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Looking For Team to Start up a Game Studio

Archive: 117 posts

Ok i didn't know where else to post this so if im in the wrong section forgive me. Basically i have just got UDK (Unreal Development Kit) and i wont to start making games, i have wanted to do this for a while now, basically to start with i'm thinking of just creating a basic shooter, if this works, then maybe we would move onto a bigger project maybe on the lines of LBP for the pc. But that is way in the future.

I'm looking for people with experience in the following fields:

3d Moddeling using 3ds max or blender or maya
Coding experience

I am personally gonna be one of the coders so i'm looking for 2 moddelers and another coder.
If you are interested then please say cause i really wanna get this going.


LBPHolic: Head, Map designer, coder
UltimateClay: Co Head, Idea planner, Story liner, Concept design
Samalot: Map Design
Rseah: Concept Design, Visuals
Dragontamer: Unreal Scripter
LittleBigDude: Map Designer, Visuals
Rhys125: Concept Design

Thats it guys, for the programmers start messing around with some code to see what can be done, Map designers get to work on deisgning levels, i will be doing the docking station on Mars, samalot if you could do the ship and LittleBigDude can u have a go at a mars plain with some like massive rocks and make it look alieny, it will also need some villages which you could do as well. Rseah if you could get to work on perhaps drawing some ideas of what you think it should look like, that would be great.

So their your jobs guys if you could get to work that would be great, PS. Clay can u perhaps do some story boards and post them up here so we have a clue as to what to do?

I have asked Luos_Desruc if he is interested as he used to be a concept designer for games and is good with 3d moddeling.
2010-03-10 16:23:00

Posts: 1304

im not aplying since i have no experiance in those fields, but it has always been an interest to learn how games are actualy made and try and learn. do you have any tips on goodf places to learn the coding skills needed in game making ? thanks 2010-03-10 16:33:00

Posts: 591

Erm there are loads of places to learn how to code, if you want to start you really need to know what type of game you want to make, if you wanna make a side scrolling 2d action game then i reccomend downloading Dark GDK its free just serach it on google there are loads of tutorials on it. However if you wanna mke some 3d games like me get UDK it is amazingly good. If you want i can put you in the team and you can see us working out the variouse stages if you want?2010-03-10 16:43:00

Posts: 1304

ok, ill go an have a look at that now 2010-03-10 16:48:00

Posts: 591

I'm proficient in object oriented programming. I used to be well versed in Cobol, Fortran, OOPascal, and C++. Haven't used those languages in years as I've been doing a fair amount of web based PHP/MYSQL development.

I have also done a fair amount of 3D architectural modeling, but that was 10 years ago using MicroStation 3D and the 3DStudioMax R2. I would be interested in helping you with this project.
2010-03-10 17:28:00

Posts: 397

Awesome your in lol, i will start up a group and invite u to it.2010-03-10 17:44:00

Posts: 1304

Im not good at any of that stuff, but Im good with stories, weapon ideas, object ideas, place ideas, etc.2010-03-10 23:39:00

Posts: 3262

Clay if your up for it your in. I need to get the group set up.2010-03-11 09:20:00

Posts: 1304

i downloaded udk
im watching tutorial videos now
2010-03-11 21:01:00

Posts: 591

Lol i have just finished creating my first Shooter game in it, it is very complex lol.2010-03-11 21:06:00

Posts: 1304

I'm D/Ling UDK now. I'll start playing around with UnrealScript.2010-03-11 21:07:00

Posts: 397

IM UP FOR IT! *tears shirt off*
2010-03-11 21:15:00

Posts: 3262

Meh, might as well.

Had basic Java programming experience, so I know the basics... kinda. I lso have always wanted to make a game forever, but I never seemed to be able to con... er, get people to work with me on anything XD

Well, yeah. I may be of assistance... unless someone else wants to make a different project with me. To be honest, I'd like something more adventury then a shooter... so, yeah. D: ANYONE WANNA MAKE AN RPG?!

... /cough

Meh, I might join... or not. I unno. I love stories and concepts and stuff, though I may be better off in something besides a shooter... but first, I always need a team of people. So, uh... /ruins
2010-03-11 21:37:00

Posts: 10882

OKI so he's what we can do, if rock is up for it, if you can come up wiv a story line rock then we could make a adventure type game, the only reason i said shooter was because it would use a much smaller space than the mpas i currently have built in UDK, but i guess to move forward you have to think big so im gonna start making an outdoor map.2010-03-11 21:46:00

Posts: 1304

Well that's cool. I'd like to make a story and get involved if people are interested... first though I'd need to know what type of game we'd be looking for before I start. Though I'd need to know what is possible in this engine... hm. Well, I guess I'll download... time to get involved in another one of my little projects, let's hope this turns out good like LBPC The Game and not a failure like so many other projects :kz:

But still, before I make a story, we'd need a theme and stuff... and also to start small and work our way up. Yep.
2010-03-11 21:50:00

Posts: 10882

Erm theme perhaps Indiana Jones style that might work, erm basically, if you have played Batman Arkham Asylum or Mirrors Edge or Unreal Tournament, theoretically speaking anything in those games we can do as this same engine was used to create those games.2010-03-11 21:53:00

Posts: 1304

I would definitely be up for an RPG, but they are a LOT more challenging to do well than a story based FPS would be. Suggest we start with something easier to finish to verify the team make up works, then move on to something more complicated.

I'm a huge MMORPG fan/player, so would love to get into a project like that at some point.
2010-03-11 22:17:00

Posts: 397

I'd love an RPG O_O

Anyway, yeah. We definitively need to start small...

A few story ideas for stories...I have in my swarming head...

... Actually I'll wait till we get some group or something.

Personally, I like stories that are grand and have some sort of meaning to them- I'd love for something that deals with clones or some form of people that are less then human in some way, and how they find out what humanity actually is.

That, or something about some rebel who is rebelling against a monarchy in order to create a Democracy, killing everyone who doesn't agree with their point of view all in the name of liberty.

Yeah, my story ideas are a bit weird for some, but w/e. you want a serious story? I love writing stories serious. But first I'd need to know if it's futuristic, modern or fantasy. and of course, we'd need to organize the team, and assign everyone roles and all that. So... yeah. I guess lbpholic would be the chief? Or someone else? Or what? what's going on? WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!

... almost done with me UTK download... yeah!
2010-03-11 22:29:00

Posts: 10882

OKI so he's what we can do, if rock is up for it, if you can come up wiv a story line rock then we could make a adventure type game, the only reason i said shooter was because it would use a much smaller space than the mpas i currently have built in UDK, but i guess to move forward you have to think big so im gonna start making an outdoor map.
*feels left out and ignored*

I have an idea..
2010-03-11 22:35:00

Posts: 3262

im in
i was testing before with the engine and i recon i can get to grips with it

ill leave the story up to you, but maybe concider some plot twists ? that could be interesting
2010-03-11 22:45:00

Posts: 591

im in
i was testing before with the engine and i recon i can get to grips with it

ill leave the story up to you, but maybe concider some plot twists ? that could be interesting


I'm BUILT on plot twists! GAH I WRIT STORIES! That is what I dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooo ;-;


Anyway... yeah, I need to download Microsfot .NET first...? O-o

Yep. Alrighty, we need to organize... first off, who's in, who's in charge, and all that stuff. D:
2010-03-11 22:53:00

Posts: 10882

ok......... i was just saying.
i need to fix my laptop scroll bar before i can work the engine
this youtube channel is a good tutorial source:
2010-03-11 23:02:00

Posts: 591

Is there a UDK for Mac, if so ill help out. If not, i can be a storywriter.2010-03-11 23:14:00

Posts: 386

*epicangrehfaic*2010-03-11 23:56:00

Posts: 3262

Well, I finally downloaded, installed and tried to run UDK... but now it won't let me for no reason. Oh joy >_<



... yeah, I unno what to do now... Hm. LET'S MAKE AN MMORPG :kz:

No? K. Then... a simple RPG. Yeah sure. I unno. Anyone crazy enough to join in my crusade? Who will be strong and stand with me? Somewhere beyond the barricade, is there a game you'dl ike to make? Do you hear the crazies sing? Can you hear the distant drums? there's a future about to rise when tomorrow/sniped
2010-03-12 01:04:00

Posts: 10882

Ill help you with an RPG, however only story wise and character bios. :32010-03-12 01:07:00

Posts: 3262

So Samalot learned from scratch?! I've always wanted to learn how to make games but every tutorial i did just gave me dumb stuff that was almost completely unrelated to actual game making
but still can i be your beta tester? maybe join the creative department?
2010-03-12 05:06:00

Posts: 406


I wont be very useful but meh can i join?
2010-03-12 05:13:00

Posts: 2701

im downloading UDK right now, ill try it out for a few days and get back to you 2010-03-12 05:25:00

Posts: 1924


I wont be very useful but meh can i join?

Can you sprite? Or at least have enough artistic ability to draw?

... Hm. Isn't this topic... meh. Ok, LET US DIVIDE INTO TWO CAMPS. The Shooter Guys and the RPG GUYS. No? K. Anyway. Still looks like I can't load UDK for no reason ,_,

And so... well yeah. RPG?!
2010-03-12 11:37:00

Posts: 10882

Oh wow this has gone a lot of topic guys, Clay has given me a brilliant idea which i love which i think everyone will be happy with. Here is the story as provided by Clay:

Recently, a huge spaceship (which I will call X for now) has recently been built, and will bring people from Mars and back. The year is 2100, and you are a thief.

You have heard rumours that not only is X ferrying people from Mars and back, but it is also carrying a large amount of treasures. You decide to try it.

You board X right as it takes off, and right as the crazy journey begins.

Basically, the first part of the game is sneaking around and dodging people on the ship. If you encounter someone, you will either have to convince them that your a passenger, run, or fight. Then, right as you get to the room where the treasure should be, the alarms go off. As it turns out, a great majority of the ships staff are terrorists, and they seek to blow up the ship.

You get involved in a miniwar, having to dodge the terrorists while helping the good side. You will have to sneak around, steal plans, and fight to survive. There can be a strength meter (the lower it is the slower you walk and louder you are), a health bar (need I be more obvious?), etc.

I love this idea it fits in with RPG as it's like Oblivion but a futuristic version. Tell me what you think, also here is a basic layout for the team that i have in mind:

LBPHolic: Head, Map designer
Rocksauron: Co-head, Story planner, and anythign else he can do
UltimateClay: Storylines, Ideas
Samalot: Map designer, working with me on the project
Rseah: Skinner for the weapons and maybe making textures for use within the maps.
LittleBigDude: depending on how well you get on with UDK you can be a map designer.
Dragontamer: You can take care of the coding and coding in unreal script for us.
DeviantGeek: if UDK does work on a mac then you can be a map deisgner as well.

If anyone can learn Kismet, the UDK in editor scripting which i am learning and Unreal Script it would be great as we could use some more scripters.

If your all happy with that, if someone could perhaps design the actual spaceship it would be great i am gonna get to work on doing some corridors just to see hop it turns out.
2010-03-12 13:35:00

Posts: 1304

The idea of a war forming around you seems like a bit of an amateur cliche, as well as the treasure part
It seems as though you're using "Thief" is being used as a job title too which is a bit silly xD

Maybe the ship is part of a high security project which is taking tons of workers to mine resources for them on Mars. In the Era it's set in their are still no laws governing over planets so the company involved adopts a near government-like status over their base on Mars and is known to treat their workers very inhumanely, almost using them as slaves.
Your character could be a saboteur at the foot of a rival company or maybe a government division to look into the claims that have been made about the operation on Mars, and do what you can to shut it down.
You're not the only one though, you have allies on Mars and an arsenal of awesome semi-futuristic weapons.
It wouldn't be set too far into the future so i think the theme would be a sort of semi-futuristic dystopia.

It's not perfect either but maybe some food for thought
2010-03-12 14:19:00

Posts: 2100

Maybe the ship is part of a high security project which is taking tons of workers to mine resources for them on Mars. In the Era it's set in their are still no laws governing over planets so the company involved adopts a near government-like status over their base on Mars and is known to treat their workers very inhumanely, almost using them as slaves.
Your character could be a saboteur at the foot of a rival company or maybe a government division to look into the claims that have been made about the operation on Mars, and do what you can to shut it down.
You're not the only one though, you have allies on Mars and an arsenal of awesome semi-futuristic weapons.
It wouldn't be set too far into the future so i think the theme would be a sort of semi-futuristic dystopia.

It's not perfect either but maybe some food for thought
Thats good, however I would prefer it if you were a thief who works alone. Maybe your a thief the rival company hired?
2010-03-12 14:28:00

Posts: 3262

How about the thief is trying to rescue somebody working there(Going with the slave-like idea) but finds him dead and wants revenge on the company?

So could i be part of the "ideas" group lbholic ^_^?
2010-03-12 20:16:00

Posts: 406

Let me know as soon as you come up with some logic architecture, and I'll start playing around with the code.2010-03-12 20:29:00

Posts: 397

You would generally play alone, i just thought it'd be better to feel more 'involved' in the operation.
After all it must be pretty lonely up on Mars if EVERYONE wants to kill you

It's a bit more believable that you'd have other personalities helping out. It could be simple things like having a hacker open some doors for you from back in the secret base. Or an explosives expert give you a hand on some sections.
2010-03-12 20:34:00

Posts: 2100

yeah i agree, if youre refering me, dexiro
i was just trying to expand upon the "thief/saboteur" idea
also imma try UDK and just fool around...
2010-03-12 20:46:00

Posts: 406

I wasn't referring to anyone in particular

Although the general jist of the story i thought up was that you were trying to save all of the workers there rather than just one of them. Maybe one of those workers is a relative or some important guy from the company you work for.
The evil mining company could of pulled ordinary people out of their lives and taken them to Mars to work as slaves for them. They've basically turned the entire of Mars into a giant labour prison, that's just how evil they are!

To spice the setting up a bit maybe they could have like a giant prison type thing cutting into a quarry of the planet. And maybe have it so Mars has been mined so much that you can see a big chunk of it missing from space
And the giant prison could be visible from space too!

To justify their evilness maybe the government find it hard to track people that are going missing because of overpopulation. But they still know that people ARE going missing, so they commission the people you work for to eliminate the threat.

The settings so far would be a quarry, prison, tunnels and loads of evil security type things.
Maybe some sewers that pass right through the planet and sort of fire the waste out of orbit

You could crank the evilness even more with a little creativity. Like where does the food come from, i see no cows on mars. Maybe people are going missing from the prison too... and that also leads me to think that i have a twisted imagination xD
With a little over-the-topness i'm sure it wouldn't be too bad in context.
2010-03-12 20:57:00

Posts: 2100

Ive never liked the treasure idea, its just all I could come up with first.

So, heres what I think. You are a thief, and your sister has recently been sent to work on Mars. You must save her, and team up with a group of rebels on the ship to stop the evil operation.

Anyways, I would prefer if the thief worked alone, with no one hiring him..
2010-03-12 21:44:00

Posts: 3262

Yeah dexiro, that's why i meant with "somebody" i was thinking about he was going to get his sister, Gf or whatever but the person he comes to rescue, dies and that makes him want revenge on the whole company, this whole important person dying could happen at the beggining of the game so he's angry the rest of it but he also wants to save everyone in the process.
I think it would be cool if the character would be fearless, ya know? like angry enough to be determined but not angry enough to be irracional, this is all just to have depth on the main character.
2010-03-12 21:48:00

Posts: 406

Hmm, I like the corrupted officials sending people to Mars idea. So maybe, he finds his sister dead, and he decides to stop the ship, even if it costs him his own life? He could also get help from rebels..?2010-03-12 22:36:00

Posts: 3262

Eh... I really don't like that story idea, and I kinda don't like where this is heading... D:

So yeah, I'll just run away in my magical fairy boat... unless someone wants to make an RPG with me. That would be cool. I'd love if I finally fond someone else to do that. If not, then me, good luck on this, I'll jut... yeah...
2010-03-12 22:52:00

Posts: 10882

Lovin the ideas guys, so i take it weve settled for the spaceship future, thats good wiv me. Im going out tommorow but after that i'll start work on the first level maybe a dock where there are loads of spacheships.2010-03-12 22:53:00

Posts: 1304

having an agency behind him will be good for drama, basically like in inFamouse or Army of Two were theres constantly someone tugging at you and sometimes you gotta make the choice between acting to get paid or acting out of your own conscience2010-03-12 22:54:00

Posts: 1924

That is where the rebels come in.2010-03-12 23:05:00

Posts: 3262

My first tips would be to grab all of your programmers and code a demo of what you're trying to achieve using mainly place-holder models etc( Camera - some Gameplay - yadayada ). When you've actually got the show on the road ( AND ITS FUN ) thats when to worry about all the models and artistic side of the stake.

Mass Effect 2 - Gears of War and lots 'n' lots of companies use the Unreal Engine 3.0 ( UDK, but better? )

Ive been playing around with it for a couple of months.

That you're putting together a team sounds really cool but, as Im sure you know, is a big step ( Depending on what you're doing, how many your are, etc etc ). The people you probably need the LEAST of is Level Designers, and those you will probably need the MOST of is programmers and then 3d-artists.

I hope this doesnt sound like Im trying to pee on your fire or whatever but :

When making GoW1-2 , Mass Effect 2 , Batman : Arkham Asylum etc, they used heavily modded versions of the Unreal Engine 3.0. with tons and tons of programmed plugins

And they were many, many, many people.

I was member of a pretty huge Torchlight project a couple of months ago, what let us down was 3 major things.

1. Had about 4 story-writers (+ the whole team lobbing ideas ) working on the story, which took too much time and held up the rest of the team, making them restless and lots of people dropping. Have 1 or 2 persons work tightly together to draw up a basic story-line.

2. Recruiting people for the sake of recruiting instead of actually getting people who know what they're doing. We here about 30 people divided into different groups, there was like 1 person in each group who actually knew what he ( The leader of the group ) was doing and had to babysit the rest.

And finally :

3. The holidays! o/ Major letdown, since because of point nr 1 - 2 people simply didnt give a **** and sodded off!

I hope atleast some of my experiences ( not many, I know O.O ) prove valuable and a goodluck on the cool project!

2010-03-12 23:38:00

Posts: 84

having an agency behind him will be good for drama, basically like in inFamouse or Army of Two were theres constantly someone tugging at you and sometimes you gotta make the choice between acting to get paid or acting out of your own conscience

Ah that's good!
Maybe you 'volunteer' for the Mars mission to save someone from your family. The agency keep a close eye to make sure you do your job right while you find some way to complete your personal mission.

Orr maybe you sign up to become part of the evil mining company for the same reasons as before and you have to turn against them once you're on Mars. You could have a half life style opening where you're put through training as a guard and whatever else.
Whatever else happens up on Mars is a different story, you could find a rebel group or something.

It's technically feasible for you to "save the world"
2010-03-12 23:39:00

Posts: 2100

I have experience in stories. In fact, on ROBLOX I was known for my stories and the made the most popular (at the time) story on those forums EVAH. But I do agree, hire only experienced people.2010-03-12 23:41:00

Posts: 3262

Id rather it be on a spaceship. Besides, space ships are cool
Maybe at the near end of the game the ship lands on mars and you have to run away from an army which guards the mines?
2010-03-12 23:42:00

Posts: 3262

Its really cool that we wont have to play the game now since we already know everything that's going to happen! o/ YAY!

2010-03-12 23:49:00

Posts: 84

The entire game being on a spaceship sounds intensely boring.2010-03-12 23:56:00

Posts: 2100

Meh, maybe the first half of the game?2010-03-12 23:59:00

Posts: 3262

My first tips would be to grab all of your programmers and code a demo of what you're trying to achieve using mainly place-holder models etc( Camera - some Gameplay - yadayada ). When you've actually got the show on the road ( AND ITS FUN ) thats when to worry about all the models and artistic side of the stake.

Mass Effect 2 - Gears of War and lots 'n' lots of companies use the Unreal Engine 3.0 ( UDK, but better? )

Ive been playing around with it for a couple of months.

That you're putting together a team sounds really cool but, as Im sure you know, is a big step ( Depending on what you're doing, how many your are, etc etc ). The people you probably need the LEAST of is Level Designers, and those you will probably need the MOST of is programmers and then 3d-artists.

I hope this doesnt sound like Im trying to pee on your fire or whatever but :

When making GoW1-2 , Mass Effect 2 , Batman : Arkham Asylum etc, they used heavily modded versions of the Unreal Engine 3.0. with tons and tons of programmed plugins

And they were many, many, many people.

I was member of a pretty huge Torchlight project a couple of months ago, what let us down was 3 major things.

1. Had about 4 story-writers (+ the whole team lobbing ideas ) working on the story, which took too much time and held up the rest of the team, making them restless and lots of people dropping. Have 1 or 2 persons work tightly together to draw up a basic story-line.

2. Recruiting people for the sake of recruiting instead of actually getting people who know what they're doing. We here about 30 people divided into different groups, there was like 1 person in each group who actually knew what he ( The leader of the group ) was doing and had to babysit the rest.

And finally :

3. The holidays! o/ Major letdown, since because of point nr 1 - 2 people simply didnt give a **** and sodded off!

I hope atleast some of my experiences ( not many, I know O.O ) prove valuable and a goodluck on the cool project!


This and this, oh and by the way... this.

Yeah, don't hire people just for the sake of hiring... that was one of the things that killed LBPC The Game in the early months...

Plus... about the story... well, I guess you probably don't need me saying I hate it, but whatever. Someone needs to make some group and organize this or something... or something, I unno, just get your planning from public eye <_>

... At any rate. I'll just leave then... anyone who may potentially want to work on an RPG with me, drop me a line... and yeah, I'll be off. good luck on this I suppose ;o
2010-03-13 00:00:00

Posts: 10882

eh you could jaz it up by making it really eerie like in Bioshock, lots of sounds and the constant threat of the outside, theres a gameplay idea, using a weapon to break a window nearby a enemy to make it shatter and suck them out and the emergency metal doors shut to close it off after a second or two.

Im watching videos now and getting the hang of it. Playing it is super laggy though, why :O
2010-03-13 00:07:00

Posts: 1924

Meh, I would help you if I could Rock, but I know nothing bout coding and scripting.2010-03-13 00:08:00

Posts: 3262

Not so much be in a spaceship for an entire half of the game either, unless the game is going to be really short.

I think the game should start AS you're getting off the ship, you're pushed straight onto this new planet with these towering dark metal buildings surrounding you and you see machinery littered over the landscape that are either mining or making the atmosphere breathable.

Starting in the ship and being made to stay there would be a bit dull and claustrophobic ("flashbacks to the vault in Fallout 3*), and you definatly wouldn't start on earth unless cryo is involved on the journey because Mars is a pretty long way away
2010-03-13 00:44:00

Posts: 2100

Meh, ok. The beginning of the game you are on the ship while it prepares to land. You know your sister is in one of the prisons, but which?2010-03-13 00:54:00

Posts: 3262

Maybe your first mission is to find a terminal. The guards aren't hostile at this point but you try not to raise suspicion.
Then as soon as you find records of your sister and find out where she is you're shut off the system and the other guards know you're up to something.
You exit the room and the guards follow yelling stop to question you, but you keep going so they open fire and the alarm is raised. Then you just have to fight your way out!
2010-03-13 01:16:00

Posts: 2100

Oooh cool. :3. Maybe we should stop discussing this for now until a group is made 2010-03-13 02:27:00

Posts: 3262

It doesn't hurt to throw around a few ideas 2010-03-13 13:58:00

Posts: 2100

I know nothing about that, but like Clay, I can at least write interesting stories. And draw weapons. although by now you prolly have that position filled. but if you want me, i'm around.

Good luck with this operation!

2010-03-13 15:23:00

Posts: 729

Actually, Im not sure if we have a weapons designer. And it would be nice having another story writer around to share my ideas with.

2010-03-13 16:04:00

Posts: 3262

This project will be a pain to do. Only thing i can be here for is to steal the ideas and make a version for iPhone.:kz:

(I actually have the tools, but if you let me, no money sharing!)
2010-03-13 18:57:00

Posts: 386

Comeon guys where your posotive enthusiasm i have just started working on the first level i have a good idea for it:

Suddely a beam of light appears in the screen from top to bottom then the beam slowly thickens, you walk out to find you where in a elevator and you are in a massive pit with a spaceship in the middle.

If you like this please say as i will carry on work with it.
2010-03-14 14:07:00

Posts: 1304

No I don't like it. I think the game should begin with a cutscene telling you that hes looking for his sister on the spaceship, and its about to land on Mars. You have to get as much info as you can then set foot on Mars before the ship heads back to Earth.2010-03-14 16:29:00

Posts: 3262

Errr…I don't really have many better ones…but LBPholic, could you clarify your idea?

and Clay, i like that idea a bit because it involves conflict. and thats what all good stories need. lots and lots of conflict. lots.
2010-03-14 19:29:00

Posts: 729

I would love to join you guys in your endeavors but I am currently up to my eye balls in iPhone development. If you need an opinion or two on story/visuals/anything though don't be afraid to ask!2010-03-14 20:04:00

Posts: 414

Oki guys we have a name: Cloudy Tree

I love this name i love it tell me what u think.
2010-03-14 20:07:00

Posts: 1304

-sigh- Grammar is every developer's friend.

Cloudy Tree? I like it. But I'm still unsure as to what your original idea is. Until there is clarification there, I cannot vote.
2010-03-14 20:10:00

Posts: 729

Erm Clay can u come up with a summary as to what you think the story should be as listed in these last 5 pages lol.2010-03-14 20:18:00

Posts: 1304

ll send you a message of what I think. If anyone (team or not) has a suggestion for the story, send me (not lbpholic, me) a PM and Ill tell lbpholic if i deem it worthy of my genius! MWAHAHAHA2010-03-14 20:58:00

Posts: 3262

OKI people i am about to update the front page with a list of jobs and your fields so check it out.2010-03-15 10:16:00

Posts: 1304

ultimateclay told me about this and that i can probably sign up to do the score, so if its possible, im interested in contributing :]2010-03-15 14:40:00

Posts: 724

He makes very good space like music.2010-03-15 15:23:00

Posts: 3262

Piccie time so tell me what you guys think, its no way near done tho:



2010-03-16 14:06:00

Posts: 1304

And how did he aquire that gun?
And also, THE RED. Makes it hard to look at everything else.
2010-03-16 14:17:00

Posts: 3262

Hold on lemme dim the lighting to se how that looks byt other than that is it alright, its a default gun u start with2010-03-16 14:18:00

Posts: 1304

Oki here are some updated pics, ive added a skydome in which actually moves but u can't see in the pics, theres is also a platform for the ship to land on:




EDIT: Sorry for double post forgot to edit previous one.
2010-03-16 14:33:00

Posts: 1304

Ok, make the gun a pistol. Those guns seem more military like and harder to obtain..2010-03-16 15:13:00

Posts: 3262

I will have a look at how to do that now. Im having trobule adding a pistol as there is no default pistol for the game, this is where the 3d moddelers come in lol.2010-03-16 15:39:00

Posts: 1304

ive done a demo of a song for gameplay; i won't tweak or finish until i know if it's right for what we're aiming for

i don't know how to show it though; do you have an email I can send it to?
2010-03-19 12:42:00

Posts: 724

what program do you need to use for the 3d modeling? i've had some training in autodesk VIZ which is basically 3ds max. i'm afraid to commit but i could help out2010-03-19 14:01:00

Posts: 71

ive done a demo of a song for gameplay; i won't tweak or finish until i know if it's right for what we're aiming for

i don't know how to show it though; do you have an email I can send it to?
Upload it to youtube then send the link to the video to me and/or holic.
2010-03-19 15:05:00

Posts: 3262

K, I uploaded it. Tbe song is no where near completion and is only what I've made in one day, but I don't want to be serious about it until I know what we're gong for so I made this demo just this morning to see if it could work out. I can picture this song [finished] on loop in the background of some shooter mission, lol

And sorry about the audio quality; I didn't have enough space on my computer to create an HD file so I had to go with mobile.

2010-03-19 18:34:00

Posts: 724

EDIT: oops, repost :O2010-03-19 18:35:00

Posts: 724

I like it its good, maybe make it a bit uptempo and add a bit more music to it if you know what i mean.2010-03-19 18:51:00

Posts: 1304

better as a theme song2010-03-19 19:20:00

Posts: 3262

wait, did you want me to make it faster lbpholic?

and also should i finish this song? i can make it around 8 minutes probably to keep the gameplay flowing and send another shorter version of it to be looped.

i can also do sound affects [space ship landing, alien things, guns shooting, walking noise, etc] if you want me to but i can't upload them to youtube cause my computer's out of space but i can email them to an email if you have one.
2010-03-19 20:56:00

Posts: 724

Oki so i have been trying to get someone to write an actualy song with lyrics for an actualy theme song as it where so make your faster voodeedoo2010-03-22 12:22:00

Posts: 1304

Can you send me a private message with the lyrics?2010-03-23 02:05:00

Posts: 3262

Oki so i have been trying to get someone to write an actualy song with lyrics for an actualy theme song as it where so make your faster voodeedoo

i dont understand u :O
2010-03-23 03:21:00

Posts: 724

Holic wants to put lyrics in the song.
I have no idea how thats gonna work.
2010-03-23 04:06:00

Posts: 3262

and to make it faster? im not sure how to pull that off either; its almost at 220 bpm [which is as fast as the ticking of a stopwatch].2010-03-23 09:30:00

Posts: 724

NO NO NOOOOOO i don't want to put lyrics in the song lol. OK this is what i want: I want the song Voodeedoo made to make it faster and add some more musical aspects into it. Also i have asked my sis to write a song which Fenderjt is going to sing for us, to be the actual theme song of the game, do you get that?2010-03-23 11:00:00

Posts: 1304

OK. Yea. And Voodoo, just put that clip into Windows Movie Maker, and put the 2x effect on it. There, twice as fast 2010-03-23 14:19:00

Posts: 3262

You also need someone to make sure the Thermo stays down and also someone who knows Logic.2010-03-24 23:53:00

Posts: 15

Lol this isn't for LBP lol and if it would, i would be fine for logic and keeping thermo down lol.2010-03-25 10:58:00

Posts: 1304

I wouldn't be fine for keeping thermo down...
*looks at LittleBigPlanet Galaxy*
2010-03-25 15:05:00

Posts: 3262

sadly i dont own windows movie maker, but i still dont know if I can speed it up anymore, this song is over 200 bpm which is at least 3 times faster than most commercial rave songs. ive seen how it sounded sped up and to me, personally, it sounded near unlistenable. but i can add more melody to it and increase the length. pm me an email where i can send the song and also the version of the song where it is to be looped [during gameplay], or looped after the original version ends. would around a five minute loop sound good?

and i can still do the sound effects whenever its time to add them on, if you want
2010-03-25 15:23:00

Posts: 724

Yep the sound effects are good i'm thinking maybe a futuristic gun sound not like a laser or raygun tho and some other ambient sounds, ill pm u ma e-mail adress.2010-03-25 16:06:00

Posts: 1304

BUMP, oki guys i think we are going to need a new 3d moddeler as i havet heard from ours in a while, so if anyone knows anyone please say we really need this gun moddeled.2010-03-30 09:19:00

Posts: 1304

Please tell me you haven't stopped making the levels because of the gun. Use a placeholder >:U2010-03-30 13:52:00

Posts: 3262

I don't know, I kinda doubt this will take off, but if for some wacky reason it does, then I don't want to miss this opportunity.

That said, I have many , many hours of experience composing music on various programs like FL Studio. If you want, I can an audio guy. But, I have virtually no experience with coding.

If this ever does take off, I will be ecstatic, because one of the things I've always wanted to do was compose music for games.
2010-03-30 17:09:00

Posts: 466

Jolly if you could compose some music that would be great i too have Fl Studio but im crap in it lol, and the only reason is stopped making levels is cause i reformatted my computer the other day and havent got udk yet, so yeah i will ytry and get back into it asap.2010-03-30 17:27:00

Posts: 1304

Sorry to say but I cannot see this succeeding at all! This reminds me way too much of college and the team projects I had to do which by the way never turned out how they should have. Reasons being too many voices shouting, different ideas and lack of ability to meet somewhere in the middle. I can see these qualities all throughout this thread. I think before you tell people what to do in their respective fields, understand what the processes are, or just leave them and say what you like/ dislike. Saying speed it up to 2x speed seems so ignorant. XVoodeedooX said it's at a very high bpm already, 2x that = outside the realms of music! Also I tried 2x myself and it sounds horrible, sure the slower parts are acceptable but once the beat gets going it's an earful.

My advice is to let people do what they can, then voice an opinion on what you like or dislike. Don't try telling them how to do their job! Even if someone is less educated than you in some field, if they need help they will ask (hopefully). Forcing ideas on people will only push them away becuase there isn't really any reward here, it's a wild card that could be great, but it could also be terrible. Be more lenient, this is not going to line up perfectly with your vision.

Also I notice a lot of story floating around. Reading through I'm confused what it might be about. But more important is the game play and core mechanics, they have to be fun or the player might not bother sticking around to discover this crazy story. Developing a prototype is essential and maybe you have it already but a private forum for team members to see screen shots or videos of the latest developments would help with motivation, looking at a screen of text isn't exactly mind blowing and set you on a creative rampage (there are exceptions!). For visual artists a bit of visual feedback helps tremendously, I'm sure this spills into other fields too.

This is not meant to be offensive or anything, just trying to be helpful. I look forward to seeing what emerges good or bad as I think you are all nuts and probably naive to the horror that can be game development! XD Also I can safely say in college everyone HATED udk.. Good Luck working with it!

*runs away
2010-03-30 18:34:00

Posts: 1370

Sadly, I think hes right.2010-03-30 23:15:00

Posts: 3262

Well its good to see all the posotive thinking you guys are doing, its just a project we can work on over time, it is a lot harder making these levels than it looks lol, perhaps if we take a break and come back in a while we can carry on with a fresh mind?2010-03-31 09:59:00

Posts: 1304

What I think you should do is make a group, and then all the 'employees' will talk about storylines, gameplay, etc.2010-03-31 14:44:00

Posts: 3262

I can't make a group for some reason so if u could do it that would be good.2010-03-31 15:34:00

Posts: 1304

Sorry about not working on the model, but I really signed up to help with the coding. Work has me swamped at the moment, plus I've been trying to finish a level I'm been working on all month. With luck I'll have some time to model the gun in a week or so.2010-03-31 17:58:00

Posts: 397

If you could do that it would be great thanks.2010-03-31 18:13:00

Posts: 1304

OK I'll make a group.2010-03-31 18:21:00

Posts: 3262

I've made a few songs keeping a shooter environment in mind, but i don't have an email address pm'd to me. i don't have enough space on my computer to upload them to youtube, but i can upload them to soundcloud and post some links to them here. they're dynamic, but let me know whichever direction seems to work best for you so i'll know what to do more. for now, i'll stick with some krafty cut up break beats, since it worked well last time.2010-04-08 11:10:00

Posts: 724

Sorry to say but I cannot see this succeeding at all! This reminds me way too much of college and the team projects I had to do which by the way never turned out how they should have. Reasons being too many voices shouting, different ideas and lack of ability to meet somewhere in the middle. I can see these qualities all throughout this thread. I think before you tell people what to do in their respective fields, understand what the processes are, or just leave them and say what you like/ dislike. Saying speed it up to 2x speed seems so ignorant. XVoodeedooX said it's at a very high bpm already, 2x that = outside the realms of music! Also I tried 2x myself and it sounds horrible, sure the slower parts are acceptable but once the beat gets going it's an earful.

My advice is to let people do what they can, then voice an opinion on what you like or dislike. Don't try telling them how to do their job! Even if someone is less educated than you in some field, if they need help they will ask (hopefully). Forcing ideas on people will only push them away becuase there isn't really any reward here, it's a wild card that could be great, but it could also be terrible. Be more lenient, this is not going to line up perfectly with your vision.

Also I notice a lot of story floating around. Reading through I'm confused what it might be about. But more important is the game play and core mechanics, they have to be fun or the player might not bother sticking around to discover this crazy story. Developing a prototype is essential and maybe you have it already but a private forum for team members to see screen shots or videos of the latest developments would help with motivation, looking at a screen of text isn't exactly mind blowing and set you on a creative rampage (there are exceptions!). For visual artists a bit of visual feedback helps tremendously, I'm sure this spills into other fields too.

This is not meant to be offensive or anything, just trying to be helpful. I look forward to seeing what emerges good or bad as I think you are all nuts and probably naive to the horror that can be game development! XD Also I can safely say in college everyone HATED udk.. Good Luck working with it!

*runs away

Oh, and this is so true. I'm involved by making music for it, but mainly because it's fun and if this works, i'd be deeply interested to see how it would be used.
2010-04-08 11:11:00

Posts: 724


is the project still active?
I'd love to be a part of it!

I'm just about getting done with my Bachelor's in Computer Engg (exams on the 25th of may).
I'm pretty good at C,C++ a little bit of Java.
For my final year project i made a 2d rpg engine using SDL and C++, but it was very amateur.
Being a part of the project would really help me learn a lot more about proper game development.

Also, I will be starting my Masters in Game Development at USC this fall, so this could be a good experience for me before i get started.
2010-05-10 21:11:00

Posts: 20

I think it's dead. If you read the posts, it was a horrible mess.2010-05-13 03:33:00

Posts: 724

Well if its still alive ill model.2010-05-13 07:19:00

Posts: 1266

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