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Crime Story

Archive: 12 posts

After having a blast with "Heavy Rain" (one of the best, most intense games I have ever played), I thought about the possibility of creating a crime story level for LBP PSP.

I'm also experiencing a hard time with my next Sack Raider level. It would seem as I ran out of interesting ideas for the platforming sections, and I can't think of great puzzles either. (To make it worse, some of the last levels I played from other users, feature such advanced, innovative puzzles that I'm ashamed of the ideas I got so far.)

It's very frustrating, actually. That's why I feel like making a very different level might be refreshing as a creator, and maybe after that I can get over this creative block.

Anyway, I started writing the plot for the crime story. But then I realized that such a plot may get the level moderated and erased. Specially since it involves a murder. It won't be a gore level, but obviously the setting would be that of a noir film, with a killer and a dead person, and you as a detective having to get clues that will lead you to the killer. I thought about turning the plot into a robbery... but I don't like detective stories about robberies, they're uninteresting, at least for my taste.

So, what do you think? Is it possible publishing a level about a murder, or it will get moderated for sure? I want to know that I won't be wasting my time...
2010-03-07 00:29:00

Lleonard Pler
Posts: 277

Hmmm. Personally I don't see what's so bad about a murder story, but then again that's probably too mature for whatever way-too-young age group it is that *might* play the game.

Personally, I'd hate to see it get moderated. So much work going to waste would be a shame, and you've already had more than your fair share of issues (broken scoreboard for example). I suppose you could make the story about a nearly-as-bad crime, like kidnapping. Or, you could make it about a threat of murder, even if it's just implied, like you owe some gangsters money and they'll come after your family if you don't pay.
2010-03-07 00:45:00

Posts: 3187

Hmm... you actually gave me some good ideas: a theat of murder, or maybe a murder that is not a murder. I will try to work around this!2010-03-07 00:52:00

Lleonard Pler
Posts: 277

Hey Lleonard,

I'm also experiencing a hard time with my next Sack Raider level. It would seem as I ran out of interesting ideas for the platforming sections, and I can't think of great puzzles either. (To make it worse, some of the last levels I played from other users, feature such advanced, innovative puzzles that I'm ashamed of the ideas I got so far.)

It's very frustrating, actually. That's why I feel like making a very different level might be refreshing as a creator, and maybe after that I can get over this creative block.

. I was really looking forward to playing this Sack Raider level. To be honest, I think isolated puzzles aren't your style at all, and I would be just as happy if you stick with your signature puzzle platforming for this level. So far, great puzzle-platforming elements are unique to your Sack Raider series, and I don't think it will ever feel redundant. On the other hand, taking on a side project like this one is a great idea for taking a break and gaining a fresh perspective on your existing level. I took multiple breaks with ZEN, and it was really effective in giving me new ideas.

But please don't ever scrap this level, EVER. I'm sure an epiphany will strike that amazing head of yours in strange and random situations...

Anyway, I started writing the plot for the crime story. But then I realized that such a plot may get the level moderated and erased. Specially since it involves a murder. It won't be a gore level, but obviously the setting would be that of a noir film, with a killer and a dead person, and you as a detective having to get clues that will lead you to the killer. I thought about turning the plot into a robbery... but I don't like detective stories about robberies, they're uninteresting, at least for my taste.

So, what do you think? Is it possible publishing a level about a murder, or it will get moderated for sure? I want to know that I won't be wasting my time...

I've played several who-done-it murder mysteries on the PS3 before, and to my best knowledge, they were never moderated. Maybe the PSP version will be the same. I think you'll be safe as long as you don't include the gore and merely use the murder as a plot element. Taffey's suggestions are excellent, but you could also try to experiment with euphemisms of murder. For instance, you can use legal terms like "homicide" or maybe vague words like "passed away" to tone down the negative connotations a bit...

I really like the film noir idea, and I hope you'll find a way to make this happen. Of course, I'll still be on a lookout for that Sack Raider level!

A demain,
2010-03-07 06:31:00

Posts: 648

I tried making a level based on Indigo Prophecy (last gen Heavy Rain), not really based on the murder, but based on the choices. After some hard work the create mode got the better of me with all its bugs, and it was also quite complex for a 'simple' creator like me.

But I would like to see a creator like you have a crack at it, but the only thing is with Heavy Rain having such a mature story, it probably won't make it past moderation, and a 'toned' down version would take away from it.

But I actually like the robbery idea! The first part of the level you could be the robber, and rest your of the level your the cop trying to find the robber.
2010-03-07 10:39:00

Posts: 99

I am a huge fan of traditional early C20th crime thrillers, in particular Agatha Christie novels, and I've often wondered whether it would be possible to make such a level, and I've also been quite drawn to the idea of setting a level in a sprawling country house. Anyway, the matter of moderation is something that had crossed my mind, and which indeed worries me with just about everything. If you were to populate your level with 'sack' people, you could essentially treat your characters as toys so long as you choose your language carefully, and have them torn up in any manner imaginable. I'm thinking the evil kid in 'Toy Story' - that's very dark but it's still kid-friendly. Don't forget sackboy himself gets burned, electrocuted, crushed etc. all the time.2010-03-07 20:28:00

Posts: 421

I'd love to see a detective-esc level from you Lleonard! I'm sure it'd be awesome!2010-03-07 20:50:00

Posts: 1277

I think the level won't be moderated at all.
On PS3, people posted blood n gore type of levels, but you don't need to have the blood n gore.
Although, I think some nice bloody type of wallpaper will do. I think...

I hope you don't let this idea down.
2010-03-07 22:39:00

Posts: 801

Thanks everyone for your ideas so far, I'll write the scenario this week and start thinking about how to implement it in an interesting way.2010-03-08 12:02:00

Lleonard Pler
Posts: 277

Hey, sounds like a great idea, knowing it's from you it's bound to have some great puzzle/platforming.2010-03-08 18:58:00

Unknown User

Hey, thanks!

Currently, I'm just planning the scenario and also thinking about types of gameplay that fis. I'm still not sure of how to do it. Maybe there will be puzzles & platforming, because I don't want a standard adventure-type level but I can't promise anything just yet.

Also, yesterday I bought Final Fantasy XIII, and I won't start creating the level until I beat the game.
2010-03-09 12:34:00

Lleonard Pler
Posts: 277

I have played "HEAVY RAIN" and it was amazing!!! I would like to play crime level that has good story.

All your levels has been really good. 5 stars and heart in all your levels!!!
2010-03-28 20:10:00

Posts: 734

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