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Things you always wanted to know about Germany
Archive: 98 posts
After all my time on PS3 I realized that there are many Americans who are interested in Germany. They ask me a lot of questions and it's always fun to answer them. So if you want to know anything about my country or my language just ask. I'm sure this will be very entertaining. But before I can answer any questions I have to sleep because it's 5:48am already and I'm very tired. Goodnight everyone. | 2010-04-01 04:50:00 Author: Chrree Posts: 554 |
good morning! Germany has realy nice "bratwusten" what do germans eat the most? And why do germans write every noun with a capital letter? | 2010-04-01 08:52:00 Author: Smelling-Cowboy Posts: 668 |
Oh you tried ou Bratwurst? ^^ I don't like it so much I prefer Currywurst. Well what germans eat the most is foreign food like doner kebab or chinese. I'm not sure why we write every noun with a capital letter.It's just that obejects like a car which means "Auto" in german are things you can touch. In school we learned that we have to write it like that. ^^ Anyone else with a question? Want me to translate a word or a sentence or do you want to know something about our extrem censoreship? Ask me anything you want as long as it's not something I have to be an expert at like political questions or something like that. xD | 2010-04-01 12:42:00 Author: Chrree Posts: 554 |
How do you say "Littlebigplanet is an epic game and everyone should have it"? No reason, I'm just curious. | 2010-04-01 13:00:00 Author: Doopz Posts: 5592 |
The first (and one of the only times) I've ever been plastered was when I visited Germany at the age of 14..... a restaurant in Munich served me 2 steins of beer. I ended up with my head on the table and coffee running out my nose.... So, hows Eastern/Western German relations nowadays? | 2010-04-01 13:10:00 Author: CCubbage Posts: 4430 |
Too cool! I've always been fascinated at all the amazing scenery, castles and such around Germany. My dad was stationed in Germany and my whole family lived there for 4 years. Sad part of that story is that it was it was before I was born. So seeing all the pictures and hearing all the stories while growing up always gave me a love for your country as well as a sadness that I didn't personally experience the adventure. Ahh well... maybe someday I will get the chance to visit there myself! | 2010-04-01 13:11:00 Author: jwwphotos Posts: 11383 |
@Doopz479 In german it would be "LittleBigPlanet ist ein episches Spiel und jeder sollte es haben." ^^ @CCubbage Today our relation is very good. My generation doesn't even care about east and west anymore. The only difference is our dialect and that most western germans laugh about it (honestly it sounds stupid xD). @jwwphotos I'm sure you will visit our country one day . But be happy that you don't live here, as a gamer you would be very unhappy. xD | 2010-04-01 13:22:00 Author: Chrree Posts: 554 |
do you live in the north west side of germany? | 2010-04-01 14:33:00 Author: Unknown User |
Does it suck to live in Germany? | 2010-04-01 14:43:00 Author: qrtda235566 Posts: 3664 |
@Mr.KittyCat Ya it's a bit north west . @ Awesomemans Yes because we have the worst censoreship in europe. There are many games we don't get or are even forbitten to buy. Other games just get censored so there is no blood and you can't dismember enemies. Sometimes it's just ridiculous because almost everything that made the game special has gone. Besides that gamers got called potential criminals by politics and parents who r too stupid to raise their children want games to get banned entirely. It's not that bad with movie but there was a time when u could only buy censored DVD's. Another thing is that our internet gets censored. For example there are videos we can't see on youtube. Even our PSN store and Playstation Home are censored. | 2010-04-01 15:31:00 Author: Chrree Posts: 554 |
Do the Germans know anything about Paraguay? I ask because there are some german towns in Paraguay, and I myself am part German as a result. I don't know the language beyond what little I learned in Cegep however, and already I'm starting to forget some of the numbers between 10 and 20. Ich spreche ein bisschen Deutsch. | 2010-04-01 15:46:00 Author: Gilgamesh Posts: 2536 |
Oh I don't know about that so I can't tell you if other germans do, sorry. Oh cool! You speak a bit german! :O Das finde ich super! Well the numbers between 10 and 20 are: 10 = zehn 11 = elf 12 = zw?lf 13 = dreizehn 14 = vierzehn 15 = f?nfzehn 16 = sechszehn 17 = siebzehn 18 = achtzehn 19 = neunzehn 20 = zwanzig | 2010-04-01 15:55:00 Author: Chrree Posts: 554 |
Why do germans dub foreign series and movies and such | 2010-04-01 16:23:00 Author: Dexist Posts: 570 |
Danke schön. It was a long shot. I suppose no one other than a historian or something would learn about settlements outside their own countries. I don't really know that much about my ancestry myself, it's just a passing interest. What kind of music is popular in Germany? | 2010-04-01 16:26:00 Author: Gilgamesh Posts: 2536 |
How do you say "The glass orb is located in a top secret facility under the Rhine" ? | 2010-04-01 19:29:00 Author: IStwisted Posts: 428 |
Die Glaskugel ist in einer streng geheimen Anlage unter den Rhein | 2010-04-01 19:31:00 Author: Dexist Posts: 570 |
@Dexis Wow you translated it for me? o.O ^^ There is only one thing wrong because it's "unter dem Rhein". About your question I guess it's because germans want to understand it but I could be wrong. Not every german understands English very good and it would be annoying to read subtitles all the time and because Germany can afford professional dubs (not like Russia where they just have one person who translates every word) we just do it. @Gilgamesh In Germany we listen to the same music as you do in the states. We get the newest songs the same time you get it. That can be pop, hiphop, rock, metal and so on. @ IStwisted Dexis translation was correct. ^^ | 2010-04-01 22:57:00 Author: Chrree Posts: 554 |
That's a good thread idea! Maybe I should make one for France... Germany and France have very good relationships in the European Union. | 2010-04-01 23:13:00 Author: dajdaj03 Posts: 1486 |
Ya I'm sure there are many people interested about your country aswell. | 2010-04-02 00:41:00 Author: Chrree Posts: 554 |
@Mr.KittyCat Ya it's a bit north west . @ Awesomemans Yes because we have the worst censoreship in europe. There are many games we don't get or are even forbitten to buy. Other games just get censored so there is no blood and you can't dismember enemies. Sometimes it's just ridiculous because almost everything that made the game special has gone. Besides that gamers got called potential criminals by politics and parents who r too stupid to raise their children want games to get banned entirely. It's not that bad with movie but there was a time when u could only buy censored DVD's. Another thing is that our internet gets censored. For example there are videos we can't see in on youtube. Even our PSN store and Playstation Home are censored. Wow, that sucks. It seems like the German government trying to make up for genocide by censoring everything and going "look at us! We don't allow bad things on TV or in video games!" . I think it's funny how the swastika is outlawed. What do you guys get in your history books? Are all the swastikas blurred out? | 2010-04-02 00:45:00 Author: qrtda235566 Posts: 3664 |
You wouldn't believe it but in movies and books it's ok but when it comes to game it's not allowed and you break the law when you buy the US version. | 2010-04-02 00:54:00 Author: Chrree Posts: 554 |
i have visited the cities: hannover and Mannheim (i forgot how u write it ) i realy love the wind-turbines you see when you travel trough germany they are beautifull when its summer in combination with the sunflower-field!! ahh i love traveling trough germany! EDIT: I get only bad marks for German language words are going fine but i fail at the rest EDIT 2: have you ever been in the Netherlands? | 2010-04-02 01:06:00 Author: Smelling-Cowboy Posts: 668 |
I'm sure you will become better at german. Nope I have never been there. ^^ I'm more interested in Japan but I don't think that I will ever have the chance to visit it. | 2010-04-02 01:47:00 Author: Chrree Posts: 554 |
I made a sweet back ground of the D?sseldorf sky line. The level is not finished but I'll show it to you if you want. Never been to D?sseldorf. Made it entirely from pics from google maps. P.S. Just noticed the word google is not in google chrome's spell checker. LOL | 2010-04-02 02:26:00 Author: IStwisted Posts: 428 |
Why don't you think you will ever go to Japan?! My thought when I first read the title was what is the obsession with sausages?! What do you know they get mentioned first post! Well.. what is it?! lol I done a bit of german in school and bratwurst came up really often and obviously currywurst too! This is why I have this idea there is an obsession XD | 2010-04-02 02:52:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
@IStwisted Oh yeah I would really love to see it. @OneEyedBanshee Because I don't think that I could ever afford it. About the Bratwurst and Currywurst, it's not like every german eats that every day. xD I don't even like Bratwurst just like many other germans don't like it but Currywurst is very tasty. ^.^ You ever tried Sauerkraut or Rotkohl (red cabbage)? That's my favorite german food of all! | 2010-04-02 03:10:00 Author: Chrree Posts: 554 |
What do German people think of French Fries? I think they're delicious. Also, ham? Good or bad? | 2010-04-02 04:39:00 Author: qrtda235566 Posts: 3664 |
We like them too! ^.^ That's why we have McDonalds and Burger King branches everywhere! xD I prefer them with tomato ketchup. | 2010-04-02 05:16:00 Author: Chrree Posts: 554 |
No I don't think I've ever eaten any german food The food I usually eat is mashed potato, peas and ham! Pretty boring stuff, occasionally mix in coddle(boiled sausage and potato), like today! Yum! That's my fave food! Also I'm sure that you could save up enough to go to Japan over the next 50+ years lol just once! | 2010-04-02 05:43:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
so you live in the northwest do you speak frisian then? | 2010-04-02 10:25:00 Author: Unknown User |
@ Awesomemans Yes because we have the worst censoreship in europe. There are many games we don't get or are even forbitten to buy. Other games just get censored so there is no blood and you can't dismember enemies. Sometimes it's just ridiculous because almost everything that made the game special has gone. Besides that gamers got called potential criminals by politics and parents who r too stupid to raise their children want games to get banned entirely. It's not that bad with movie but there was a time when u could only buy censored DVD's. Another thing is that our internet gets censored. For example there are videos we can't see on youtube. Even our PSN store and Playstation Home are censored. Wow, you make it sound like we live under a totalitarian regime... There are very, very few games (I can think of one or two) and in any case you are free to import them. Regarding blood and core; that is by far not as bad as it used to be. Gamers are not called criminals by everyone, just by a (vocal) minority and you only hear about them after shootings or when we get close to an election. Neither the PSN store nor Home is censored and what videos are there on youtube that Germans can't watch? PS: Life in Germany is great, most Germans just don't realize it because they like to complain to much. Seriously, a social security system that is above that of most other states, a health care system that works well, an education system that has its flaws, but is yet still better or at least as good as that of other nations. Why people still find a reason to complain I will never understand. You are living in luxury, but don't want to see it. | 2010-04-02 10:50:00 Author: Syroc Posts: 3193 |
I don't know what you are talking because that is just not true. There are many games that are censored, forbitten or haven't been released in germany. To prove it I give you a few examples: Censored: -MGS2-3 (yes they are censored and you can see it on schnittberichte.com) -The Darkness -Many GTA games -CoD -Medal of Honor -Resident Evil 3, 4 (no mercenaries) -Tenchu -Left for Dead 1, 2 Not available in germany: -Wolverine -Mad World (there is only the english version) Forbitten: -Manhunt -Every US version of games with swastikas like: -Medal of Honor -Call of Duty -Turning Point And these are just a few examples I just remembered. There is a endless list of those games and even my games store says the censoreship is a joke. And the PSN store and Home are censored! There are a lot of things you can't buy in the german store like for example the versus mode for Resident Evil 5, the Resident Evil games for PS1, many demos and lots of other stuff. About Home, there are many spaces we didn't get like the Resident Evil space and others I don't remember since I don't play that stuid german Home. If you don't believe me compare it to US Home. About Youtube I got the information "This video is not available in your country" many times and about the fact that we have been called criminals I said that it happend not how many of them said that. You should inform youtself better before you say that I'm talking bs! Don't make me angry, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry! @Mr.KittyCat Nope ^^ | 2010-04-02 12:44:00 Author: Chrree Posts: 554 |
This video is not available in your country" Was it a music video? That has nothing to do with censorship. It's about copyrights and licensing and it doesn't affect Germany alone but many countries. Home and the PSN store are not censored. These are legal issues that Sony hasn't overcome yet, which have to do with the age rating. That is not censorship. You are still free to import the US version of whatever game you want. And seriously who cares about there being blood or not, especially when you can simply turn it one again like it was the case with GTA. Same goes for any symbols, they are not vital to the enjoyment of a game. PS: One more thing. When a game lands on the index, it can still be sold but not openly. That is to say they can still be sold under the counter. Obviously not many stores will sell these games then because not many people will ask for it. Regarding parts being cut; It is most cases the companies producing the game that cut the content in order to sell it more easily in Germany. | 2010-04-02 13:00:00 Author: Syroc Posts: 3193 |
No you're wrong. I didn't get that message only for music videos. And IT IS censoreship because you could read on game sites that we don't get it because of that reason. Just like the versus mode of RE5. We didn't get it because it was human players against other human players and we didn't get spaces like RE5 in Home because there are underage people playing it so they didn't want to add them. We will never get those spaces. You can't import any game because games with swastikas are illegal in germany. I tried to order such a game at my games store and there they even said themselfs that they can't order the game because they would break the law! Maybe you can get those games at online stores but that doesn't change anything about the fact that it's illegal and that I'm right. It doesn't matter if you care about censorship like no blood or signs because what I say is still true and most people don't want that. If you are happy with playing games that are missing content that's your decision. I know about the index and I'm not talking about that right now. It's still like I said because not every game even gets on the index because we just don't get it in Germany or it's censored in the first place! I see that you have no idea of what you are talking about because I inform myself about that topic almost every day. About that companies censoring games themselfs I already know that too but that is only because the USK already told them to do that with one of their previous titles so they now they have to do that to sell their game but it's not always like that. The USK often tests the games and then tells them if it's ok like that or not so they have to change it if they want to sell it in germany. Don't tell me anything I already know. | 2010-04-02 14:23:00 Author: Chrree Posts: 554 |
I love how it always ends with "I'm right, because you have a different opinion". Anyway, I think I have derailed this enough. Back to the original topic. | 2010-04-02 14:44:00 Author: Syroc Posts: 3193 |
It's not like that because it's not a matter of opinion but facts. It either is like I said or it's not and because I could bring facts and you just talked about your opinion like "And seriously who cares about there being blood or not" I am right. It is just like that if you want to believe it or not and any german I know says the same thing. Now we can go back to topic. | 2010-04-02 14:50:00 Author: Chrree Posts: 554 |
Well, you don't know me then. | 2010-04-02 15:00:00 Author: Syroc Posts: 3193 |
Thank god because I would get high blood pressure if I would. | 2010-04-02 15:02:00 Author: Chrree Posts: 554 |
................ | 2010-04-02 15:10:00 Author: Syroc Posts: 3193 |
Do German people eat Chinese food? | 2010-04-02 17:58:00 Author: qrtda235566 Posts: 3664 |
Do German people eat Chinese food? If I may answer this myself, that really depends on who you're talking about, some Germans will, some won't. Not all Germans are exactly the same, they're not clones, although it would be cool if they were . | 2010-04-02 18:12:00 Author: Doopz Posts: 5592 |
Besides you don't really get Chinese food anywhere outside of China. It's all westernized. | 2010-04-02 18:15:00 Author: Syroc Posts: 3193 |
Oh, I have one. Do Germans know about poutine? It's a specialty here in Quebec! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poutine | 2010-04-02 18:47:00 Author: Gilgamesh Posts: 2536 |
^Awesome^ But even Americans don't know poutine so I'd be suprised... Mais c'est tellement bon! | 2010-04-02 18:56:00 Author: Chump Posts: 1712 |
Well, some Americans know about poutine, and so do some French. I think there are restaurants in France that sell it now, so it's not unthinkable that it may have spread a bit through Europe. | 2010-04-02 19:03:00 Author: Gilgamesh Posts: 2536 |
Yea you're probably right but nothing's like the original though. | 2010-04-02 19:14:00 Author: Chump Posts: 1712 |
Well, some Americans know about poutine, and so do some French. I think there are restaurants in France that sell it now, so it's not unthinkable that it may have spread a bit through Europe. Oh, maybe it's possible to find this in France, but honestly I never ate, or even heard about poutine before....! :blush: French fries topped with fresh cheese curd, covered with brown gravy ..? Huumm that looks....interesting :eek: | 2010-04-02 19:22:00 Author: dajdaj03 Posts: 1486 |
Why do germans dub foreign series and movies and such Actually tobe honest, the U.S. is actually one of the few, if not the only cointriy that donesn't dub series and moveis as far as i know, and that's good, because no offence, but U.S.'s dubbing suuks, most other countries i've been in or heard of does dubbing on foreign movies and series, in the U.S. the only thing i've seen dubbed is Anime series and old japanese movies and you knw how people always make fun of those, like the Godzilla movies where a person moves their mouth and 5 secs later you hear the voice... Well then, now that that's been cleared, back to the topic. Is it true its really cold over there most of the year? At least that's what i've heard. Oh and are these words correct? Kelt - Cold Shneider - Shredder Gutten tag - Good evening Just wanna make sure because i'm using them for a level, and i don't trust online translator that much... | 2010-04-02 20:09:00 Author: Silverleon Posts: 6707 |
Wow this becomes a non german conversation. That's kind of funny. xD @Awesomemans Those who like it eat chinese food. ^^ We have lots of chinese restaurants everywhere. @Gilgamesh Never heared of it but maybe there are germans who know it. ^^ | 2010-04-02 20:22:00 Author: Chrree Posts: 554 |
ever came in the netherlands? | 2010-04-02 21:27:00 Author: Unknown User |
Do German people like American food, too? | 2010-04-03 01:46:00 Author: qrtda235566 Posts: 3664 |
@Mr.KittyCat Nope never been there. ^^ @Awesomemans Burgers and all that? Sure because we like fastfood too and you can always be sure that there are german who just like everything. xD | 2010-04-03 02:10:00 Author: Chrree Posts: 554 |
Do German people use toilets or chamber pots? | 2010-04-03 04:27:00 Author: qrtda235566 Posts: 3664 |
That's not funny. >.> | 2010-04-03 04:33:00 Author: Chrree Posts: 554 |
What do the Germans think about swine flu? | 2010-04-03 04:45:00 Author: qrtda235566 Posts: 3664 |
saw a nice geography video on germany, looks like a greta place, do germans like to party? | 2010-04-03 05:30:00 Author: Littlebigdude805 Posts: 1924 |
Do German people like American food, too? Umm, what exactly IS American food, as far as i've seen, american food is composed of foreign food... Btw, you never answer my questions Chrre... | 2010-04-03 10:21:00 Author: Silverleon Posts: 6707 |
Is it true its really cold over there most of the year? No, it's cold in winter (around 0?C) and warm in summer (20?C-30?C). Just like most temperate places in the world. Oh and are these words correct? Kalt - Cold Depends on what you mean by shredder - Shredder Guten Abend - Good evening | 2010-04-03 10:58:00 Author: Syroc Posts: 3193 |
Do German people use toilets or chamber pots? What do the Germans think about swine flu? Who agrees Awesomemans should not be allowed to ask any more questions, say I. *Raises hand* " I ". | 2010-04-03 11:43:00 Author: Doopz Posts: 5592 |
@Silverleon Aww big sorry! I must have missed your post! Fortunately Syroc already answered your questions and the next post I'll answer myself for sure! @Doopz479 I! @Littlebigdude805 Nope we hate it. We prefer to stare at walls and to think about our miserable lifes 24 hours a day. If anyone asks us if we want to party we take our shotguns and shoot them in the head when they are not looking. | 2010-04-03 12:42:00 Author: Chrree Posts: 554 |
so thats a yes awsome TO GERMANY!! | 2010-04-05 04:00:00 Author: Littlebigdude805 Posts: 1924 |
What are Germany thoughts on things like pornography? Since they ban most violent games, I bet that goes down hard for all the old creeps. xD Sorry about that question, just curious. =P | 2010-04-05 04:07:00 Author: Splash Posts: 102 |
Wow splash your sig is REALLY easy on the eyes :O especially for them sackboys, it's kinda surprising for this forum but i guess it's ok cause youre a girl, if you like it, it's cool, i actually like it anyways hey chrree, following your advice, i'm here so how do you say: "The Crazy Pollo(Chicken)" on german? | 2010-04-05 04:58:00 Author: Racroz Posts: 406 |
@Splash Actually we are the exact opposite to America. The states have no problem with violence but act like sex is something very bad you can't show on tv and all that. Prude all the way...in Germany it's the other way around! Violence get's all censored but pornography or sex on tv (but no porn on tv of course because of the children) are the most normal things in the world to us. We would never make a big drama just because you saw an uninteresting nipple on television... @Racroz Is Pollo a name? In that case it would be "Das verr?ckte Pollo Huhn". To explain it word for word to you, the word "the" has different meanings in german. It''s either "der", "die" or "das". "der" is a word which discribes every male person, animal or object. The word "die" is the female word but can be used as plural aswell. The word "das" is just for things that are not alive in general. You can't really learn it when I tell you examples you just have to learn which word uses "der", "die" or "das". The word "crazy" means "verr?ckt" in German. As you can see in German an attribute comes before a noun instead of behind it like in English. That's why the chicken (which is "Huhn") is at the end of the sentence. | 2010-04-05 05:03:00 Author: Chrree Posts: 554 |
Do German people play LittleBigPlanet? | 2010-04-05 05:59:00 Author: qrtda235566 Posts: 3664 |
beautiful question awesomemans lol and Pollo means Chicken in spanish and thanks chrree | 2010-04-05 06:03:00 Author: Racroz Posts: 406 |
@Awesomemans Stop spamming this thread with pointless questions! | 2010-04-05 11:59:00 Author: Chrree Posts: 554 |
@Awesomemans Stop spamming this thread with pointless questions! Is that a no? | 2010-04-05 17:35:00 Author: qrtda235566 Posts: 3664 |
Is no one else interested in my country? I'm sure there are a lot of things that could be interesting for you, :-) | 2010-04-07 22:52:00 Author: Chrree Posts: 554 |
What is the German equivalent to a S.W.A.T. team called? Would you be interested in seeing the Little Big D?sseldorf I'm creating? If so send me a PSN friend request. | 2010-04-07 22:54:00 Author: IStwisted Posts: 428 |
Why do most germans hate the world? That's the impression you give.... >_> Also, on a more serious note; although a game like CoD2 or a series/film (i assume) like Band of Brothers will have Nazi symbolism removed, the implication is still there, as is your knowledge that it should be there. Do you still watch/play films like this without caring, or does it have an effect on your enjoyment of said film/game. Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying Germans are Nazi's, nor that you approve/condone etc. but it must make a difference? | 2010-04-07 23:01:00 Author: Unknown User |
@IStwisted That's the SEK and GSG 9. ^^ Yes I would be interested. If I have space left to add you I'll send a request tomorrow. @AlexW618 Hmm well some people say that germans like to complain about everything and as far as I know there are many germans who don't like the states because they voted for Bush two times which makes many ppl think about americans as idiots. About the censored games and movies, I would never buy or play a game like that (in movies only violent scenes get censored). Maybe you know still see that it was something else before they changed it but to me and most of the other german gamers such censored games are just worthless. It's like you buy an apple and it tasts like a tomato. It still looks like an apple but you still don't get what you wanted for your money. | 2010-04-08 00:00:00 Author: Chrree Posts: 554 |
Oh you tried ou Bratwurst? ^^ I don't like it so much I prefer Currywurst. About a year ago I went to Germany for a few days and had what I believe to be currywurst but I can't quite remember the details. It had some kind of sauce on top of it, seasoned with what I think was a curry powder and served on a plate. Was that currywurst, and if it was, do you know what kind of sauce was on it? And if it wasn't, do you have any idea what is? | 2010-04-08 02:34:00 Author: Dapiek Absaroka Posts: 512 |
Ya I'm sure that was Currywurst and just like the name says the souce is made of curry. ^^ | 2010-04-08 03:38:00 Author: Chrree Posts: 554 |
@IStwisted That's the SEK and GSG 9. ^^ Do you know what the acronyms stand for? | 2010-04-08 05:01:00 Author: IStwisted Posts: 428 |
how do you censor violence?? WHY would you censor violence o.O? i can't comprehend. | 2010-04-08 05:05:00 Author: Littlebigdude805 Posts: 1924 |
do germans worry about getting retroactively hit by the nazi label? not sure how true it is, but a bud of mine from hebrew school went to germany over the summer and felt that he got special treatment.. are you guys just super polite or what? | 2010-04-08 06:04:00 Author: monstahr Posts: 1361 |
@IStwisted SEK means Spezialeinsatzkommando and would be called Special Weapons And Tactics in english just like SWAT. GSG9 means Grenzschutzgruppe 9 which means Border Patrol Group in english. I think SEK is the one ur looking for. ^^ @ Littlebigdude805 They censore it because they believe violence in games is the source of all evil. They blame games for many of the murders that happen in Germany. When they censore it there is no blood or you can't dismember your enemies anymore. Sometimes they even replace the enemies with robots or aliens or they just delete a scene completely. @monstahr Hmm well our generation gives a **** about the past to be honest. We know that it's not our fault what happend back then so we don't care. Only the old generation always tries to keep that sense of guilt alive. I realy doubt though that a jew or anyone else would get a special treatment because today Germany is a country with many different religions and foreigners who want to live here always get a chance. | 2010-04-08 16:07:00 Author: Chrree Posts: 554 |
Reading what you put there, when i said about censorship in my post, i referred more to the replacement of Nazi symbolism rather than the removal of violence... | 2010-04-08 16:33:00 Author: Unknown User |
It's the same thing. You spend your money on it but you don't even get what you paid for. | 2010-04-08 16:42:00 Author: Chrree Posts: 554 |
It's the same thing. You spend your money on it but you don't even get what you paid for. But would you, you being Germans, rather than you personally, all want to see Nazi symbolism all over a game? Would it not effect your enjoyment at all? | 2010-04-08 16:48:00 Author: Unknown User |
Why should it? What do we have to do with the past at all? Do you feel uneasy when your playing a game that's made by a black person because of slavery in the past? | 2010-04-08 16:55:00 Author: Chrree Posts: 554 |
Why should it? What do we have to do with the past at all? Do you feel uneasy when your playing a game that's made by a black person because of slavery in the past? As i said, don't take what i'm saying the wrong way... Was just asking.... | 2010-04-08 18:00:00 Author: Unknown User |
Don't worry that was just an comparison to make my point clear. Just in case if you don't understand what I mean. | 2010-04-08 19:34:00 Author: Chrree Posts: 554 |
I think it's getting a little outta hand with the Nazi questions, tbh. As much as I enjoyed the history of WW2, it was the past and the past should be forgotten but games just keep bringing the past back to the present. I understand why Germans think violence on video-games are bad but what about over 18's, would they have to order online for an uncensored version of say, Silent Hill? | 2010-04-08 19:44:00 Author: Splash Posts: 102 |
Nope, most of the times we only get the censored game. Sometimes there are two versions but thats not very often and only for the not so extremely violent games. They don't care if you are at age they just decide for you if you can play adult games as they are ment to be played. | 2010-04-08 19:52:00 Author: Chrree Posts: 554 |
Does this annoy you most of the time, I know you love horrors and scary games and most of them might be too frightening or gory to sell to the German public so instead you get a crap, battered down version of the game. No wonder you love making scary LBP levels. | 2010-04-08 20:00:00 Author: Splash Posts: 102 |
hm..yea what would be a typical German stance on violence and blood in a game like LBP? technically its just materials and motorbolts and stickers but its still a representation, and violence in ALL games is just pixels, hmmmmm o_O also what happens to games like God of War? | 2010-04-08 20:07:00 Author: Littlebigdude805 Posts: 1924 |
oh my daze, german ps store soo tight :eek: will they allow ya to have lbp monsters pack? or maybe cod:waw map pack? | 2010-04-08 20:14:00 Author: ShiftyDog Posts: 293 |
@monstahr Hmm well our generation gives a **** about the past to be honest. We know that it's not our fault what happend back then so we don't care. Only the old generation always tries to keep that sense of guilt alive. I realy doubt though that a jew or anyone else would get a special treatment because today Germany is a country with many different religions and foreigners who want to live here always get a chance. that's good, affirmative actionish kinda things bother me. | 2010-04-09 00:02:00 Author: monstahr Posts: 1361 |
Ah, Germany. Love it - my mum is German and has family over there so I've been quite a few times! I can speak German pretty well as I was taught since I was little by my mum, I just can't read or write it very well. My brother went down there a couple of years ago to go to a school there for a few weeks and he actually said that German's actually use better English grammar than us Brits! Doesn't surprise me though, living in London. Didn't know about the mass censorship in Germany though, I've never come across it when I've been there - for example, I've played Grand theft auto in Germany, and Halo, and they weren't censored. Hmmm.... confusing. EDIT: Here's thing I'd like to know concerning the letter S. Sometimes it looks like this - S, but sometimes it looks kind of like a B. How do I know when I need to use which S? | 2010-04-09 01:15:00 Author: standby250 Posts: 1113 |
@Spalsh Ya it's annoying but fortunately I can buy games from the states and since I'm not very interested shooters I don't even want to buy with illegal signs so it's no problem for me to buy what I want. ^^ @Shifty Ya we have the monster pack of course. Only serious stuff gets censored but I don't know about the CoD pack because I'm not playing that game. ^^ @standby Well Halo has aliens as enemies and usually only violence against humans gets censored though sometimes you can't even be sure about that. Just like with GTA. One GTa gets censored and the other one is uncensored and you can't even understand why! It's ridiculous! | 2010-04-09 04:06:00 Author: Chrree Posts: 554 |
EDIT: Here's thing I'd like to know concerning the letter S. Sometimes it looks like this - S, but sometimes it looks kind of like a B. How do I know when I need to use which S? You mean ?? No one really knows. There was a reform in the late 90s (I think) and since then s and ? has become pretty much interchangeable, as far as I know. | 2010-04-09 10:11:00 Author: Syroc Posts: 3193 |
Oops I forgot to answer that question. Well the reason why we use "?" (it's called "sharp s" or simply "sz") is that it sounds like "ss". Back then "?" was used very often instead of "ss" but since the reform "ss" became more common. | 2010-04-09 11:00:00 Author: Chrree Posts: 554 |
Were nazi zombies real? Did they only eat enemy troops or did they eat everyone? Were they really nazis, or just zombies dressed up like nazis? Did the german government try to cover up this zombie outbreak? | 2010-04-09 13:09:00 Author: qrtda235566 Posts: 3664 |
Is there any way to block a person? I don't want such nonsence in my thread. | 2010-04-09 14:56:00 Author: Chrree Posts: 554 |
Thanks for that! So it substitutes two S in a row? Awesome! | 2010-04-09 16:49:00 Author: standby250 Posts: 1113 |
Were nazi zombies real? Did they only eat enemy troops or did they eat everyone? Were they really nazis, or just zombies dressed up like nazis? Did the german government try to cover up this zombie outbreak? I'll take this one, don't worry. I think it is safe to say that, without a doubt, there was some form of Zombie during WW2, situated in both Germany and around pacific combat areas. It is debatable whether they were in fact Nazi's however, as it was never documented that they ever interacted, or co operated with, Nazi's of the time. They did wear Nazi clothing however, and this suggests that they were, previous to their horrible infection, Nazi's, and they kept their clothes, because they didn't want to get cold. Zombies have feelings too. And yes, the German government did it's best to cover up the zombie outbreak. However, the money Treyarch offered for them to uncover this secret was too much, and now the world knows. | 2010-04-09 17:45:00 Author: Unknown User |
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