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Bi-directional Rowing boat

Archive: 4 posts

Yes, rowing boats are the most awesome contraptions ever created, and after playing fenderjt's Malibu level I got kinda inspired and made a rowing boat of my own.
It's one that can be rowed in both directions!

The logic was the hardest I have ever created... I still managed to fit it into just four different pieces of logic.
No pictures yet, so you have to tolerate with my terrible writing and even worse ASCIIs to figure out how it works...

The basis of the boat itself is a three-way switch set to direction, on a cardboard piece with two rockets on both sides of the boat...
The three-way switch is connected to two of these things:

DM----(piston)------Cardboard W/mag key

........Cardboard w/Mag switch
The 3-way switch(3ws) controls the pistons (time set to 0.3) with the mag keys. The switches are wired to the rockets, but the switch has a radius that doesn't cover the ends... This way only a short boost is given at a time.

The pistons with the switches are wired to a kind of switcher logic, which I don't have the patience to explain(have to wait till I take the pictures) So the first strike of the oar(3ws) is the definer, which sets the direction you are going. If you miss a strike, the timer will reset (allowing you to choose direction again)

I will be publishing this in a level so people can make their own epic row-adventures. Just imagine the free-roaming style and sidequests of a FF game! (Or actually that's easier to accomplish in many different ways but this is a lot more unique!)
2010-04-05 14:13:00

Posts: 183

pictures would be nice2010-04-05 16:08:00

Posts: 57

Yes, they would but with no access to PS3 rite now you have to wait... 2010-04-05 16:28:00

Posts: 183

I've waited long enough.... GIVE ME PICTURES!2010-05-17 03:12:00

Posts: 369

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