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Smokeless demitting..... sort of

Archive: 6 posts

I was trying to trick the game into letting me keep a knife I had plasmafied (give it a leg and creature brain set to vulnerable and let the leg touch a plasma ball). In one of my attempts, I hit pause just as the knife was starting to go smokey. It makes a pretty trippy effect on the screen when you move it around. I copied it and pasted it and noticed the copy wasn't smoking, so I unpaused to see what would happen: it disappeared without smoke.

So the next logical step, if I couldn't keep it from disappearing, was to make it LOOK like I could keep it from disappearing. I set up an emitter with 0.0 frequency (you can't set an emitter to 0, but Mm has one on the bubble vendor object from the mgs pack that you can steal) to emit the knife. Success! The knife appears to hover in the air where it's being emitted, and there's no smoke! Hook a switch to the emitter and you can turn it on and off, and the object goes with it.

So now the bad news. It works great on the 3d objects Mm gives us (knife, shuriken, golfball, doll parts, etc) but materials don't work consistently. I figure it may have something to do with how long it takes to render the material versus how long the object takes or something, but for whatever reason, if you make a block of material and use the smokeless emitting trick, it'll mostly be invisible, though it'll occasionally flash to visible for a few seconds. I even tried embedding a golf ball in the material to "anchor" it: the golfball was visible the whole time, but the material followed the same pattern as before.

To set it up, you need an object to be on the brink of disappearing. I've only tried it with objects that were killed by a brain, but I'm pretty sure grabbing an object just as its emitter lifetime runs out will work too. Since the timing is so difficult to get right, I captured the dead knife and set an emitter to repeatedly spit it out. Then you have to hit pause just as it goes smokey. If you wait until you actually see smoke to hit pause it'll be too late: you need to hit it at the instant the smoke is about to happen. You'll know if you succeeded when you see the big smokey mess coming off the object in pause mode. while still in pause mode, capture the object and stick it in a magic 0.0 second emitter. It may appear to jitter a bit, but you can fix that by gluing a bit of dark matter to the object before you capture it.

It's worth noting that when Aya was on my moon, he set the emitter's frequency to .1 and it looked fine to him, but I could see the object flickering: probably because I was the host and wasn't getting as much lag. So it may look fine when you set it to .1 but it's really not: you need to steal Mm's magic emitter from the bubble vendor.

Using this trick as a workaround, I'm finally able to give my mech a plasma sword
2010-03-24 05:19:00

Posts: 2188

According to a recent topic the same emitter can be found in the jumping tank object (from wilderness I think), it's on the cannon.2010-03-24 10:21:00

Posts: 572

It's worth noting that when Aya was on my moon, he set the emitter's frequency to .1 and it looked fine to him, but I could see the object flickering: probably because I was the host and wasn't getting as much lag.

Actually, it depended on how much of the object was visible on the screen.

According to a recent topic the same emitter can be found in the jumping tank object (from wilderness I think), it's on the cannon.

If you're referring to this thread (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=24109-Weird-emitter-in-Mm-vehicle), then it's actually the complete opposite (as I mentioned in the thread). The emitter on that is set to infinity, meaning the emitter will never emit unless triggered by a one-shot switch.

It's also worth noting that stealing emitters from these objects and placing them on your own means you then can't remove them later.
2010-03-24 11:28:00

Posts: 2870

you then can't remove them later.

Sure you can. Cut a tiny square out of the material where the emitter is and use the corner editor to patch it.
2010-03-24 18:21:00

Posts: 2188

Sure you can. Cut a tiny square out of the material where the emitter is and use the corner editor to patch it.

You knew what I meant, i.e. you can't remove them in the usual way.
2010-03-24 19:12:00

Posts: 2870

This thread: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=12364-A-Solution-For-Eliminating-Emitted-Object-Dissolve-Smoke

has another technique that has been used to create smokeless emitting. Its been quite a while, so I'm not sure it still works the same, but this should let you emit things other than objects
2010-03-24 20:55:00

Posts: 3322

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