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Create - Erase Emitter - Read

Archive: 7 posts

I have made an emitter-eraser that will place an object using a grab switch(what its currently hooked to) and will then erase the object when it passes by a mag switch (it erases by placing the same object over again). Can be configured to use a proximity switch another mag switch or any other type of switch easily. Im currently using it for placing a rollercoaster and erasing it when it reaches a certain point so it may be useful to some of you but its quite simple and im not sure how many of you can do it so if you want me to publish the switch, let me know and ill do it.2010-03-17 23:17:00

Posts: 11

You mean a demitter?

yeah... RTM has already made one...
2010-03-17 23:33:00

Posts: 5078

The one I found here only really works on stationary objects, like you can trigger it but not keep it and erase it later unless I was doing it wrong. Mine will make it on switch command and keep it until the object later crosses a mag switch-proximity-timed switch but what im getting at is you can move my object away from the original area and erase it elsewhere in the level.2010-03-17 23:38:00

Posts: 11

That sounds just like a demitter run through a set-reset. By that, I mean that it will emit on one input and demit on another. Mind posting pics? I will post another version if you would be so obliged.2010-03-17 23:46:00

Posts: 5338

Here is a quick drawing of it...141362010-03-18 00:06:00

Posts: 11

Looks a little bit like an OR gate. Essentially 2 triggers, either of which will trigger the same emitter. Useful for if you want a vehicle to vanish once it reaches the end of it's journey. Of course, by vanish, it simply emits a new one at the start.

It's a common problem in LBP and is cool that you got it working from first principles
2010-03-18 00:44:00

Posts: 6497

Aha, I see. I was going to guess that it was an OR gate based on how you described it, but the name "eraser" implied to me that it erased the emitted object to be emitted later.

So... I made just that. This is an extension of the emitter design that that purple ninja above me has created. I'll let the pictures do most of the talking.


This is how you approach the logic before any [visual] emitting has taken place.


When you grab the emit switch (on the left), the emitter moves, and some logic does work (namely a set-reset and a delay switch). This causes the object to emit near the player.


Then, when you grab the "Eraser" switch (on the right), it moves the emitter and the logic again does it's 'thang, causing the object to emit off-screen. You can then grab the emit switch again, and the object will emit back in place.

If you would like to know more about this technique, check this (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=11861) out.

*Note, the emitter is on the largest rectangle of material in the picture. Its location should shadow the location of the emitted object, which should make sense if you consider why the object would be emitted in the same place.

Edit: Moved to Object Showcase.
2010-03-18 01:07:00

Posts: 5338

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