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2X Higher Jump

Archive: 9 posts

I want to give this away but I dont want the H4H to get the hands on it yet. I know we would have a week or two of OMG SUPER JUMP level flooding the cool pages

its in my new level 8bit shoot 'em up

if you want to use it send me a PM and tell me what you wanting to use it for.

You cant give it away yet or tell anyone how to do it "yet" I really dont want the flood we all seen in the pass. I want to LBPC to put out some A+ levels first


2010-03-23 08:27:00

Posts: 1014

is this that gravity block glitch with rods and dark matter? or does it affect the whole level? cos i'm kind of interested.2010-03-23 09:16:00

Posts: 1562

is this that gravity block glitch with rods and dark matter? or does it affect the whole level? cos i'm kind of interested.

Sounds like it they are rules idk if they the same and it not the whole level and if you turn it upside down you have a no jumping zone
2010-03-23 09:34:00

Posts: 1014

Whilst this is the kind of gimmicky thing that the cool pages kiddies's love, I'm pretty sure they had their hands on this aaages ago jump_button. It was briefly a bit of a fad 6 months ago

is this that gravity block glitch with rods and dark matter?

It looks to be exactly that. Or maybe a new method of producing exactly the same effect. But as far as I can tell it's the same thing you get by using this (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=16733-Gravity-Manipulation&highlight=gravity+platforms), generally attributed to This level (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=22470-Odd-Gravity&highlight=gravity+platforms).
2010-03-23 09:36:00

Posts: 6497

lol here I was worrying about a flood of H4H super jumps sharks bombe levels

@ rtm223 yeah it is that I really need to keep up with this stuff
2010-03-23 09:42:00

Posts: 1014

Lols but i think it was good posting this here lol, i totally forgot about this glitch i can do it again now lol.2010-03-23 10:43:00

Posts: 1304

I played this level yesterday the jump glitch has its issues but it's ok.2010-03-23 10:53:00

Posts: 777

sounds cool2010-03-23 21:40:00

Unknown User

Yeah this pretty old... I remember seeing an older level out there using this glitch but I forgot the name... anyway it had great platforming use of the gravity glitch.2010-03-24 00:40:00

Posts: 130

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