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Will the "image import tool" ever appear in lbp?

Archive: 9 posts

This tool has been tampered around ever since release date, promising it to be by certain dates & they never did in the end, which is a shame because there is an image of the tool, proving that it works. In-appropriate images yes I understand that but anyone can do that with a ps eye, probably copyrights as well so I was wondering is the feature never goin to be done in any future updates? Or is it for the next lbp?2010-04-06 16:02:00

Posts: 54

Everything else littlebigplanet would have been a better section for this .

They haven't said anything about this for ages, so I doubt they'll ever do this. Although you really never know. I thought water could never be done.
2010-04-06 16:28:00

Posts: 5592

They won't implement it because copyright protection would be almost impossible to implement.

Plus all the horrible things people would post :/
2010-04-06 16:39:00

Posts: 1114

Moved to Everything Else LittleBigPlanet. I also deleted the duplicate thread you made.2010-04-06 16:42:00

Posts: 5338

IMHO it's very unlikely that they will ever do it now. My reasoning is as follows:

1) Images of stickers from DLC are currently uploaded to the internet by Mm and others.
2) People who are only interested in certain stickers from DLC could then download and import the ones they want without buying the DLC.
3) Mm & Sony would then lose money from DLC sales as a direct result of image importing.

These are mere assumptions on my part of course, but if I were in their shoes and running a business, the cons of implementing an image import tool would far outweigh any benefits.
2010-04-06 16:55:00

Posts: 2536

Gilgamesh, surely there could be a way around this? My thoughts would be to have some sort of scanner that goes through what you are importing and compares it to MM stickers. Sure scanning an image may take minutes, perhaps seconds but taking a little bit of time wouldn't bother me. It might even deter the people who would want to import for all the wrong reasons. I look at it like this, zoom in on an image far enough you see pixels. This is what the scanner would look for, patterns in pixels. I have no clue how difficult this might be but best example I can think of is like a finger print database. They can compare prints and get matches, partial matches etc. If your image happens to partial match the signature of one of MMs stickers it is denied. Of course everything in colour would have multiple saturations, you could change hue and try to confuse the system. Altering colour and shade etc could be a method of trying to work around it but then the sticker wouldn't be the right colour anyway so would it be such a problem? But just to combat this everything scanned could be changed to greyscale and compared to greyscale MM stickers which would give much less to worry about in variation. Basically I'm sure a computer could look at all these slight differences and come up with patterns. I don't think the player altering an image to fool the scanner would work so well because it would look like crap by the time you fool it it would be useless as a sticker. I know absolutely nothing about this tech or if it's even possible but it seems like a logical way to do it. If MM and Sony really wanted to let us use such a feature.

As for people uploading stuff that's copyrighted and obscene. They can pretty much do that exactly with the PSEYE, albeit poor quality!

I think the thought that there would be no need to download stickers again is kind of pointless. Sure the more artistic might not but the general user probably isn't Picasso and would continue to download MM sticker packs etc. There is always going to be people who buy stuff no matter how useless it is and considering stickers aren't useless, more sales!
2010-04-06 18:01:00

Posts: 1370

I think they could make a lot of money off image uploading, honestly, if you got a computer and a eye toy, you can pretty much get your pictures on lbp anyway, just poor quality.

In my opinion, i would enjoy seeing the great things people could do with this tool.
You never know what will be added.
2010-04-06 19:53:00

Posts: 1569

I understand about if you want more stickers
get dlc but think how many dlc stickers there are n how much it's gonna cost & surely obscene pictures would be reported straight away, surely there has to be a way around the copyright? & so much for dlc stickers that can be taken with the in-game camera for free
2010-04-06 20:30:00

Posts: 54

The copyright thing hasn't been an issue, think about all the RACHET AND CLANK or Fallout 3 or Pok?mon Levels. Surely those are copyrighted?2010-04-06 20:45:00

Posts: 1569

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