What lies below?
Archive: 3 posts
What lies below?Pizza_of_DOOM You are on a beach holiday but you fall into the ruins of an abandoned cave. In the cave you come across pages from an explorers log. But where is he? I am soooo close to platinum trophie as i only need 7 creater hearts! | 2010-04-06 15:37:00 Author: pizza of doom ![]() Posts: 10 |
Hi. Just played your level. Initially it didn't really grab me. I thought the scenery was lacking a bit. However the more I played it, the more I enjoyed it. I really enjoyed the obstacles. Great choice of music to create the atmosphere. The only other aspect that I would suggest is to change the camera angles on some of the rolling obstacles, so you can see them coming earlier. Otherwise great level. | 2010-04-07 01:13:00 Author: MicGorbachev ![]() Posts: 372 |
Your best work yet. Nice use of sound and atmosphere. You need a greater variety of materials and decorations (stickers) in some parts of the cave. I liked the obstacles and the plot was very effective. I didnt complete cos the boss kept killing me. I couldnt see him coming and there was so many spikes it became rather frustrating. You've got potential. Check out some of my video tutorials on visuals - especially the cave one might help you modify this level. | 2010-04-12 10:06:00 Author: TheAdipose ![]() Posts: 533 |
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