G4 LBP Special links to videos from show
Archive: 7 posts
For everyone who hasn't seen the show. I added the links in the order of the show from the website. Except for the last two. The XList Levels and Sackboy Reveal. ![]() LittleBigPlanet: The Story of Media Molecule (http://www.g4tv.com/xplay/previews/28927/LittleBigPlanet_The_Story_of_Media_Molecule.html) Exclusive: LittleBigPlanet - Basics of Design (http://www.g4tv.com/xplay/previews/28866/Exclusive_LittleBigPlanet__Basics_of_Design.html) LittleBigPlanet: Art & Tech (http://www.g4tv.com/xplay/previews/28929/LittleBigPlanet_Art__Tech.html) LittleBigPlanet: Anatomy of a Level (http://g4tv.com/xplay/previews/28930/LittleBigPlanet_Anatomy_of_a_Level.html) LittleBigPlanet: Sound Design (http://www.g4tv.com/xplay/previews/28931/LittleBigPlanet_Sound_Design.html) LittleBigPlanet: Creative Possibilities (http://www.g4tv.com/xplay/previews/28932/LittleBigPlanet_Creative_Possibilities.html) X-List: Levels We'd Most Like To See In LittleBigPlanet (http://www.g4tv.com/xplay/features/28936/XList_Levels_Wed_Most_Like_To_See_In_LittleBigPlan et.html) LittleBigPlanet: Sackboy Reveal (http://www.g4tv.com/xplay/previews/28937/LittleBigPlanet_Sackboy_Reveal.html) It says you can still enter to win beta keys through 11:59 PT 10/02. I believe it may be more of a random draw rather than how soon you entered. Here's the link to that as well. ![]() LBP G4 Beta Giveaway (http:///littlebigplanet.g4tv.com/xplay/lbp.aspx) | 2008-10-01 15:34:00 Author: BurlapSackBoy ![]() Posts: 310 |
thanks for the links | 2008-10-01 16:49:00 Author: Wuffi ![]() Posts: 14 |
Does anyone know if that thing at the end of the sound design video where he was making music just something he was messing with or was that like how you could create a soundtrack for the background of your level? Elton | 2008-10-01 17:09:00 Author: Eptiger ![]() Posts: 128 |
Does anyone know if that thing at the end of the sound design video where he was making music just something he was messing with or was that like how you could create a soundtrack for the background of your level? Elton I don't think what he's doing can be recorded. It would be nice if you could. But it's basically a level by itself that you can play around with. There's a group in sound objects called musical that can be used for this. Anyone who has the beta and has played around with this idea might elaborate more. But if you look at the G4 video Sound Design at48 sec. in you'll see a list that says music,music-interactive, and sound objects. The second group is the only group I believe you can change, and possibly record, with sliders that you can add instruments or take them away and change tempo I believe. And then place this modified music object into a level. See this video I found at 3:06 in for another example of the sounds and music: 1p-iuVy11Ts | 2008-10-01 18:15:00 Author: BurlapSackBoy ![]() Posts: 310 |
I don't think what he's doing can be recorded. It would be nice if you could. But it's basically a level by itself that you can play around with. There's a group in sound objects called musical that can be used for this. Anyone who has the beta and has played around with this idea might elaborate more. But if you look at the G4 video Sound Design at48 sec. in you'll see a list that says music,music-interactive, and sound objects. The second group is the only group I believe you can change, and possibly record, with sliders that you can add instruments or take them away and change tempo I believe. And then place this modified music object into a level. Cool! Thanks for providing the video! So you're saying that you probably will be able to create music, but just not the way that he did in the G4 video? I wonder if you can record audio using your bluetooth headset or share sounds you create. Elton | 2008-10-01 22:08:00 Author: Eptiger ![]() Posts: 128 |
Nice series of interviews, there. Cool to hear MM's side of the whole thing. | 2008-10-01 22:42:00 Author: Mark D. Stroyer ![]() Posts: 632 |
That was a great series of interviews. Lots of lovely design flourishes there! My brain is straining with the possibilities for this game! | 2008-10-02 11:35:00 Author: mrbobbyboy ![]() Posts: 304 |
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