LittleBigPlanet 2
Archive: 15 posts
Its been 'announced'. Oh god. Discuss. | 2010-03-23 17:27:00 Author: Testudini ![]() Posts: 3262 |
Press release or GTFO. We're still waiting to find out if the dutch guy mistook the inclusion of move as a patch for a full on sequel. | 2010-03-23 17:35:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Well most of the major new sources seem to have been fooled by it. | 2010-03-23 17:48:00 Author: Arkei ![]() Posts: 1432 |
This has to be in some kind of DLC! Or I'm definately not gettin it! | 2010-03-23 17:49:00 Author: talbot-trembler ![]() Posts: 1114 |
I'm all up for a new game. Although i'm fairly sure this will just be a patch. | 2010-03-23 18:16:00 Author: Dexiro ![]() Posts: 2100 |
I'm all up for a new game. Although i'm fairly sure this will just be a patch. Yup I hope so ![]() Otherwise they will make sackboy cry. | 2010-03-23 19:22:00 Author: Dexist ![]() Posts: 570 |
It's still just a rumor as one source pointed out, he never talked about how move would be compatible with the old LBP which was something announced during GDC. Also, since he was talking about a list, couldn't the two he said been too? As in, "Little Big Planet too." | 2010-03-23 19:31:00 Author: shebhnt ![]() Posts: 414 |
No, he was speaking Dutch, not English. ![]() | 2010-03-23 19:35:00 Author: Syroc ![]() Posts: 3193 |
I know he was speaking Dutch, I'm just saying it could easily have been a mistranslation. Also, there is already a very long thread about this so you guys should go here if you want to keep talking. (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=23630-LBP-2-to-come-this-year/page9) | 2010-03-23 19:48:00 Author: shebhnt ![]() Posts: 414 |
They ought to confirm/deconfirm this, along with some details, before the Sonic pack is released. I wanna know if I can be confident in my purchase's longevity | 2010-03-23 20:25:00 Author: monstahr ![]() Posts: 1361 |
I'm all up for a new game. Although i'm fairly sure this will just be a patch. Yeah I don't think Mm would make another LittleBigPlanet game. One great game with fantastic DLC updates and packs are enough. | 2010-03-23 22:24:00 Author: Shockwave4 ![]() Posts: 200 |
Actually, I wouldn't mind if their was a LBP 2 as long as all your creations, costumes, lvls, etc. were transfered over to the new game, and they both had the same community (Example: Person A posts a level on LBP 1 but not LBP 2, however you can still play that level on LBP 2) | 2010-03-24 14:48:00 Author: Testudini ![]() Posts: 3262 |
Really? i havent heard this wow, I hope its not in 3D but I hope they make The 3D "not a Glitch" instead a Capability you know? But i hope the gameplay sticks to 2D. | 2010-03-24 18:07:00 Author: Bloo_boy ![]() Posts: 1019 |
In a recent interview, it looked like Sony Benelux brand manager Folkert Langeveld had confirmed a Sackboy sequel when he said the words 'LittleBigPlanet Twee', translating into 'LittleBigPlanet 2'. Unfortunately, this isn't the case. The interview was set around the PlayStation Move, making many automatically believe that this was the confirmation of a sequel, and its support of the motion controller. Instead, we got in touch with SCEE, who told us the following: "As demonstrated recently at GDC, LittleBigPlanet has been shown as an example of how an existing game could benefit from PlayStation Move Motion Controller support. This is not a confirmation of LittleBigPlanet 2, and we do not have any announcements to make about the LittleBigPlanet franchise." So for the moment, there isn't a LittleBigPlanet 2. We wouldn't though, rule the game out for an E3 announcement in June, or at the Tokyo Games Show in September. http://connectedconsoles.com/ps3-Sony-Comment-On-LittleBigPlanet-2-Speculation.cfm | 2010-03-25 14:32:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
they mis sed it | 2010-03-25 15:20:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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