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The Cannon-Recoil-Wheel

Archive: 17 posts

Yesterday whilst messing about in create mode I thought I'd create a contraption of my own. A few hours of tweaking later and with a bit of help from BasketSnake, I ended up with a pretty unqiue vehicle which for now I'm calling the Cannon-Recoil-Wheel.

http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=13732 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=13733

Basically, it's a cannon bolted to a large wheel with a hole in the middle for sackboy to sit in. Unlike most multi-purpose vehicles you see on LBP which have several switches and a lot of logic, this one is able to move left and right, accelrate, decelerate, and shoot in any direction... all with only one grab switch and no logic.

Instead it's powered entirely by physics. It's very light, so you're able to spin the cannon around just by walking left and right when inside it. Pressing R1 will shoot a cannonball, and the recoil generated by this will push the wheel backwards. The faster you fire, the faster the wheel will move. Spin the wheel round to the other side and fire and it'll slow you down. It's suprisingly easy to accurately control it, and once you get the hang of it you can zoom around all over the place. You can even do a very small jump if you shoot downwards (at one point I managed to fly for a short while).

At the moment there's still a bit of tweaking to be done, as it breaks if you spin the cannon quickly before firing. I also need to put some sound effects on there which get faster the faster you're moving, which I'm not quite sure how to do.

Once the vehicle's finished I'm going to make a level for it to go in, a kind of obstacle course sort of thing with stuff to shoot (which should be interesting because if you want to shoot something you're going to move away from it at the same time, making it a bit trickier).
2010-03-07 19:02:00

Posts: 927

Haha, nice. How long did it take to get it to balance?2010-03-07 19:16:00

Posts: 5338

That is really aweosme i love it i can't wait for the levle to come out.2010-03-07 19:23:00

Posts: 1304

Ooh, looks very nice. I created a vehicle like this, but it use two wheels...and logic... (this is the first time I feel bad about admiting I used logic)2010-03-08 05:28:00

Posts: 425

How much does running to move the cannon move the wheel itself?2010-03-08 05:37:00

Posts: 3251

Haha, nice. How long did it take to get it to balance?

Not long actually. The whole thing is made of of polysteryne except for the bit in the cannon which pushes the cannonballs, which is a thin strip of metal. There's a also a small block of wood the other side to counter balance it.

How much does running to move the cannon move the wheel itself?

Very little.

After a bit more tweaking last night, I've now got it, if I do say so myself, working perfectly. I was driving it around last night for about 15 minutes and nothing broke, so it looks like I can make the whole level inside it without the need to emit a new one.

I might try and get it published in a quick level tonight with one of those combination lock thingies on it so that you can all have a play around with it.
2010-03-08 09:47:00

Posts: 927

Very interesting and original.

I look forward to trying it out. Can't promise anything though as I still have that key not working bug. I'll try though.
2010-03-08 11:32:00

Posts: 2210

I'm jumping over to you to grab your finished one sometime. You know it's going into my AIRPORT LEVEL buddy!2010-03-08 17:46:00

Posts: 2391

Published it in a level called "Nothing to see..." Combination is Yellow Green Green Blue Yellow. Enjoy! 2010-03-09 00:02:00

Posts: 927

Can the materials be changed? Like if it was all Dissolve, would it not work because of the weight of the material?2010-03-09 04:59:00

Posts: 425

looks great im gettin this but first ive got a few Q's

1:Can the materials be changed? Like if it was all Dissolve, would it not work because of the weight of the material? i want to know too
2:Can you use it in water? or have you tested it?
3:is it easy to control? or to you have to play with it for a while?
2010-04-11 21:35:00

Posts: 376

looks great im gettin this but first ive got a few Q's

1:Can the materials be changed? Like if it was all Dissolve, would it not work because of the weight of the material? i want to know too
2:Can you use it in water? or have you tested it?
3:is it easy to control? or to you have to play with it for a while?

Bumpity Bump
2010-04-11 21:37:00

Posts: 425

Will have to give this a look!2010-04-12 13:41:00

Posts: 2454

I'm not taking any credits for it at all. I looked at it and spraypainted it yellow and barely touched it. I just customised my own Subaru Impreza-Cannon-Recoil-Wheel WRX2010-04-12 16:08:00

Posts: 2391

Very clever idea! I'd love to play with it for a bit.

2010-04-12 19:50:00

Posts: 409

Its amazing what you can do with a bit of mucking about in create mode... love it nuclearfish! try making a piratey level to go along with it, or something else that usually involves cannons2011-04-28 23:08:00

Unknown User

Nice! This is a quite unique vehicle. I cant wait to see how it handles!2011-04-30 23:36:00

Posts: 193

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