Hard to find a job
Archive: 11 posts
-_- laity I have not been playing any games much. I lost my source of income and have been trying to find a job desperately but I can't find any thing open for me in the city I am in.odd thing is I notice its easier for my female friends to get hired. any clue why? And any ideas what I can do? I do not want to move to a new city or state -_- | 2010-04-02 23:03:00 Author: Delirium ![]() Posts: 349 |
Look in the paper for jobs? | 2010-04-02 23:08:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Sorry to hear about your job situation. The company I work for hires a lot of women, and I think it's mainly because they can hire them at a much lower rate. My suggestion to you is to find something...anything...until you find what you're looking for. You're extremely talented and I respect you a lot. Hopefully soon you'll find where you need to be. I'm sending good thoughts your way (I can do that). ![]() | 2010-04-02 23:15:00 Author: TheCountessZ ![]() Posts: 537 |
I have tried using snagajob.com but all I found mostly is jobs out of my range -_- for example having at lest 2 years experience in the particular field. thanks... news papers was my first choice but it;s very small selection and most require some kind of training or experience that I do not have... I don't have hardly any experience other then security work so I been ignored but every place I applied for -_- its getting very annoying. its like they reject any one who have no work experience >.< | 2010-04-02 23:39:00 Author: Delirium ![]() Posts: 349 |
Yep... That's the catch 22 with most jobs. Everywhere in a given trade hires only people with years of experience... So where do you GET that experience? If it's a certain field or trade there are usually a few companies that hire entry-level positions. These usually pay abysmally, but you're paying your dues to get the better job down the road, or the promotions, etc. Try craiglist.com too, lots of places post ads there. Now, go in knowing that Craigslist is a SERIOUS crapshoot. You might be dealing with absolute amateur hour gong show employers, or you might end up finding the perfect job. It's worth a shot to apply to as many decent-sounding jobs as you can. If you do go the craigslist route, make sure you really do your homework on each position. In my experience, Craigslist applicants tend to be kind of flaky and apply to so many positions they're not even sure what they're applying for when they show up to the interview. If you do your homework and make sure you know as much as you can before going in, you're already at an advantage over other applicants. We've all been there in job-hunting land. It sucks. It really, really does. I absolutely hate job hunting. Good luck. | 2010-04-03 02:35:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
Yep... That's the catch 22 with most jobs. Everywhere in a given trade hires only people with years of experience... So where do you GET that experience? If it's a certain field or trade there are usually a few companies that hire entry-level positions. These usually pay abysmally, but you're paying your dues to get the better job down the road, or the promotions, etc. Try craiglist.com too, lots of places post ads there. Now, go in knowing that Craigslist is a SERIOUS crapshoot. You might be dealing with absolute amateur hour gong show employers, or you might end up finding the perfect job. It's worth a shot to apply to as many decent-sounding jobs as you can. If you do go the craigslist route, make sure you really do your homework on each position. In my experience, Craigslist applicants tend to be kind of flaky and apply to so many positions they're not even sure what they're applying for when they show up to the interview. If you do your homework and make sure you know as much as you can before going in, you're already at an advantage over other applicants. We've all been there in job-hunting land. It sucks. It really, really does. I absolutely hate job hunting. Good luck. I'll try that though its a bit scary as I heard there is a lot of scame jobs on cregs | 2010-04-03 22:06:00 Author: Delirium ![]() Posts: 349 |
I can give you a job if you need one. It's called send Chrree PSN cards every day. The reward will be posts where I say thank you. | 2010-04-03 22:08:00 Author: Chrree ![]() Posts: 554 |
What's the weather like where you live? If it's hot, you could try bringing popsicles or something. | 2010-04-04 17:06:00 Author: qrtda235566 ![]() Posts: 3664 |
I'll try that though its a bit scary as I heard there is a lot of scame jobs on cregs There's all SORTS of garbage on Craigslist, but if you're hurting for work, don't let that scare you away from the several decent, real jobs that advertise there. Use your own judgment when it comes down to responding to ads and in how the interview goes. If it doesn't feel right or it just seems shady or questionable, or the employer tries to pull some crap like "this is a volunteer position until we start making some money..." then simply don't follow up, or if they follow up with you and make an offer, you can always simply refuse. The worst jobs I've ever had were from Craigslist... A couple of the best were also from Craigslist. You've just got to dig around and use your own good judgment! | 2010-04-05 00:14:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
There's all SORTS of garbage on Craigslist, but if you're hurting for work, don't let that scare you away from the several decent, real jobs that advertise there. Use your own judgment when it comes down to responding to ads and in how the interview goes. If it doesn't feel right or it just seems shady or questionable, or the employer tries to pull some crap like "this is a volunteer position until we start making some money..." then simply don't follow up, or if they follow up with you and make an offer, you can always simply refuse. The worst jobs I've ever had were from Craigslist... A couple of the best were also from Craigslist. You've just got to dig around and use your own good judgment! thanks ill give it a try | 2010-04-05 22:38:00 Author: Delirium ![]() Posts: 349 |
What's the weather like where you live? If it's hot, you could try bringing popsicles or something.if I could afford them I would lol | 2010-04-05 22:39:00 Author: Delirium ![]() Posts: 349 |
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