Help please!
Archive: 8 posts
So today I got my LittleBigPlanet, really loving it but I have no idea how to play user-created levels with two or more players online. Please tell me how and where can I play thx! | 2010-03-30 17:39:00 Author: jergi20 ![]() Posts: 46 |
Just keep playing through the story levels. I think you have to play to a point before it opens up. However, once it opens up you will have the ability to choose "Community" as well as "Story" levels. It's been a while. I can't remember EXACTLY how it happens, but it's pretty obvious when it does. LittleBigPlanet is designed to open up a piece at a time to be intuitive. | 2010-03-30 17:42:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
^^Thx for trying to help, but I already got to the point where you can choose "Story", "quick play", "community" and "Littlebigshop", but it doesn't matter where I went I always entered the level alone without any teammates. And when it asked me if I want to play online or on my own I chose online![]() | 2010-03-30 17:50:00 Author: jergi20 ![]() Posts: 46 |
You should then be able to select Community and see the Cool Pages. These are the most current user-published levels. These will also have the option to play on-line, but that's no guarantee that other players will be choosing to play that same level at that same time. If you have PSN friends already and they have LBP and are online, you can do one of two things... You can go the moon on the left and select Friends- it will show if they are playing LBP or not - and if you select one of them it will take yo to their planet and their levels. Press SQUARE for options and there should be the option to Join or Invite them. Similarly, you can Join or Invite friends by pressing Start while in your pod and select Manage Friends. Once you have up to three friends in your pod (or you are in one their pods), whatever levels you select to play you will play as a party. Hope this helps. If you are short on friends to play with, go to the Find Other Happy Gadders (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?43-Find-Other-Happy-Gadders) forum here on LBPC and put out a call. ![]() | 2010-03-30 18:22:00 Author: v0rtex ![]() Posts: 1878 |
When you hit "play online" it does not just put you with other people all the time. (especially on users levels) You need to wait for people to join and not pass the start gate. Passing the start gate (it spins when you pass it) will prevent anyone from joining you. So you can either get some friends and invite them to play with you or wait patiently until someone joins. (Your best bet to find other players on community levels online would be to play a level on the first page of 'Cool Levels&apos![]() | 2010-03-31 01:17:00 Author: Silverpanther ![]() Posts: 156 |
Just to add, some creaters sometimes "hide" it like putting stickers that mach the backround, or you go past it quickly and dont see it. To go "online" and on your moon, witch is where you can make your own levels, you need to complete the FIRST 3 levels, witch is how to play | 2010-03-31 01:45:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Just to add, some creaters sometimes "hide" it like putting stickers that mach the backround, or you go past it quickly and dont see it. Just to clarify, what bikerrider12 meant by "it" is the start gate.(I'm assuming that's what you meant) | 2010-03-31 01:51:00 Author: Silverpanther ![]() Posts: 156 |
if you want some1 to play with you can add me PSN: YEAH_NAH | 2010-03-31 06:08:00 Author: YEAH_NAH ![]() Posts: 775 |
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