Survivor XX: Heroes vs. Villians
Archive: 4 posts
So I am a fan of the CBS reality-series 'Survivor'. In the past I've had very mixed feelings for these type of All-Star seasons... sometimes they work for me, sometimes they don't. With that said, If you've been a fan in the past, or are even remotely interested in the series-- I'd catch up immediately and enjoy the rest of this season because last nights episode (Wed March 25th) was definitely in my top 10 All-time... probably top 5. It's all about the characters. Heroes & Villains and all the shades of grey in between. On the villains-side you've got Boston Rob, who is just unbelievable mentally & physically. (And that's coming from me a devout Yankee-fan!) The only other villain who could possibly out 'Alpha-male' this 'Alpha-male' is Russell. In a Survivor-surprise, Russell was able to stick it to Boston Rob, send-home one of his stauchest supporters! Strengthen his alliance with Pavarti and stroke the ego of 'Coach' in one master play of an idol. There is no way to calculate how much support he may have earned from the other villains in the tribe... but it was bold and smooth and one of the best moves I've ever scene in 10 seasons of Survivor. I should hate Russell. He's brash and egotistical, claims to be the best player ever and darn if he doesn't walk the walk! Simply fascinating TV. For his part, Tyson, who was voted off played a much more strategically sound game this time around being much less abrasive but in the end... classically fell victim to himself... his own undoing! Inexplicably, the Heroes tribe. A good group, fail at every trial. This was the week we saw all those initial alliances break as Colby was held-over in favor of the injured but well-connected James... But it wasn't just that... We had villains watching the Heroes' tribal council... James' heroic effort to compete on one leg vs. Colby's ineffective ability to compete on two sound legs. James & bananna etiquette. James basically sacrificing himself for the good of the team, coming to terms with his injury, and playing Obi-wan Kenobi to Colby's lost dreamer of a Luke... calling him out and pushing him like a trainer. Deep Psycho-analytical themes washing over the players this week. And one of the best last lines by an exiting hero... who promised to be drunk in 5 minutes time... This season, the capper to a 10 year run, looks to be banner-stuff indeed. The force is strong in it. You should be watching. Any thoughts on a winner? | 2010-03-26 05:51:00 Author: Gravel ![]() Posts: 1308 |
hmmmmm......i'm not too sure on that one. my moneys going on russell. lets just hope he doesn't tell anyone that he's already a millionaire like in his last season | 2010-03-28 02:11:00 Author: jedi_toad ![]() Posts: 20 |
I really like Boston Rob, that guy is a beast. But Russell, holy crap. That was one of the most genius moves ever. Getting out from an almost sure loss, by getting rid of one of Robs strongest supporters? I was freaking out. | 2010-03-28 22:35:00 Author: srgt_poptart ![]() Posts: 425 |
Yeah, it was a good move. The question is if Russels going next episode. Personally, I think that Rob is the best player out there. I like Russel but he could have been smoother finding that idol. Oh, and this has to be my lest favorite episode cause it now forever comes with bad memories...... | 2010-03-29 03:09:00 Author: orang3dragon612 ![]() Posts: 243 |
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