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Challenger 2 Tank

Archive: 21 posts

Yesterday I published a short level with a new version of my Challenger 2, built from the ground up and taking into account all the advice and suggestions that were given to me before. It has dual treads, suspension and two types of ammunition. Give it a whirl if you like.





I used these photos (http://www.primeportal.net/tanks/stephen_cruickshank/challenger_ii/) as reference.
2010-03-10 23:44:00

Posts: 2454

holy cow thats the most detail ive seen on one object O_O ill check it out2010-03-10 23:48:00

Posts: 1924

Niceee!!! In fact, it's too good. You're making me look bad. Delete it.

I do however wish you changed the treads. Drop by me in create mode next time you're on lbp and I could reconfigure them if you want...

I've actually wanted to try the way of making bolt treads in one layer with a checkpoint-thick glitch.
2010-03-11 00:51:00

Posts: 3251

This is so cool! :eek: I bet I'd like this like I liked your AK-47 level. I made an ACR themed after your AK-47.2010-03-11 00:58:00

Posts: 121

Looking awesome Ayneh. I'll check this out next time I'm on.2010-03-11 01:08:00

Posts: 2210

Amazing. This really gives the feeling of driving a massive tank, and the level of detail is impressive. I had no issue at all driving this thing around and bringing the house down (literally), which was pretty fun.2010-03-11 01:45:00

Posts: 2536

that is the coolest tank! great attention to detail.2010-03-13 20:03:00

Posts: 58

Very nice. I really liked the look of everything (how did you make the muzzle flash look like that?)

It doesn't seem that durable though. I popped the right side tread on the very first bump. Incinerator's idea for a theck/thack one layer mighty mite style tread (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvY5HHn2pBI) would probably be a really good thing here.

I absolutely HATE control schemes that run off multiple grab switches. Have you seen my control pod? (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=22150-Vehicle-tools-Tilt-and-motion-sensor-and-control-pod-%28Copyable%29) It makes controlling vehicles so much easier/more intuitive.

Also, getting into the seats is a bit of a challenge due to sackboy's automatic layer changing. Not sure if there's anything you can do about that, though.
2010-03-13 21:27:00

Posts: 2188

lol sevhen. I just don't get your hatred towards multiple grabs. Grabbing takes .2-.3 seconds. But running across a wheel? That's slower. A wheel wouldn't fit in the tank either. If there are two grabs and you have room for three, why stay with two? Positioning your analogue stick to grab at a certain angle is also faster than fewer grab switches with more functions.2010-03-14 01:48:00

Posts: 3251

I do however wish you changed the treads. Drop by me in create mode next time you're on lbp and I could reconfigure them if you want...

I've actually wanted to try the way of making bolt treads in one layer with a checkpoint-thick glitch.
Sure thing. You'd need to make them thin (thin as that brown metal material will go before disappearing) for them to work, is this possible with bolts?

When testing different treads I found bolted treads would break when dropped unto a load of spikes, but string treads stretched themselves over them. Bolted treads couldn't support much weight, but string was fine. I think string treads are much stronger than bolted treads, but they take up a lot of thermo. Maybe by combining the qualities of bolts and string you could make treads that are even stronger and use up less thermo.

This is so cool! :eek: I bet I'd like this like I liked your AK-47 level. I made an ACR themed after your AK-47.
Nice, I'd like to play with it if you have it published. It was horwitzer's idea though, I just copied what he did.

Amazing. This really gives the feeling of driving a massive tank, and the level of detail is impressive. I had no issue at all driving this thing around and bringing the house down (literally), which was pretty fun.
Sorry to ask but did you try out the cannon? I know there are instructions at the start but I'm worried it's not 100% clear that there are two different seats.

Very nice. I really liked the look of everything (how did you make the muzzle flash look like that?)
It's just a bunch of lights, nothing fancy.

It doesn't seem that durable though. I popped the right side tread on the very first bump. Incinerator's idea for a theck/thack one layer mighty mite style tread (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvY5HHn2pBI) would probably be a really good thing here.
Did the tread break or did it slip off the running gear?

I absolutely HATE control schemes that run off multiple grab switches. Have you seen my control pod? (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=22150-Vehicle-tools-Tilt-and-motion-sensor-and-control-pod-%28Copyable%29) It makes controlling vehicles so much easier/more intuitive.
Sorry to say, but if that's the control scheme you used for your robot I didn't find it easier or more intuitive to use than grab switches.

I thought horwitzer's control scheme for one of his tanks was ingenious, you push right or left to aim and either tap or hold to fire either the cannon or the coax.

Also, getting into the seats is a bit of a challenge due to sackboy's automatic layer changing. Not sure if there's anything you can do about that, though.
I placed invisible material around each of the seats which means that shouldn't be able to happen, but from what you wrote I didn't make it tall enough or something, I'll give it a look.

Incinerator22 helped me with some new logic I can use so I might be republishing soon with some tweaks.
2010-03-21 22:58:00

Posts: 2454

Did the tread break or did it slip off the running gear?

It snapped and then just layed there while the tank rolled off it. Didn't affect its drivability, but it was kinda' obnoxious that it snapped right at the beginning of the level. You might not be able to make stable treads that small if your experiments with bolted treads went badly. The mighty might uses pretty thick pieces for its tread links.

Sorry to say, but if that's the control scheme you used for your robot I didn't find it easier or more intuitive to use than grab switches.

Um... what? What could be more intuitive than "press right to go right?" Which of my robots are you talking about? The VT-04 is the one with the control wheel. It's the one I released like 2-3 months ago.

I placed invisible material around each of the seats which means that shouldn't be able to happen, but from what you wrote I didn't make it tall enough or something, I'll give it a look.

Have you tried thin layer gas? It's my new best friend in lbp. It's invisible, can't kill you, doesn't make the gas noise, doesn't add any mass/drag to a vehicle, and a wall of it keeps sackboy from layer changing.

lol sevhen. I just don't get your hatred towards multiple grabs. Grabbing takes .2-.3 seconds. But running across a wheel? That's slower. A wheel wouldn't fit in the tank either. If there are two grabs and you have room for three, why stay with two? Positioning your analogue stick to grab at a certain angle is also faster than fewer grab switches with more functions.

It's cumbersome. I always have the darndest time controlling people's vehicles when they use the multiple grabs. I'll be trying to grab the switch on the bottom and end up grabbing the one on the right or something.

The point of my control pod is to get as close as possible to directly transferring inputs from the player's controller to the vehicle's functions. And there's really not a lot of latency if the pod is set up right. Besides, you can access directional control and fire control at the same time with my pod. Every other control scheme makes you aim, stop, shoot. With mine you can aim and shoot at the same time. Or drive and shoot, depending on how the outputs are configured. I'm currently working on improving it even more by adding a jump switch that triggers when the player jumps. It works perfectly when driving to the left or sitting still; if I can get it to work while going right (still have no idea why it doesn't) then I'll have direction, grab, and jump all independently mappable. All that's left is the circle button
2010-03-22 01:44:00

Posts: 2188

In my opinion it also feels sort of more right to use Sehven's control pod. Right on the left stick to go right, left to go left, RB to shoot/whatever. 2010-03-22 04:46:00

Posts: 121

It's cumbersome. I always have the darndest time controlling people's vehicles when they use the multiple grabs. I'll be trying to grab the switch on the bottom and end up grabbing the one on the right or something.

Huh? The way you can jam paint so fast and make theck/thack blocks so easily makes me think you'd be good with buttons. lol.

The point of my control pod is to get as close as possible to directly transferring inputs from the player's controller to the vehicle's functions. And there's really not a lot of latency if the pod is set up right. Besides, you can access directional control and fire control at the same time with my pod. Every other control scheme makes you aim, stop, shoot. With mine you can aim and shoot at the same time. Or drive and shoot, depending on how the outputs are configured. I'm currently working on improving it even more by adding a jump switch that triggers when the player jumps. It works perfectly when driving to the left or sitting still; if I can get it to work while going right (still have no idea why it doesn't) then I'll have direction, grab, and jump all independently mappable. All that's left is the circle button

I've included plenty of multicontrol toggles in my newest vehicles, like my humvee. You can execute many different commands at once.

Come to think of it; you, I, and ayneh all have completely different control preferences.

She held me at gunpoint and forced me to make toggle logic for her tank that only she could fully understand. lol.
2010-03-22 17:45:00

Posts: 3251

Huh? The way you can jam paint so fast and make theck/thack blocks so easily makes me think you'd be good with buttons. lol.

Heh. Yeah, I've spent enough time playing video games to last a lifetime... for two or three people. Still, I've always had the darndest time with fighting games and their wierd button combos, especially when the combos start to include directional controls. I guess that's similar to what's going on here.

And if you think making theck/thack blocks is tough, you should see how hard it is to set up a smokeless emitter.

I've included plenty of multicontrol toggles in my newest vehicles, like my humvee. You can execute many different commands at once.

I'll have to take another look at that. I suppose the problem i've often had, is that I'll just be standing there and press R1 and expect it to do the same thing every time, but with those control schemes you HAVE to press a direction along with R1 or you'll get something random.

Come to think of it; you, I, and ayneh all have completely different control preferences.

I guess I should probably stop assuming that I'm always right and everybody who disagrees with me is wrong

She held me at gunpoint and forced me to make toggle logic for her tank that only she could fully understand. lol.

At paintball gunpoint?

Sorry if I got a bit defensive. I've spent a LOT of time trying to make the perfect control scheme, and I guess I kinda' took your and Ayneh's comments personally, especially when she mentioned my mech. I guess it's not surprising that she doesn't care for my mech, 'cuz I didn't particularly care for hers (looked awesome, but I didn't like the controls ). I guess my preferred control style is to keep it as close to all the other games I've spent countless hours playing instead of having to learn a new control scheme. Anyway, I'll keep working on it until it's perfect, and I'll do some experiments to see if it's possible to make it a bit smaller.
2010-03-22 19:32:00

Posts: 2188

Woah! Smokeless emmiter? You have to tell me!

About your defensiveness, no problem. Debate is fine.

And lol @ paintball gunpoint.
2010-03-24 04:10:00

Posts: 3251

The smokeless emitter isn't as impressive as it sounds. I'll write up a separate topic for it.2010-03-24 04:59:00

Posts: 2188

Wow O_o. That's all I'll need to say about this.

Oh, and I'm sorry Incinerator, but your tank was completely decimated by Ayneh's when I tested the two out. In a matter of seconds, your Abrams was scrap metal. xD

Now... to try and break Ayneh's tank... again.

2010-03-25 06:46:00

Posts: 5757

Oh, and I'm sorry Incinerator, but your tank was completely decimated by Ayneh's when I tested the two out. In a matter of seconds, your Abrams was scrap metal. xD

Be nice, my abrams is 6 months old

Do you mean the treads broke, or you blew it up? (or both?) Probably both.
2010-03-26 01:03:00

Posts: 3251

Do you mean the treads broke, or you blew it up? (or both?) Probably both.

You guess right. That, and... I fired off both at eachother, with the Challenger recieving little/no damage and yours... erm... yeah, about that...
2010-03-26 04:30:00

Posts: 5757

You guess right. That, and... I fired off both at eachother, with the Challenger recieving little/no damage and yours... erm... yeah, about that...
How is it possible that you fired them at each other when the Chally 2 isn't a prize?
2010-04-12 13:36:00

Posts: 2454

This is easily the greatest vehicle on the game, ground vehicle. Your airship is mind blowing.2010-04-12 16:55:00

Posts: 57

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