South Park
Archive: 116 posts
WARNING! This show has been rated TV-MA. If you aren't comfortable with foul language and some sexual themes, then don't comment here! You have been warned! So, I couldn't find a thread about this show (although, I remember there was one here, but I can't remember its name). Anyways, as you know by now, the new season of South Park has been released, and I was just wondering who actually watches this show? Personally, it's one of my favorite shows on TV! Some of my favorite episodes are "Good Times With Weapons", "You Got F'd In The A!", and "Whale ******". So, what's yours? | 2010-03-25 02:50:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
The Poop that took a pee was pretty great. ![]() | 2010-03-25 03:37:00 Author: qrtda235566 ![]() Posts: 3664 |
CyberSora, do you like fish sticks? ![]() | 2010-03-25 03:45:00 Author: Incinerator22 ![]() Posts: 3251 |
Just watched the latest episode, The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs. A HUGE step up from the Tiger Woods episode, which wasn't very funny. Scrotie was just jam packed with the good old stuff. I knew I was going to like this episode right off the bat, when Garrison introduces Catcher in the Rye to the class. Morgan Freeman reading from The Poop That Took a Pee had to be the highlight for me. | 2010-03-25 11:27:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
Really, I liked "Sexual Healing". It made my day when Bill Clinton said "What the **** are you talking about?" ![]() As for "The Tale of Scrotie McBoogeballs", I say it was alright, but not a winner in my book. I mean, yes, it did tackle the aspect of people finding meanings in meaningless stuff really well, but the humor was a bit bland for me. Although, I do have to admit that the part when the girl went hypnotic and killed Butter's favorite actresses because of his book told her to do it really made me laugh! CyberSora, do you like fish sticks? ![]() Yes. But I'm not going to go make a song about it. ![]() http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAxailJPU5Q | 2010-03-26 00:59:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
Sorry for the bumb, but has anybody seen the new episode? When I saw it yesterday, I couldn't stop laughing my butt off! I mean, Marijuana is considered by doctor's to actually be helpful, but I never thought Randy would do something as to microwave his... essentials. ![]() Oh, and Cartman being a Mafia member was kind of hilarious if you ask me, especially when he ditches the shoot-out with a bucket of fried chicken! Real brave Cartman. ![]() So, what did you think of the new episode? | 2010-04-01 12:10:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
Great episode, definitely my favourite of season 14 so far ![]() | 2010-04-03 12:42:00 Author: Boomy ![]() Posts: 3701 |
Whenever Randy gets the lead in an episode, you just know it's gonna be awesome ![]() | 2010-04-03 12:51:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
yeah i like it | 2010-04-03 14:38:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Just to say you can watch free episodes and all seasons of southpark at www.allsp.com. this is NOT an illegal website by the way. | 2010-04-03 16:01:00 Author: Pattington_Bear ![]() Posts: 777 |
There's already an official site (southparkstudios.com) set up by the creators. Anyways, this is a really funny show. However, most people that watch it don't get the political messages and instead watch it just for the vulgarity. | 2010-04-03 17:47:00 Author: Arkei ![]() Posts: 1432 |
Ya, like how the episode where Cartman is hunted by the anti-smoking group because he was going to be killed by them to show it on an anti-smoking campaign commercial. It was supposed to represent the responsibilties of the smokers, and that they shouldn't always just wait for the anti-smoking groups to show stupid commercials to tell them so.But ya, the crude humor is mainly a big win for the show. ![]() Also, southparkstudios.com shows all episodes for free, so the other site is kind of useless. In fact, the Creators always put "Visit southparkstudios.com" at the end of their episodes in the credits. ![]() | 2010-04-03 21:53:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
well i prefer the allsp site, less lag... btw i was aware of the offical site but i just found it was better(for me anyway). I like the episode "the ring", i laughed at how the creators of south park represented disney selling sexualisation to pre teen girls. | 2010-04-03 22:34:00 Author: Pattington_Bear ![]() Posts: 777 |
Ya... and personally, I think the Jonas Brothers suck. | 2010-04-07 01:25:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
I have a soft spot for the episodes that lampoon well-known (and sometimes not so well-known) movies and stories, with the exception of the Indiana Jones KotCS one (that was a bit too harsh). Personally hated The Passion of the Christ and empathized with Stan and Kenny trying to get their money back. Pet Semetary freaked me out as I saw it when I was, like seven years old, but I found it hilarious when the kids faked Butter's death and his dad was convinced he was an "unholy demonspawn." And then there was Woodland Critter Christmas...: "Gee, Santa. You wouldn't hurt me would you?" *Click...BLAM* | 2010-04-07 03:41:00 Author: Dapiek Absaroka ![]() Posts: 512 |
Oh god the KFC episode. Holy crap was that funny. I thought that was a great show. As soon as Randy enters the weed store you just KNOW it's going to be a great, great time. "What do we want?" Bigger doors! "Where do we want 'em?" Weed stores! The hoppity-hop scenes had me rolling. I will say no more. Oh my god was that funny. | 2010-04-07 08:13:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
Pet Semetary freaked me out as I saw it when I was, like seven years old* I saw the succubus episode when I was like 7 too, it really scared me (the actual succubus), but now I'm much older and wiser ![]() GIVE IT TREE-FIDDY! | 2010-04-07 10:38:00 Author: Boomy ![]() Posts: 3701 |
I have watched a few seasons of SP. Some are really funny with great mirrors to society. (for example "giant ****** vs turd sandwich" = lesser of two evils, etc) Some I don't like at all, like that ep when Stans father (randy i think?) had the biggest poo in the world. ![]() My favourite episode was the guitar hero one. Great parody of band docos and such. ![]() The ep where cartman pretends he is a robot for butters is great also. (awesome-o 3000 I think it was called) | 2010-04-07 11:51:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
South Park is one of the funniest shows for me, right next to Whos line is it anyway and Robot chicken :] My favorite episode is WTF and The Ungroundable When we had a disscusion in class about the recession, my teacher was talking about the people who emphisase the phrase THEY TOOK OUR JOBS in a southern accent, me and my friend yelled out in the back DEK DOUK DOUR JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS Everybody thought we were crackheads under the influence. But it was hilarious. x] | 2010-04-07 15:18:00 Author: DulledDoll ![]() Posts: 36 |
duk rrr durrrrrrrb!! | 2010-04-07 15:21:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
duk rrr durrrrrrrb!! Hahahaha!! Forgot about that episode | 2010-04-07 16:04:00 Author: TonyTwoGunz ![]() Posts: 139 |
duk rrr durrrrrrrb!! Haha me and my mate always shout that out randomly lol ![]() ![]() DERK UH DEEERB! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLni3wbndls http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQlzaujE5Ys&feature=related | 2010-04-07 18:24:00 Author: Boomy ![]() Posts: 3701 |
I just saw the new episode! Haha, they took the Facebook thing and messed it up pretty good! Even I think it displayed it well! Seriously, to me Facebook got too annoying, with its hype and such. So seeing South Park make fun of another popular topic is really funny. Yahtzee! ![]() | 2010-04-09 00:05:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
That was one great episode!!! Yahtzee!! ![]() | 2010-04-09 00:08:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
Yesterday night's episode: Yet another reason why I never bothered with a Facebook profile ...or MySpace for that matter. | 2010-04-09 02:53:00 Author: Dapiek Absaroka ![]() Posts: 512 |
My favorite episode would have to be the one with the giant hamsters. | 2010-04-09 03:50:00 Author: X-FROGBOY-X ![]() Posts: 1800 |
I didn't find the new episode that funny, not in comparison to the KFC one anyway. ![]() | 2010-04-09 08:58:00 Author: Boomy ![]() Posts: 3701 |
i liked the episode, "Yahtzee" i felt bad for theat kid Kip, but then at the end, yey | 2010-04-09 11:37:00 Author: monkeymagic ![]() Posts: 71 |
My favorite episode would have to be the one with the giant hamsters. "Theres Shelly, Wave to the camera Shelly." xD I'll looking into the facebook ep, as i dont like FB. ![]() | 2010-04-09 13:55:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
Heh, Facebook wasn't as funny as KFC, but it still made me laugh. Kyle: Okay, I'll help you... just as soon as I harvest my crops. This is probably my only chance to harvest them. Stan: Man, ****** your crops! *Starts to tear crops.* Kyle: No! I'm sorry! I'll help you! Man, I couldn't stop laughing! ![]() | 2010-04-09 14:50:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
I laughed so freaking hard while watching "Woodland Critter Christmas" It was HEE-HAW-larious! | 2010-04-09 22:41:00 Author: Oerjeke ![]() Posts: 234 |
Hey, are any of you excited about the 200th episode premiering? I don't know when it'll air, but it's in this season! ![]() | 2010-04-10 00:21:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
South Park is one of my favorite shows, right behind House of course ![]() I LMAO'd every time Randy bounced on his...um...ladykillers? Amidoinitrite? I hope Matt and Trey keep the funny stuff up, season 14 is already staring to become one of my favorite seasons. And although the first episode was a tad bit too sarcastic and over the top for my taste, the Tiger Woods game alone made it a hit for me ![]() | 2010-04-10 01:09:00 Author: comishguy67 ![]() Posts: 849 |
Ya. Who doesn't want the new Tiger Woods: PGA Tour 11? *Gets a call from friend.* Oh wait... the alien wizard is dead? No more fighting in PGA Tour 11? So, it's boring now? Okay, I understand. *Goes to return PGA Tour 11.* ![]() | 2010-04-10 02:10:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
Back in 99 when I watched the first SP movie in theatres and the characters walked out after seeing ***** of fire Cartman says "yeah..but the animation was all crappy"...it took about 30 seconds before the guys a few rows in front of me and my friends got the joke and started laughing... "ooohhh". I thought that was funnier than the moviescene. | 2010-04-10 13:40:00 Author: BasketSnake ![]() Posts: 2391 |
The Face Book one was great! Especially when Randy said, "Stan, poke your grandma!" However, one of my all time favorites was the Hare Club for Men. ![]() | 2010-04-10 15:13:00 Author: TheCountessZ ![]() Posts: 537 |
Back in 99 when I watched the first SP movie in theatres and the characters walked out after seeing ***** of fire Cartman says "yeah..but the animation was all crappy"...it took about 30 seconds before the guys a few rows in front of me and my friends got the joke and started laughing... "ooohhh". I thought that was funnier than the moviescene. I loved that movie! Even Cartman's number was funny! Cartman: "Well... Kyle's mom is a !" ![]() [B]WARNING! This clip has vulgar language! Watch at your own risk! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0beTV_66szQ&feature=related | 2010-04-10 17:17:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
Sorry for bumping, but I know what the 200th episode of South Park is! It's going to show ALL of the celebrities South Park made fun of. They're basically getting revenge on the town! It's this Wednesday, April 14, 2010! I can't wait! ![]() | 2010-04-11 01:03:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
OMG!! That sounds great! Thanks for the info. Bump excused! ![]() | 2010-04-11 01:16:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
Okay, so the new episode is running right now! : I)t's in commercial break, so I can't explain too long. So far, all the celebrities want Muhamahd for his power of not being ripped on. Jennifer Lopez is once again hanging around Cartman, and Stan and Kyle are trying to convinve the Super Friends League to show Muhamahd. Oh, and the Ginger kids are now extreme terrorist. So ya, EPIC EPISODE! ![]() Updates on this episode will be soon to come. EDIT: The episode was one of the best to date in my opinion! They ripped on everybody so well, and they also made the ending so intense, it's making me so excited for part 2. Yes, part 2 of the 200th episode! Many questions will be answered. Muhamahd's appearance, Cartman's real father, and the fate of South Park is coming next week! It's going to be awesome! :hero: Peace | 2010-04-15 03:26:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
You guys should see the Christmas Episode with the Anti-Christ animals. | 2010-04-15 03:38:00 Author: FreeFlyzz ![]() Posts: 265 |
They're called Christmas Critters (I think). And yes I saw it. It was both funny and and disturbing really. I mean that rabbit for example, "Sacrifice me!" and all that part was just weird. :eek: | 2010-04-15 04:19:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
Woodland Critter Christmas is certainly one of the best episodes to date. It's just fantastic and the last line had me literally spray coffee across the room the first time I saw it! And they all lived happily ever after. Except Kyle who died of AIDS two weeks later. | 2010-04-15 10:39:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
Newest episode was classic ![]() | 2010-04-15 11:13:00 Author: Boomy ![]() Posts: 3701 |
Okay, so the new episode is running right now! : I)t's in commercial break, so I can't explain too long. So far, all the celebrities want Muhamahd for his power of not being ripped on. Jennifer Lopez is once again hanging around Cartman, and Stan and Kyle are trying to convinve the Super Friends League to show Muhamahd. Oh, and the Ginger kids are now extreme terrorist. So ya, EPIC EPISODE! ![]() Updates on this episode will be soon to come. EDIT: The episode was one of the best to date in my opinion! They ripped on everybody so well, and they also made the ending so intense, it's making me so excited for part 2. Yes, part 2 of the 200th episode! Many questions will be answered. Muhamahd's appearance, Cartman's real father, and the fate of South Park is coming next week! It's going to be awesome! :hero: Peace You do remember the Cartman's Mom episode, right? It was supposed to be concluded but they decided not to as an April Fool's joke. I have a feeling they'll do the same with us...Don't get your hopes up. ![]() | 2010-04-16 00:15:00 Author: qrtda235566 ![]() Posts: 3664 |
You do remember the Cartman's Mom episode, right? It was supposed to be concluded but they decided not to as an April Fool's joke. I have a feeling they'll do the same with us...Don't get your hopes up. ![]() Do you mean the one where they didn't conclude the episode after for a joke, and then did conclude it the episode after that? | 2010-04-16 00:23:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
Do you mean the one where they didn't conclude the week after for a joke, and then did conclude it a week after that? I thought the story behind that episode, though, was that they got so much hate mail that they decided to. | 2010-04-16 00:24:00 Author: qrtda235566 ![]() Posts: 3664 |
It's possible I guess, they have done some pretty quick episode production times (after obama got elected, for example), but doing the entire episode in under a week is a bit of a stretch I would have thought, especially way back then | 2010-04-16 00:28:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
Eh, I don't care. So as long Cartman can be poked fun of for having another possible father. ![]() Also, "Child Abduction Is Not Funny" is one of my favorites. I love it how the City Wok owner (Mr. Lukim, or something) says "Stop right there! Stop breaking down my c[h]ity wall!" That's priceless. | 2010-04-16 00:38:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
So how about the new episode, eh? Apparently the bleeped ending wasn't supposed to be in the episode. Comedy Central put those in at last minute. http://www.southparkstudios.com/news/3878 | 2010-04-22 23:33:00 Author: qrtda235566 ![]() Posts: 3664 |
South Park creators are being threatened by an Islamic extremist group.. watch for more information: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZbtgjx9xE0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CS-Dc1iUyo | 2010-04-22 23:48:00 Author: UncreativeUserName ![]() Posts: 107 |
South Park creators are being threatened by an Islamic extremist group.. watch for more information: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZbtgjx9xE0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CS-Dc1iUyo I agree with that woman. The media should just all ban together, the Muslim Radicals can't take on everyone. | 2010-04-23 00:44:00 Author: qrtda235566 ![]() Posts: 3664 |
I think it was stupid. The episode rips on everybody, including Jesus. Why is Islamic people offended at all? Sure, it's religion, but it's only poking fun at them. Jesus Christ (look at that, I used Jesus right now) they're taking this too seriously. The show was dull with the nothing but bleeps and censors. Oh ya, and the episode "Super Best Friends" showed a picture of Muhammahd (if that's how you spell it). No one cried over that, and why? Because that was before the idiot of a cartoonist guy drew Muhammahd on a missle for a Dutch newspaper. So why cry now when Muhammahd was already seen? It makes no sense at all. | 2010-04-23 01:07:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
![]() | 2010-04-23 01:15:00 Author: xX-EPIC_MEATWAD-Xx ![]() Posts: 160 |
Plot? What plot!? The plot was just making fun of all the people they made fun of. That's it. CNN is jut making up their own useless meaning. All I'm saying is why would religious people get angry about this!? I'm not offended by porn watching Jesus or crack snorting Buhddah! This isn't right. Trey and Matt have freedom of speech, so how can Muslims (Islamic people) expect them to back down? It's almost impossible. Also, criticism isn't in the episode at all. It isn't saying Muhammahd is horrible at all. It's just a joke, and nothing more. Letting these extremist get away with everything through terror is going to do nothing but spark a new tactic in celebrities and religious groups. If Trey and Matt somehow lose their edge, then religious groups and others will follow their lead. Soon we'll have threats going out to Family Guy, Saturday Night Live, and South Park for all sorts of "criticism". | 2010-04-23 01:36:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
Also Muhhamed wasn't in that bear costume at all. Turns out it was Santa Clause the whole time! ![]() | 2010-04-23 02:32:00 Author: xX-EPIC_MEATWAD-Xx ![]() Posts: 160 |
Ya, that part was both a rip-off (for the whole not Muhammad thing) and funny. I actually thought for a second that Muhammad was Santa Claus! ![]() | 2010-04-23 02:51:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
. The show was dull with the nothing but bleeps and censors. Keep in mind that the bleeps weren't a joke, that was a decision made by Comedy Central. Even the lesson Kyle learns when they bleep out a whole 3 or 4 minutes of dialogue. Of course it seemed like a joke, I'm sure that's what Comedy Central was going for, but now that they did that, essentially allowing terrorism to succeed, I'm kinda disappointed. | 2010-04-23 03:51:00 Author: qrtda235566 ![]() Posts: 3664 |
This is absolutely nuts. I couldn't believe it when I heard that the bleeps were put in my comedy central. I thought it was just a meta-joke that overstayed its welcome and wasn't particularly funny. I can't believe it. It might seem like what Comedy Central did was cowardly, but I'm here to suggest that it was actually quite ballsy. The whole show was about censorship. it takes a LOT of balls for comedy central to go in and censor the entirety of those final speeches, even the parts that didn't require censoring, just to make it seem like a JOKE ABOUT CENSORSHIP on a show making fun of censorship - in place of a spot where instead of an actual censhorship joke, there was an honest speech on why you shouldn't give in to fear. I mean you have to admit. That takes BALLS. | 2010-04-23 08:23:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
This is absolutely nuts. I couldn't believe it when I heard that the bleeps were put in my comedy central. I thought it was just a meta-joke that overstayed its welcome and wasn't particularly funny. I can't believe it. It might seem like what Comedy Central did was cowardly, but I'm here to suggest that it was actually quite ballsy. The whole show was about censorship. it takes a LOT of balls for comedy central to go in and censor the entirety of those final speeches, even the parts that didn't require censoring, just to make it seem like a JOKE ABOUT CENSORSHIP on a show making fun of censorship - in place of a spot where instead of an actual censhorship joke, there was an honest speech on why you shouldn't give in to fear. I mean you have to admit. That takes BALLS. But does it take bigger balls to air the show as-is? I'd say it was a gutsy move either way on the part of Comedy Central, but heavy editing at the end was the way to go from a corporate standpoint. Scott Tenorman!!! | 2010-04-23 13:38:00 Author: supersickie ![]() Posts: 1366 |
This episode definitely did what it was supposed to do, though. South Park did say that this was going to be the most controversial episode of the season. I'm a little suspicious about this, though. I don't doubt the possibility of a publicity stunt. The fact that there's just one more episode left in the season is a little suspicious... Also, the fact that the names of the episodes are their numbers. I know these are to celebrate the 200 episodes of South Park...but still. Something seems a little strange about all this. I still wonder why Cartoon Wars didn't have the same controversy, when episode 200 was trying to be so sensitive and Cartoon Wars clearly poked fun at Muslims. | 2010-04-23 20:19:00 Author: qrtda235566 ![]() Posts: 3664 |
This is incredibly similar to the main idea of the Cartoon Wars episodes :o (the censorship by comedy central). Terrorists, a cartoon showing Muhammad, censorship. Very De ja vu. | 2010-04-23 20:41:00 Author: Boomy ![]() Posts: 3701 |
Well it just came out that Comedy Central is PULLING the old "Super Best Friends" episode from its rerun lineup. They won't be showing it anymore. And Trey and Matt seem to be have been somewhat prepared for something like this to happen, it only surprised them, as it did me, what Comedy Central chose to censor. But just look at the scene where they show a "stick figure" of Mohammad. Randy says something along the lines of "Is... Is that okay? Can we show that?" and it's clearly from the perspective that nobody's sure at that point what Comedy Central's going to censor or not. They just ASSUMED that certain things weren't going to make it through and were deliberately toying with the envelope (having Santa in the bear costume, for example). But I really don't think they expected the show's stated moral, Kyle's speech about fear, to be completely bleeped out. That's a bit out of left field. | 2010-04-23 20:43:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
Lets just all put our heads in the sand =) When i heard this on the news i really lolled about how ironic it is. | 2010-04-23 20:49:00 Author: TjoxYorro ![]() Posts: 220 |
Lets just all put our heads in the sand =) When i heard this on the news i really lolled about how ironic it is. That episode comes up a lot! I just saw a pretty disturbing Tea Party rally in which a giant crowd of people outside the nation's capital all shouts in unison: "Global warming is bull ****! Global warming is bull ****!" over and over. As soon as the speaker at the mic mentions Global Warming, everyone just starts BOOING. And immediately South Park's image of an entire town with their heads buried in the sand popped into my head... | 2010-04-23 20:55:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
It's just baffling. In the KFC episode, they flat out insulted the pope, saying he was making the world safe for pedophiles. | 2010-04-23 20:59:00 Author: qrtda235566 ![]() Posts: 3664 |
That wasn't even the first time they riffed on the Catholic Church. The initial timeframe when the Catholic Church was facing scandal for child molestation South Park had an episode where it was revealed basically all of the Vatican's higher ups were child molesters who took orders from a giant spider from another dimension. Then there was the "Hair Club For Men" episode where the Catholic Church is depicted as an unscrupulous organization mired in treachery and conspiracy and willing to even mistreat Jesus to get what they want. I guess the main difference between Catholics and Muslims is that the Catholic Church really hasn't been doing a good job of deflecting the scandal it has been facing from media as a whole (nor do I feel that they ever had the right to just dismiss it in the first place). Whereas threats of violence seems to be a whole lot more effective as a means of deterrence. Though I am genuinely curious as to what Kyle was going to say. | 2010-04-23 21:31:00 Author: Dapiek Absaroka ![]() Posts: 512 |
I think southparkstudios will have the episode on the site uncensored.. At least.. i hope so =( | 2010-04-23 21:42:00 Author: TjoxYorro ![]() Posts: 220 |
Plot? What plot!? The plot was just making fun of all the people they made fun of. That's it. CNN is jut making up their own useless meaning. All I'm saying is why would religious people get angry about this!? I'm not offended by porn watching Jesus or crack snorting Buhddah! This isn't right. Trey and Matt have freedom of speech, so how can Muslims (Islamic people) expect them to back down? It's almost impossible. Also, criticism isn't in the episode at all. It isn't saying Muhammahd is horrible at all. It's just a joke, and nothing more. Letting these extremist get away with everything through terror is going to do nothing but spark a new tactic in celebrities and religious groups. If Trey and Matt somehow lose their edge, then religious groups and others will follow their lead. Soon we'll have threats going out to Family Guy, Saturday Night Live, and South Park for all sorts of "criticism". I'm afraid your very wrong... South Park is extremely political. It addresses the most controversial of issues and is very clever. Watch a full episode. Open your mind and don't make a judgment on something you know nothing about. Also, all of you guys and dumbing down a huge issue and simplifying it... And learn how to spell Muhammad. | 2010-04-24 01:23:00 Author: UncreativeUserName ![]() Posts: 107 |
I'm afraid your very wrong... South Park is extremely political. It addresses the most controversial of issues and is very clever. Watch a full episode. Open your mind and don't make a judgment on something you know nothing about. Also, all of you guys and dumbing down a huge issue and simplifying it... And learn how to spell Muhammad. Yes it's politcal, but the news always has to twist the episode's meaning. Also, Muhammad is only censored now due to the newspaper article of Muhammad riding a missle. Plus, the show is bringing up an the old topic again, and with it's commercials saying it was going to show everything, from Cartman's dad to Muhammad himself, this made the Muslims even more angry. What I'm saying is that the Muslims are taking this way too far. P.S. I usually respect people's opinions, but this isn't one of those moments. I don't care how you spell Muhammad. I had respect for him, but because of the Muslims' outrages threats, I no longer care if Muhammad's name has 5 a's, d's, or q's for that matter. | 2010-04-24 02:15:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
I'm afraid your very wrong... South Park is extremely political. It addresses the most controversial of issues and is very clever. Watch a full episode. Open your mind and don't make a judgment on something you know nothing about. Also, all of you guys and dumbing down a huge issue and simplifying it... And learn how to spell Muhammad. No one ever said South Park wasn't political. What the **** are you talking about? It's very easy to come into a thread, call everyone stupid, and leave without contributing and making yourself look like a dumb ***. I'd like to see your position on the controversy surrounding the episodes... | 2010-04-24 02:32:00 Author: qrtda235566 ![]() Posts: 3664 |
I'm afraid your very wrong... South Park is extremely political. It addresses the most controversial of issues and is very clever. Watch a full episode. Open your mind and don't make a judgment on something you know nothing about. Also, all of you guys and dumbing down a huge issue and simplifying it... And learn how to spell Muhammad. Watch a full episode. Maybe a whole SEASON for that matter. You obviously have not watched this show long enough to comment on this thread. And its dimwitted people like you that make are society a living hell. | 2010-04-24 03:01:00 Author: xX-EPIC_MEATWAD-Xx ![]() Posts: 160 |
No one ever said South Park wasn't political. What the **** are you talking about? It's very easy to come into a thread, call everyone stupid, and leave without contributing and making yourself look like a dumb ***. I'd like to see your position on the controversy surrounding the episodes... Watch a full episode. Maybe a whole SEASON for that matter. You obviously have not watched this show long enough to comment on this thread. And its dimwitted people like you that make are society a living hell. Enough name calling guys. It's best if we just ignore the stupid post and move on with the topic. On Topic: Personally, I think revolutionmuslim.com is going against "Freedom of Speech". I don't think its legal to send threats via internet or mail. P.S. If these Muslims hate our country so much, why do they live here!? It's like saying you hate McDonald's, but you still eat there! | 2010-04-24 04:15:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
Sorry about that, I normally don't act like that :blush: ......... But I still agree entirely with you Sora about this whole muslim/ threat thing. | 2010-04-24 04:48:00 Author: xX-EPIC_MEATWAD-Xx ![]() Posts: 160 |
You know what, I'm more disappointed in Comedy Central than anything else. The outrage is ridiculous, but far worse to me than the outrage is the reaction to it. They cowered! They tucked their tale and hid in the closet! There are always going to be people that take something they see as offensive, which should be freely expressed nonetheless (NOBODY has the right to be free from offense in America), and then express over-the-top outrage about it. This is nothing new. Whether it's about showing Mohammad or writing "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas". But there's a way to handle these people. You either debate it if it's something they're complaining about, or you ignore if it's something they're demanding you do/don't do. In this case Comedy Central took the coward's route and censored a bunch of meaningful stuff that shouldn't have been. I think I'm more mad at Comedy Central than at revolutionmuslim.com. | 2010-04-24 10:56:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
You know what, I'm more disappointed in Comedy Central than anything else. The outrage is ridiculous, but far worse to me than the outrage is the reaction to it. They cowered! They tucked their tale and hid in the closet! There are always going to be people that take something they see as offensive, which should be freely expressed nonetheless (NOBODY has the right to be free from offense in America), and then express over-the-top outrage about it. This is nothing new. Whether it's about showing Mohammad or writing "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas". But there's a way to handle these people. You either debate it if it's something they're complaining about, or you ignore if it's something they're demanding you do/don't do. In this case Comedy Central took the coward's route and censored a bunch of meaningful stuff that shouldn't have been. I think I'm more mad at Comedy Central than at revolutionmuslim.com. I agree with T (it's your new nickname!). Comedy Central shouldn't have chickened out. | 2010-04-24 15:12:00 Author: blizzard_cool ![]() Posts: 752 |
Hey at least something good came out of all this.............................. NEW GINGER EPISODES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ![]() | 2010-04-24 16:53:00 Author: xX-EPIC_MEATWAD-Xx ![]() Posts: 160 |
On a related note, did anyone see the most recent episode of "Supernatural?" It had deities from Hinduism, Norse mythology, Greek Mythology and others being depicted as human-eating monsters (which is admittedly par the course for the show) and then being killed off like chumps. That was probably one hundred times as insulting to their respective belief systems (even though some aren't even practiced at all anymore) as anything South Park ever did to Mohammad. Hell, the worse thing they've ever done with Mohammad was in the original "Super Best Friends" episode where they gave him pyrokinesis for some reason and put him on a superhero team (which, when you think about it isn't insulting at all so much as very deliberately ridiculous). But for some reason, I don't expect any Hindu groups getting too riled up about this... | 2010-04-25 03:36:00 Author: Dapiek Absaroka ![]() Posts: 512 |
On a related note, did anyone see the most recent episode of "Supernatural?" It had deities from Hinduism, Norse mythology, Greek Mythology and others being depicted as human-eating monsters (which is admittedly par the course for the show) and then being killed off like chumps. That was probably one hundred times as insulting to their respective belief systems (even though some aren't even practiced at all anymore) as anything South Park ever did to Mohammad. Hell, the worse thing they've ever done with Mohammad was in the original "Super Best Friends" episode where they gave him pyrokinesis for some reason and put him on a superhero team (which, when you think about it isn't insulting at all so much as very deliberately ridiculous). But for some reason, I don't expect any Hindu groups getting too riled up about this... That's a little bit random, but I guess it'll work. Okay, to tell you the truth, no one cares about that. The Muslims from muslimrevolution.com are like the bullies in this so called school. You mess with them, they'll act all stupid and start picking fights. The teacher, Comedy Central, tries to stop this fight without realizing what he's/she's doing. The principle, the law, is to blind to see what's going on and is instead defending the bully. Where am I going with this? Simple: I'm saying that Muslims are practically the only people who go around threatening people for their own reasons, so that show is nowhere near South Park's situation/standards. You know what, I'm more disappointed in Comedy Central than anything else. The outrage is ridiculous, but far worse to me than the outrage is the reaction to it. They cowered! They tucked their tale and hid in the closet! There are always going to be people that take something they see as offensive, which should be freely expressed nonetheless (NOBODY has the right to be free from offense in America), and then express over-the-top outrage about it. This is nothing new. Whether it's about showing Mohammad or writing "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas". But there's a way to handle these people. You either debate it if it's something they're complaining about, or you ignore if it's something they're demanding you do/don't do. In this case Comedy Central took the coward's route and censored a bunch of meaningful stuff that shouldn't have been. I think I'm more mad at Comedy Central than at revolutionmuslim.com. I thought you said Comedy Central was "ballsy". Now they're "wimps" (by the way you're posting, I think you're calling them something worse than "wimps")? For Comedy Central, it was a difficult choice. You have to see this from their eyes. Do you let Matt and Trey show the episode uncensored, possibly getting them killed? Or do you censor it, and possibly get hated on? Either way, you are screwed, media wise and/or religion wise. Am I happy with Comedy Central's choice? No, because they chickened out! But, if they uncensored it and got Matt and Trey killed, would I have been mad at them? Yes, because I would have said "They could've saved them!". So ya, either way, Comedy Central was screwed from the start. I'm just glad Comedy Central made the right choice to recieve hate from their fans, rather than recieve an invite to a funeral. | 2010-04-25 05:27:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
That's a little bit random, but I guess it'll work. Okay, to tell you the truth, no one cares about that. The Muslims from muslimrevolution.com are like the bullies in this so called school. You mess with them, they'll act all stupid and start picking fights. The teacher, Comedy Central, tries to stop this fight without realizing what he's/she's doing. The principle, the law, is to blind to see what's going on and is instead defending the bully. Where am I going with this? Simple: I'm saying that Muslims are practically the only people who go around threatening people for their own reasons, so that show is nowhere near South Park's situation/standards. I thought you said Comedy Central was "ballsy". Now they're "wimps" (by the way you're posting, I think you're calling them something worse than "wimps")? For Comedy Central, it was a difficult choice. You have to see this from their eyes. Do you let Matt and Trey show the episode uncensored, possibly getting them killed? Or do you censor it, and possibly get hated on? Either way, you are screwed, media wise and/or religion wise. Am I happy with Comedy Central's choice? No, because they chickened out! But, if they uncensored it and got Matt and Trey killed, would I have been mad at them? Yes, because I would have said "They could've saved them!". So ya, either way, Comedy Central was screwed from the start. I'm just glad Comedy Central made the right choice to recieve hate from their fans, rather than recieve an invite to a funeral. Hah - my calling them ballsy was my being ironic. They're total wimps to censor the show. But they've got BALLS to censor it THE WAY THEY DID. I mean, what in the holy hell were they THINKING?!! And I don't believe for a second that the censoring of this episode is keeping Matt and Trey "safe". Nor do I think they're painting a target on their backs by writing these jokes. People are getting way, way too riled up and afraid that any little joke is going to end in their murder and/or martyrdom. That's gotta stop real fast. Even with the episode being censored as it was, the jokes are still present, and the important message given at the end affirming the need to NOT give in to fear WAS censored. If an extremist was going to kill Matt and Trey, they were going to do it whether Comedy Central blacked out Mohammad or not. Putting a black bar over him and cutting out every instance of the word itself isn't going to "protect" them even remotely. However - if they DID end up being killed in spite of this, it would be an abysmal, atrocious thing that Comedy Central cut the final speech in order to make it their own "joke" about their own censorship. This was tasteless in the extreme. They should be ashamed. It's not on Comedy Central's heads whether or not someone takes action against Matt and Trey. Obviously there are some Viacom and/or Comedy Central execs who don't see it that way, and were afraid of losing the guys or being blamed, or negative publicity in general. I don't doubt that Matt and Trey will continue to push the envelope, which is the one good thing going forward out of this. If anything, maybe they'll push even harder. | 2010-04-26 09:06:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
Do keep in mind that the whole thing why some Muslims are mad is because that's a rule that would be equibalent to one of the 10 commandments in the christian religion. Is as if they showed on Tv someone being murdered, commiting adutery and so on. They show them anyways you say? Well sure, well sure, a lot of the Tv and religions are so used to immoral content they don't care anymore, and do keep in mind they still have the rating system (Pg, PG-13, R and so on) Now if they showed R-rated material to small children then people would be flipping out i'll asure you. look my point is, just because something doesn't seem wrong to you doesn't mean its right. Example, when they Nuked Japan, in the U.S. - Act of heroism, In japan - Greatest act of terrorism. I'm by no means supporting senseless murdere of course, but please do use common sense and not mess with things you ddon't know much about, specially other's religions. | 2010-04-27 01:21:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
Yes Silverleon, but it's the fact that Muslims are actually threatening to kill someone here. Think of it like this: American in Japan + Threats To Nuke Japan = Riot American in America + Threats To Nuke Japan = Hooray It's the same here. Muslims are going against Matt and Trey for poking fun at their religion, yet the Muslims are doing this in a very Christianic country. It's like us going to Iraq and saying "Jesus!". It's offensive because the majority of Muslimsm (or Islamic I believe). So Muslims threats here is very offensive too. I honestly don't think we're going to let these guys say "Kill the South Park creators! Oh, and Subways on me!". | 2010-04-27 01:50:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
Oh yes of course i'm all against killing the innocent, and i'm well aware this is a christian country, i'm just saying that that doesn't give christians the right to make fun of other religions. | 2010-04-27 02:01:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
Plot? What plot!? The plot was just making fun of all the people they made fun of. That's it. CNN is jut making up their own useless meaning. All I'm saying is why would religious people get angry about this!? I'm not offended by porn watching Jesus or crack snorting Buhddah! This isn't right. Trey and Matt have freedom of speech, so how can Muslims (Islamic people) expect them to back down? It's almost impossible. Also, criticism isn't in the episode at all. It isn't saying Muhammahd is horrible at all. It's just a joke, and nothing more. Letting these extremist get away with everything through terror is going to do nothing but spark a new tactic in celebrities and religious groups. If Trey and Matt somehow lose their edge, then religious groups and others will follow their lead. Soon we'll have threats going out to Family Guy, Saturday Night Live, and South Park for all sorts of "criticism". Well yes...but there is always some moral or underlying theme to the stories. Not before season 5 i'll grant you, but in the last 7 seasons or so there has always been a point that the episodes have pivoted around. "You know what guys? I learned something today..." CNN was correct in saying that part of the episode was dealing with the fact that no one should be above criticism, which is why it focussed so heavily on tom cruise (because of his scientology). CNN is just didn't bother dealing with the whole cartmans mum part of the episode, it's not particularly newsworthy lol ![]() | 2010-04-27 02:16:00 Author: Asbestos101 ![]() Posts: 1114 |
Oh yes of course i'm all against killing the innocent, and i'm well aware this is a christian country, i'm just saying that that doesn't give christians the right to make fun of other religions. True, but it's also not an excuse to threaten to kill someone. It's as simple as this: Two wrongs don't make on right. Well yes...but there is always some moral or underlying theme to the stories. Not before season 5 i'll grant you, but in the last 7 seasons or so there has always been a point that the episodes have pivoted around. "You know what guys? I learned something today..." CNN was correct in saying that part of the episode was dealing with the fact that no one should be above criticism, which is why it focussed so heavily on tom cruise (because of his scientology). CNN is just didn't bother dealing with the whole cartmans mum part of the episode, it's not particularly newsworthy lol ![]() Well yes, but since this episode's "You know what guys? I learned something today..." was bleeped out, there was technically no lesson to learn here. (Oh, and congrads on winning the last Contraption Challenge. ![]() | 2010-04-27 02:30:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
This seemed rather appropriate: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQ3VcbAfd4w | 2010-04-27 12:07:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
Oh yes of course i'm all against killing the innocent, and i'm well aware this is a christian country, i'm just saying that that doesn't give christians the right to make fun of other religions. Of course it does, as Muslims have equal right to make fun of Christians. In my honest opinion, religion is just made up for people who are insecure, so maybe I'm not the right person to talk about this, and maybe I just don't understand their point of view, but think revolutionmuslim is wrong on this one. Then again, maybe not. From what I see on the news, Islam seems backwards to me morally, though I think this rests partially on the media making it seem this way. I'm sure the majority of Muslims can take a joke and won't kill someone just because South Park poked fun at their religion, but the only time Muslims make the news really is when radicals do something bad. The only thing humans have that I think actually matters is our ability to express ourselves. All of those who threaten our freedom of peaceful, nonviolent expression should be eradicated. It's a shame what's happened to the middle-east as a whole. Back in the day they used to be so civilized and advanced. Until those god **** mongols! ![]() | 2010-04-28 20:27:00 Author: qrtda235566 ![]() Posts: 3664 |
From what I see on the news, Islam seems backwards to me morally... Well THERE'S your problem! Here's an excerpt from the preface to Michel Onfray's "Atheist Manifesto". In it, he is studying Islam in the Mauritanian desert (west Africa). He is staying with his Islamic driver, a man fiercely devoted to his religion. Surprised that a westerner, a white man, was interested in Islam, he challenged every assertion I made. I had just read the Koran, pen in hand, and I had memorized several passages word for word. But his unquestioning faith led him to deny that any verses in his holy book were contrary to basic Islamic principles of goodness, tolerance, generosity, and peace. Holy war? Proclamation of jihad against unbelievers? A fatwa issued for the execution of an author? State-of-the-art terrorism? Madmen did those things, certainly not Muslims. After another silence, he went on to say that before entering paradise he would have accounts to settle. He was worried that his whole life as a pious believer would probably not be enough to make up for a certain error that he had committed, one that might well cost him peace and life everlasting... What crime? A murder? A mortal sin, as Christians say? Yes, in a way: once, in his car, he ran over a jackal. Abdou was driving too fast that night, over the speed limit. But it was a desert trail, and approaching headlights were visible from miles away. The road was clear, he saw nothing ahead... when suddenly a jackal leaped out of the shadows, and two seconds later it was dying under the wheels of his car. Here's a muslim who is haunted his entire life because he accidentally ran over a jackal once. You are not likely to find a more peaceful man anywhere in the world. Jesus, I'm tempted to start a "militant" group somewhere and then demand that Comedy Central un-censor the show or Matt and Trey might "go the way of the Dodo. I'm not making a threat. I'm just saying that what happened to the Dodo is probably going to happen to Matt and Trey." | 2010-04-28 22:24:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
Saying Islam is backwards morally is pretty much just wrong, not to mention very offensive. I don't think it could be more wrong. You get extremists of EVERY religion. I don't see the big deal about the censoring, South Park has never really approached political cleverness. It certainly makes the preteens devoted to it feel all smart but it's actually devoid of substance and I'm sure the creators know that. They just want edginess. I mean, it is a very funny show, yeah. But it does politics poorly and provoking people with an uncensored Mohammed really doesn't have a place. You guys are making a big to-do over nothing. Ogle some pictures of Mohammed with Google Images, get your edgy kicks there. | 2010-04-28 22:56:00 Author: monstahr ![]() Posts: 1361 |
Of course it does, as Muslims have equal right to make fun of Christians. In my honest opinion, religion is just made up for people who are insecure, so maybe I'm not the right person to talk about this, and maybe I just don't understand their point of view, but think revolutionmuslim is wrong on this one. Then again, maybe not. From what I see on the news, Islam seems backwards to me morally, though I think this rests partially on the media making it seem this way. I'm sure the majority of Muslims can take a joke and won't kill someone just because South Park poked fun at their religion, but the only time Muslims make the news really is when radicals do something bad. The only thing humans have that I think actually matters is our ability to express ourselves. All of those who threaten our freedom of peaceful, nonviolent expression should be eradicated. It's a shame what's happened to the middle-east as a whole. Back in the day they used to be so civilized and advanced. Until those god **** mongols! ![]() Saying Islam is backwards morally is pretty much just wrong, not to mention very offensive. I don't think it could be more wrong. You get extremists of EVERY religion. I don't see the big deal about the censoring, South Park has never really approached political cleverness. It certainly makes the preteens devoted to it feel all smart but it's actually devoid of substance and I'm sure the creators know that. They just want edginess. I mean, it is a very funny show, yeah. But it does politics poorly and provoking people with an uncensored Mohammed really doesn't have a place. You guys are making a big to-do over nothing. Ogle some pictures of Mohammed with Google Images, get your edgy kicks there. I know it's pretty offensive, though I'm not going to go research a religion I really don't care about just so I can seem unbiased. I'm just saying that, from what I see on the media, Muslims seem frighteningly dedicated to killing everyone who doesn't agree with them, but I'm also saying that this is the news. According to the news everyone's a murderous rapist pedophile. I'm interested in what they'll do with their new episode right NOW. Perhaps it will be excessively tame. | 2010-04-29 03:01:00 Author: qrtda235566 ![]() Posts: 3664 |
Oh crap, there's a new one tonight!! I'm very curious to see what this is. Let me dig up their statement from last week... In fact, Kyle's customary final speech was about intimidation and fear. It didn't mention Muhammad at all but it got bleeped too. We'll be back next week with a whole new show about something completely different and we'll see what happens to it. I think they're out now to play ball with Comedy Central. "We'll see what happens to it." This could either mean that they're going to go ALL OUT in an offensive attack against - say, jesus? Or, as awesomemans suggests, maybe they'll do something over-the-top tame by creating a really grisly, awful story, and treating it with the most obscenely fluffy kid gloves imaginable. I do expect that the episode is going to be almost a direct response to last week's censorship. I'm very intrigued to see what they're up to tonight! EDIT: ...The episode's called "Shark Whistle", and the clip available on the site shows a new overweight character swimming underwater claiming to nobody in particular "deeh, I've got a shark whistle!" ....????!! | 2010-04-29 04:54:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
SouthPark's hissy fit towards Comedy Central should be GOLD! Between Tiger Woods sex scandal parodies and blatant Muhammad depictions, SouthPark always keeps things interesting! | 2010-04-29 04:58:00 Author: Incinerator22 ![]() Posts: 3251 |
Oh, I just looked into it some more (episode's downloading right now, so I haven't seen it), but the episode's actually called "Crippled Summer", and looks to be possibly about a summer camp for crippled kids. Jimmy and Timmy are in attendance, as well as a host of new characters. | 2010-04-29 06:25:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
T....tt.....ttt..EEBOOOOOOH | 2010-04-29 18:47:00 Author: BasketSnake ![]() Posts: 2391 |
I know it's pretty offensive, though I'm not going to go research a religion I really don't care about just so I can seem unbiased. It's not your fault, it's the news I suppose, but it's sad that this kind of thing isn't common knowledge... and, if you know the news you're watching is generally garbage, why watch it? If you're aware that your information is false, the next logical step is to replace it with truth. Ugh, I don't mean to drag this on, but if you knew any Muslim people you would probably be kicking yourself for what you're saying, whether or not you are actually committed to that belief. | 2010-04-29 20:00:00 Author: monstahr ![]() Posts: 1361 |
It's not your fault, it's the news I suppose, but it's sad that this kind of thing isn't common knowledge... and, if you know the news you're watching is generally garbage, why watch it? If you're aware that your information is false, the next logical step is to replace it with truth. Ugh, I don't mean to drag this on, but if you knew any Muslim people you would probably be kicking yourself for what you're saying, whether or not you are actually committed to that belief. I do know a muslim kid who goes to my school, though. I mean, he's a decent kid and he doesn't talk about his religion much, and I'm sure if I said something about Mohammed he wouldn't come and kill me or anything, though I won't test him ![]() | 2010-04-29 20:22:00 Author: qrtda235566 ![]() Posts: 3664 |
I do know a muslim kid who goes to my school, though. I mean, he's a decent kid and he doesn't talk about his religion much, and I'm sure if I said something about Mohammed he wouldn't come and kill me or anything, though I won't test him ![]() Dude, are you joking... you sound so uneducated and intolerant right now. First, don't believe everything in the media... second, how is Islam morally backwards!!!! WTF are you talking about, do NOT make judgements about something when you know nothing about it. my god, the media has corrupted you.. i feel bad for your..ignorance. | 2010-04-29 22:06:00 Author: UncreativeUserName ![]() Posts: 107 |
Dude, are you joking... you sound so uneducated and intolerant right now. First, don't believe everything in the media... second, how is Islam morally backwards!!!! WTF are you talking about, do NOT make judgements about something when you know nothing about it. my god, the media has corrupted you.. i feel bad for your..ignorance. I feel bad for your inability to understand what I said. Do I really need to explain myself again? I never said I believed what the media would have me believe. That was my whole point. Are you being sarcastic? Besides, I was just being honest. Anyway, if you go on Southparkstudios, the episode now says that it's not streaming because of the legal obligations thing. Maybe it will be put up uncensored the day it says. | 2010-04-29 22:48:00 Author: qrtda235566 ![]() Posts: 3664 |
- It's true, the news is totally ridiculous and contains multitudes of falsehoods. - It's also true, there are ways to seek out the truth, and it is always worth doing so. Aaanyway, back on topic, gents? Last night's episode really didn't do the job of addressing last week's debacle, but it did have a few unbelievably, unbelievably funny bits. My girlfriend told me afterward about the "walking on sunshine" episode of Intervention, but even - and maybe especially - without the reference, seeing Towelie's twisted face as he huffs canned air and exclaiming "IT'S LIKE I'M WALKING ON SUNSHINE." was one of the funniest things I've seen in a long, long time. I laughed till it hurt. | 2010-04-29 23:31:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
- It's true, the news is totally ridiculous and contains multitudes of falsehoods. - It's also true, there are ways to seek out the truth, and it is always worth doing so. Aaanyway, back on topic, gents? Last night's episode really didn't do the job of addressing last week's debacle, but it did have a few unbelievably, unbelievably funny bits. My girlfriend told me afterward about the "walking on sunshine" episode of Intervention, but even - and maybe especially - without the reference, seeing Towelie's twisted face as he huffs canned air and exclaiming "IT'S LIKE I'M WALKING ON SUNSHINE." was one of the funniest things I've seen in a long, long time. I laughed till it hurt. I thought this half of the season ended the way it began, disappointingly. It was better than Sexual Healing, that's for sure, but it didn't have anything as good as Morgan Freeman reading The Poop that Took a Pee or Randy just "getting a little bit of cancer". The Medical KFC episode was the best of the season, imo. | 2010-04-30 03:15:00 Author: qrtda235566 ![]() Posts: 3664 |
Agreed, the KFC episode was the best of the batch. "it's like a hoppity hop!", and the music... The music! But I have to say, "It's like I'm walking on sunshine" may have been the single hardest laugh I had all season. | 2010-04-30 05:01:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
3 or 2 weeks til cobbercab ![]() | 2010-05-01 18:27:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
with the cripple camp reminded me of saturday morning cartoon with trying to get Jimmy and the blue team. | 2010-05-04 16:23:00 Author: monkeymagic ![]() Posts: 71 |
It is BACK! Watching the latest episode now. | 2010-10-09 15:36:00 Author: Boomy ![]() Posts: 3701 |
Thanks for the necromancy! ![]() So, what did you guys think of the new episode? I thought it was hilarious when they showed the Snooky! ![]() | 2010-10-14 03:31:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
Watching yesterdays episode now. ![]() | 2010-10-14 08:53:00 Author: Boomy ![]() Posts: 3701 |
lol i watched the jersey shore one loved it the ednign was verry verry great ![]() | 2010-10-14 15:37:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
lol i watched the jersey shore one loved it the ednign was verry verry great ![]() Haha "We got`em!" loved it | 2010-10-14 15:38:00 Author: EinRobot ![]() Posts: 739 |
Pretty funny episode to be honest. Its a Jersey thing! | 2010-10-14 17:53:00 Author: Boomy ![]() Posts: 3701 |
I thought they over exaggerated Kyle's "transformation", but I did laugh when they started to fight! ![]() "You're nothing but trash! You hear! You're cabbage! CABBAGE!" | 2010-10-15 01:51:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
DOUBLE POST! So, who's going to watch the new episode tonight? I know I will. ![]() | 2010-10-21 02:07:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
Going to watch it later today after uni. ![]() | 2010-10-21 06:55:00 Author: Boomy ![]() Posts: 3701 |
Well, I finished watching it, and though it was a bit random at best. But then again, when has Inception ever been a non-random movie? *Cue guy doing background noises.* | 2010-10-21 15:11:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
the one where mr Garrison invents that car that is powered by friction ![]() | 2010-10-28 11:22:00 Author: N_pples ![]() Posts: 13 |
Anyone watch the newest one? I thought it was brilliant, especially Timmy as Iron Maiden. ![]() Something about all the kids as superheroes is just awesome. And now we know who Mysterion finally is. ![]() | 2010-10-29 06:45:00 Author: trip090 ![]() Posts: 1562 |
Anyone watch the newest one? I thought it was brilliant, especially Timmy as Iron Maiden. ![]() Something about all the kids as superheroes is just awesome. And now we know who Mysterion finally is. ![]() I missed that episode. ![]() I got home around 6:00 (I was busy), and I "passed out" around 7:00. So I didn't get to watch anything that day. .... But on the plus side, I got a very good night's of sleep. ![]() | 2010-10-29 11:43:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
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