Level Patches and Custom Stickers
Archive: 5 posts
Quick question: If I use a custom sticker for my level patch and I delete it, does the level patch get deleted also? http://i.neoseeker.com/mgv/272671-Blackfalcon/671/5/animal0064hb2_display.gif | 2010-03-31 20:07:00 Author: Blackfalcon ![]() Posts: 409 |
Not sure, i'm pretty sure not, as I have some thaty were published before i lost data and I copied back, and the patch is fine. (EDIT: though that may not count) Test it: make a blank level, take a photo, use it as the patch, and delete it, see what happens ![]() | 2010-03-31 20:10:00 Author: Matimoo ![]() Posts: 1027 |
No ![]() I have a level that is only on my moon and has a picture which I've deleted a long time ago. | 2010-03-31 20:10:00 Author: napero7 ![]() Posts: 1653 |
Quick question: If I use a custom sticker for my level patch and I delete it, does the level patch get deleted also? http://i.neoseeker.com/mgv/272671-Blackfalcon/671/5/animal0064hb2_display.gif As far as I know, the level patch remains. | 2010-03-31 20:11:00 Author: Silverpanther ![]() Posts: 156 |
That's good to hear, but I think if I download a game update it disappears, as something like that appears to have happened. http://i.neoseeker.com/mgv/272671-Blackfalcon/671/5/animal0064hb2_display.gif | 2010-04-01 17:51:00 Author: Blackfalcon ![]() Posts: 409 |
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