? that's on the verge of racist, i think you should reconsider But it's true. They literally eat dogs and cats and all kinds of animals. Would you rather they had 5/6 children per family, causing further over population than we already have? No family should be allowed more than 3 kinds max, worldwide. Where I live, the family average of kids is 2-3. That's the free choice of people where I live, and there aren't many 5/6 children families. Children in China often spend years in orphanages. In my opinion, limits on overpopulation are fine, but isn't 1 child per family completely otrageous? Don't forget the feelings of sexism that go on there. In any Chinese orphanage, the sheer majority living there are girls and the mentally disabled. I also think that forcing Chinese families to "pick" the kid they want to keep is beyond sick. | 2010-04-10 01:11:00 Author: Incinerator22 ![]() Posts: 3251 |
But it's true. They literally eat dogs and cats and all kinds of animals. It's pretty much the same as eating a cow. Or a pig. Though I love my doggie. I dunno how many people even in China eat slugs but I guess you could be the expert. Hey, Americans imbibe plenty of nasty ****. | 2010-04-10 02:21:00 Author: monstahr ![]() Posts: 1361 |
Question for americans: When you order a Mcdonalds combo, is the default large? then the workers ask for super size? Or is the default regular, and supersize means large? Or does it go small,med,large,super? Because we dont hear "supersize" in NZ. I don't really know, I never really go to Mcdonalds. I just kind of wanted to get rid of any stereotypes about Mcdonalds and America. Most Americans (that I know) don't even really like Mcdonalds. It's cheap, yes, but it's not exactly high quality food. I feel like because statistics say that America is fattest, everyone just assumes were all a bunch of fat idiots standing around until the Mcdonalds opens. Maybe were a little fatter than most countries, but there's a lot of us who are very physically fit. | 2010-04-10 02:21:00 Author: thekevinexpress ![]() Posts: 256 |
Living in San Diego has really given me a more international perspective on things. Why, with all of the cargo ships and carriers coming and going (and the annual Comic-Con being held year after year), I've ran into and engaged with many foreigners. For one, I love the Phillipines (and the Filipinos themselves). Sure, they eat dogs and raw banana slugs and what-not (come on, they're tasty), but the country is very proud of their culture and thrives. The people there are so giving and caring... and very approachable. Plus, it's the largest Catholic Asian country out there, which I also love. It might be because I'm part Filipino, but I just love the Phillipines. That, and just the whole Pacific Islander nation as a whole. ![]() I'm not really against any country; If there's one I might show any sort of dislike towards, it's Iran. The people aren't bad... it's just their politics. The ruling ayatollahs make it sound as though America is their enemy. The presence of Al-Qaeda and terrorist forces doesn't help either. They're just so stubborn to change in this world that it's just frustrating when we want to come to ammends. You can't go killing innocent people because you don't like a certain thing or a certain way. If you don't want "Westernization", then just ignore it at your own will. Just don't drag along others because you don't want them to accept change either. Oh, and if anyone thinks that America is full of fat, rich polititians, then please explain to me these three things: 1. Why is the economy struggling when we could've just payed it off? 2. Why is it that people are wanting Obama to appeal now even though we voted for him? 3. How did we win the most medals in the Olympics when we're all suppose to be fat? That is all. ![]() | 2010-04-10 02:43:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack ![]() Posts: 5757 |
You should specify that you mean Iranian government officials. Everything I've read and seen in the past couple years seems to imply that most ordinary Iranians are more than tolerant of Americans and their ideas. Wow, I feel like such a referee here. I'm so cool | 2010-04-10 03:11:00 Author: monstahr ![]() Posts: 1361 |
Where I live, the family average of kids is 2-3. That's the free choice of people where I live, and there aren't many 5/6 children families. Children in China often spend years in orphanages. In my opinion, limits on overpopulation are fine, but isn't 1 child per family completely otrageous? Don't forget the feelings of sexism that go on there. In any Chinese orphanage, the sheer majority living there are girls and the mentally disabled. I also think that forcing Chinese families to "pick" the kid they want to keep is beyond sick. I won't deny the sexism and poor orphanage quality (but then again orphanages in general around the world are a mixed bag at best) but the 1 child limit isn't a matter of doing it for the evulz. The fact of the matter is that it isn't an unbelievable law when the overpopulation issue is unbelievably out of control even with such a limit. Honestly, by the time you've finished reading this paragraph probably around half a dozen million Chinese people will have been born and not nearly enough will have died to curb a losing battle and China may be big but it sure isn't getting any bigger geographically. But hey, if addressing an issue that will inevitably be one of the biggest problems all of humanity will need to address in the future as human life expectancy and reproductive rates increase as the planet remains the same size is evil, I guess China is evil for doing it sooner then most. And for eating animals (because no civilized society does THAT). | 2010-04-10 03:17:00 Author: Dapiek Absaroka ![]() Posts: 512 |
I am from America, and yes we are powerful... ALL OF US!!! WEHAVEROBOTS!!!!!11 Ahem... back on topic, I have traveled back and forth on the North American continent all my life, and i will ***** the 3 main NA countries for you, going north to south. 1- Canada- Clean, Polite, and forest-y. It smells better there than almost anywhere Ive been, and the McDonalds logo has a little maple leaf in the middle of the M. 2- United States of America- Very similar to Canada, but a tad smellier. Up north in places like Wisconsin and Minnesota, it is indistinguishable from Canada, but down near Texas and California, its more like Mexico. We have no set culture, but some people would insist other cultures dont belong here. Contrary to popular belief, English isnt our national language, it is just the most common here. we have no national language. Where i live, in Utah, it is very cold, and very hot. 2 days ago, we had 6 inches of snow, but today, it is 80 degrees F. 3- Mexico- Mexico is a very nice vacation spot for a US citizen, but if you are not among the elite of Mexican citizens, you are often very poor. Though it is not as dirty, and horrible as some would say, there are alot of unsavory places there where large scale drug wars are going on as we speak. If you plan on going to Mexico on your own, do some research into popular tourist destinations, like Cancun, Mazatlan, and Puerto Veiarta. These are generally very safe places to be, and have wonderful food, fun, and beaches. The food there, as i said, is wonderful. "Mexican restaurants" like Taco Bell aren't even close... There you go. This has been a brief review of 3 countries. Goodnight, and remember- We have robots. Ye be warned. | 2010-04-10 03:30:00 Author: poorjack ![]() Posts: 1806 |
You should specify that you mean Iranian government officials. Everything I've read and seen in the past couple years seems to imply that most ordinary Iranians are more than tolerant of Americans and their ideas. Wow, I feel like such a referee here. I'm so cool Erm... that's why I said "politics". The people aren't bad... it's just their politics. | 2010-04-10 03:33:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack ![]() Posts: 5757 |
You could have been referring to any Iranian's beliefs, it was a little vague. I know you weren't though. | 2010-04-10 04:06:00 Author: monstahr ![]() Posts: 1361 |
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