I need some helpy
Archive: 6 posts
Hello!! i need some helpy finding 1 item on The Wedding, its 5 on the list![]() | 2010-04-03 06:43:00 Author: YEAH_NAH ![]() Posts: 775 |
dont tell me to go to some walkthrough, k If you really can't find it with the help of the GameFAQs guide (http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps3/file/938583/54679), then you need far more serious help than finding a prize bubble - like learning to read, which I doubt anyone here is gonna help you with. ![]() | 2010-04-03 16:55:00 Author: Aya042 ![]() Posts: 2870 |
Well, for starters... which level in The Wedding? The Wedding Reception The Darkness Skulldozer They each have their own prize list and so will each have a slot #5. Secondly, the way that I will use to help you is by referring to a walk-through that has the prizes tagged by their level prize list number, so I may well refer you to this walk-through in my reply. Just sayin' | 2010-04-03 17:01:00 Author: v0rtex ![]() Posts: 1878 |
the weeding reception | 2010-04-04 02:05:00 Author: YEAH_NAH ![]() Posts: 775 |
the weeding reception Ah, ok then. Prize #5 in The Wedding Reception is the Skeleton Talking Head. Head to the right to find the [ZOMBIE BOY], [ZOMBIE GIRL], [WEDDING VEIL], [TOP HAT], [WHITE WEDDING DRESS], , [RED WIG] and [BLACK BOW TIE]. Continue through the skeleton's mouth and jump on the platform to the right. The prize bubbles on the higher platforms can easily be gotten by pulling the platforms to the side by grabbing the basket material in the middle. Your rewards: [BASKET], [BEVEL CONCRETE], [RED & GOLD CUTOUT WOOD] and [TEETER PLATFORM]. Continue to the right. You'll come across a jumping platform. If you wish to grab the [PURPLE GLASS], [BIG STAINED GLASS WINDOW] and [RED GLASS], you'll have to jump at the right time; When the platform is going upwards press jump and you'll be lifted higher than the last time. Take a little practice and grab those prizes. You can continue to the right -upper and lower paths differ- in two ways. From the platform with the prize bubble you can get to the upper platform (with a sticker puzzle you can soon solve). Below you'll have to deal with the buttle creature. Pop his brain in his mouth when it's not electrified, and be sure you don't jump against the spiked roof. More on the right and grab the [LITTLE BUTLER] from the platform. Continue and you'll come across five balloons. You can grab onto any of them in order to reach the prize bubbles on the platforms high above: You can find the [CONFUSED SKULL], [SKELETON HAT SWITCH TRIGGER], [RED CROSS], [STANDING SKELETON], [BALLOON LAUNCHER], [SAINT STICKER] and [GREEN SKULLS]. Once you make it to one of the platforms, it is also (barely) possible to jump to another, but you can also just be lazy and use the other balloons. Move to the right and you'll be in a room with a lot of score points. The skull in the middle can launch you to any of the bungee balls - which will allow you to score the points. [B]To the left of this room is a slightly hidden tunnel with prize bubbles. Use the leftmost bungee to reach it and grab the [SKELETON TALKING HEAD], [BOWLER- HATTED SKELETON], [TILTING STAINED GLASS WINDOW] and the [SKELETON HAND]. Source: GameFAQs LBP Walkthrough (http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps3/file/938583/54679) | 2010-04-05 02:17:00 Author: v0rtex ![]() Posts: 1878 |
Ah, ok then. Prize #5 in The Wedding Reception is the Skeleton Talking Head. Head to the right to find the [ZOMBIE BOY], [ZOMBIE GIRL], [WEDDING VEIL], [TOP HAT], [WHITE WEDDING DRESS], , [RED WIG] and [BLACK BOW TIE]. Continue through the skeleton's mouth and jump on the platform to the right. The prize bubbles on the higher platforms can easily be gotten by pulling the platforms to the side by grabbing the basket material in the middle. Your rewards: [BASKET], [BEVEL CONCRETE], [RED & GOLD CUTOUT WOOD] and [TEETER PLATFORM]. Continue to the right. You'll come across a jumping platform. If you wish to grab the [PURPLE GLASS], [BIG STAINED GLASS WINDOW] and [RED GLASS], you'll have to jump at the right time; When the platform is going upwards press jump and you'll be lifted higher than the last time. Take a little practice and grab those prizes. You can continue to the right -upper and lower paths differ- in two ways. From the platform with the prize bubble you can get to the upper platform (with a sticker puzzle you can soon solve). Below you'll have to deal with the buttle creature. Pop his brain in his mouth when it's not electrified, and be sure you don't jump against the spiked roof. More on the right and grab the [LITTLE BUTLER] from the platform. Continue and you'll come across five balloons. You can grab onto any of them in order to reach the prize bubbles on the platforms high above: You can find the [CONFUSED SKULL], [SKELETON HAT SWITCH TRIGGER], [RED CROSS], [STANDING SKELETON], [BALLOON LAUNCHER], [SAINT STICKER] and [GREEN SKULLS]. Once you make it to one of the platforms, it is also (barely) possible to jump to another, but you can also just be lazy and use the other balloons. Move to the right and you'll be in a room with a lot of score points. The skull in the middle can launch you to any of the bungee balls - which will allow you to score the points. [B]To the left of this room is a slightly hidden tunnel with prize bubbles. Use the leftmost bungee to reach it and grab the [SKELETON TALKING HEAD], [BOWLER- HATTED SKELETON], [TILTING STAINED GLASS WINDOW] and the [SKELETON HAND]. Source: GameFAQs LBP Walkthrough (http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps3/file/938583/54679) Ha? ive already been their, well ill check again thanks so much!! | 2010-04-05 09:02:00 Author: YEAH_NAH ![]() Posts: 775 |
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