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(Spoiler tag )

Looks very cool, I like the design of the boxes seal, very nicely done.
2010-06-15 14:57:00

Posts: 3701

(Spoiler tag )

If people are too dumb to realise the words pandorica pix will be spoilers they shouldn't be on the internet.
2010-06-15 15:25:00

Posts: 6728

Amy pond tied up on her back... Jump will be pleased2010-06-15 17:16:00

Posts: 5078

Amy pond tied up on her back... Jump will be pleased

As will I Kernel, as will I.

I hate these waits in between episodes, luckily SGU is on tonight so that should tide me over for a bit.
2010-06-15 17:43:00

Posts: 3701



Highly spoilerific images.

2010-06-16 15:35:00

Posts: 6728

oh boy i cannot wait for this
could they not just have a double back to back episode
but that would take the point out of the reading of the crack for the 26th June
2010-06-17 16:20:00

Posts: 71


2010-06-17 17:30:00

Posts: 6728

Omg that's actually scary2010-06-17 17:45:00

Posts: 5078

Where the hell do you get all this crack stuff?2010-06-17 21:46:00

Posts: 1114

Obligatory Amy's crack gag.

Not long now, well, a day.. Should be a really good start hopefully. What is your favourite episode of this series so far (Eleventh Doc)?
2010-06-18 08:46:00

Posts: 3701

Where the hell do you get all this crack stuff?

mostly http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=183 with a little http://io9.com/

How to fake horse riding.

2010-06-18 08:55:00

Posts: 6728


That was such an epicly tense episode!

I need my own TARDIS to go to next saturday and see the rest!!
2010-06-19 19:30:00

Posts: 2105

That was awesome. Will watch it again later tonight, will comment more then!2010-06-19 19:31:00

Posts: 1494

I thought the worst part was the cyber head chomping, also it's not the head so WTF!?2010-06-19 19:34:00

Posts: 5078

No next time???

Why do you torture me???


Also i knew the pandacorica was the Doctor.
I mean the entire THE MOST DEADLY IN THE ENTRIE UNIVERSE. WASHED IN THE BLOOD OF GALAXYS. I mean that's basicly The doctors CV
2010-06-19 19:35:00

Posts: 164

Also i knew the pandacorica was the Doctor.
I mean the entire THE MOST DEADLY IN THE ENTRIE UNIVERSE. WASHED IN THE BLOOD OF GALAXYS. I mean that's basicly The doctors CV

Ah yes, but that's not how it worked out. I think a lot people were thinking 'it's gonna open and a bad version of the doctor is going to be there!'

Knowing how clever Steven Moffat is, he probably set up those hints so people were thinking 'oh I've guessed the twist, it's the Doctor!' which adds a whole new twist when it turns out everyone guessed the twist wrong!

When in fact the pandorica was empty, and it was all a ruse to get the doctor in it!
2010-06-19 19:39:00

Posts: 1494

It better then the pass ending eps, Its not the boring "oh somthing bad coming out" good on them It was getting really boring with all of them ending like that

cant wait for next week im happy they didnt take away from the ending by showing clips of next week too
2010-06-19 19:55:00

Posts: 1014

Err.. guys... when was Amys boyfriend wiped from time? I must have missed it :S2010-06-19 19:59:00

Posts: 335

Spoilers are no problem right now. Anyone who hasn't seen the episode probably wouldn't come to a discussion about it.

I think it was the most the creative story there has ever been on Doctor Who. At least, since the revival in 2005. Why was the broken cyberman there though? The one that attacked Amy and the Doctor? Maybe I missed a bit or something.
2010-06-19 20:05:00

Posts: 1114

Err.. guys... when was Amys boyfriend wiped from time? I must have missed it :S

End of Cold Blood.
2010-06-19 20:05:00

Posts: 6728

Err.. guys... when was Amys boyfriend wiped from time? I must have missed it :S

it was at the end of the 2nd half, of the episode with the green things that lived inside earth XD
they had to escape, but he ended up being injured and the light from the crack absorbed him.

also @jackofcourse

[s p o i l e r] content [/ s p o i l e r] obviously, without the spaces

edit: rabit-coot beat me
2010-06-19 20:13:00

Posts: 591

Brilliant cliff hanger, I love the idea that all the bad guys teamed up to get the doctor. I can't wait to see next weeks episode.2010-06-19 20:45:00

Posts: 2662

Wait.... Amy remember the random soldiers who got wiped from existence... but not her fiance?2010-06-19 20:45:00

Posts: 335

But he was a thought projected onto a mannequin.2010-06-19 20:57:00

Posts: 2662

Wait.... Amy remember the random soldiers who got wiped from existence... but not her fiance?

Something about them not being part of her time line.
2010-06-19 21:10:00

Posts: 6728

I am also dissapointed at the cliff hanger (Give us a preview of next week's episode!).

The soilders were accually "clerics" who were erased by the crack on the Byzantium (which also ended up erasing the Weeping Angels).

So here are my possible speculations of the finale. Spoilers ahoy!

#1 The cracks will erase the TARDIS explosion itself somehow
#2 It's one big nightmare that never accually happened (Amy's Choice, anyone?)
#3 The "force" that took control of the TARDIS is Prisoner Zero itself ("Silence will fall" could be heard echoing in the doomed TARDIS)
#4 The Master will return. No wait, scratch that.
2010-06-19 21:10:00

Posts: 200

Are you talking about the soldiers as in the Romans? I think they were Autons, were they not? Didn't the Doctor say they were controlled by the Nestene before they put him into the box?

Tell me I'm not going mad...
2010-06-19 22:04:00

Posts: 1114

Are you talking about the soldiers as in the Romans? I think they were Autons, were they not? Didn't the Doctor say they were controlled by the Nestene before they put him into the box?

Tell me I'm not going mad...

They were controlled by the nestene consciousness he's talking about the byzantium clerics
2010-06-19 23:24:00

Posts: 5078

My opinion of all the episodes [that I can remeber]
-Ep1 was very mediocre, but then again, it is hard to break in a new doctor, a new assistant, a new screwdriver, a new tardis, and a new environment in one episode.
-Ep2 was so bad. It wasn't funny, the story didn't hold, and it didn't stick to the original properties of Doctor Who.
-The Daleks episode in WWII. Wow, so suddenly the Doctor isn't terrified of the daleks. I liked the setting of WWII with Churchill, but there was no need to kill of the classic daleks and bring in some new ridiculous looking ones.
-The two angel episodes. Well, in my opinion the Angels are the best enemy of the doctor. The idea of them is so good that the new writer didn't have to redesign them. However the first episode was good but the second episode turned the story to [swearword]
-The Vampires of Venice. Very bad. No scary, not funny, and not geogically correct, (There aren't any cellars in Venice! how stupid can you get?!!)
-Amys choice. A bit of a filler episode in my opinion. I dont like the idea of it, however parts of its conents I did quite enjoy.
-The drilling episodes. Not good at all. Nothing notably bad about them, just not good. Not up to the high standard Russel T Davies set.
-Van gogh Episode. Quite a good idea. I enjoyed the way they embedded his paintings in the sets, but the ending went on a bit. They didn't need to bring him to the future.
-The lodger. very Mdeiocre. didn't enjoy it.

My predictions of the last two episodes:
It seems like they are trying to make it "Epic". the actual situation doesn't seem very strong.

WOW !!! I wrote a lot!!
2010-06-19 23:58:00

Posts: 587

Well, in my opinion the Angels are the best enemy of the doctor. The idea of them is so good that the new writer didn't have to redesign them.

Just so you know the new head writer Steven Moffat was the one created them.
2010-06-20 00:23:00

Posts: 6728

And I don't remember there being cellars in the Venice episode2010-06-20 00:26:00

Posts: 5078

BBC has some pics from next week up (that seem to be the ones that have been floating around the net for a while.) spoilers obviously http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/dw/episodes/b00sxfc7/galleries/wallpaper2010-06-20 20:15:00

Posts: 6728

BBC has some pics from next week up (that seem to be the ones that have been floating around the net for a while.) spoilers obviously http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/dw/episodes/b00sxfc7/galleries/wallpaper

Wonder what that Dalek is? Quite intrigued...

I wonder if the episode will kick off "Pandorica Opens" as my favourite episode in the series (maybe even the whole show)...
2010-06-20 22:30:00

Posts: 1114

Somthing I noticed in one picture:

River Song appears alive and well, despite being trapped inside the TARDIS just as it went *KABOOM!*. She's supposed to, otherwise she wouldn't have greeted The Doctor with "HELLO SWEETIE" in the library episodes from the last series (with Donna) nor would have ecountered the Angels.

So she would probably have escaped somehow. Mabye she used that Vortex Manipulator she got from a shady dealer at the last second...

P.S. Was that Jack's Vortex Manipulator?
2010-06-21 16:26:00

Posts: 200

Somthing I noticed in one picture:

River Song appears alive and well, despite being trapped inside the TARDIS just as it went *KABOOM!*. She's supposed to, otherwise she wouldn't have greeted The Doctor with "HELLO SWEETIE" in the library episodes from the last series (with Donna) nor would have ecountered the Angels.

So she would probably have escaped somehow. Mabye she used that Vortex Manipulator she got from a shady dealer at the last second...

P.S. Was that Jack's Vortex Manipulator?

true to what you are saying int he spolier and i dont think so about the Vortex Manipulator being Jacks
2010-06-21 16:40:00

Posts: 71

Matt introduces the episodes contains the same images that have already been posted.

2010-06-21 17:52:00

Posts: 6728

true to what you are saying int he spolier and i dont think so about the Vortex Manipulator being Jacks

it can't be jacks because the doctor disabled it
2010-06-21 18:50:00

Posts: 5078

Matt introduces the episodes contains the same images that have already been posted.


This episode is like a big mystery. How will the Doctor escape? Is Amy dead? How does "midget Amy" get there? What's that stone Dalek? What will happen to Auton Rory? How does River survive? Will "silence fall"? What exactly are the cracks? What has Amy's wedding date (26/??/10) got to do with it? Will I think of more questions? Will I edit this later?

Answer that, Matt. Answer that...
2010-06-21 20:07:00

Posts: 1114

Nothing realy spoilery.

2010-06-22 15:09:00

Posts: 6728

i really like Rory and he's been the best companion/extra for a good long while because he's normal and reacts to things like a normal person would.2010-06-22 15:42:00

Posts: 71

Nothing realy spoilery.



Well that's a pretty lousy preview.

Do we actually know anything about this episode at all?

Rory's alive.

2010-06-22 15:45:00

Posts: 1114

Rory's alive.


He's plastic, he won't biodegrade for thousands of years.
2010-06-22 15:57:00

Posts: 6728

He's plastic, he won't biodegrade for thousands of years.

Someone call the council. We have a big load of plastic to be recycled!
2010-06-22 16:37:00

Posts: 1114

(Sorry about double posting but this deserves more than an edit)

And so tomorrow night it'll be all over. All the mysteries will be solved. The series will come to an end.

In preparation of it all I've prepared a list of spoilers and a bit of news from the past few days.

Some fans speculate that the unknown, sinister voice heard in the previous episode was, in fact, Omega. Spoilerists reveal that he may make an appearance coming towards the end, and will play a larger role in series 6. A pair of black, Omega-like gauntlets and armour might appear in this episode, whether worn (by him) or not is unknown. http://io9.com/5570394/bluehinters-doctor-who-spoilersMany fans have speculated that during this episode, the Doctor will travel back along his own time stream to the events earlier in Series 5. One example of this is during Flesh and Stone, when the Doctor appears wearing a jacket after the one he was previously wearing was removed by the angels. According to spoilers of people who saw the script, this is true.
As most of the enemies listed and seen in The Pandorica Opens should have been defeated or should have not existed during 102 A.D (For example the Silurians, that should be under the earth), it is rumoured that something must have brought them all to the same time zone and place in order for all of them to join up together. The Daleks have already shown that they can use Time Corridors. They may have used this to help the Alliance to travel to this timezone DW: Resurrection of the Daleks. They were also capable of time travel technology. DW: The Chase
As noticed in timelord50.blogspot.com/2010/06/did-you-notice.html. Several shots of Amy's house from DW: The Eleventh Hour, which shows, that the outside of the house has 2 storeys, but there are 2 sets of stairs. Similar to DW: The Lodger. This could mean a second perception filter. Which could be reveal something else hidden, during this episode. On the other hand, the house does have a roof and the stairs could just lead to the loft, and another note is that River looked up those stairs in DW: The Pandorica Opens but saw nothing interesting, so it is obvious there is no perception filter.
The Slitheen will return. They didn't appear in the former episode, but were mentioned, they might appear in The Big Bang.


Hopefully we'll see more in the finale.


I did always expect this.


As said, these might not be real.
2010-06-25 19:42:00

Posts: 1114

I was dissapointed that they didn't include why the tardis was attracted to her wedding day...

I have a Fez now, Fez's are cool!
2010-06-26 19:02:00

Posts: 5078

Heh, wasn't too bad. 2010-06-26 19:07:00

Posts: 3701

I just watched the finale. :eek: And now here's how my reaction in my mind is comprehending:


And now for somthing relevent:

Whatever caused the TARDIS to explode in the first place was not revealed. We will have to wait until Christmas.

Bluetoes1: The Doctor said to Amy that nothing would ever be forgotten and if remembered, it would come back. At her wedding, Amy spotted River Song passing by, so she remembered the Doctor and he came back.
2010-06-26 19:09:00

Posts: 200

What a brilliant way to end the series. No we didn't get a full solution, but I think holding it back to the next season was a good idea. Yes, I would have liked to know what it is but I think Moffat was protecting us from our brains exploding with "information overload".

Whatever you may think of the episode, you can't deny it wasn't entertaining.
2010-06-26 20:09:00

Posts: 1114

Good times.

Looking back at prisoner zeros little speech in TEH now it looks like 3 seperate things rather than one thing with 3 hints, we got the cracked universe from the start the pandorica opening in 12 and silence will fall is a future event.

Finale had a typical dose of the ol deus ex machina but atleast they seeded the concepts throughout the season enough so it didn't come completely out of nowhere.

still no sign of the ducks
2010-06-26 21:05:00

Posts: 6728

Good times.

Looking back at prisoner zeros little speech in TEH now it looks like 3 seperate things rather than one thing with 3 hints, we got the cracked universe from the start the pandorica opening in 12 and silence will fall is a future event.

Finale had a typical dose of the ol deus ex machina but atleast they seeded the concepts throughout the season enough so it didn't come completely out of nowhere.

still no sign of the ducks or perception filters
2010-06-26 21:12:00

Posts: 5078

unless the ducks are behind a perception filter2010-06-26 21:24:00

Posts: 6728

unless the ducks are behind a perception filter
what if the ducks were nile penguins in disguise?!? like the fish vampires in Venice!
2010-06-26 21:34:00

Posts: 5078

The universe is cracked. The Pandorica will open. Silence will fall.

Those chilling words are now embedded into my head and now I cannot stop reciting them. Anyhow I'm looking forward to the next series (and Christmas Special). I hear from rumors that Omega is supposed to be the one behind the TARDIS exploding but I've never heard of him before. I've seen a few of the old classic episodes, but those mostly involve The Master.
2010-06-26 21:48:00

Posts: 200

I love Matt Smith as the Doctor, he's quirky. And The Doctor should be quirky. People seem to hate him though?

Bow ties are cool. Loved the episode... ^_^
2010-06-27 00:27:00

Unknown User

Something old. Something new. Something borrowed. Something blue.

I am LOVING that line!!
That was the greatest and most awesomest finale EVAR!!!

I missed the proper one because I was at a party (I almost cried when my phone alarm told me it was starting!) but I watched it online
2010-06-27 01:34:00

Posts: 2105

Haha nice sig Dayne (the quote, and the turtle)

Yeh it was a good episode, was a bit bored by the first bit but it got progressively better, and confusing as it went on.

Now to wait for Christmas.....
2010-06-27 09:02:00

Posts: 3701

soo you guys havent seen all of series 5? The big bang, the pandorica, the silurians, weeping angels?

ANY way im going to mm to see their new studio! yay
2010-06-27 09:15:00

Unknown User

No we have, or most of us who live in the UK have.2010-06-27 09:27:00

Posts: 3701

soo you guys havent seen all of series 5? The big bang, the pandorica, the silurians, weeping angels?

ANY way im going to mm to see their new studio! yay

That has nothing to do with anything
2010-06-27 09:32:00

Posts: 5078

That has nothing to do with anything

I believe he was attempting to show off. He kinda failed...
2010-06-27 16:42:00

Unknown User

I think someone has pointed out (maybe on this thread, I'm too lazy to flick back a page) that the "cheating with time" bits were genious. For a man with a time traveling machine, the Doctor rarely "messes about" with time.

What I was hugely disappointed was that when the Alliance, revealed at the end of Pandorica Opens (when we pooped ourselves), had simply died because of the universe not existing. After such an epic fan boy dream being formed, it literally froze before our faces. I would have liked if the light from the Pandorica had eventually restored all the enemies, but I suppose that would be rough story-telling, if you know what I mean.

And in other news, bow ties and fezes are now sold out across the UK...
2010-06-27 19:41:00

Posts: 1114

And in other news, bow ties and fezes are now sold out across the UK...

I did consider getting a bow tie and going to college with it, instead of a tie with my suit.

When asked why i was not wearing a tie, i would simply say, "bow ties are cool."

However, my tie is cool, so it's all good. **** college forcing us to wear suits >_>
2010-06-27 23:11:00

Unknown User

I've posted a new poll, vote what you think was the best episode.

Story-wise, I would have went for Flesh and Stone, but I just had to go for Pandorica Opens. It made a huge impact on me, and the cliffhanger is the best in the history of television.
2010-06-28 12:09:00

Posts: 1114

Vincent and the doctor was the best, I'd never felt so elated over a tv program2010-06-28 16:09:00

Posts: 5078

"Silence Will Fall"
Where did that come into it?
2010-06-28 16:30:00

Posts: 587

Id say the universe never existing would have been pretty silent 2010-06-28 16:40:00

Posts: 6497

Id say the universe never existing would have been pretty silent

But without a universe, there would be no concept of silence, so it would be impossible.
2010-06-28 16:42:00

Unknown User

But do you have to conceptualise silence for it to truly be "silence", or is it merely the physical absence of vibrations within the audible spectrum? Hmmmm?

TBH, "silence will fall" is probably just a catchy little phrase that sounds rather ominous. If we want to pick it apart, silence wouldn't have "fallen" if the universe was unwritten...
2010-06-28 16:53:00

Posts: 6497

"Silence Will Fall"
Where did that come into it?

Next series is the silence storyline
2010-06-28 17:30:00

Posts: 5078

The "silence" comes into account in the next series. Remember, the Doctor never discovered what caused the TARDIS exploding...2010-06-28 17:33:00

Posts: 1114

The Pandorica Opens is my favourite episode. Best cliffhanger in Doctor Who history. I didn't like The Big Bang as much, with its confusing storylines.2010-06-28 21:33:00

Posts: 200

From Dr Who TV.

Series Five of Doctor Who may now be over, but it doesn’t mean the end of the Whoniverse. In fact, there’s still plenty to look forward to over the next few months and beyond. Let’s take a look at what’s coming up leading all the way up to the Sixth Series.

The Adventure Games

Coming soon, we have two more Adventure Games. Unlike the first two, episodes three and four will feature entirely new monsters created especially for the games. No word on release dates yet, but consider that the space between the first two releases was under a month. We could be looking at a late July release for episode three and late August for episode four.

The Sarah Jane Adventures

In Autumn, The Sarah Jane Adventures will return for a 12-part fourth series. The old gang is back although there will be some key cast departures this year. The Eleventh Doctor will make an appearance in the intriguingly titled Death of the Doctor (http://doctorwhotv.co.uk/death-of-the-doctor-7150.htm) written by Russell T Davies. Companion of the third Doctor, Jo Grant, is also returning. SJA has traditionally aired around September/October.

Christmas 2010

Steven Moffat is writing this year’s Christmas episode and has vaguely described it as “the most Christmassy Christmas special there’ll ever be”. There are rumours the Yeti returning based on some concept art from Peter Mckinstry’s site, but he has actually confirmed this was for the Doctor Who DVD Files Magazine and not the Christmas special. Perhaps the Doctor will find himself on the Orient Express – in outer space – chasing an Egyptian goddess. Or it could have just been a throwaway scene at the end of The Big Bang.

Series 6

Series 6 is expected to air in Spring 2011. Matt Smith and Karen Gillan return (presumably with Arthur Darvill as Rory). It’s a long time off but we’ll be keeping a close eye on filming which is set to begin in July. We might get a glimpse at Matt Smith’s costume tweak that he recently hinted (http://doctorwhotv.co.uk/no-hat-for-matt-6929.htm) at. Will a fez be part of the new attire? Not if River Song’s about!


The fourth series of Torchwood was confirmed (http://doctorwhotv.co.uk/torchwood-series-4-confirmed-6612.htm) at the start of the month and will feature the return of Captain Jack and Gwen, with stories this time taking place internationally. Unfortunately Torchwood is even further off than Series 6 of Doctor Who, with a rough Summer 2011 start date mooted.
2010-06-29 11:01:00

Posts: 1114

In the Doctor Who universe its looking good,
i loved the last episode of series 5
2010-06-29 15:00:00

Posts: 71

i think the new logo is trying to look more like a classic one but i am with you i am not a fan but in life can't please everybody.
Matt Smith is having a costume change as well for the next series so is the bow tie staying?
2010-06-30 16:30:00

Posts: 71

Was I the only one who felt sorry for the Dalek? When he wanted mercy I felt really sorry for him2010-06-30 17:52:00

Posts: 5078

i think the new logo is trying to look more like a classic one but i am with you i am not a fan but in life can't please everybody.
Matt Smith is having a costume change as well for the next series so is the bow tie staying?

Not necesserily a change it could just be an addition, he's mentioned wanting a coat becaue it can be very cold when they're filming especially with the weather we had this winter. (We could see it snowing a little in Amys Choice and that was real snow on the ground when they brought Vincent to the museum)
2010-06-30 19:03:00

Posts: 6728

I think the wedding attire he wore at the end of the Big Bang looked very Doctor-y.

Not so sure he should keep it for the next series but I think he probably will wear it during the Christmas special.
2010-06-30 19:15:00

Posts: 1114

Maybe silence will not be sound going but rather something else.
An organisation called s.i.l.e.n.c.e. ?
A ship? A creature? (Organisation is more likely)

Just trying to think outside the blue box.
2010-06-30 19:38:00

Posts: 1518

Love how Vincent and the Doctor is in the lead. 2010-07-01 09:01:00

Posts: 3701

Maybe silence will not be sound going but rather something else.
An organisation called s.i.l.e.n.c.e. ?
A ship? A creature? (Organisation is more likely)

Just trying to think outside the blue box.

the man from s.i.l.e.n.c.e
but if it was a organisation or creatrue then they will fall, so they are stating their demise
2010-07-01 15:03:00

Posts: 71

Now the important questions.

What is your views on the 11th Doctor? Is Matt Smith the right guy?

What do you think of Amy Pond? (I know what most people's answers will be )

Are bow ties cool? (What am I thinking! Everyone knows that answer...)
2010-07-01 18:56:00

Posts: 1114

Matt Smith as Doctor = Genius

Amy Pond as assistant = Phwoar!! Real thoughts; bit too gobby ATM

bow ties are cool!
2010-07-01 21:21:00

Posts: 5078

Matt Smith as Doctor = Genius

Amy Pond as assistant = Phwoar!! Real thoughts; bit too gobby ATM

bow ties are cool!

Fez' are cooler.
2010-07-01 22:57:00

Posts: 1518

Matt Smith as Doctor = Genius

Amy Pond as assistant = Phwoar!! Real thoughts; bit too gobby ATM

bow ties are cool!

Very much this.

I love Matt Smith, i never really watched it before he was the Doctor, because it never seemed right... he's perfect for the role...
2010-07-01 23:05:00

Unknown User

Now here's a question:

Matt Smith or David Tennant as the Doctor?
2010-07-04 13:04:00

Posts: 1114

Matt everytime.2010-07-04 13:06:00

Posts: 1494

Definitely Matt.2010-07-04 13:41:00

Unknown User

Oddly Matt. Despite David being brilliant matt was quirky enough to pull it off flawlessly2010-07-04 14:51:00

Posts: 5078


This made me lol! (Even though I don't find her remotely annoying )

Oh, And Matt Smith
2010-07-04 22:10:00

Posts: 2105

I actually prefer David. Matthew just doesn't seem right....but maybe he'll shape up well in the finale.

(Here in New Zealand we haven't seen it, we just had Vincent and the doctor last night)
2010-07-04 23:22:00

Posts: 624

I actually prefer David. Matthew just doesn't seem right....but maybe he'll shape up well in the finale.

(Here in New Zealand we haven't seen it, we just had Vincent and the doctor last night)

Really? That sucks.

Personally, I think Matt has done a good job of slowly changing Tennant's Doctor into his own. And Matt's Doctor is my favourite. He's like a dad trying to be cool, 'Who's the man?' I think it fits the character really well.
2010-07-04 23:29:00

Posts: 1518

David's Doctor had a huge impact on me. I thought no one could replace him.

I was wrong...
2010-07-05 09:20:00

Posts: 1114

Maybe David was the doctor so long I've found it hard to adjust to someone else.2010-07-05 10:49:00

Posts: 624

Both because of the script. I was skeptical of Matt but I can see he is so much like David now.

But still David because of, oh yes and Catherine Tate.
2010-07-11 11:39:00

Posts: 710


Also filming for series 32/6 starts today and with that comes news.



2010-07-12 12:55:00

Posts: 6728

I'm very happy to hear it'll be Christmasy for once. Say what you wish but aliens with a bit of snow on the ground isn't a Christmas special!2010-07-12 15:47:00

Posts: 1114

The Moff is now on the Twitter http://twitter.com/steven_moffat2010-07-14 18:20:00

Posts: 6728


Yeah, Father Who sounds like a cool episode name!!
2010-07-14 18:41:00

Posts: 2105

It's set photo time. http://www.flickr.com/photos/alun_vega/sets/72157624535010636/

Looks like Matt has a new jacket.

2010-07-23 14:37:00

Posts: 6728

They've probably just changed the thickness of the tweed jacket, keeping the outfit intact.

But with the angles of those pics, you can't tell...
2010-07-23 14:53:00

Posts: 1114


And some vague spoilers for the next series although not all are real. http://lifetheuniverseandcombom.blogspot.com/2010/09/doctor-who-season-67-spoilers-from.html
2010-10-01 14:21:00

Posts: 6728

Very, very excited. Christmas just got more better! 2010-10-01 18:18:00

Posts: 1114

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZejNx20e-lc&feature=player_embedded2010-12-15 23:42:00

Posts: 6728

The highlight of Christmas TV this year.

I've noticed BBC to have a stronger Christmas line-up.
2010-12-17 21:21:00

Posts: 1114

That was ruddy fantstic.2010-12-25 19:07:00

Posts: 6728

Great episode. All I have to say.2010-12-25 19:30:00

Posts: 2662

love the stlovedeampunk seting loved every sec2010-12-25 19:53:00

Posts: 1014

Oh good lord Matt has a Badger puppet now, hope that makes its way into the show somehow.2010-12-25 20:07:00

Posts: 6728

Yeh that was pretty good.2010-12-25 20:08:00

Posts: 3701

now then what do you think is going on in this pic? god i cant wait they nothing good on tv when xmas over

2010-12-25 20:25:00

Posts: 1014

Looks like a militery facility of some sort I'm guessing its part of the episode in America.2010-12-25 20:28:00

Posts: 6728

Sometimes it sucks to live in NZ ;_;2010-12-26 01:57:00

Posts: 1117

Sometimes it sucks to live in NZ ;_;

heh i was just about to post something like that but for AUS , but then i realised that its actually airing here the following night :O. The world must be endding if something is being released in Australia early.
2010-12-26 04:10:00

Posts: 35

heh i was just about to post something like that but for AUS , but then i realised that its actually airing here the following night :O. The world must be endding if something is being released in Australia early.


2010-12-26 06:43:00

Posts: 1117

Matt Smith could very well be the best Doctor yet.2010-12-27 08:11:00

Posts: 1970


Shot by shot trailer analysis.
2010-12-27 19:45:00

Posts: 6728

Double post and necro woooooooooooooooo


2011-03-18 21:09:00

Posts: 6728


SO EXCITED!!!!! Thanks for posting those! Anyone know what exactly the dates are on Series 6 airing yet? Just says "Spring", and that's starting to get underway pretty fast now.
2011-03-19 20:43:00

Posts: 266


April 23rd
2011-03-19 20:52:00

Posts: 6728


April 23rd
Awesome! Thanks!
2011-03-19 20:54:00

Posts: 266

I loved the comic relief episode. Moffat is brilliant at combining humour with different ideas. Also can't wait for the new series.

Saturday nights have been so dull lately. Except take me out!
2011-03-20 12:46:00

Posts: 1114

I'm only slightly in love with Amy Pond :blush:

She's loverly.
I would pay good money to throw stones at her poo
2011-03-23 13:38:00

Posts: 1970

New trailer.


I'm not even sure this could be called a teaser trailer tbh. It's more of a teaser trailer that teases you about wanting a decent teaser trailer.
2011-03-24 18:06:00

Posts: 1494

There's also one teasing a preview clip that's releasing tomorrow but its so brief it's not worth the effort of posting.2011-03-24 18:30:00

Posts: 6728

She's loverly.
I would pay good money to throw stones at her poo

What!? ROFL

I have been jonesing for Dr. Who since the Christmas episode.
I've been watching Who since the days of Tom Baker (the best), argh, April is too far away
2011-03-25 15:38:00

Posts: 8424

Prequel to episode 1

2011-03-25 17:27:00

Posts: 6728

Pond is THE cutest Doctor sidekick ever!2011-03-25 19:44:00

Posts: 210

New trailer.


0:37 is that some old Tardis?

2011-03-30 18:34:00

Posts: 6728

Exciting stuff.2011-03-30 19:32:00

Posts: 1114

"Fear me, I'm killed hundreds of Time Lords."

"Fear me, I've killed them all."

2011-03-31 05:26:00

Posts: 266

"Fear me, I'm killed hundreds of Time Lords."

"Fear me, I've killed them all."


Love that bit.
2011-03-31 17:14:00

Posts: 1114

Shot by shot analysis. http://uk.io9.com/5787493/breaking-down-doctor-whos-epic-new-trailer-shot-by-shot/

BBC America trailer

2011-03-31 19:21:00

Posts: 6728

Does anybody think we should start a new thread?

For the new series and all?
2011-04-02 11:42:00

Posts: 1114

Doctor Who is shown at 9pm in America? O_o

It's shown about 6-7pm here in the UK...
Maybe the kids here can handle it better? XD
2011-04-02 12:17:00

Posts: 1913

Does anybody think we should start a new thread?

For the new series and all?

Nah keep this one going.
2011-04-02 13:23:00

Posts: 6728

Ok then, but does anyone know how to get rid of polls?

That one's a bit out of date.
2011-04-02 20:06:00

Posts: 1114

Do you think that the ominous glowing blue girl is Gelf?2011-04-02 20:09:00

Posts: 5078

I think its a siren...fits in with the pirates and the pirate ship 2011-04-02 21:03:00

Posts: 485

Ok then, but does anyone know how to get rid of polls?

That one's a bit out of date.

Only mods can delete polls.
2011-04-03 01:15:00

Posts: 5592

Do you think that the ominous glowing blue girl is Gelf?
Who is that?
2011-04-03 06:35:00

Posts: 266

Who is that?

Presumably http://tardis.wikia.com/wiki/Gelth not http://reddwarf.wikia.com/wiki/GELF
2011-04-03 08:10:00

Posts: 6728

I'll get a mod to get rid of the poll soon.

Also, looking forward for this series a lot. So much exciting episodes to look forward to. I'm not a fan of the cliffhanger in the middle of the series though, having to wait months just to see the solution of a (potentially huge) plot twist will make me insane.
2011-04-03 12:39:00

Posts: 1114


2011-04-03 22:38:00

Posts: 6728

It's funny, even just a couple of years ago most people in America had never heard of the show, now I see this near my house in Los Angeles

2011-04-04 16:38:00

Posts: 587


Spoiler free reviews of episodes 1 & 2 http://www.denofgeek.com/television/837935/doctor_who_series_6_episodes_1_2_spoilerfree_revie w.html
and the Q&A session http://lifeofwylie.com/2011/04/04/doctor-who-one-small-step/
2011-04-05 10:31:00

Posts: 6728

*Gasp of surprise*

killzonequinn07, how could you?!?

Doctor Who is officially awesome.
2011-04-09 17:48:00

Posts: 960

It's funny, even just a couple of years ago most people in America had never heard of the show, now I see this near my house in Los Angeles


YES! YES! Now I don't have to resort to looking through YouTube videos to watch the series!
2011-04-09 19:57:00

Posts: 5551

Happy to know the joys of Doctor Who can finally reach you Americans! ^-^2011-04-09 20:49:00

Posts: 1913

Happy to know the joys of Doctor Who can finally reach you Americans! ^-^
Lol we've been able to watch it since 2005 when the new series started up.
2011-04-10 01:40:00

Posts: 266

Spoilerific! Seriously don't open that link! I've ruined it for myself!


Oh, and more vids! Seriously looking forward to next week!

2011-04-13 20:56:00

Posts: 1114

meh i think that now the Silence are actually tangible beings its not as good, I thought that the simple lack of sound caused by something bigger would've been better2011-04-13 21:07:00

Posts: 5078


2011-04-14 00:15:00

Posts: 6728

meh i think that now the Silence are actually tangible beings its not as good, I thought that the simple lack of sound caused by something bigger would've been better

Me too. Now that we kind of know what they are, it takes some of the mystery out of it.
2011-04-14 16:37:00

Posts: 1114


2011-04-15 19:22:00

Posts: 6728

True story: My Grandads Sisters husband (I call him Uncle Richard) done the sound effects for the old Dr Who's. He is listed as **** Mills in the credits.

**** = The short version of Richard. I guess I understand why the computer thinks I wrote an obcenity but honestly. I can't even write happened or queued (which is a word the game developers use themselves) on LBP
2011-04-16 02:57:00

Posts: 51

Sad news Elisabeth Sladen passed away today from cancer




I never would had know she was sick from cancer she didnt show it at all
2011-04-19 23:12:00

Posts: 1014

Sad news Elisabeth Sladen passed away today from cancer



I never would had know she was sick from cancer she didnt show it at all

I only heard about this last night. I feel saddened and shocked by the news of her passing...

I didn't watch The Sarah Jane Adventures (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sarah_Jane_Adventures) when it was on (only the Invasion of the Bane pilot), but now I worry about the ultimate fate of the show and character.
2011-04-20 08:02:00

Posts: 200

It's a shame no one made this big a deal when Nicholas Courtney passed away 2 months ago, for those who don't know he was the brigadier.2011-04-20 19:37:00

Posts: 5078

It's a shame no one made this big a deal when Nicholas Courtney passed away 2 months ago, for those who don't know he was the brigadier.
I seem to remember something about that. That sucks too. Bad year for Doctor Who cast members. *crosses fingers Tom Baker won't die this year too*
2011-04-20 20:51:00

Posts: 266

When I found out about that I was so supset.
Lis really has changed Doctor Who for the better since she was the companion and she will be sorely missed.

The first episode of the new series will be dedicated to her and there will be a special programme about her afterwards.
Rest In Peace.
2011-04-20 21:03:00

Posts: 1913

there will be a special programme about her afterwards.

This will be on the CBBC Channel.

Elisabeth Sladen created one of Doctor Who's best loved and most enduring characters, Sarah Jane Smith. For over 35 years she brought the feisty, compassionate journalist to life, creating a figure that was adored by audiences of all ages - truly a heroine whose appeal had no boundaries.

This 15 minute programme is both a tribute and a celebration of Elisabeth Sladen. It brings together stories from friends and colleagues and draws on a rich archive of material to remind us of Sarah Jane's journey, from companion to the Third Doctor to the central character in CBBC's award-winning The Sarah Jane Adventures.
My Sarah Jane: A Tribute to Elisabeth Sladen
airs 6.45pm, April 23 on CBBC
2011-04-21 13:03:00

Posts: 6728

Do you think her coffin will be bigger on the inside than it is on the outside?2011-04-21 15:19:00

Posts: 1970

Do you think her coffin will be bigger on the inside than it is on the outside?
2011-04-21 16:21:00

Posts: 266



Posting "Facepalm," "Thread Derailed," "Fail," and "Spam" pictures/videos/comments. These are now an automatic 4 point infractions, and will result in being Silenced.
2011-04-21 17:44:00

Posts: 5592

Ssssssssilenced you sssssssay?

2011-04-21 18:03:00

Posts: 1913

Whoops. My bad. I'll definitely remember that now, lol.2011-04-21 21:24:00

Posts: 266

Do you think her coffin will be bigger on the inside than it is on the outside?

I want to laugh but I just can't. Very smart though.

Just one day left...
2011-04-22 15:36:00

Posts: 1114

Finished the first series, and I am now officially a Whovian... This is an impeccable show, though I'll miss Chris as the 9th Doc. Oh well, bring on David, number 10!2011-04-22 16:32:00

Posts: 2046

Finished the first series, and I am now officially a Whovian... This is an impeccable show, though I'll miss Chris as the 9th Doc. Oh well, bring on David, number 10!
You're going to have a blast with that. Eccleston definitely brought the series back, but Tennant will most likely always be my Doctor. They really did a fantastic job on his regeneration into the 11th Doctor too.
2011-04-22 18:34:00

Posts: 266

Just over half an hour to go until series 6 starts! I cannot wait! 2011-04-23 17:25:00

Posts: 927

Well, it's on in about half an hour (from this post). (Edit: Sniped by the Fish)

This will be the first episode I watch in HD as well, since I only recently got HD channels. Yay!
2011-04-23 17:27:00

Posts: 5592

Pity, no BBCA for me. Is it only on that channel? Do any other channels have the Dr. Who broadcast?2011-04-23 17:44:00

Posts: 2046

what the davey.......?????2011-04-23 18:06:00

Unknown User

Still have 8 hours to go here in Oregon. Premieres at 1800 PST.2011-04-23 18:08:00

Posts: 266

Off to a good start but I'm sure I'm forgetting something.2011-04-23 18:51:00

Posts: 6728

Off to a good start but I'm sure I'm forgetting something.

Haha, I just got that.
2011-04-23 19:02:00

Posts: 5592

Ha that was pretty good, had me confused a bit though2011-04-23 19:19:00

Posts: 3701

The ending was definitely a bit weird, she shot the little girl... I think that could get some complaints. People nag over anything on TV these days.

Liked the Silence too. Loved the bit when one killed the american woman, I would have anyway... that accent was terrible.
2011-04-23 19:56:00

Posts: 1114

Ha that was pretty good, had me confused a bit though

Agreed, the 'issue' at the start wasn't really climactic. I mean really, the first episode of the new series? Not likely.
Looking forward to the conclusion.
2011-04-23 19:58:00

Posts: 1518

I hated the silence, they randomly shoot electricity from their fingers killing a woman because her name wasn't Amelia.

Overall it was an alright episode.

Also the lodger tardis thing was either a clever ploy or they re-used a set,
2011-04-23 22:47:00

Posts: 5078

Also the lodger tardis thing was either a clever ploy or they re-used a set,

I thought that looked familiar. I guess I... forgot...
2011-04-23 22:48:00

Posts: 1518

Great episode.

Not too sure if it worked as an opener, it certainly seemed weird compared what we're used to at the start of a season. It seemed like there was too much going on - as of now we have no idea what the Silents have to do with this astronaut plotline, or if they even have anything to do with it at all. I think they're awesome and creepy, but they were only really in the background, and they deserve more than that.

Also, I'm calling it now - future Doctor sent a 5th invite to someone. It seemed weird they had 2, 3 and 4, worked out 1 was missing and assumed that was it, that only four were sent. I have no idea who it could be or how it could be significant to the plot in any way, but if it happens I'll be right and appear all clever and stuff.
2011-04-24 01:22:00

Posts: 927

Great episode.

Not too sure if it worked as an opener, it certainly seemed weird compared what we're used to at the start of a season. It seemed like there was too much going on - as of now we have no idea what the Silents have to do with this astronaut plotline, or if they even have anything to do with it at all. I think they're awesome and creepy, but they were only really in the background, and they deserve more than that.

Probably feels weird because it's a 2 parter and the first opener that hasn't had to introduce a new companion or doctor.

I think the Silence are going to be a thing that builds throughout the season, they've been mentioning them since The Eleventh Hour so their background presance now could be the next part of establishing them for future significance.
2011-04-24 02:07:00

Posts: 6728

Also the lodger tardis thing was either a clever ploy or they re-used a set,

I thought that as well, but I'm sure it's a clever twist. Yeah, another one. Moffat is a bit mad.

Did anyone find it to be dark? Reviews and articles all across the net have (somewhat) complained about it.
2011-04-24 12:05:00

Posts: 1114

I LOVE how dark it was. It's definitely a change for the better.

There was one massive plothole in this episode though. Amy never got to go to the toilet! I hope this is resolved in the next episode or at some point during the series.
2011-04-24 12:18:00

Posts: 1913

Hmm well what can i say about the latest episode?...

I liked it basically, but i thought that there was definitelty less humour - it felt to me genuinely "less british", perhaps that is just because Stephen Moffat isn't quite as good a writer as Russell T Davies was, but i think that he has been asked to write for an american audience.
There is alot of evidence that the BBC is trying to make this a more export friendly show, for example the writing is less sharp and witty, the actual look of the show is very overproduced like a hollywood movie, even just the fact that they snuck a little BBC logo into the corner during the subs.

I also think that Matt something-or-other is not as good as David Tennant, he just seems to have less natural charsima and feels like he is playing to the cameras all the time, this wasnt such a problem in the last series, which i enjoyed but now that the script seems to have gone downhill too i dont hink i like the new doctor.

I will defintiely finish watching this series, but from the looks of things i will prbably choose to miss the next one.
2011-04-24 16:39:00

Posts: 920

I liked it basically, but i thought that there was definitelty less humour - it felt to me genuinely "less british", perhaps that is just because Stephen Moffat isn't quite as good a writer as Russell T Davies was, but i think that he has been asked to write for an american audience.

Your argument is irrelevant because of that statement alone.
2011-04-24 16:43:00

Posts: 927

Must agree with nuclearfish here....Not feeling british? Well its because it was set in america maybe you were getting confused about that,Skalio you have clearly not watched any of the newest series because Stephen Moffat has written for most of thenew series...was not hired specially for the american audience,Plus it wasn't funny?[sarcasm]

2011-04-24 19:54:00

Posts: 247

the actual look of the show is very overproduced like a hollywood movie
So having a higher budget makes it less British?

Overall the episode was fantastic and I can't wait to see it mostly resolved in next week's episode. Every series swings back and forth between humorous and dark and this just happens to be one of the darker episodes. Don't forget Tennant's episode "Blink". Plus we just recently saw a humorous Matt Smith mini-episode a month or so ago.
2011-04-24 22:40:00

Posts: 266

If the doctor remains as Matt Smith Doctor until he's 1103 then doesn't that mean that he has to remain at that age otherwise there wouldn't be anyone to send them back in time to rescue him from the Astronaut in the future which means the Astronaut wouldn't be stopped so the Doctor would be killed which means he wouldn't which means he would which means he wouldn't *boom*

Also does anyone else think the shooting electricity was a bit unecessary
2011-04-25 01:06:00

Posts: 5078

If the doctor remains as Matt Smith Doctor until he's 1103 then doesn't that mean that he has to remain at that age otherwise there wouldn't be anyone to send them back in time to rescue him from the Astronaut in the future which means the Astronaut wouldn't be stopped so the Doctor would be killed which means he wouldn't which means he would which means he wouldn't *boom*

I didn't like the fact that the Doctor was older. He must have been without Amy and Rory for some time, infact a huge part of his lifetime. I'm sure they'll work round it though.... or forget about it. Nice spot there anyway, kernel.

Also does anyone else think the shooting electricity was a bit unecessary

Definitely, it was too generic.
2011-04-25 10:07:00

Posts: 1114

He must have been without Amy and Rory for some time, infact a huge part of his lifetime.

Well, in the series trailer River says that 'This is the day I meet the Doctor' so maybe that's the time he spends with her?
2011-04-25 10:29:00

Posts: 1518

Also does anyone else think the shooting electricity was a bit unecessary

Definitely, it was too generic.

Not really. It wasn't just shooting electricity, it was absorbing it from the lights. At least that's what it looked like, the electircity from the lights was going into it and it was then shot from its hands.
2011-04-25 11:42:00

Posts: 927

Your argument is irrelevant because of that statement alone.

Must agree with nuclearfish here....Not feeling british? Well its because it was set in america maybe you were getting confused about that,Skalio you have clearly not watched any of the newest series because Stephen Moffat has written for most of thenew series...was not hired specially for the american audience,Plus it wasn't funny?[sarcasm]


lol i knew people would slam me for saying that , and i do realise that Stephen Moffat wrote most of the last series and i explained why i pointed out the writer as the cause of my discontent when i said "i think that he has been asked to write for an american audience."

also sim i dont quite understand your point, which bit of what you said was sarcastic? it sounds like your agreeing with both me and nuke

So having a higher budget makes it less British?
that wasnt exactly what i was getting at but almost it was just the overall feel of the latest episode was so much more earnest and self-important. what i loved about the last few series (even christopher ecclestone) was the strong feeling of the characters having a laugh even when they were in danger, the last episode felt to me like they were trying to move into some kind of serious drama.

@kernelm i get what your talking about - but when he was 1103 he knew he had to die so he sent a message to all of them including himself aged 904. the funny thing is that surely by sending a letter to himself he is creating a time paradox, the one thing that river song and the doctor alsways tell amelia not to do.
2011-04-25 11:46:00

Posts: 920

lol i knew people would slam me for saying that , and i do realise that Stephen Moffat wrote most of the last series and i explained why i pointed out the writer as the cause of my discontent when i said "i think that he has been asked to write for an american audience."

Well if that's the case then it's a good thing we have American audiences. I much prefer the direction Moffat is taking this to anything RTD did.

@kernelm i get what your talking about - but when he was 1103 he knew he had to die so he sent a message to all of them including himself aged 904. the funny thing is that surely by sending a letter to himself he is creating a time paradox, the one thing that river song and the doctor alsways tell amelia not to do.

I suppose it is a paradox, but they're kind of expected with Doctor Who these days. Just look at The Big Bang, that was full of them. Best to just accept and ignore them. They open up possibilities for awesome stories after all.
2011-04-25 12:00:00

Posts: 927



2011-04-25 15:22:00

Posts: 6728

I saw these clips i was like omg on the second clip...now does anyone think the astronaut was a cyber man?...idk2011-04-25 20:08:00

Posts: 247

BBC America trailer.


Radio trailer (audio placed over existing footage.)

2011-04-26 14:21:00

Posts: 6728

You're going to have a blast with that. Eccleston definitely brought the series back, but Tennant will most likely always be my Doctor. They really did a fantastic job on his regeneration into the 11th Doctor too.

Eccleston did a lot for revamping the title - but I dislike Tennant for making the Doctor into an action hero... the doctor was never an action hero, that's what his assistants were for, for sneaking up behind an alien while the Doctor had them talking and hitting them with a big stick.
The Doctors appeal was always "Brains over Brawn", he never used guns or violence, just raw intelligence. This went out the window with Tennants sword waving antics.

Thankfully Smith has brought it back more to the original - for my money I think he could be the definitive Doctor. (and I'm seriously planning on stalking Karen Gillan - she won't return any of my calls )

But Rory could be the worst assistant ever... he's utterly useless. I think he's supposed to be the comic relief only he's not funny, the only relief being when he's finally off-screen.
2011-04-26 16:40:00

Posts: 1970

I'm seriously planning on stalking Karen Gillan - she won't return any of my calls


But Rory could be the worst assistant ever... he's utterly useless. I think he's supposed to be the comic relief only he's not funny, the only relief being when he's finally off-screen.


Yeah rory is pretty dull, even in that interview that Rabid-Coot posted, so maybe Arthur Darvill could do with replacing I think Amelia Pond was fine so why did they add Rory? should have kept him dead at the end of the last series.
2011-04-27 14:43:00

Posts: 920

Ok, due to spoilers of the first episode my post is in the below spoiler:
Two of my friends at college, we'll call them A and B, were having lunch with me. Me and A had both seen the first episode but B had not. He says he's going to watch the first two episodes consecutively.
Me and A decide to have some fun and tell B that the TARDIS blows up again as well as some quite rediculous plot points.
Then we say that the Doctor dies after being shot by and astronaut who came out of a lake after the Doctor takes of his new stetson.
After all of the other lies we'd told him, he now thinks this won't happen XD (Plus I pulled on my pokerface and asked him how rediculous it would be to kill him in the first episode)
So, yeah. Me and A should get some interesting messages on Saturday afternoon!

P.s. He deserves it, he hates LBP. And that's not an understatement. I can't even explain how awesome it is because he literally puts his fingers in his ears.
2011-04-27 19:47:00

Posts: 1518

Hmmmmmm I wonder what Mr Moffat is upto now.2011-04-30 18:49:00

Posts: 6728

Hmmmmmm I wonder what Mr Moffat is upto now.

Probably Stalking Karen Gillan.
2011-04-30 18:57:00

Posts: 5078

As long as its not the dalek's who doing it all, I'am all for a new the bad guy's being the main story2011-04-30 20:51:00

Posts: 1014

Nice ending with Canton and Nixon2011-04-30 20:57:00

Posts: 3701

As long as its not the dalek's who doing it all, I'am all for a new the bad guy's being the main story

Surely the Silence are dead though?
2011-04-30 21:02:00

Posts: 5078

Surely the Silence are dead though?

They're all over the world, even with the message going out in one of the most watched pieces of footage they aren't all going to get killed off.

Also you must have forgotten the one we saw in the present day when future Doctor went to his death.
2011-04-30 21:49:00

Posts: 6728

That was the best cliffhanger ever. Little girl's a timelord? Little girl's Amy's daughter? Amy and the Doctor got it on?

Moffat is a creep. I love it!
2011-04-30 22:00:00

Posts: 1114

Amy and the Doctor got it on?

or the baby got Time-head
2011-04-30 22:12:00

Posts: 5078

I doubt that the girl is the Doctors. Maybe the result of some sort of paradox?2011-04-30 22:13:00

Posts: 1518

I doubt that the girl is the Doctors. Maybe the result of some sort of paradox?

or the Baby Got Time-Head
2011-04-30 22:23:00

Posts: 5078

Enjoyed tonight's episode. Way way better than anything else on TV these days, but I'm ready for a pirate episode next week.

My main problem is the same as the Impossible Astronaut - there was just too much going on. The weird thing is, last episode the main focus was on the astronaut/girl, with the Silents just there in the background. Yet this episode our main characters have suddenly diverted all their attention towards the Silents, and now the astronaut/girl plotline is just going on in the background. It's like there's two seperate things going on so Stephen Moffat just threw them both together into a single episode. It reminds me of Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone where the first part was all about the Weeping Angels but then the second part turns its attention towards the crack. Except this was much more confusing.

I didn't like the use of the "Let's End on an Awesome Cliffhanger and then Completely Ignore its Resolution at the Start of the Next Episode/Scene" trope. So Amy shot the girl (but missed as we later find out), the Doctor looks horrified, and then... what? What exactly happened next? Surely they didn't just let the girl/astronaut walk off after they went all that way specifically to save her? Instead we jump forward 3 months where the companions are for no explained reason in seperate areas of America running from the FBI, and the Doctor is locked up for no explained reason. And then we get a little flashback of them back in the warehouse encountering the Silent ("Oh no! Amy just shot at a little girl but let's ignore that because there's a big alien standing there doing nothing who's suddenly far more important to the plot now that we're in Part 2". I was looking forward to the Doctor meeting the Silents and we never really saw it properly.

And speaking of the Silents... what exactly was their big evil scheme? Something about planting the idea of the going to moon, but why? It doesn't sound particularly evil. And the only evil thing the Silents did was kill Joy in the last episode, which nobody can even remember, so why is the Doctor so bothered by this revolution? Why do they all need to die? It doesn't make sense.

It seems to me that Stepehn Moffat has a checklist of things he wanted to include in these episodes. Creepy monsters? Check. Creepy astronaut? Check. Random unexplained scenes in Monomument Valley, just because we can? Check. Doctor in Area 51 with a beard? It makes no sense to the plot, but check.

I'm not trying to hate on the episode, like I say I did really enjoy it, but I would have enjoyed it much more if Moffat had just focused on one plotline. Give us the Silents or give us the little girl/astronaut, but not both. There's enough subplots as it is.

All that said, WOW that was a great cliffhanger I didn't see coming!
2011-04-30 23:25:00

Posts: 927

Well, in the last series we had the crack in the wall & the silence. I guess this time it's the silence & the girl?

I'm really interested in the ship they're in at the end. If it is a ship. The thing that was in James Corden's character's house in Colchester (Hometown!). The Doctor recognised it and sort of just left it.

Also, the Doctor didn't seem too bothered about practically committing a genocide. Despite being totally against his 'human copy' doing it at the end of Donna's run as the companion. Hmmm...

AND (One last thing) did River Song refer to the Doctor as 'My old fella'? It's after she shoots all of the silence in the ship(?).
2011-04-30 23:32:00

Posts: 1518

Second episode was much cleverer. I don't however think that either of the first two, were a god opener for a series.2011-04-30 23:37:00

Posts: 587

Second episode was much cleverer. I don't however think that either of the first two, were a god opener for a series.

They opened up enough questions to keep people watching the new series to try and get answers. I think that getting people to watch the whole series is a good opening.
2011-04-30 23:39:00

Posts: 1518

Also, the Doctor didn't seem too bothered about practically committing a genocide. Despite being totally against his 'human copy' doing it at the end of Donna's run as the companion. Hmmm...

He loves doing genocides and hates letting others have all the fun.
2011-04-30 23:44:00

Posts: 6728

I loved it, but I didn't like the jump in time between these two episodes, and the lack of explanation for it. I hope they go back and cover that somehow. Overall these two episodes seem to be far too okay with lack of explanation. What about when Rory and River were trapped in the ship with the Silence coming after them? And on a lesser note: River just suddenly appears without a sound (well, okay a gunshot) in the middle of desert behind the Doctor, Amy, and Rory without them noticing anything? I'm okay with not knowing everything, because that's part of the fun, but this was just odd. Overall though, it was a great ride. My best bet is that that little girl is River's daughter.

Also, we know that Craig Owens will be making another appearance in an episode that's like a sequel to The Lodger, so thankfully we will have more resolution to that ship it sounds like. It was never revealed who the ship belonged to in Lodger, so that wasn't much of a problem for me.

Prequel to the next episode. (http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/dw/videos/p00gmybn)
2011-05-01 04:00:00

Posts: 266

Youtube version of the prequel for those that can't access iplayer


Trailer for the episode.

2011-05-01 08:07:00

Posts: 6728

Seems like an idea was stolen from Pirates of the Caribbean heh2011-05-01 11:03:00

Posts: 3701

Seems like an idea was stolen from Pirates of the Caribbean heh

2011-05-01 11:14:00

Posts: 6728

What I'd like to see is an episode of Doctor Who where they explain the mystery of the Mary Celeste somehow, they could have done it with this next episode perhaps, even though the Mary Celeste was not a pirate ship..2011-05-01 11:18:00

Posts: 1913

What I'd like to see is an episode of Doctor Who where they explain the mystery of the Mary Celeste somehow, they could have done it with this next episode perhaps, even though the Mary Celeste was not a pirate ship..

2011-05-01 11:22:00

Posts: 6728

A thought has popped into my head.

If River and the Doctor always meet in opposite order... what exactly is the point of River's diary? Asking "Have we done this yet?" is clearly always going to get a "No" reply from the Doctor, because her past is his future.

Obviously this isn't always true because of future Doctor in the Impossible Astronaut, so... is River lying? Why would she? Is it the exact opposite order they meet or just mostly the opposite order?
2011-05-01 11:25:00

Posts: 927


Oh. idontneed10characters
2011-05-01 11:35:00

Posts: 1913

I quite enjoyed Day of the Moon. The red light in the palm was a clever addition.

Anyone else think the way the Silence sleep is seriously creepy?
2011-05-01 13:55:00

Posts: 319

I quite enjoyed Day of the Moon. The red light in the palm was a clever addition.

Anyone else think the way the Silence sleep is seriously creepy?

Well the Krillitanes did it so...

Also was it just me or did the red light thing look far too big to fit in anyones palm without causing extreme pain
2011-05-01 19:35:00

Posts: 5078




And we have some stuff about episode 4 from Doctor Who Magazine

The synopsis:

The TARDIS, drawn off course by the most unlikely distress signal, materialises outside of time and space itself. In this bubble universe, the Doctor meets Idris and her aunt and uncle, who live together in a scrapyard of impossible things. Idris, it seems, is mad. And when the Doctor finds out why she is the way she is, things start to get a bit complicated. And unmentionable.

The quote:

The Doctor: "Time Lord emergency messaging system. Like a flare pistol. In an emergency, we'd wrap up our thoughts in psychic containers and send them through time and space. OK, not like a flare pistol. Anyway there's a living Time Lord still out there! And it's one of the good ones!"

Rory: "You said there weren't any Time Lords left."

Doctor: "There aren't. No Time Lords left anywhere in the universe. But the universe isn't where we're going."

And, again thanks to DWTV, Gaiman clarified a few key points.

* This story will change the way we see a key part of series' mythology.
* We see an infinite TARDIS corridor (pictured below).
* Originally there was a "TARDIS hall of mirrors" that instead got replaced with an "Ood being really scary in the dark".
* There was going to be a TARDIS swimming pool scene, but it was too expensive to film.
* The episode was originally going to have Rory trapped in the Zero Room.


2011-05-05 14:47:00

Posts: 6728

* There was going to be a TARDIS swimming pool scene, but it was too expensive to film.

I guess they blew their budget going to america
2011-05-05 22:39:00

Posts: 5078

BBC 4 has Elisabeth Sladens last story as a regular fron the classic era "The Hand of Fear" on Monday and Tuesday at 19:40 if anyone's interested.

I guess they blew their budget going to america

I think that was funded by extra money from BBC America.
2011-05-06 22:36:00

Posts: 6728

Tonights episode looks good2011-05-07 15:39:00

Posts: 3701

Very excited for this one, hope it's fun and not too serious.2011-05-07 17:27:00

Posts: 1114

I hope they do a future one soon, I don't like the past ones that much2011-05-07 17:30:00

Posts: 5078

Well the Krillitanes did it so...
But the Krillitanes weren't scary or creepy at all. plus they looked like bats so tey had a reason to. How do the Silence get ON the ceiling in the first place?

Also was it just me or did the red light thing look far too big to fit in anyones palm without causing extreme pain?
Yes. You probably would have lost some flesh or something. Probably would have bled D:
2011-05-07 17:32:00

Posts: 319

Today's episode doesn't look too good. That's just first impression, but the THIRD episode in a row set in the PAST. I thought doctor who was supposed to to about going to different planets and stuff and SPACE travel D:2011-05-07 17:33:00

Posts: 319

it begins!!!!2011-05-07 18:15:00

Posts: 5078

Today's episode doesn't look too good. That's just first impression, but the THIRD episode in a row set in the PAST. I thought doctor who was supposed to to about going to different planets and stuff and SPACE travel D:

4 Bubble universe
5&6 Future
2011-05-07 18:18:00

Posts: 6728

Hang on.. The Tardis Automatically shuts down when you exit...2011-05-07 18:36:00

Posts: 5078

Today's episode doesn't look too good. That's just first impression, but the THIRD episode in a row set in the PAST. I thought doctor who was supposed to to about going to different planets and stuff and SPACE travel D:
Actually that was a pretty good episode. I guess you don't judge a book by its cover.
2011-05-07 19:44:00

Posts: 319

Hang on.. The Tardis Automatically shuts down when you exit...

That was resolved but not explained very well, I'm sure it being on water was only mentioned in confidential although other areas were shown to be wet, the other ship probably caused interfearance that stopped it working as it should (as for why it could land in the first place see putting your head through railings and getting stuck trying to pull yourself out). Trying to force the tardis to work "injured" it and caused the siren thing to take it to the sick bay.

But really its just a way to remove the easy way out of the problem.
2011-05-07 21:48:00

Posts: 6728

I think it was bad but i could see what they was trying to do just a lot of holes in the story eg why didn't they stop them touching her? and when he was in the sea how did he touch her? and if she did get him from the sea why didn't she just get the others as well and not wait around for them to touch her?2011-05-07 23:59:00

Posts: 1014



2011-05-08 12:30:00

Posts: 6728

Very disappointed. Worse than average, in my view. Started off well and had it's moments, but the story sucked and was too slow. Everything just seemed a little stupid, probably as we've had a creative genius write the first two episodes.

Next week looks good though, Neil Gaiman's episode.
2011-05-08 16:27:00

Posts: 1114


Back to planet quarry good times.
2011-05-10 18:07:00

Posts: 6728

The Tardis has a voice, Fantastic.2011-05-14 18:40:00

Posts: 5078

That was a pretty good episode, was great to see the Tardis speak.2011-05-14 19:31:00

Posts: 3701

i loved it, Simple as.2011-05-14 19:50:00

Posts: 5078

I reeeaaally enjoyed this episode. The insight into the TARDIS was brilliant!!!2011-05-14 19:52:00

Posts: 1518

Whoa, that was brilliant. One of my favourite episodes.

Loved the humour, especially Uncle and Auntie near the start. Also nice to see how epic and "Hollywood-like" it was, shows they are working with a good budget.

Not excited for the next episode. Looks lack-lustre.
2011-05-14 19:54:00

Posts: 1114

Whoa, that was brilliant. One of my favourite episodes.

Loved the humour, especially Uncle and Auntie near the start. Also nice to see how epic and "Hollywood-like" it was, shows they are working with a good budget.

Not excited for the next episode. Looks lack-lustre.

I wasn't too excited for this episode either, But now its brilliant!
2011-05-14 19:59:00

Posts: 5078

I wasn't too excited for this episode either, But now its brilliant!

Same here, but I think next week's will be average at best.
2011-05-14 20:04:00

Posts: 1114

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