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I dont know how to made disolving megaman style plataforms

some one can help me?
2010-03-29 06:38:00

Posts: 18

This really go in the Help section. As for your problem with the platforms I don't have any solutions as I've never played megaman and son't know what these platforms are.2010-03-29 10:13:00

Posts: 2431

neither do i, is it a time limit thingbecuase then you just want a perma switch and a delay switch.

if you dont know what these are play the logic pack by searching @logicpack.
2010-03-29 10:31:00

Posts: 2662

This is what you need to do:

Im guessing you want them to dissolve after sack has been on them for a certain time, well this is how u do it:

1. make a block of dissolve for the sackboy
2. add a sensor switch on it set to direction and the proximity set to all around the block but no more
3. make a time switch from the LBPC logic pack and place it out of site
4. attach the mag switch to the dissolve
5. attach the sensor switch to the piston

And voila if your sackboy is on the platform for more than say 6 seconds it dissolves, to change the asmoutn of time before it dissolves change the timing of the piston.

But yes this should go in the help section.
2010-03-29 11:05:00

Posts: 1304

Sorry for place this message in a wrong section and thanks to all for the help whit this 2010-03-31 05:15:00

Posts: 18

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