"Guitar World" by 'koknsun'
Archive: 4 posts
I've been recommending this guy's levels ever since playing his 'Little Big Gardener' series and this new one is nothing short of amazing awesomeness. His design, attention to detail, mechanisms and custom music are all incredible. When he told me a few hours ago he'd published this and I went in to to play it, my first thought was " mmm this is a bit of a change for koknsun. It looks like one of those levels where you just 'tune' different settings and then some music plays" which frankly aren't really my thing. Woah !! How wrong I was. He certainly didn't let me down. I won't say too much about the level because I don't want to spoil the surprise, except to say he never ceases to amaze me. This has to be right up there with his best work and is a joy to behold. If you haven't played his levels before you really should check them all out and play his LBG series in order to see how he has progressed. I guarantee you won't be disappointed. Anyway enough of me prattling on. Do yourself a favour and play this level asap. | 2010-03-21 03:18:00 Author: mistervista ![]() Posts: 2210 |
I whole heartedly agree with you mrv, the latest publication from koknsun is in fact a masterpiece. I actually had a bit of difficulty playing this last night because my eyes were so far out on stalks they almost popped! Guitar World is unbelievably incredible. The precision is superb and the visuals, as always in koknsun's work, are absolutely stunning. It's one of those occasions where you think you know what's coming next but don't actually believe it when it does! Personally I am in awe of koknsun's artistic and creative talent and I am one of his biggest fans, thank you for the recommendation mrv, and once again for introducing me to his wonderful creations. Icey | 2010-03-21 11:50:00 Author: IceMaiden ![]() Posts: 1057 |
Thanks for recommending this, mistervista. I came across it by accident last night when I was browsing through hearted lists and was amazed. Koknsun?s skill with mechanics and sheer artistry are something else and, as you say, his latest level is another really outstanding piece of work. A must play for guitar lovers too, lol! | 2010-03-21 16:34:00 Author: shropshirelass ![]() Posts: 1455 |
Another outstanding level from koknsun. It's got to be seen to be believed, play it now! | 2010-03-21 22:48:00 Author: mrsvista ![]() Posts: 755 |
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