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Tank with both tracks and independant suspension.

Archive: 5 posts

I've been working on different models of the same concept for a long time now and finally it has all come together.
I know I said in the title it was a tank but it's not really. It's more of a tracked offroad vehicle with weapons, like a tank but not one.

The main reason for creating this was to make a vehicle that had both tracks and independant suspension, to try and provide LBP the forefront of offroad ability. The body has been shaped 80% for functionality and 20% to look good, I left that to materials and stickers, so I'm not to concerned about what your opinions are about it's looks but feel free to comment if you want. I've been trying to think of a name for it but have not had much luck so far, evverything I think of is just really tacky (e.g. Iron Head) so if you have any suggestions for names please post them.

I'm looking for people to test it out and give feedback. I'm willing to do F4F but as I'm currently in Yr12 and I have a few assignments at the moment I can't promise anything, I'll try my best though. So go crazy on it and just you try to break it.
If you want to test it out just post an expression of interest and I'll send you the password for the level. To find the level just search my PSN wstockdale93 and play the only published level I have titled "Untitled Tank"


2010-03-24 11:47:00

Posts: 2431

Hmm looks very unstable, is it? And pardon my OCD here but when you take pictures please turn off your flash, it bothers the heck out of me. But other than that, I can imagine a control scheme that looks comfortable. On your next tank though, try to incorporate a mounting system with no jet pack. Also I cant visually see the weapons could you point them out for me? Other than than it looks great and I would like to play the level level . Well since this is F4F check out my FT-17 Renault in my signature. And send me a friend request and I'll let you test the renault 2010-03-24 13:28:00

Posts: 192

Hmm looks very unstable, is it? And pardon my OCD here but when you take pictures please turn off your flash, it bothers the heck out of me. But other than that, I can imagine a control scheme that looks comfortable. On your next tank though, try to incorporate a mounting system with no jet pack. Also I cant visually see the weapons could you point them out for me? Other than than it looks great and I would like to play the level level . Well since this is F4F check out my FT-17 Renault in my signature. And send me a friend request and I'll let you test the renault

Thanks for replying. Well it's actually very stable, i've tested it a lot. Sorry about the flash, I have a 5 year old camera and for some reason if you turn the flash off the image goes all blurry so I have to keep it on. The control sceme is a simple point and grab system with one double tap/grab button to change weapons. I did play around with different mounting systems but the jetpack was the easiest, most effective and reliable method. As for the weapons you can't see them because it pops up out of the body when you fire it.
2010-03-25 06:55:00

Posts: 2431

Not bad Funny, apparently you said it is very stable, even though it looks pretty unstable. I would upload my two anime characters i just made but, meh i have no idea how to work it out 2010-03-25 23:24:00

Posts: 1176

Not bad Funny, apparently you said it is very stable, even though it looks pretty unstable. I would upload my two anime characters i just made but, meh i have no idea how to work it out

I think people might be thinking it's unstable because of the springs, is this true?
If this is the reason then I'd like to point out that the four spring that you can see are actually dummy springs they do absolutely nothing, just there for looks. I've hidden the springs that do all the work because I've worked quite hard on this don't want people knoww how it all works... yet. Just thought I'd clear that up.
2010-03-26 13:36:00

Posts: 2431

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