LBP - HD vs SD
Archive: 30 posts
Ok so I have been playing LBP mostly on a large standard definition TV. Yesterday I played a little on a high defintion TV, and the difference was amazing. For example I never knew there were cardboard rats in the "Subway" story level. Everything is so much clearer, not just the font (like I originally thought) but the layers, lighting, poppit thumbnails, etc. This game (and I suppose every PS3 game) was designed for HD play. For me it's a whole different beast with an added layer of enjoyment. I think I may have unfairly given harsh words to some levels I have reviewed regarding unclear direction or gameplay (which I pride myself on) because I was playing in SD. I apologize. I am buying a HD TV asap. I was just wondering, do you guys and gals play/create on a SD or HD tv? Or switch between them sometimes like me? How much different does LBP become with your comparison? Is the HD price too high to warrant a purchase? | 2010-03-12 22:14:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
Well I had my PS3 on the SD TV in my room for obvious reasons, but I totally noticed the difference when we changed it round and put it on an HD TV. I think it makes darker levels a lot easier to play as well because it picks up more subtle lighting effects and camera views etc. So yeah I'd say it makes a pretyy big difference ![]() | 2010-03-12 22:18:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
I'm on HD and when I used to play on SD, it just wasn't as good... simple as.. | 2010-03-12 22:28:00 Author: KQuinn94Z ![]() Posts: 1758 |
Now I want a HD T.V!!!! ![]() | 2010-03-12 22:50:00 Author: Doopz ![]() Posts: 5592 |
HD TV is much, much better.. | 2010-03-12 22:54:00 Author: Alec ![]() Posts: 3871 |
Its even more amazing when you discover you need to wear glasses. When I got glasses i was like 'whoa' thats incredible. But then Igot a HDMI cable and it just blew me away. I thought HD was a myth and would hardly affect anything at all. If you try the Wipeout dynamic theme (its free from the PS store) in normal def and then switch to high the difference is amazing! However after a while the affect fades and it just seems normal, thats why I keep switching between my HDMI and my red white yellow plug thingies - so I can notice the incredible difference. Hmmmm hope that doesnt sound wierd. ![]() | 2010-03-12 22:59:00 Author: theamilien ![]() Posts: 485 |
I can't go back to SD ever. I own 3 HDTVs (1 50" and 2 24") in my place which I have used extensively on LBP throughout various times. I've seen LBP in SD and it really doesn't do the game justice at all. | 2010-03-12 23:36:00 Author: gevurah22 ![]() Posts: 1476 |
When I went to my current 60" Samsung DLP it was a HUGE difference (and that was coming from a rear projection a few years old). I could never go back to SD. Also, not only clarity - but many levels heavily use the widescreen - and the levels don't play nearly as well on a square screen. | 2010-03-12 23:58:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
You can play it SD? ![]() Nahh.. I knew you could, but if you have HD, don't play it in SD as it is soooooo much better in HD. | 2010-03-13 00:01:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
Well, it's time to beg my parents I guess.... | 2010-03-13 00:03:00 Author: Doopz ![]() Posts: 5592 |
Well i guess HD tops everything (for now i mean) HD those make everything sharper and better ![]() | 2010-03-13 00:03:00 Author: Bloo_boy ![]() Posts: 1019 |
I have a 42 inch HDTV arriving on Wednesday. I'm so excited as I'm hoping God of War III arrives that day as well. Only ever played my PS3 on an HDTV once and couldn't believe the difference. Going back to SD was painful. Not sure how I've coped for the last few months tbh. | 2010-03-13 00:21:00 Author: Matt 82 ![]() Posts: 1096 |
yep, hd is king for now. I tried playing lbp in sd and well, it physically hurt. Although, that said, i have recently gone from a 50 plasma to my computer monitor, which is a 22. I think i'm gonna start saving up for a 32 and that will keep me happy. Just a hint though. big tv + tiny room = eyes bleeding. | 2010-03-13 00:33:00 Author: Memodrix ![]() Posts: 879 |
Well lucky for me, my brother who I share the PS3 with has just recently bought 46" 100Hz LCD TV![]() | 2010-03-13 00:45:00 Author: SR20DETDOG ![]() Posts: 2431 |
HD all the way! And the great thing is, is that they're getting cheaper and cheaper so everyone can afford em. | 2010-03-13 00:46:00 Author: smasher ![]() Posts: 641 |
I have a pretty good, pretty big SDTV which I play on. I know I'm missing out, but I have a lot of other priorities to take care of first. I do put the screen size to the absolute maximum in LBP though, because there were just too many things being cut off on either side of the screen and it gives me a better idea what the players on HDTVs are seeing of my levels. I'll get an HDTV eventually, because it'd be easier to move around than the monstrosity I use. ![]() I check HDTV prices on ads all the time, eventually they'll be low enough to make me buy without hesitation lol. | 2010-03-13 00:57:00 Author: Gilgamesh ![]() Posts: 2536 |
I always play on my HDTV! However, I'm forced into SD when I have to record for YouTube. I hope I can get an HD PVR someday ![]() | 2010-03-13 01:20:00 Author: GreyMRP ![]() Posts: 588 |
Just a hint though. big tv + tiny room = eyes bleeding. Really? Cause that will probably be my setup. :/ | 2010-03-13 11:10:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
i've got a hd ready 26" samsung tv, and it is awesome! So many more details then before. | 2010-03-13 18:16:00 Author: Dexist ![]() Posts: 570 |
When I was about to buy a PS3 (around its launch time) I didn't have an HDTV yet. It wasn't such a big deal though because I was owning a very kicking SDTV (32 inch Panasonic TAU that even takes component cables) and the games weren't short of amazing on the screen. However, you have no choice but losing detail and you can't benefit from true 16:9 screen ratios. So it's been a year or two now that I bought my HDTV and it's obviously the way to go when you own a 360 and/or PS3. LBP obviously looks better because the game is native 720p. You don't lose any details when displayed in any HDTV. | 2010-03-13 18:33:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
My TV is HD I think.. But I'm not sure if I play in HD or not.. ![]() | 2010-03-13 18:33:00 Author: Plasmavore ![]() Posts: 1913 |
I actually found LBP hard to get used to on an HDTV. Went from having a 32 inch CRT with component cables, to a 46 inch samsung full HD...it looked so weird! Even the way the sack people moved looked different. The CRT TV looks like utter rubbish now. I am used to it now though and find CRT screens give me a headache these days. | 2010-03-13 18:34:00 Author: smellyshelly ![]() Posts: 11 |
weird. i play on this large HDTV or a smalllll, old SDTV, depending on where I am. i haven't really noticed a humongous difference (besides screen size), and no, i'm not blind. maybe i just dont pay attention to the graphics, i dunno. the only thing that bothers me is that my tiny tv makes everything ridiculously dark. gotta turn that brightness way up. makes playing RE4 Wii absolute hell. | 2010-03-13 18:44:00 Author: monstahr ![]() Posts: 1361 |
did you tweak the setting when you play on a HDTV to HD setting? and have a HDMI cable connected? | 2010-03-13 18:48:00 Author: Dexist ![]() Posts: 570 |
did you tweak the setting when you play on a HDTV to HD setting? and have a HDMI cable connected? yep. i guess im too focused on, you know, playing | 2010-03-13 19:03:00 Author: monstahr ![]() Posts: 1361 |
It was mentioned already, but one of the big things is really screen size. It had never occurred to me before making All Mine! The intro has a wide-angle shot that people using SD weren't able to see. It's just another design element that creators have to be concerned with. But, most creators do build with HD and widescreen, so to get the best possible experience, you really do need to play it as it was meant to be played. I know that not everyone can afford an HDTV, but a 32" can be purchased quite reasonably when the sales are on. If you are looking to buy a new TV, I wouldn't go smaller than that, as the savings wouldn't be worth it.![]() | 2010-03-13 19:25:00 Author: comphermc ![]() Posts: 5338 |
When I changed for HD, the PSN "notices" (X is now offline/online) were much smaller o they don't interfere with the game. For LBP, the details are clearer and the lightning is way different! HD for the WIN! | 2010-03-13 19:38:00 Author: Chump ![]() Posts: 1712 |
It was mentioned already, but one of the big things is really screen size. It had never occurred to me before making All Mine! The intro has a wide-angle shot that people using SD weren't able to see. It's just another design element that creators have to be concerned with. But, most creators do build with HD and widescreen, so to get the best possible experience, you really do need to play it as it was meant to be played. I know that not everyone can afford an HDTV, but a 32" can be purchased quite reasonably when the sales are on. If you are looking to buy a new TV, I wouldn't go smaller than that, as the savings wouldn't be worth it.![]() Actually the game is having a zoom in/out option so you don't lose any visual when on a 4:3 TV. | 2010-03-13 20:04:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
I have a HD TV, but when I bought my PS3 and the first day I played LBP, I didn't had an HDMI cable... and it looked horrible, pixelated and blurry!! The next day, I went to buy one quickly...and the game just came alive! So yes HD forever! @ monsthar weird. i play on this large HDTV or a smalllll, old SDTV, depending on where I am. i haven't really noticed a humongous difference (besides screen size), and no, i'm not blind. maybe i just dont pay attention to the graphics, i dunno. I can't believe this... ![]() ![]() | 2010-03-13 20:23:00 Author: dajdaj03 ![]() Posts: 1486 |
yeah i dunno. i'll investigate more. | 2010-03-13 20:31:00 Author: monstahr ![]() Posts: 1361 |
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