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Black Popits, and Funky Paintballs

Archive: 2 posts

ok so yea, I'm sure everyone is aware of the black popit glitch thing.

I was searching for some captured paintballs for my level, today, and couldn't find anything. So I got the black popit and got them myself.

I don't know if there is a level like this already, but if not... here you go

I put all the paintballs I could collect in a level, and also put in a tutorial on how to get the black popit. (the only way i've found that has worked for me 100% of the time)

so if you need some paintballs or whatever, come by...

2010-03-29 04:19:00

Posts: 738

I think that newer paintballs will only stay emitted for a few seconds. Unless there was another patch, I was gone for a while so I'm not sure.2010-03-29 05:59:00

Posts: 710

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