Heavy Rain - The Taxidermist
Archive: 2 posts
Hey all! If you like Heavy rain, them I'm sure you've heard of the Heavy rain chronicles, which are avaliable to download from the playstation network. It features new levels - if you can call them that, more like segments to a story, that take place as a kind of prologue to the things which happen on the main Heavy rain storyline. And the first episode is out today (well, yesterday) on the 1st of April 2010. Just wondering what you guys who played it thought of it! | 2010-04-02 01:29:00 Author: standby250 ![]() Posts: 1113 |
I bought it, and considering the cost of most DLC chapters, I was hugely relieved to see that this is only 5 bucks (Canadian). So I bought it, even though Ive loaned Heavy Rain out to a friend. I'll dive in once I get it back, but for 5 bucks, I'm sure I'll be happy with only a couple of short but sweet scenes. Heavy Rain was just jam-packed with amazing playable sequences, stuff you'd NEVER see represented in videogames. So I'm looking forward to checking it out. I've kept myself spoiler-free so far! | 2010-04-02 22:10:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
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