Violent Awakening: Chapter 2
Archive: 10 posts
Violent Awakening: Chapter 2Elmerz_glue Violent Awakening is a Survival Horror series inspired by Resident Evil, but not based on it. In this level you'll encounter a few puzzles, and several situations where you'll need to use your own logic to figure out how to advance, all while combatting the undead and more. This is the sequel to Violent Awakening, although playing that one really won't be necessary to critiqe this one. Enjoy! Here's a few screenshots. http://i425.photobucket.com/albums/pp336/ElmerzgluePwnzU/LBP14.jpg http://i425.photobucket.com/albums/pp336/ElmerzgluePwnzU/LBP9.jpg I'll respond to any F4F requests tomorrow, because it's time for me to get some sleep. Oh, and I'm especially concerned about the final boss and the segment after it. Sometimes the boss explodes when it isn't supposed to, leaving the player helpless with nowhere to go. Everything is exactly as it should be, I think it's glitched. I'll re-do it if anyone has this problem. The short segment after the boss is somehwat rushed, as I really wanted to get this published tonight. Thanks. | 2010-03-30 05:58:00 Author: glue ![]() Posts: 46 |
I've completed a large update to the level, fixing all of the bugs and problems that I know of. Now I need you guys to go find some more for me! I've also added a good amount of detail to some areas, and added some improved camera angles. Here's several more pictures: http://i425.photobucket.com/albums/pp336/ElmerzgluePwnzU/va5.jpg http://i425.photobucket.com/albums/pp336/ElmerzgluePwnzU/va3.jpg http://i425.photobucket.com/albums/pp336/ElmerzgluePwnzU/va2.jpg http://i425.photobucket.com/albums/pp336/ElmerzgluePwnzU/va1.jpg http://i425.photobucket.com/albums/pp336/ElmerzgluePwnzU/va6.jpg Enjoy. | 2010-03-31 02:27:00 Author: glue ![]() Posts: 46 |
The level is very good. I like the design and you have good ideas. The teleporter reminds me of the way how you use doors in my level. ^^ I played both parts of Violent Awakening and the first one is good aswell but there are a few thing you have to change about both of them: -I noticed that your first level is called "Part 1" but the second is called "Chapter 2". It would be better if both levels would have the same discribtion because that can be a bit confusing. -When your friend gives you a weapon in part one it happend to me that it landed head first so I couldn't use the gun and had to leave the level. You should fix that somehow. -In the second level there is this puzzles with the 3 different colors. Later you get the word "P.O.P.P.Y" which stands for purple, orange, purple, purple, yellow if I'm not mistaken. Well I tried that but it didn't work and because I'm pretty sure that I got that right it must be broken or something so you should fix that. ![]() Edit: Oh, about the final rating, I gave you 4 of 5 stars. ![]() | 2010-03-31 21:22:00 Author: Chrree ![]() Posts: 554 |
I just finished playing this level! Positives: This level has excellent visuals and scenery throughout. I really liked your attention to details. The last boss looks simply awesome. The boss battle was also quite fun to play. I was getting REALLY frustrated with why the heck you put the paintenator on the opposite side of the spawn point, until I realized that was your whole point, once I figured out there HAD to be a way to deal with it, I ended up really impressed with that boss battle. I also liked the one-hit aspect of most of the enemies. I liked the burning floating enemy, they were fun to shoot down and/or evade. The POPPY puzzle worked for me, incidentally. Suggestions: There were a few areas where the enemies blocked me, and I was stuck between an enemy and a checkpoint with no way to get around the enemy, that was a bit frustrating. I was also getting frustrated about having to run so far to reload the paint gun. Except for the boss battle, I don't think unlimited paint guns would effect the overall game play at all. It wouldn't make it much less challenging, nor would it give sackboy a major advantage, I would consider changing the paint guns to unlimited except for the final boss battle. At the very end, I spawned a few of your floating burning enemies which ended up parked on the scoreboard. It was a bummer to keep getting killed over and over, I wonder if there would be an easy way for you to have these die before they got as far as the scoreboard. Anyway, I gave it 4/5 stars and hearted you as a creator. For my personal tastes, if you added a few more platforming areas or puzzle areas, and changed to unlimited ammo guns I would re-rate it 5/5 plus a heart. If you have time, I would appreciate feedback for my level "Pyrostilskin's Cave" | 2010-03-31 22:24:00 Author: RoharDragontamer ![]() Posts: 397 |
Thanks a ton guys, and I'll get right on your level as soon as I'm done fixing up my own, Dragontamer. Sorry about the POPPY puzzle, Chrree, it seems to be a bit inconsistent. It uses rockets to push down on a piece of cardboard attached to a spring, and every rocket must be on in order for the cardboard to be pushed down completely. I've noticed that the cardboard tends to bounce, and if you pull the final lever while it's at the top of it's bounce, sometimes it doesn't work. Pulling the final lever a few times fixes this. I'm not skilled enough in logic to make a more efficient system (Or rather I don't like thinking that much), so I'll add in a note that says you may have to pull the final lever a few times. I will try to make it work better, though. About infinite ammo, I'll consider it. If you've ever played Resident Evil (Or any Survival Horror game) you'll know that they have very limited ammo for the player, and I was trying to capture the intense mood created by this. Especially in #1 where I went so far as to have paintinators disappear after you grab the gun (I eventually edited this out due to complaints and glitchiness). Infinite ammo would also mean the player wouldn't have to "Go back and get more ammo" at a certain point in the level where going back is necessary to trigger several events, but I could work around this. Great feedback, check back for updates! | 2010-03-31 23:29:00 Author: glue ![]() Posts: 46 |
About infinite ammo, I'll consider it. If you've ever played Resident Evil (Or any Survival Horror game) you'll know that they have very limited ammo for the player, and I was trying to capture the intense mood created by this. Especially in #1 where I went so far as to have paintinators disappear after you grab the gun (I eventually edited this out due to complaints and glitchiness). Infinite ammo would also mean the player wouldn't have to "Go back and get more ammo" at a certain point in the level where going back is necessary to trigger several events, but I could work around this. Great feedback, check back for updates! I've never played Resident Evil so I didn't have the background to understand the significance. It's a personal preference thing anyway. No doubt, someone will complain that "RE uzes infinite ammo, u r suxors" if you make the change. The theme was consistent at any rate. In regard to your Poppy puzzle, you could use the multiple winch input AND gate from rtm223's blog (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/entry.php?842-Welcome-To-the-Wonderful-World-of-Wenches!!) | 2010-03-31 23:41:00 Author: RoharDragontamer ![]() Posts: 397 |
Woah, I'll check that out. Ah well, I had fun making the logic behind that puzzle unnecessarily complex and physics based. ![]() | 2010-03-31 23:56:00 Author: glue ![]() Posts: 46 |
Ya it's really better when you change that. Just adding a note wouldn't look very postive for you. About the guns, I noticed that you tried to do it like Resident Evil and I do think that it's better then unlimited ammo. For me it's something that belongs to your level. My mansion will have limited ammo aswell because it's just a part of the original. By the way, I'd like to write something to my threads but if I just edit my last post no one will see it. Maybe someone can help me out. | 2010-04-01 02:04:00 Author: Chrree ![]() Posts: 554 |
Major update completed! Added: - An entirely new puzzle/platforming hybrid near the end - Some decorations to areas in need - A few little obstacles in boring areas - Completely re-done ending area Fixed/Improved: - POPPY Puzzle now works correctly 100% of the time - Reinforced various logic around the level to prevent any kind of failure - Made enemy boundaries a bit further from checkpoints Enjoy! Edit: Or not! Firmware update is downloading (Great timing, huh?), and I can't publish it yet. I'll put it up tomorrow. I'm out of time for today, so expect some feedback on your level tomorrow afternoon, Dragontamer. | 2010-04-01 05:52:00 Author: glue ![]() Posts: 46 |
Sorry for the bump/double post, I'm doing this to announce that the updated level is actually published now. I'll try to justify this post further by saying that in addition to the things listed above, I added a few hidden point bubble stashes, fixed a few bugs that existed in the new section, and made some slight tweaks to existing stuff. | 2010-04-02 00:24:00 Author: glue ![]() Posts: 46 |
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