How do I set up a picture as my LBP avatar?
Archive: 4 posts
Uh, topic. | 2010-03-03 01:01:00 Author: Infernox ![]() Posts: 93 |
Well, I'm not actually on my PS3 right now but I think it goes something like...Go to InfoMoon > Me > Choose Avatar. It'll usually shoot right to pictures you've taken but you can use any sticker you have. ![]() | 2010-03-03 01:12:00 Author: GreyMRP ![]() Posts: 588 |
Oh... I thought you could only use stickers from the game for that. Lol, thanks. | 2010-03-03 01:15:00 Author: Infernox ![]() Posts: 93 |
It'll usually shoot right to pictures you've taken but you can use any sticker you have. ![]() Also, check out the thread (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=23443-Aspect-Ratio-Correction-Block&p=405980) I just posted on how to avoid the aspect ratio problem if you're using an in-game photo. | 2010-03-03 21:33:00 Author: Aya042 ![]() Posts: 2870 |
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