Archive: 5 posts
Can anyone tell me how to post screenshots? | 2010-03-19 05:41:00 Author: agrx ![]() Posts: 192 |
While you are playing use the camera tool to take a picture. When it pops up in your sticker menu, press square then select export to hdd Get a flash drive and stick it in your ps3 Quit LBP, go to your pic section find the picture, press triangle choose copy, choose the flash drive now take your flash drive and stick it in your computer copy the files off Now do whatever you want with them! | 2010-03-19 05:48:00 Author: shebhnt ![]() Posts: 414 |
While you are playing use the camera tool to take a picture. When it pops up in your sticker menu, press square then select export to hdd Get a flash drive and stick it in your ps3 Quit LBP, go to your pic section find the picture, press triangle choose copy, choose the flash drive now take your flash drive and stick it in your computer copy the files off Now do whatever you want with them! Would there be any other way? because i do not have a flash drive..... | 2010-03-19 05:51:00 Author: agrx ![]() Posts: 192 |
Unless you have one of those fancy capture cards in your computer and can hook you ps3 up to it, not really. You need some kind of storage device that can be connected through usb. | 2010-03-19 05:53:00 Author: shebhnt ![]() Posts: 414 |
If you do not have USB. Try this: 1. Upload the image to a image holding website through the PS3. 2. E-mail the image to yourself on the PS3, then pick it up on your computer. | 2010-03-19 07:03:00 Author: warlord_evil ![]() Posts: 4193 |
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