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Lost Planet 2: GTF-11 DRIO V.S. mech

Archive: 18 posts

So for something fun I decided to try my hand at recreating one of the mechs or Vital Suits (V.S.) from the Lost Planet series, specifically the GTF-11 DRIO. This was based off a set of orthographic drawings courtesy of the Lost Planet: Extreme Condition art book with the addition of two the two smaller guns to bring it up to date with the model in Lost Planet 2. Note, this still is a work in progress as even though it can walk (using rails) I have yet to implement controls, aswell as weapon effects, jumping and stickers.

2010-03-14 14:00:00

Posts: 572

Duuuude, so cool! :eek: I wanted to make a Lost Planet level myself, but never got around to it. 2010-03-14 16:00:00

Posts: 121

If you made a great level out of this i would heart and rate 5/5.2010-03-16 11:24:00

Posts: 158

I'm sorely tempted to. I have a working title of "Little Big EDNIII" in mind. I've already built a fully functioning data post, so who knows, I may indeed add to the collection. (Incidently I also have an idea for recreating the thermal energy game mechanic i.e. orange blobs that give you a score).2010-03-17 21:30:00

Posts: 572

I'm sorely tempted to. I have a working title of "Little Big EDNIII" in mind. I've already built a fully functioning data post, so who knows, I may indeed add to the collection. (Incidently I also have an idea for recreating the thermal energy game mechanic i.e. orange blobs that give you a score).

In all honesty I was thinking about doing something veeeeeeeeeeeeeeery similar with basically the exact ideas in regards to T-ENG, etc. I even have a Green Eye model waiting to be brought to life, lol.

The only thing that stopped me from moving forward with it was creating the illusion of turning if you happen to fight enemies behind you, etc. But hey, if you can pull it off, I say go for it!
2010-03-17 22:15:00

Posts: 1476

Hmm.. I never thought of that. My problem is the layer system can't support certain vs designs, e.g. the faze and hardballer models.2010-03-18 01:37:00

Posts: 572

see for this sort of thing, it would be good to be able to do many things, with simple controls, that way its smooth and easy to control. especially for a control pod of that size.thats a very important goal.2010-05-06 00:15:00

Posts: 176

Actually I was placing accuracy first, hence why its on rails (try one of the lost planet 2 demos to see a vs fly - theres a drio in the boss section of the coop demo). Any extra functions will be limited to that of the particular model and loadout.
When they fly they are very stiff, the weight of the vs is never taken into account and it never pivots about the thrusters to the extent you would imagine it should.
2010-05-06 14:27:00

Posts: 572

what about balance,oh yeah its on rails........ well, what add ons does it have(weapons,short flight,melee)2010-05-06 20:06:00

Posts: 176

Weapons: Gatling gun, cannon and those new guns most V.S. have in LP2
Short flight: Check, complete with overheating engine block ? la LP2
Mel?e: Not in this particular V.S.
2010-05-06 21:33:00

Posts: 572

dude, i just played your mech lvl.... i couldnt realy cotrol it, it was fallin down, and breaking, and all of a sudden it started shooting randomly and breaking down, the jumps where very unstable and i would land flat on my face. sometimes the jump wouldnt even work.2010-05-06 21:45:00

Posts: 176

That would be because that was my very very first attempt at creating a vehicle and is nowhere near the standard of my current vehicles (The Barracuda and the tanks in the barracuda level). In fact, that level shall be deleted shortly.2010-05-06 21:48:00

Posts: 572

nice, i just have one question. what did you use to control the barracuda> sensor switch??? also check out my lvls for my vehicles, their a different version of ur maneuvering idea. my psn is: assassinshooterX2010-05-06 22:14:00

Posts: 176

It's basically a remote three way switch (although for my purposes I had to build the switch from scratch), hooked up to my smaller, lighter (and I believe earlier) version of Sehven's control wheel2010-05-07 09:22:00

Posts: 572

Can i test it out? Looks soo sick.2010-05-07 13:14:00

Posts: 1030

dude, if u could do me a favor and check out my lvl, i wanna know if thats how u did it.Thx2010-05-07 14:56:00

Posts: 176

Your take on the concept is very similar, though the rhemora (my earlier ship you seem to have based yours off) uses a different method of directional control.
Also having checked your ship in create mode, something seems very wrong. It takes up 2 thirds of the thermo, my barracuda only uses 3 notches... I think you may want to check out the threads on thermo usage to try cut down.

What I would strongly advise however, is to try your hand at non vehicle based levels, just to really get familiar with the create tools.
2010-05-08 00:56:00

Posts: 572

thats a good idea, but did u try out my heli lvl, it takes up around 4 notches, and is like 100 times better than my jet, i also had a similar control style.2010-05-09 01:54:00

Posts: 176

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