Colour your dreams 2 by soarecucolti
Archive: 5 posts
Colour your dreams used to be one of my favorite levels. Now after a long break the creator has come back with a sequel and it doesn't disappoint. It's another slow tempo level with great atmosphere, beautiful lightning and clever puzzles. Warmly recommended. | 2010-03-28 13:45:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Lol! I was going to recommend this but didn't get round to it quickly enough! Seriously, though, thanks for posting this level. It really is a must-play for anyone who enjoys puzzles that make you think. As the level description says, the solutions are not always obvious so completing the level requires patience. It's well worth the effort though. The visuals are lovely too. The premise is the same as in the first level, i.e. you start in a scene shrouded in twilight darkness with only a few gleams of light and you must solve the puzzle in order to bring light and colour to the world. Here are some pictures, though they don't really do the level justice. http://i813.photobucket.com/albums/zz56/shropshirelass1/APhoto_10-1.jpg http://i813.photobucket.com/albums/zz56/shropshirelass1/APhoto_13-1.jpg http://i813.photobucket.com/albums/zz56/shropshirelass1/APhoto_11-1.jpg http://i813.photobucket.com/albums/zz56/shropshirelass1/APhoto_12-1.jpg http://i813.photobucket.com/albums/zz56/shropshirelass1/APhoto_8-1.jpg http://i813.photobucket.com/albums/zz56/shropshirelass1/APhoto_9-1.jpg You really should give it a go. ![]() | 2010-03-29 22:54:00 Author: shropshirelass ![]() Posts: 1455 |
wow that looks really pretty ![]() | 2010-03-30 04:29:00 Author: MaxFromLi ![]() Posts: 30 |
I'd played the first Colour your dreams a long time ago and wanted to play it again recently and was lucky to find another one of these levels. For slow paced puzzle levels this and the first one are real good and easily two of the best. | 2010-10-06 08:18:00 Author: MofoSuperVillain ![]() Posts: 88 |
Yes,I played Colour Your Dreams and Colour your Dreams 2 and these is some of my favourite levels,It have great puzzles and Beautiful light and shadows effects,highly recommended | 2010-12-07 14:10:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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