Pokemon Soul Silver And Heart gold
Archive: 210 posts
God im pretty sure no one has made a thread on this O.o So this game is coming out soon, is anyone getting it? I plan on not reserving it but waiting till march 26th before i go on spring vacation (Big Car ride im gonna need it to play ![]() So i just saw the poke walker and um i think its pretty weird :eek: I plan on getting soul silver cause i like Lugia a lot more than Ho-Ho ' Um my only concern is.... MUDKIP BETTER BE IN ! | 2010-03-03 00:36:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
Um my only concern is.... MUDKIP BETTER BE IN ! Too bad Mudkip and his entire evolutionary family sort of sucks. SoulSilver, if it's like a perfect port of the originals (which it won't be) will be much better than HG, simply because you can make a better team with greater ease than in HG. -shrug- | 2010-03-03 04:48:00 Author: Ragfell ![]() Posts: 729 |
weeeellll...i'm sort of a poke'freak O.O so i can tell you from the research i have done that: - johto, kanto, and hoehn starters + legends are all in the game for you to get - celebii, and mew events have happened in japan, for the original g+s 10th anniversery - the pokewalker is actually a punked-up pedometer that is actually pretty cool - there are many new features, including a poke-esque oylmpics that adds tons of replay value ask away your other questions...i have a LOT of info | 2010-03-03 05:27:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
ask away your other questions...i have a LOT of info Or you could do something along these lines ![]() Aesthetic changes * Gold receives a redesign while Kotone replaces Kris. * All the game's music is rearranged to better utilize the DS's sound capabilities. A key item allows the player to switch back and forth freely between the arranged soundtrack and original chiptune soundtrack. * The Pok?Gear has been redesigned. There are a range of skins that can be used and changed at the player's will. * Much like Kanto's was for its remakes, Johto's Pok?dex has been redesigned. Unlike Kanto's remakes, which contained the same regional Pok?dex as the originals, the original regional Pok?dex for Johto has been slightly altered, including several Generation IV evolutions for Pok?mon found in Johto. * An image of certain locations, similar to that of FireRed and LeafGreen, appears when entering the location. Some of these images change depending on the time of day while others change the image of the Pok?mon obtainable at the location on the image at random. * Team Rocket Grunts are redesigned once again. * Rocket Executives are also redesigned from Generation II, with four new ones appearing: Apollo, Athena, Lambda, and Lance. Like Team Galactic's Commanders followed a planetary naming scheme, the Rocket Executives are all named for various real-world rockets. * Lugia and Ho-Oh each have their own unique battle music, while the legendary beasts each use differently remixed versions of their battle theme from Pok?mon Crystal. * Kurt and Apricorns make a return to the series along with their respective Pok? Balls. Apricorns can now be carried by the player in their own bag with a new item, the Apricorn Case. * All former Berry trees have become Apricorn trees. * Gym Leaders, Elite Four members, Silver, and Red have animated battle sprites and battle intros, as in Platinum. Many Gyms have been redesigned as well, some with new puzzles. * Rock Smash, previously a TM usable on the field in the originals, is now a full-fledged HM as it has been since Generation III. Defog loses its HM status to the returning Whirlpool. * Ambient sound effects are used with greater frequency than in previous games; for example, running water and the player walking through grass will produce audible noises. * The Magnet Train's tracks can be seen overground in locations such as Route 32. * Pal Park is located where the closed Kanto Safari Zone once stood in Fuchsia City. * The Rage Candy Bar is now a key item. This is likely to prevent the player from trading it to Pok?mon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, which does not have any item data for the Rage Candy Bar. * The player can now see how many Kanto badges they have. In the original games, the player could only see how many Johto Badges they had. * Ecruteak City and Cianwood City, while sharing a theme in Generation II, now feature separate remixed variations of the same theme. * Some music in Kanto is changed, with Mt. Moon and the Seafoam Islands changing their music to that which is used by of Johto's Union Cave and Ice Path, respectively. Music in Cerulean City and Fuchsia City, as well as on Routes 24 and 25, rather than taking the theme used in Pewter City, Celadon City, and on Route 3 as they did in the original Generation II games, keep the theme used in Generation I and Generation III. The music used on Route 2, however, is different from any previous generation; the Generation II theme, a remix of the Viridian Forest theme in Generation I, is used solely in Viridian Forest, while the theme used in Generation I and Generation III is, like in Generation II, only used on Route 1. Route 2 instead uses the theme that first appears on Route 3. Location changes * Elm's Lab has an upstairs level, where the professor and his family live, his old house being occupied by Kotone/Hibiki and her/his family. * Maps have been remade to match the design style used in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. * The Battle Tower west of Olivine City, introduced in Pok?mon Crystal, returns, bringing with it the exact same Battle Frontier seen in Platinum. * Two new routes, Route 47 and Route 48, are introduced near Cianwood City. They lead to a new Safari Zone, as well as the Hidden Tower. * Mt. Silver is much bigger and Viridian Forest is not cut down. * Cerulean Cave and the Seafoam Islands remain as they were in Generation III (though Blaine still takes part of the Seafoam Islands), allowing the legendary Pok?mon that live inside them to be battled. Moltres, formerly found in Victory Road and Mt. Ember, can be found in Mt. Silver. * The Fighting Dojo in Saffron City takes a role similar to Sinnoh's Battleground. Gameplay changes * All 493 Pok?mon are capable of following players similar to Pikachu in Yellow. Shininess is also retained. The player can interact with their Pok?mon by pressing 'A', and can see how their Pok?mon is feeling at the moment. In battle, like Yellow's Pikachu, they are sent out from the side of the screen, rather than from a Pok? Ball, unless in certain situations, such as while riding the bicycle or going into a small space with a big Pok?mon. * Similarly to the event Shaymin and Regigigas's effect on Platinum, the Pikachu-colored Pichu will unlock an event near the Ilex Forest Shrine, where the Spiky-Eared Pichu can be obtained. * The Pok?mon storage system, bag, party interface, and the screen that pops up when pressing the Start or X buttons in the previous games all use the Nintendo DS's touch screen. * Legendary Pok?mon from other regions can be caught in the games. Kyogre and Groudon appear in HeartGold and SoulSilver, respectively, after the Elite Four, and Rayquaza can be caught in both games once the other members of its trio are traded into the game. Latias (in HeartGold) or Latios (in SoulSilver) can be found roaming in Kanto later in the game after speaking to Steven Stone. o The Mysterious Crystal is an Event key item that features a use similar to that of the Eon Ticket. It can get the other Eon Pok?mon depending on the player's game version: Latias (in SoulSilver) and Latios (in HeartGold). * Headbutting trees to locate certain Pok?mon makes its return. However, this time it can also be used to collect Pok?mon from Hoenn and Sinnoh after the National Pok?dex is acquired. * Cynthia makes an appearance in an event involving Arceus. This takes place in an area accessed from the Ruins of Alph that is far to the north, named the Shinto Ruins. This event allows players to obtain either Dialga, Palkia, or Giratina at level 1. The only way to obtain the Griseous Orb and Origin Forme Giratina in this game is to choose Giratina during this event. * The Gracidea can be obtained in the flower shop in Goldenrod City by bringing any fateful encounter Shaymin to show them. * Eusine, a major character from Pok?mon Crystal who was not in the original Gold and Silver, appears, as do other aspects originally featured in Crystal. * A new sidequest, the Pok?thlon, features ten mini-games that pit Pok?mon in athletic competitions. Its system appears to be analogous to that of Contests from previous games. * Apricorns are now the only items collected from plants on the field. Berries are instead collected from Jugglers in Violet City and Fuchsia City in exchange for shards. Because only very limited varieties of berries can be collected in these games, the rest must by traded over from other versions, similar to that of Pok?mon FireRed and LeafGreen. * Berries can be grown portably using the Berry Planter, where the Squirtbottle is controlled via the touch screen to water four Berries at a time. Berries can be found on the ground in some locations, held by wild Pok?mon, with the Pok?walker, and will be bought by the player's mom at times. * Using the Apricorn Shaker, Apricorns can now also be mixed into drinks that increase Pok?mon's Pok?thlon stats. * The Running Shoes are obtained in Cherrygrove City and can be permanently selected using the touchscreen menu. The selected item (from pressing Y or SELECT in previous games) is also on the touchscreen. Two items can be selected as opposed to just one. * Due to the absence of the Vs. Seeker, the Pok?Gear reintroduces an improved cell phone feature with a limitless call list. However, re-battling trainers is now dependent on the day and time. * The Radio Card for the Pok? Gear is required to continue in the game - Whitney will not return to her Gym until the player has the Radio Card. * Starter Pok?mon from Kanto and Hoenn can be collected from Professor Oak and Steven Stone once certain conditions are met. * Commemorative photos can now be taken around Johto and Kanto with the player's partner Pok?mon, team, Gym Leaders, and certain notable citizens. * An event-exclusive Celebi unlocks an encounter with former Team Rocket boss and Viridian Gym Leader Giovanni. Giovanni was mentioned repeatedly in the original Gold and Silver, but did not appear. * Many Pok?mon have acquired the ability to learn new moves and expand and improve their movesets; for example, Togepi can now learn Extrasensory through breeding. * Like the GBA Wireless Adapter that came with FireRed and LeafGreen, a bonus is included with the purchase of HeartGold and SoulSilver: a Pok? Ball-shaped pedometer called the Pok?walker that has the capacity to link to the two games and hold a Pok?mon. Storing a Pok?mon in this manner increases its experience and happiness as the wearer walks. Other Pok?mon can be captured in exclusive Pok?walker-only areas and then transferred to the main game. * The GB Player, a key item obtained after all 16 badges have been obtained, allows players to swap the background music for the soundtrack from the original Gold and Silver, redone. New music tracks, such as the music that plays on Routes 47 and 48, also receive an 8-bit remix. * When using the move Whirlpool outside of battle, instead of the whirlpool disappearing like in Generation II, the player will simply surf over the whirlpools. * Specific individual values may be passed down through breeding depending on the EV-enhancing item that is held. * The Trainers that appear in Viridian City's Trainer House are now influenced by communication through two Pok?walkers as opposed to the previous method of Mystery Gifting with the Game Boy Color's infrared port. * During the player's initial battle with the rival, he is known as Passerby Boy, unlike in Gold and Silver, where he was identified as ???. Players are still required to name him later. * When the player makes it all the way through the Tin Tower or Whirl Islands, instead of simply encountering Ho-oh or Lugia, respectively, the player must talk to the Kimono Girls who will summon the Pok?mon with a dance. source: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_HeartGold_and_SoulSilver_Versions | 2010-03-03 08:02:00 Author: Dexiro ![]() Posts: 2100 |
I plan on getting soul silver cause i like Lugia a lot more than Ho-Ho Same. Which is why I'm getting Heart Gold. Level 70 Lugia for teh winz. | 2010-03-03 21:22:00 Author: KlawwTheClown ![]() Posts: 1106 |
so pretty much every pokemon ever made is obtainable in game?(Besides a few legendaries) | 2010-03-03 21:23:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
To see all the Pokemon that aren't obtainable in the game itself, (Although you can get some by online events) go here (http://serebii.net/heartgoldsoulsilver/unobtainable.shtml). Here (http://serebii.net/heartgoldsoulsilver/legends.shtml) are all the legendary Pokemon in the two games. Yup... | 2010-03-04 00:02:00 Author: KlawwTheClown ![]() Posts: 1106 |
Looking back I'm amazed how quickly this series went from being must buy that imported copy of gold to play it 6 months early to being avoided like the plague. | 2010-03-04 00:33:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
There can't be a lance as a rocket… -spoilers- he was one of your major allies in the original. that will need to be renamed, unless he randomly decided to join team rocket in the changes from silver to crystal. -end spoiler Maybe something like Mercury or something? I thought there was one by Mercury…you know, it was in the movie "The Right Stuff"…oh what was it... | 2010-03-04 00:56:00 Author: Ragfell ![]() Posts: 729 |
There can't be a lance as a rocket? Why not, is there a rule that states only one person is allowed to have that name? | 2010-03-04 01:23:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
hmm not many unobtainables, well the ones you can not get i dont care much for so yeah im definatly getting this | 2010-03-04 01:44:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
No! Drifloon! My balloon bro... we shan't be separated long! | 2010-03-04 02:57:00 Author: monstahr ![]() Posts: 1361 |
Yawn... I can't really get excited... I imported the JPN version. And although it was amazing, I just don't see myself buying the same game twice. | 2010-03-07 20:45:00 Author: Fastbro ![]() Posts: 1277 |
ah, yes. I have finally defeated that evil pokewalker. Mwahahahaaa! did they really think they could make me exercise? At work i was walking back and forth even on breaks just to get (needless 1337 speak) Moar Watts (/needless 1337 speak) But then i found out you have to walk roughly 1k miles to do it. and that is, to my understanding, before you take into account the admitted margin of error. it's actually 1100 miles if that holds true. Yep, my pokewalker is sitting on my box fan. I'm all for playing as intended, but good god, I don't think i drive that far in 6 months, let alone walk. | 2010-03-23 00:46:00 Author: Memodrix ![]() Posts: 879 |
1000 milies what do you mean O.o | 2010-03-23 02:04:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
Given the average person's stride length and the number of steps it takes to unlock all the unlockables on the pokewalker....thing, the average person would have to walk the equiv. of 1.1k miles to get the number of steps required. yay for people that can do math! | 2010-03-23 03:18:00 Author: Memodrix ![]() Posts: 879 |
God im pretty sure no one has made a thread on this O.o So this game is coming out soon, is anyone getting it? I plan on not reserving it but waiting till march 26th before i go on spring vacation (Big Car ride im gonna need it to play ![]() So i just saw the poke walker and um i think its pretty weird :eek: I plan on getting soul silver cause i like Lugia a lot more than Ho-Ho ' Um my only concern is.... MUDKIP BETTER BE IN ! I am not a fan of Pokemon games, and I'm planning on selling my DS soon. The Pokewalker is just a cheap gimmick to make people but the game and use it often ![]() And is Ho-Ho some sort of homosexual Pokemon or something? ![]() | 2010-03-23 22:34:00 Author: Shockwave4 ![]() Posts: 200 |
And is Ho-Ho some sort of homosexual Pokemon or something? ![]() Ho-oh is omnisexual | 2010-03-23 23:37:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
I thought it would be asexual, seeing as its a legendary and can't reproduce? | 2010-03-24 01:06:00 Author: Memodrix ![]() Posts: 879 |
the pokewalker isnt bad. the battles and item finding on it are pretty fun. my daughter likes that you can aim 2 at each other and the pokemon play together lol. i guess soulsilver and heartgold are silver and gold from an old system but i never played em so its kinda cool. last one i played i think was sapphire? | 2010-03-24 03:08:00 Author: saulbecomespaul ![]() Posts: 52 |
I thought it would be asexual, seeing as its a legendary and can't reproduce? I was just joking. This game is just for kids, and it's not for learning about sex and reproducing and stuff. Says sarcasticly It's for learning how to catch new Pokemon and how to '"catch'em all!" and how to become the best!!!!!! In conclusion, I don't really like these games or the Pokemon franchise. | 2010-04-01 01:52:00 Author: Shockwave4 ![]() Posts: 200 |
I just download Pok?mon Soul Silver ![]() It look cool! | 2010-04-01 02:40:00 Author: phil_003 ![]() Posts: 609 |
EVERYONE is getting Soul Silver, and i mean EVERYONE!! I'm quite happy to be one of the very few to get Heart Gold. For a start you can get Ho-oh AND Lugia in both games, personally i think Gold has slightly better exclusives and now i'll have everyone running towards me wanting to trade because everyone else they knew got silver. | 2010-04-01 10:28:00 Author: Dexiro ![]() Posts: 2100 |
Ahh! I want this game so much... Soulsilver ftw - Why? - because it has Lugia in it and Ho-oh sucks. Bad fiery bird, bad! EDIT: WHAT? HO-OH IS IN SOUL SILVER ASWELL?! -.- | 2010-04-04 00:29:00 Author: RadioPaint ![]() Posts: 61 |
Well, even though everyone is getting Soul Silver, I would probably get SS as well because I really like Ninetails and Groudon. I just wish Arcanine and Sableye were in Silver as well.... | 2010-04-04 00:34:00 Author: RadioPaint ![]() Posts: 61 |
My team Owns so far I got a level 38 Quagsire, Level 40 Tyflosion , level 39 Ampharos, level 32 weepingbell, level 22 pidgey, level 24 nidoran Pidgey and nidoran are in the making lol | 2010-04-05 23:22:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
I got SoulSilver, and it's awesome. I heard that both legendaries are in both games. I got SS because I wanted Lugia quicker, but in HG you get Lugia after Hoho, and it's a level 70. Same with Hoho. However the debate between the games also streches to either the three birds or the three... I don't know what they are, I'll just name them: Suicune, Raikou, and Entei. | 2010-04-05 23:35:00 Author: JspOt ![]() Posts: 3607 |
Three dogs, sir. Three dogs. I have yet to pick up either HG or SS. I am ashamed.. | 2010-04-06 00:37:00 Author: monstahr ![]() Posts: 1361 |
I have to admit, I kinda left my Pokemon games alone for a few years, but about a week ago I discovered my old DS. I'm now playing Fired Red nonstop, and am planning on getting Heart Gold. (Knuckle touch with Dexiro.) I'll post back here as soon as I can with my thoughts. | 2010-04-06 00:57:00 Author: srgt_poptart ![]() Posts: 425 |
Soul silver/Heart Gold actually might be the best pokemon game ever maybe beating Sapphire/Ruby. I love the Score on the Trainer Card IDK how it is calculated but i see it goes up after every pokemon you beat or trainer or everytime you catch a pokemon. Can't wait to get Mudkip ![]() | 2010-04-06 02:41:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
I say they should make a remake of Ruby/Sapphire and Emerald. Those beat all, even HG and SS. R/S/E were the BEST Gameboy games EVAR. | 2010-04-06 03:08:00 Author: Deviantgeek ![]() Posts: 386 |
Has anyone ever got a Shiny Pokemon? When this thread started I googled Pokemon to get back in my game. (you have to see my game face. It is ultimately serious.) By chance I came upon someone talking about Shiny Pokemon. Being a former expert on Pokemon (I could literally name the first 300 Pokemon in numerical order, also naming their Evolutions. I had waaaay too much freetime as a kid.) I immediately knew it was talking about Pokemon that have abnormal colorings. These can be obtained through eggs, in the wild, and as a starter Pokemon. The thread stated it was a one in 8,192 chance of seeing one. That's pretty crazy. I believe in my old Sapphire, which was stolen, I caught a shiny Lunatar (I think that was it's name.) I was pretty geeked when I caught it, and I wanna hear more of your success stories. | 2010-04-06 04:27:00 Author: srgt_poptart ![]() Posts: 425 |
shiny pachirisu in pearl. was kinda peeved. catch a wild shiny and it's a ****ed pachirisu. i did a hell of a lot of chaining for a shiny duskull with no luck ![]() | 2010-04-06 07:07:00 Author: monstahr ![]() Posts: 1361 |
shiny salamance ![]() but GOD i had to chain 5 times and get an almost perfect bagon chain... i ended up finding 2... traded the other over gts for a lv. 100 lugia! but yeah... shinies: (caught offline) sableye bagon salamance rattatta... funny actually, it was ther FIRST pokemon i saw in leafgreen! gyrados...heartgold ftw!(joins the dexiro and co.) roselia and... thats about it! but keep in mind that shinies-even with the poke radar-are uber hard to find... some people work for weeks just to get a perfect shiny pokedex...for THAT region, it could take months to get national, and thats with the ds! heck, it took months for me to get a perfect kanto dex on firered... and then ironically after i transferred an XD: gales of darkness purified lugia, someone jacked my game cartridge, at church(which i no longer go to.) nonetheless! but yeah... if your talking about shinies, and how many you got... your most likely a pok'efreak heres a link (http://serebii.net) for you pokefreaks, and be sure to send me a pm on that site | 2010-04-07 01:26:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
The only shiny I've ever caught was a Spinda. I had no idea what a shiny was, so at first I was just like "wtf, why is this Spinda green?" I'm lucky I decided to catch it, come to think of it. | 2010-04-08 01:26:00 Author: CaptainCowboyHat ![]() Posts: 153 |
As swweet said, Seribii is an awsum site, have used thier Pokemon of the Week moveset for my whole team in LeafGreen. I'm getting Heart Gold tommorow, so I'm pretty happy. Todays been a good day. | 2010-04-08 04:17:00 Author: srgt_poptart ![]() Posts: 425 |
Oooooh my goodness. How did I miss this thread? I'm a total Pokemon fanatic! Currently at Mt. Silver on my first playthrough. I tend to restart a few times. :B We could get a trading thread rolling if enough people are motivated. I have some Murkrow to spare~ | 2010-04-08 04:29:00 Author: SLS10 ![]() Posts: 1129 |
POKEMON!!!!! anyway i dont have a ds so ill just stick to sapphire *turns on GameBoy Advanced SP* i ust to have leaf green but it wont save anymore *crys* | 2010-04-08 04:48:00 Author: YEAH_NAH ![]() Posts: 775 |
woah, first game I've been hooked on since I started playing LBP... ironically it was lbp that stopped my addiction to pokemon diamond :blush: Anywa, surely I'm not the only one playing a tonne of voltorb flip in order to get those lovely TM's (flamethrower, ice beam and thunderbolt). I really think 10,000 coins is too much. I've only got one of those tm's and I wants them all! :kz: Genger, dragonite, houndoom, golem, meganium and starmie FTW! ![]() | 2010-04-08 20:28:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
Hey, nice team. Mine is Typhlosion, Kangaskhan, Nidoking, Ampharos, Skarmory, and Gyarados. There red one you catch at the Lake of Rage. Had to use it because Slowbro couldn't learn Waterfall. :/ | 2010-04-08 21:28:00 Author: SLS10 ![]() Posts: 1129 |
I really loved Pok?mon Gold Version, when I was little. Might be getting this, when it has a price-cut. And I'm getting HEART GOLD. Hey isn't it an idea to have a poll in this thread, about who's having which game. | 2010-04-08 21:41:00 Author: ghik16 ![]() Posts: 311 |
Hey isn't it an idea to have a poll in this thread, about who's having which game. First off, learn2english. Secondly, why would it matter who has what game or not? I see no trading for exclusives. | 2010-04-08 21:49:00 Author: SLS10 ![]() Posts: 1129 |
I got Soul Silver, have most of the legendaries, and beat the game. Did I mention I beat Red using only level 60 Pokemon? Took a lot of virtual blood, sweat and tears. Oh and a ton of revives and Full Restores. | 2010-04-08 22:40:00 Author: legory ![]() Posts: 39 |
Well, if anyone wants to start a trading thread, i have a level one-hundred Heracross, one-hundred Jirachi, and one-hundred Ratatta to trade. Yep, I have a lot of free time. I'd be happy to trade any of them for a Shiny. I would actually trade all of them for a shiny. Yes, I love shinies. | 2010-04-08 23:05:00 Author: srgt_poptart ![]() Posts: 425 |
Hey, nice team. Mine is Typhlosion, Kangaskhan, Nidoking, Ampharos, Skarmory, and Gyarados. There red one you catch at the Lake of Rage. Had to use it because Slowbro couldn't learn Waterfall. :/ That's a cool team, Nidoking can be insane ![]() Gyarados is actual pretty good even if you have just got it in there for waterfall, I know I had trouble beating Lance's darn Gyara ![]() | 2010-04-09 10:10:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
Rejoice! You can all buy a new set of Pokemon games later this year. Black and White (http://www.pokemon.co.jp/bw/index.html). ![]() | 2010-04-09 10:18:00 Author: Syroc ![]() Posts: 3193 |
Anyone care to translate the site for me? ![]() | 2010-04-09 11:15:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
I am in favour of the fact that SS is before HG in the topic title. Oh, and Coxy, I'm pretty sure that all that site really says is "Pokemon Black and White coming this fall to Japan." Well, that's at least the site paraphrased. | 2010-04-09 16:08:00 Author: dandygandy2704 ![]() Posts: 1002 |
I got the game, OWNED the gym leaders. I started with a toadile (named Izumo) and ditched it early, it's rotting in my box at the moment. I just adopted a Pidgy (Akuzi) and it's now level 44, and Garry the Garydos is level 43, and I'm training a Dragonair at the moment (Gigusi). I couldn't get through the E4, and got impatient, so I just traded my level 92 Raquaza (Dragon) in and owned them all. | 2010-04-09 17:16:00 Author: chezhead ![]() Posts: 1063 |
I was tempted to do something similar to that, but I decided I want to beat SS on my own. I'm currently training an Eevee (which will soon evolve into an Umbreon) to take on Will. I'm not sure what happens in the E4 after Will, though, apart from Lance, and I am scared. The stories I've heard about Lance, they're enough to keep me awake at night. | 2010-04-09 18:03:00 Author: dandygandy2704 ![]() Posts: 1002 |
I got the game, OWNED the gym leaders. I started with a toadile (named Izumo) and ditched it early, it's rotting in my box at the moment. I just adopted a Pidgy (Akuzi) and it's now level 44, and Garry the Garydos is level 43, and I'm training a Dragonair at the moment (Gigusi). I couldn't get through the E4, and got impatient, so I just traded my level 92 Raquaza (Dragon) in and owned them all. pusssyyyyy. ![]() | 2010-04-09 19:53:00 Author: monstahr ![]() Posts: 1361 |
The stories I've heard about Lance, they're enough to keep me awake at night. Unless things have been revised in the last 8 years a good ice move will down most of his team and a good electric move will get the rest. | 2010-04-09 20:27:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
I haven't been playing my SS for a bit, so I'm still on the 3rd gym. I was thinking of trading my level 100's from Diamond for use against the Elite 4 once I get their, but I have to find my Diamond. | 2010-04-09 21:13:00 Author: JspOt ![]() Posts: 3607 |
I personally don't like trading over level 100's unless I have at least a level 80 in my current game. It feels like cheating. | 2010-04-10 02:55:00 Author: srgt_poptart ![]() Posts: 425 |
pusssyyyyy. ![]() I personally don't like trading over level 100's unless I have at least a level 80 in my current game. It feels like cheating. These sum up my thoughts pretty well. The E4 isn't that hard if you have a few decent pokemon in say the level 40-50 bracket. I found Gengar very useful as his shadow ball hits everything pretty hard. Things with a lot of resistances are nice too - I would have loved a steel type for Koga - not being poisoned during that would be very useful! Oh and a good fire type is generally needed - especially for that forretress... grrrr, the amount of times I allowed him to set up spikes and toxic spikes is stupid. Lance is no push over, his aerodactyl is one of the fastest things on the game so you need something like a golem (or anything with similar resistances) to take him down. Yeah Golem is useful once you;ve taken out Blizzard dragonite and gyarados. Personally I'm stuck on beating the E4 a second time - hence me training up my houndoom ![]() | 2010-04-10 10:10:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
Unless things have been revised in the last 8 years a good ice move will down most of his team and a good electric move will get the rest. You, obviously, have never been to GameFAQs. About half of the topic there are complaining about Lance, and the other half are complaining about catching the roamers. I haven't fought him yet (I can't even beat Will OTL) but I have heard some really bad horror stories. | 2010-04-10 16:02:00 Author: dandygandy2704 ![]() Posts: 1002 |
I want this game! I just need to wait to get my DS back, and then get some money... aww... I'll give the pokewalker to my little brother, he's eight and really active! Just crazy, so he can level up my pokemon while i play games and get fat =P hahahaa only joking ^_^ | 2010-04-10 16:14:00 Author: Weretigr ![]() Posts: 2105 |
WELL... i was able to defeat the E4 with this team Arcanine lv 39 palkia( arceus event) lv 39 jirachi( game stop ) lv 39 meganium lv 45 dragonair lv 33 ho-oh lv 46 so yeah... low 40s do fine, though pack a LOT of revives and full restore! oh, and heartgold has sacred ash... USE IT! i know i need a good dark type, thats why i traded out my Arcanine for a good ol' pupitar after i defeated lance >_< (from platinum!) | 2010-04-11 20:26:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
Hmm Am i the only one that never names there pokemon?? I just keep it the default name that says what kind it is ![]() Well im training up my team since i only have a team of 4 now so i should be able to move onto Gym 8 Soon v ![]() | 2010-04-11 22:32:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
I don't see why everyone thought the E4 was so hard. I defeated them using a Feraligator and a Ho-Oh. (nicknamed Hoe-Oh) 15 Full Restores didn't hurt either. For Lance, I just used Ice Fang. I did use about half my FR's on him though. What's funny is that I also had a level 2 Pidgey in my party at the time, as he's the Pokemon I use to Fly. Since then though, my team has improved drastically, with a level 59 Heracross, level 63 Tyranitar, level 57 Starmie, and a level 61 Feraligator. (and my level 2 Pidgey) Heracross, Tyranitar, and Starmie are all insanely good Pokemon though, and a great addition to any team. My next Pokemon to add to the team is a Dusclops, so if anyone has that or a Duskull, please respond. I'll trade my level 44 Chansey for it! When Chansey evolves into Blissey, it has one of the highest HP's in the game, which makes it a great shield in online play. Thanks you for your time. | 2010-04-12 08:49:00 Author: srgt_poptart ![]() Posts: 425 |
yeah the E4 aren't too hard once you've managed a good few full restores and revives - and those lucky people who have HG get sacred ash to help them ![]() Not played much recently - the second time round I've found the E4 a lot harder.. so I'm going back to my good old art instead ![]() Just recreating a buizel at the moment... all I have so far: http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e56/Snoogyface/Buizel_head.png | 2010-04-12 21:53:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
I'm one of those guys who likes to have a type advantage when he fights Gym Leaders/ the E4. As such, I have 40+ hours but haven't beaten the E4 yet, because of all the grinding I've been doing to ensure whatever type-trumping Poke I'm currently training is ready. Right now I'm training an Umbreon (inb4Umbreonsuckforoffence) to take on Will because that's just how I roll. | 2010-04-12 23:54:00 Author: dandygandy2704 ![]() Posts: 1002 |
Right now I'm training an Umbreon (inb4Umbreonsuckforoffence) to take on Will because that's just how I roll. If you picked Totadile as your starter, just wait until Feraligator learns Crunch, I OHKOd their entire team. | 2010-04-14 22:27:00 Author: srgt_poptart ![]() Posts: 425 |
Well, I would, but I picked Chika... Anyway, I was bored the other night, so I decided to run through the E4 for money and EXP until I can actually beat them. Didn't expect to get very far, but I made it all the way to Bruno, surprisingly. My last run actually got me all the way to his last Poke (Machamp) but it's so fast I couldn't get a hit in before it 2HKO'd my entire team. Maybe I shouldn't be using Togetic to take him on, since it's Normal/Flying. It does know both Extrasensory and Fly, though. Oh, also, my Ampharos is a BEAST. If I leveled it another 5 or so levels, I think I could sweep the E4 with just it. Charge+Discharge FTW. | 2010-04-15 21:34:00 Author: dandygandy2704 ![]() Posts: 1002 |
Funny thing about that. You're wrong. ^^ | 2010-04-16 00:17:00 Author: dandygandy2704 ![]() Posts: 1002 |
Haha so true - I know everyone loves a good bit of pokemon ![]() To be honest I think that nintendo expected adults to be just as into pokemon as children - otherwise they wouldn't have wasted time adding in EV's and IV's etc. for creating the best teams. Plus things like the GTS and battling online aren't going to be used as much by kids who are like 7 ![]() Anyway, just traded over a heatran into my SS, it's so beastly it makes me scared ![]() | 2010-04-16 23:50:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
Whitney... she made me use up several super potions and beat all but my Pidgeohto... Thank you Skiploom and tail whip... I'm tempted to send my Diamond pokemon over... once I find my Diamond, that is. | 2010-04-17 06:56:00 Author: JspOt ![]() Posts: 3607 |
Hmm wait when in the game does it let you send your pokemon from Pearl/Diamond over to Soul Silver/Heart Gold? | 2010-04-17 16:00:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
@SNRM - I think once you have the national pokedex you can just trade pokemon over from Diamond/pearl/platinum to HG/SS ![]() | 2010-04-17 17:07:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
hmm that sounds cool but im wondering how would that work if you took out the SS game then put in Pearl or what? | 2010-04-17 17:44:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
Both trades are normal, seeing as HG and SS have the same National Pokedex. | 2010-04-17 17:46:00 Author: JspOt ![]() Posts: 3607 |
umm... i traded over my jirachi at the beggining... it just says ??? for the pokedex number... | 2010-04-17 19:36:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
Okay, I've prised myself away from Soul Silver for long enough to think - why haven't you guys made any pokemon levels on LBP?! So this is a plea for someone to either make one or tell me any good ones they have played ![]() | 2010-04-17 19:41:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
well someone made a level with some legendary busts on LBP PSP... pretty cool, actually! ...and why haven't i? i will, but: -lbp is HOMEWORK right now(check my latest thread) -pokemon levels are HARD to make, and require lots of switchs, or at least pokemon busts! -i haven't beat hg yet! so there you have it! | 2010-04-17 19:45:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
I've been thinking about actually making some cutouts and and stuff, but I have no plans for an actual level. If it wasn't handled very well, it would be really corny, which might scare some creators away. | 2010-04-17 22:47:00 Author: srgt_poptart ![]() Posts: 425 |
Anyone know where i can find oran berries? | 2010-04-18 16:27:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
give a blue shard to the guy in the flying gym city >_> edit - forgot r in shard! | 2010-04-18 23:35:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
does anyone know how to win the bug contest? I really want a moon/fire stone | 2010-04-19 00:10:00 Author: flamingemu ![]() Posts: 1872 |
Flaming instead of doing that i suggest doing the pokeatholon and look up which days they sell the stones. Every day they sell a different kind of stone for only 2500 pokeathlon points ![]() | 2010-04-19 00:15:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
does anyone know how to win the bug contest? I really want a moon/fire stone It's actually really easy once you know how they score. You get points for the stats of the pokemon you caught (so a butterfree/pinsir/scyther will get you the most points) but you also get points for how much health the pokemon had left when you caught it. My suggestion is to wait until you get a scyther or butterfree and then use all your pokeballs catching it - but don't damage it! It may take some time, but you're almost always guarenteed a win ![]() As Snrm said though, it's usually easier to pokeathlon (which BTW I LOVE!!!) | 2010-04-19 00:22:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
i would love the pokeathlon but i dont have the DS Stick (Stylus its called i think) so it kinda messes it up cause when i use my finger a lot of the things i do are completly inaccurate | 2010-04-19 00:33:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
You can also get Oran Berries by using you're Berry Pots: http://www.serebii.net/heartgoldsoulsilver/berryplanter.shtml You get these from the lady in the flower shop in Goldenrod City, after you've defeated/captured the Suddowoodo blocking the path to Ecruteak City. You have to have at least one Oran Berry to start though. By the way, have you guys seen the Pokemon Yanmega? It's two abilities are insanely good. Speed Boost gives you a free speed boost every turn, and Tinted Lense makes attacks that would usually be not very effective standard attacks, which means it basically doubles their power. :eek: I actually love the Bug Catching contest, I set my DS calendar back every now and again to Saturday just so i can play it. The Pokeathelon is really easy if you get the right Pokemon. I just do the Stanima contests and haven't lost yet. ![]() | 2010-04-20 00:17:00 Author: srgt_poptart ![]() Posts: 425 |
Yep Poptart your right the stamina is really easy the hardest i'd say is power | 2010-04-20 02:55:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
power? the hardest? ha! i cleared ALL of them the day i got to the dome! ...but then again, i use my ds for games that require more than just the d-pad ![]() | 2010-04-20 04:37:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
haha yeah I've found power to be the easiest and to be honest stamina the hardest - although I don't think I;ve ever lost a pokeathlon to the AI ![]() Yanmega would be good if it had some decent moves or a decent STAB move, bug moves just aren't strong enough and a standard Yanmega is easily walled by Blissey, snorlax and co. However for the E4 and champion, yanmega is perfect - and he's also a darn shot for beating Red ![]() | 2010-04-20 16:45:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
who is red? Is it lance or heart/silver. Because I cannot beat lance, it's not possible even with LUGIA. | 2010-04-20 16:48:00 Author: flamingemu ![]() Posts: 1872 |
Flaming Red is the hardest trainer in the game he has mostly level 70s and you get to verse him after the Elite four. After you beat him i beleive you get to get a Starter pokemon from Sapphire/Ruby, which is treeko,torchik,or MUDKIP! ![]() And coxy try the pokeathlon without the stylus and you will probaly lose to the AI | 2010-04-20 20:59:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
Totodile, FTW. Shame it can't aim for the HORN! | 2010-04-20 21:18:00 Author: LordMagicPants ![]() Posts: 187 |
And coxy try the pokeathlon without the stylus and you will probaly lose to the AI stylus, what are they? ![]() | 2010-04-20 21:24:00 Author: flamingemu ![]() Posts: 1872 |
flaming it is the little pointer thing on the DS that everyone should have but of course i dont have it ![]() | 2010-04-20 21:27:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
flaming it is the little pointer thing on the DS that everyone should have but of course i dont have it ![]() really ![]() | 2010-04-20 21:28:00 Author: flamingemu ![]() Posts: 1872 |
im so bad at sensing sarcasm on text ![]() | 2010-04-20 23:54:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
Funny how everyone complains about shiny spinda's, as they are in my top 3 favs (Spinda, Aipom and Kecleon). I have caught a few shinies in crystal (as I played that one the most). Also, there is an highly increased chance that the daycare will give you a shiny from the free egg. Here's (http://midnightheist.deviantart.com/art/Team-of-six-102799861) a pic of my dream team. It also has descriptions and such in the link. ![]() I played all the main pokemon games on emulators (crystal was my fav), never a handhold haha. I thinking about buying a DS just for the new game, but it's kinda expensive just to play SS, arh can't decide. :/ I would choose SS over HG because I like ursaring slightly better than gligar's evolved form. As for decent LBP pokemon levels...I was thinking you could have various sticker switches (fire, grass, water), and the pokemon would emit, and use vine whip (or what ever) to advance. That would be pretty fun. Anyone play netbattle? You make you own team (in minutes) with an editor (choose what ever pokemon/legal moveset/nature/item) and fight over the net! I played it HEAPS a few years back. I was using gligar before he was cool. ![]() | 2010-04-21 13:29:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
I just read all of the previous post and it's like a foreign language to me. I haven't played pokemon since the old 151 Red / Blue / Yellow days... those were the days. I should give it a try sometime and see if I won't go insane from the myriad of new pokemon. | 2010-04-21 13:47:00 Author: Foofles ![]() Posts: 2278 |
Funny how everyone complains about shiny spinda's, as they are in my top 3 favs (Spinda, Aipom and Kecleon). I have caught a few shinies in crystal (as I played that one the most). Also, there is an highly increased chance that the daycare will give you a shiny from the free egg. Here's (http://midnightheist.deviantart.com/art/Team-of-six-102799861) a pic of my dream team. It also has descriptions and such in the link. ![]() I played all the main pokemon games on emulators (crystal was my fav), never a handhold haha. I thinking about buying a DS just for the new game, but it's kinda expensive just to play SS, arh can't decide. :/ I would choose SS over HG because I like ursaring slightly better than gligar's evolved form. As for decent LBP pokemon levels...I was thinking you could have various sticker switches (fire, grass, water), and the pokemon would emit, and use vine whip (or what ever) to advance. That would be pretty fun. Anyone play netbattle? You make you own team (in minutes) with an editor (choose what ever pokemon/legal moveset/nature/item) and fight over the net! I played it HEAPS a few years back. I was using gligar before he was cool. ![]() For a start I love, love, love your drawing/linked thing. I think it looks awesome and the little description is exactly what I have in my head every time I play a pokemon game. It's the reason I can't battle competititvely online - I catch a pokemon and I love it so much I don't care that it's weak ![]() My team at the moment is: Golem, Togekiss, Meganium, Dragonite, Gengar and Starmie - all of which I've loved since I first caught them at their low levels... but maybe I'm just weird like that. Ironically it's also the reason any pokemon that goes in my team has to win a pok?athlon first... otherwise I don't feel connected with it ![]() I know weird and stupid... I say if you want to play SS the way it's meant to be playeed (on the DS) just get an older model of DS - they're going for around ?20-?30 now, which trust me is a steal considering the other great games on the system. Never used Netbattle myself - I was more of a shoddybattler - getting back into it now ![]() ![]() | 2010-04-21 18:35:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
My generic team isTyphlosion (Level 60), Gyarados (Level 58), Ampharos (Level 59), Pidgeot (Level 49), Hypno (Level 58) and Furret(Level 40) My Diamond team was better. | 2010-04-21 20:08:00 Author: bonner123 ![]() Posts: 1487 |
Coxy how do you get golem? Do you have to trade him over so you can get him to evolve from Graveler to Golem? And Midnight im sure the 1st generation DS is not too expensive, ...I think i got the Very first big fat DS and it isnt that bad ![]() | 2010-04-21 20:56:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
Yeah I had the phat DS and that lasted 3 years of pure smashing the touch screen ![]() @SNRM - yeah you have to trade a graveller to someone (I traded with my brother) and then get them to trade it back | 2010-04-21 20:57:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
hmm darn i really wanted Golem but i don't have a WEP Key ether so i can't connect my DS i have like TKIP Wireless internet ![]() | 2010-04-21 21:06:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
@midnight_heist I know you said you don't like strong or overused Pokemon, but isn't Salamence one of the most common Pokemon in competitive battling? I myself am a little less mainstream, I use a Dragonite. I know he's pretty popular, but most people use Salamence. @coxy224 For me so far, Yanmega has been an amazing special sweeper. If you're looking for a good, consistent STAB, just use Bug Buzz and Air Slash. Tinted Lens also takes care of not having a really good STAB, you can wreak havoc with that ability. Yanmega also is a pretty good lead, with Speed Boost. If you teach it Protect, you get a free speed boost, (unless the opponent uses Feint, but I haven't seen that move used once.) and after 2-3 turns, you're faster than almost anything you'll have to face. I just caught my Mewtwo today, took out 90% of his health with just one Crunch from my Tyranitar. I'm probably not gonna use him however, as I personally hate legendaries, except for Celebi, which I haven't even gotten yet. Event only I believe. I've never been a fan of Golem, as he really doesn't have anything out of the ordinary. I'm not saying he's bad, he just isn't very unique. The common Rock/Ground type, decent stats, pretty good physical moves, but nothing really amazing. If I'm not mistaken, I'm pretty sure Golem has the Rock Head ability, which is not bad combined with Double-Edge, but I can't name any other recoil moves off the top of my head. I've been talking a lot about the technical aspect of Pokemon, but there's other parts to it. Just like midnight did, Kecleon is a really fun Pokemon to use. He can be pretty easy to defeat if you're opponent is smart, (if you have a Golem with Fire Punch, which is an egg move, use that and then just Earthquake away.) but he's amazing fun sometimes. Another fun Pokemon is Castform. He was my lead on my Ruby team, he paved the way for my Blaziken with Sunny Day, or any other Pokemon I was using. Bring able to change type is a nice touch. One last note. 100th post on this thread! Wooh! | 2010-04-22 01:25:00 Author: srgt_poptart ![]() Posts: 425 |
100th post nice haha I personally love Quagsire a lot because he isn't affected by ground and he absorbs water moves for health! And he is pretty good for hitting but his speed is low so im gonna give it a lot of those permanant speed boosters (I think its called Carbos for Speed but you know what i mean Zinc,Protein ECT | 2010-04-22 01:30:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
You mean he isn't affected by Electric? Ground types don't have ground immunities. I suppose the Electric immunity helps cover it's water weakness to it, but it it gives it a 4x Grass weakness, and a lot of people will use a Grass move on it. You won't see Quagsire a lot in the battling scene because Swampert does his job better. | 2010-04-22 04:57:00 Author: srgt_poptart ![]() Posts: 425 |
srgt_poptart seems to know what he's talking about ![]() Salamence has actually become a lot less used recently because everyone was preparing for garchomp with their teams (Ice shard, blizzard - common in OU play now) and any salamence would just get destroyed. Dragonite is the same now, wrecked by everything and his speed just misses out to the likes of salamence who also has a better special movepool to combine. Yanmega is great ni the game but again it gets hit hard by moves like ice shard which that darn garchomp made common. Usually people won't be expecting him though and he can really destroy teams. I had a team on shoddy that used yanmega to great effect - you just have to combine it with something like infernape and it's unstoppable (covers things like Mamoswine and a large amount of special walls too ![]() Golem's typing not being unique doesn't bother me - what does it that it's typing is awful! It's got a poor special defence and its weaknesses are things like water (nearly always special) or really common types (ground, grass). So yes that's my main problem with golem ![]() Snover is an interesting one to be sure - it's ability can help quite a few pokemon (dewgon, sealeo etc. that gives it a huge advantage over dragons too.... | 2010-04-22 11:30:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
@midnight_heist I know you said you don't like strong or overused Pokemon, but isn't Salamence one of the most common Pokemon in competitive battling? I myself am a little less mainstream, I use a Dragonite. I know he's pretty popular, but most people use Salamence. I think most people use the newer dragon (garchomp) with that choice band/scarf with that good dragon move that I can't remember the name of. He has great attack and speed. He cleaned up in my D/P battle tower. ![]() Yeah I love under used pokemon, I chose Salamence because I like his colours more than anything. I tried drawing Tropius first, but dragons are easier. ![]() YES. I love using kecleon as my starter in netbattle. It screws up everyone's plans. hehehe. Usually: @choice band (return/trick/focus punch/counter) or something along those lines. Choice band and trick is probably my favourite combo in all of pokemon. If I don't hear "**** choice band, messed up my master plan!" I hear; "how did kecleon do that much damage!?!" So funny. I don't take battling that seriously and just have fun with crazy movesets people don't expect. ![]() Normal types ftw. | 2010-04-22 12:12:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
You mean he isn't affected by Electric? Ground types don't have ground immunities. I suppose the Electric immunity helps cover it's water weakness to it, but it it gives it a 4x Grass weakness, and a lot of people will use a Grass move on it. You won't see Quagsire a lot in the battling scene because Swampert does his job better. Electric that is what i meant ![]() Yeah i rather have swampert once i get to the migrating part of the game i will migrate my level 100 swampert over ![]() | 2010-04-22 18:46:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
Lol... migrating. I migrated some creatures from Ruby a day ago; gonna make a new save file in order to get some more TMs and Pokemon, namely Aron and Mudkip. ![]() | 2010-04-22 21:10:00 Author: SLS10 ![]() Posts: 1129 |
I haven't got into the comp battling too much lately, so I'm not sure how much Garchomp was used. But like you said with Golem, that Ground/Rock typing really will kill you. When I was training my Tyranitar, and it was still in Larvitar/Pupitar stages, I had a lot of trouble with Water moves, but ever since he evolved into a Tyranitar,(Rock/Dark) it's been going a lot smoother. The Dark typing also covers up my weakness to fighting types. I'm trying to get a good Electric Pokemon, to take care of my teams weakness to Water Pokemon. That portion of my team is a huge hole. One thing I wish is that there was a decent Dragon type that didn't have a x4 weakness to Ice types. I mean a full evolved, non-legendary Pokemon. The only one i can think of is Kingdra, but he can't stand up to special walls and doesn't perform well against most Water types. All the other good Dragon Pokemon are either Flying/Dragon (Dragonite, Salamence, Altaria) and the others are Dragon/Ground (Flygon, Garchomp) Ice moves have become incredibly common, so it helps to have a good Water type on your team. But Water Pokemon are incredibly common, to the point you need to be really amazing to be a good Water type. And no, I actually have no idea what I'm talking about. I honestly don't know what Pokemon is, and I'm actaully just making this all up as I go along. ![]() | 2010-04-23 00:03:00 Author: srgt_poptart ![]() Posts: 425 |
Poptart a good electric pokemon i would say is Ampharos thats who i have! | 2010-04-23 03:51:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
I was thinking something a little different in mind. Ampharos is a decent Pokemon, if i remember correctly, Ampharos has a low speed, which I really hate in a Pokemon (I'm working off the old Gold/Silver games, he might have changed.) He has a pretty decent attack though, so I could maybe work off that. What I was thinking of is Electivire, Magnezone, or Jolteon. Electivire has a really good Attack, and a very diverse physical movepool, especially with egg moves, like Ice Punch (For those Ground and Grass types that try to avoid my STAB attacks) and Cross Chop (Just good overall power and type coverage) Magnezone has good overall stats, good defense, good Sp. Attack, and not bad speed. Jolteon has an insanely good speed, probably one of the best non-legendary, natrual speed (by that I mean no Choice Scarf) which is very good. He also has pretty good stats, and is just a very good Pokemon all around. That's just what I think, I'd like to hear any other suggestions. Just saying, I don't like Pikachu, and don't like legendaries like Zapdos. Any ideas Coxy? ![]() | 2010-04-23 04:55:00 Author: srgt_poptart ![]() Posts: 425 |
That's just what I think, I'd like to hear any other suggestions. Just saying, I don't like Pikachu, and don't like legendaries like Zapdos. Any ideas Coxy?![]() Oh I feel so wanted! ![]() Well my first suggestion would be raikou, but you seem not to like legendaries. I don't know though because Raikou is actually in the UnderUsed Tier (as opposed to the Uber tier that most legendaries are) and only has 580 overall base stat. Calm mind raikou can really devestate! Otherwise I would suggest something like magnezone as it can carry explode to take out special defenders trying to wall it and can also hit hard with its many resistances, but once again you'd have a common fighting weakness with your T-tar. I have to suggest Electivire for the reasons you listed yourself ![]() | 2010-04-23 17:22:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
Ampharos's speed is pretty good in My opinion | 2010-04-23 20:48:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
Ampharos's speed is pretty good in My opinion It's got an alright speed stat, but for an electric type which has only one weakness it HAS to be fast. Because that one weakness is the single most common move in the whole of pokemon ![]() EARTHQUAAAAAAAAAAKEEEEEE | 2010-04-24 09:51:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
If it had the Levitate ability and was a full Electric type (not Steel/Electric like Magnemite) then it would have no weaknesses at all, which would be very useful. | 2010-04-24 17:06:00 Author: srgt_poptart ![]() Posts: 425 |
If it had the Levitate ability and was a full Electric type (not Steel/Electric like Magnemite) then it would have no weaknesses at all, which would be very useful. True, but it would have very few resistances which wouldn't be great. On the other hand Magnezone's typing makes it resist something like 8 or 9 types - plus with the ability to use magnet rise it can remove it's only x4 weakness... | 2010-04-24 17:50:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
If we're discussing competitive battling, I play and would enjoy a game with someone here (WiFi or Shoddy, preferably WiFi). On HG/SS though, I don't have it, I have to wait until my birthday. In July ![]() | 2010-04-24 17:56:00 Author: kirbyman62 ![]() Posts: 1893 |
Well on Shoddy I'm Snoogy an generally play on the Smogon server.. so if anyone see's me on invite me to a battle and just tell me you're from LBPC ![]() My wi-fi can be inconsistent, but I could battle people on that - only pokemon diamond atm though | 2010-04-24 18:00:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
Well on Shoddy I'm Snoogy an generally play on the Smogon server.. so if anyone see's me on invite me to a battle and just tell me you're from LBPC ![]() My wi-fi can be inconsistent, but I could battle people on that - only pokemon diamond atm though Could you battle now? Shoddy's fine. | 2010-04-24 18:09:00 Author: kirbyman62 ![]() Posts: 1893 |
Yeah I can battle - just hit up the smogon server and challenge me... Anyone else got shoddy? Just post your shoddy username if you do ![]() | 2010-04-24 18:37:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
@coxy Resistance/Weakness wise, I think Metagross is one of the best. It only has 2 weaknesses, and a lot of resistances. The only problem is that it's weakness is the most common move in all of Pokemon. You already shouted it, but I'll do it again for extra emphasis. EEEEEEAAAAARRRTTTHHHQUUUUAAAAKE!!!!!!! | 2010-04-24 19:21:00 Author: srgt_poptart ![]() Posts: 425 |
You already shouted it, but I'll do it again for extra emphasis. EEEEEEAAAAARRRTTTHHHQUUUUAAAAKE!!!!!!! That's the reason steel types just aren't good enough. Generally low base speed + extreme weaknesses to the aforementioned move = not so good! A couple of exceptions - Scizor (bug typing stops EQ being super effective AND bullet punch overrides his speed) - Bronzong (levitate removes EQ hurting it) - Lucario (Isn't going to take a hit anyway, but its speed and ability to learn Extremespeed mean it doesn't need to) - Skarmory (Flying type again removes the ground weakness, but also removes the fighting weakness) - Forretress (again bug type with steel helps it, plus it has a huge defense) The rest of the steel types aren't really worth using and are generally UU or BL pokemon ![]() And just because it's fun: EARTTTTTTTTHHHHHHQUUUUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKEE EEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 2010-04-24 22:16:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
Alright everybody, I have a new dilemma. According to you guys, what would the best lead be? I am currently training a Weavile for the job, but I don't know if he'll cut it. One of my thoughts is a Gengar, with his Speed I'd think he'd do pretty well. My other thoughts are Bronzong, or a Gyrados. I was researching and found out Hippowdon is a popular lead, but I already have a Tyranitar who has the Sand Stream ability, and don't know if I should add another Water weakness to my team, as I have enough trouble with them already. | 2010-04-25 09:46:00 Author: srgt_poptart ![]() Posts: 425 |
Metagross? I can set up Stealth Rock (believe me, that's good). It can Meteor Mash/Bullet Punch, use Explosion when it's low on HP, and it can EEEEEEAAAAARRRTTTHHHQUUUUAAAAKE!!!!!!! Other than that, Smeargle can be quite good with Spikes, Stealth Rock, Spore and Taunt (Taunt stops you using defensive moves, meaning the opponents lead can't Stealth Rock etc). | 2010-04-25 10:00:00 Author: kirbyman62 ![]() Posts: 1893 |
Alright everybody, I have a new dilemma. According to you guys, what would the best lead be? I am currently training a Weavile for the job, but I don't know if he'll cut it. One of my thoughts is a Gengar, with his Speed I'd think he'd do pretty well. My other thoughts are Bronzong, or a Gyrados. I was researching and found out Hippowdon is a popular lead, but I already have a Tyranitar who has the Sand Stream ability, and don't know if I should add another Water weakness to my team, as I have enough trouble with them already. A lead needs to give you an immediate advantage - which is why most leads are either strong defensively or quite fast. I wouldn't recommend smeargle because it's not quite fast enough. Metagross can be good, but again it falls to EEEEEEEAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRTTTTTHHHHHHHHHQQQQQQUUUUUAA AAAAAKKKKE!!!!!! My personal favourites are: -Ambipom (fake out/u turn) -Persian (fake out/switcheroo/u turn) -Hippowdon (high defense, can set up stealth rocks) -Gyarados (sub/dragon dance/waterfall) I've found aerodactyle is common for its high speed and ability to stealth rock, and so is crobat (taunt and hypnosis + high speed) | 2010-04-25 18:27:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
Another nice addition to Lead Ambipom is Taunt, which can stop other Pokemon trying to set up a Stealth Rock. If they do manage to set a Stealth Rock, I find a Foretress with Rapid Spin+Spikes/Toxic Spikes is good support against it. | 2010-04-25 20:01:00 Author: srgt_poptart ![]() Posts: 425 |
Yeah any team that gets wrecked by stealth rock (salamence AND togekiss on one team for example) needs a spinner. Donphan, starmie and forretress are generally the best ![]() | 2010-04-25 22:06:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
Ok, so there was a sale on DSi, so I got one with SS. ![]() Just arrrived at goldenrod. Crocoraw, pidgeotto, aipom! (I would have preferred pickup over runaway/tech though, might go back and try to find one) More fun than I thought it would be. ![]() edit: got a hardy aipom w/ pick up! ![]() | 2010-04-26 10:31:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
Wow, that was the first time I ever ran into a shiny Pokemon randomly... ![]() Too bad I dislike Fearow. ![]() Anyway, I've got 7 badges, my team is all level 32-33, and consists of... Bayleef, Slowpoke, Ampharos, Noctowl, Pikachu, (I hate that thing, to be honest...) and Venomoth. I'd say my favourite is either Ampharos or Venomoth... My brother's already caught up and past me now! I've had HG for 3 weeks longer than he had SS! Which reminds me, I gotta go wake him up, so we can both play it... | 2010-04-26 12:21:00 Author: KlawwTheClown ![]() Posts: 1106 |
Ok, so there was a sale on DSi, so I got one with SS. ![]() Just arrrived at goldenrod. Crocoraw, pidgeotto, aipom! (I would have preferred pickup over runaway/tech though, might go back and try to find one) More fun than I thought it would be. ![]() edit: got a hardy aipom w/ pick up! ![]() Wow, lucky ![]() I don't even have a aipom... soon I shall though! I would recommend getting a scyther at the bug catching contest if you've just reached goldenrod - personally I wished I'd got one earlier :/ | 2010-04-26 16:47:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
Wow, lucky ![]() I don't even have a aipom... soon I shall though! I would recommend getting a scyther at the bug catching contest if you've just reached goldenrod - personally I wished I'd got one earlier :/ Yeah I got aipom as soon as I got headbutt. (aipom is in bug gym town) Wth is up with heracross being really common?! ![]() Heh. Bug contest was'nt even a contest. ![]() I ran into grass, put a beedrill (first pkmn I saw) to sleep, caught it straight away. Then immediately saw a scyther after, put it to sleep, caught it with first ball, retired and won the 1st prize. (sun stone) ![]() I have just got Surf and just did the unown touch puzzles. ![]() I now have Feraligatr (too light blue/green for my liking ![]() No TMs from aipom yet, but I seem to recall that happens in the later levels. Potions and escape ropes he gathers to come in handy though. Anyone know the best earliest HM slaves? At the moment I have Krabby (strength, rock smash, cut) + Abra (teleport, flash) + Feraligatr (surf) In all my pkmn games I always have the slaves take up 2 slots in my team with 4 HMs each. Which pkmn can do this asap? I was thinking probably Gyarados and someone else? | 2010-04-27 21:24:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
Machoke and Gyrados are the ones I use when going spelunking. | 2010-04-27 23:45:00 Author: srgt_poptart ![]() Posts: 425 |
Wait Aipom collects things?!?!?!?! how do you get him? | 2010-04-28 00:35:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
I don't personally like Pick Up, it's good at the start of the game, but it has no battle effect. Anything is better than nothing (except Slakings ability) | 2010-04-28 06:04:00 Author: srgt_poptart ![]() Posts: 425 |
Wait Aipom collects things?!?!?!?! how do you get him? Half the time his ability is pickup (generates random items sometimes after battle), the items get better every 10 levels or so. In the later stages you get stuff like EEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTTHHHHHHQQQQQ QQUUUUUUAAAAAKKKKEEE TM. You get aipom from headbutting trees in Azalea Town (uncommon though). Also spearows and I don't personally like Pick Up, it's good at the start of the game, but it has no battle effect. Anything is better than nothing (except Slakings ability) Yeah it doesn't have a battle effect, but the items you get in the later levels really help. (PP up, stones, tms, leftovers) Woah! Just checked this page (http://www.serebii.net/heartgoldsoulsilver/pickup.shtml) and you can now get "lucky egg" as one of the items. ![]() | 2010-04-28 10:39:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
So, anyone here wanna trade? I want a thunder stone, because my Pikachu is garbage, and I dunno where to get them yet. ![]() I figure that even though she's the one in my party that I'll eventually replace once I find something good, I may as well make 'em strong. I'm thinking of which type of Pokemon I should get though... I already have Water, Grass, Flying, Bug, Psychic, Electric, Fighting moves. I'm thinking I want a lot of variety, so, any ideas? By the way, if you have an extra thunder stone, could you contact me? (PM, reply, Visitor message) I'll send you my list of Pokemon that I'd trade. (Basically, I just want a thunder stone, and I'll accept a level 1 Sentret holding one...) ![]() I'm also just about to go into the Ice Path Thing... What did you need to do to get Ho-Oh again, after you have the rainbow wing? | 2010-04-28 12:30:00 Author: KlawwTheClown ![]() Posts: 1106 |
Personally on Ambipom I'd have Tech, just because it makes Fake Out stronger. Fake Out = Good. Very Good. And as someone said, Pickup isn't that great tbh (thpugh I can think of at least three worse abilities, Truant, Slow Start and Stench). I still don't have HG (or SS, but I want HG) ![]() At the moment I'm trying to RNG a perfect IV'd Battle Revolution Electivire, Magmorter and Surf Pikachu. And my Diamond probably has a ton of Thunderstones, and I'll give you a Cranidos (unobatinable in HG/SS I believe) holding it ![]() | 2010-04-29 17:20:00 Author: kirbyman62 ![]() Posts: 1893 |
So, anyone here wanna trade? I'll trade with ya to get some evolutions as an alakazam would come in handy. Also I would suggest an ice move as dragons are tough. Haha. So atm I'm trying to catch Lugia in SS, I get him down to one sliver of HP, put him to sleep, and my dusk balls dont even get a wobble?! Wtf. This is quite ridiculous imo. EDIT: You cannot continue without catching/killing it? Lame. :o @ kirbyman, could ya trade me a tropius for HM slave purposes? I wanna drop my pidgeot for an ursaring (I havent even seen one yet, must be kinda rare this time round) Also can you trade with yourself if you have say HG and SS? | 2010-04-30 01:35:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
I'll trade with ya to get some evolutions as an alakazam would come in handy. Also I would suggest an ice move as dragons are tough. Haha. So atm I'm trying to catch Lugia in SS, I get him down to one sliver of HP, put him to sleep, and my dusk balls dont even get a wobble?! Wtf. This is quite ridiculous imo. EDIT: You cannot continue without catching/killing it? Lame. :o @ kirbyman, could ya trade me a tropius for HM slave purposes? I wanna drop my pidgeot for an ursaring (I havent even seen one yet, must be kinda rare this time round) Also can you trade with yourself if you have say HG and SS? If you have 2 DS' then you can. I trade with my brother a lot. ![]() I think I might be trading with Poptart. (I don't remember how the word Sergeant is spelt in the name...) By the way, do you gotta beat the E4 first to trade with Diamond and Pearl? I wanna get my Notch-Eared Pichu. ![]() | 2010-04-30 13:20:00 Author: KlawwTheClown ![]() Posts: 1106 |
Haha. So atm I'm trying to catch Lugia in SS, I get him down to one sliver of HP, put him to sleep, and my dusk balls dont even get a wobble?! Wtf. This is quite ridiculous imo. EDIT: You cannot continue without catching/killing it? Lame. Oh man, this one took me a long time - easily the most annoying one to catch on the game! I caught suicune with ease, the lvl 70 ho-oh with ease but this darn Lugia! Grrrrrrr I recommend doing what you're doing, but with ultra balls, timer balls (can you get those? I don't remember) along with your dusk balls ![]() I did it only using ultra balls but that took me forever! | 2010-04-30 22:55:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
Oh man, this one took me a long time - easily the most annoying one to catch on the game! I caught suicune with ease, the lvl 70 ho-oh with ease but this darn Lugia! Grrrrrrr I recommend doing what you're doing, but with ultra balls, timer balls (can you get those? I don't remember) along with your dusk balls ![]() I did it only using ultra balls but that took me forever! I -finally- caught him last night after about a day off and on of trying. ![]() He was low hp+sleep+dusk. I think the game rewarded me with a neutral nature on him. Not that I even use stupid legendaries. This pkmn took so long to catch I even customised my inventory so dusk/revives where in the first slots. ![]() Today I reached the elite 4 (or 5?). My feraligatr's ice fang didnt even beat the wild rock pkmn in victory road(or this games equivalent) in one shot, so I thought I would train while battling and fainting aganist the elite 4. I spent ALL my money of full restores/heals/potions/etc, and then battled though. I actually won on my first try! (wth?) All I used were my ambipom (only used last resort once) and feraligatr (both about lvl 51) and krabby/pidgeot as meat sheilds to get a free shot in/heal confusion. The only items I used where some potions and super potions (to refil hp before lance), and 1 full restore + 2 hyper potions during battle. I didn't even save, haha. Now to change the games clock and finally get me a spinda! EDIT: YES! First Spinda I got was Adamant nature! :o (wrong nature though ![]() BTW, why does pidgeot only learn wing attack at lvl 38 ?! I remember in crystal pidgeotto learning it @ 33 + easy ride to evolve with tentacool/cruels. Now that the newer birds get wing attack at like level 13 (wth) I was at least hoping for them to make pidgetto learn it eariler, but no they change it to later!? why? ![]() | 2010-05-01 02:30:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
................... the battle theme is catchy... Ah, Pokemon music, how you're so awesome... Anyway, is there anyone willing to give tips? or advice? OR HELP?! (like how to get Jasmine back to her gym?) Or am I bein' n00bish? (continuously listens to battle theme) Ah... so refreshing... GAH! I HATE ENCORE! | 2010-05-01 02:41:00 Author: JspOt ![]() Posts: 3607 |
i'm back to talking! i have to say, this game brings me back... <3, it is, however, annoying that kanto is reminding me of fr... someone stole mine when (ironically) i just got my purified shadow lugia in it! i mean, wtf? anyways, i have two ds' and hg AND ss... as well as platinum and sapphire, and emerald... so yeah, i get a good amount of pokemon games... used to have more, but hg and ss... they are fione for now! @klawwtheclown i sent over my pichu after the second gym, and then sent my jirachi and arceus (i missed the events, so i used my ar to get them) over to hg... so yeah,they will just show up as ??? same happened if you traded from a firered to a ruby or sapphire, then to an emerald. it would show up ??? | 2010-05-01 03:09:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
Cool, thesweet! I remember getting Swampert on Emerald and leveling it to 100... no cheats... it takes a while... Sorry to be so selfish but HOW DO YOU GET JASMINE BACK TO THE GYM!? | 2010-05-01 03:15:00 Author: JspOt ![]() Posts: 3607 |
sorry bud, been grounded on account of grades, i just have 3 kanto beauties right now! oh... and why not check this site out?http://serebii.net | 2010-05-01 03:17:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
................... Anyway, is there anyone willing to give tips? or advice? OR HELP?! (like how to get Jasmine back to her gym?) Or am I bein' n00bish? This is probably the only key item in this remake that they didn't improve (not sure if you can get past hiker in ice cave without pokeball HM, didnt try). You need to surf (need to beat morty/ghost gym + beat dance hall in same town for surf hm) then from the lighthouse surf south-west to the next town. One of the bottom houses gives you the emergency potion you need. Obviously then you just take it back to the lighthouse. Here's some guides. (http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/ds/game/960100.html) I'm gonna catch me so many spinda today. Hehe. | 2010-05-01 03:20:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
THANK YOU!!! Finally got the bike ( it's been 5 gyms and still haven't gotten it ![]() EDIT: can't find secret potion... can't reach to Jasmine too... maybe I missed something... | 2010-05-01 03:29:00 Author: JspOt ![]() Posts: 3607 |
THANK YOU!!! Finally got the bike ( it's been 5 gyms and still haven't gotten it ![]() EDIT: can't find secret potion... can't reach to Jasmine too... maybe I missed something... You have to get to the top of the lighthouse first and see Jasmine I beleive before you can get the potion. It's really one of the bad parts - but once you reach the highest level you can climb in the lighthouse, there's a door (well you can only really see a ray of light) that you have to walk into on that floor. Then you can easily reach Jasmine and midnight explained the rest pretty well ![]() | 2010-05-01 09:50:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
Yessss! Finally caught Raikou. I'd rather have caught Entei, but meh. Anyone recommend a certain ball to use on Entei? I used the fast ball on Raikou, and caught him in my first throw. (He was sleeping, and had very low health...) It's not working very well on Entei, so should I use quick balls, or what? And I'm getting my Pikachu Coloured Pichu, and Legit Celebi onto Heartgold! ![]() I definitely won't use Celebi until way later in the game, though... He's level 98... | 2010-05-01 15:02:00 Author: KlawwTheClown ![]() Posts: 1106 |
Sorry about not being able to trade Klaww, my DS has disappeared, but I'm looking for it right now. | 2010-05-01 18:23:00 Author: srgt_poptart ![]() Posts: 425 |
Sorry about not being able to trade Klaww, my DS has disappeared, but I'm looking for it right now. It's okay, I didn't find a Thunder stone yet... ![]() I'm struggling through the fight with Clair right now... I'm just remembering I could get my Slowpoke to learn an ice move... Wow... My brother's gonna have it easy! Feraligatr with ice fang, and Gyarados. | 2010-05-01 20:19:00 Author: KlawwTheClown ![]() Posts: 1106 |
I FORGOT ABOUT CLAIR! WHERE IS THE MOVE TUTOR!? (the guy who re-teaches forgotten moves to a Pokemon) | 2010-05-01 20:21:00 Author: JspOt ![]() Posts: 3607 |
I FORGOT ABOUT CLAIR! WHERE IS THE MOVE TUTOR!? (the guy who re-teaches forgotten moves to a Pokemon) In the same city as Clair, I don't remember if it was Mahogany or Blackthorn, but yeah. You need Heart Scales still. I don't even know where to get 'em. I used to go underground on Diamond, but... | 2010-05-01 20:49:00 Author: KlawwTheClown ![]() Posts: 1106 |
Where do ya get heart scales then? anyone? ANYONE!? Or I could just find an ice type... but does anyone know where I can find those? | 2010-05-01 20:51:00 Author: JspOt ![]() Posts: 3607 |
Where do ya get heart scales then? anyone? ANYONE!? Or I could just find an ice type... but does anyone know where I can find those? There are ice types in the ice path right before that town. ![]() I googled "Heartgold + Heart Scale" and it seems that you can find Heart Scales inside rocks, (Rock smash) and as a Pokethlon prize on Wednesdays. Also, they're in the Pokewalker at... Beautiful Beach Warm Beach Stormy Beach Quiet Cave I'm gonna have to look for some. ![]() | 2010-05-01 21:09:00 Author: KlawwTheClown ![]() Posts: 1106 |
Post national dex is fun! I have caught a bunch of my favourites (yay surskit), now i'm EV training my spore+false swipe parasect. I was gonna breed paras/shroomish to breloom, but parasect looks so much cooler walking beside you. I really like him now. It's great how you can talk to your pokemon. Once it said "parasect found something, but doesn't want to let it go" ![]() And if you take them to the sailor resturant in Olvine city, your pokemon steals and chokes on the food! Then you get the option to "scold" your pkmn for being bad. ![]() Also when your fishing sometimes your pkmn notices the catch before you and the [!] pops up above his head. So cool. Also in the waterfall cave inbetween regions, my pkmn noticed a hole in the cave before me! Pokemon I have caught so far to help me in the field: - male + female Jigglypuff + cute charm (increases chance of wild pokemon having oppostie gender) - serious and modest natured Natu with sync (increases chance of wild pokemon having same nature) - Butterfree with compound eyes (increases chance of wild pokemon holding an item) - Stantler with frisk (tells you what item wild poke is holding) - Slugma to hatch eggs faster. Next step is adamant/neutral/modest dittos, and a pokemon who can steal items (probably banette since he learns thief and has frisk ability) Oh! It looks like I have a spare modest+sync Natu (very hard to find) to anyone who can give me a decent pokemon in return. ![]() BTW, the remix of the wild pokemon music in the right-side region is awesome! | 2010-05-02 00:19:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
I'll trade with ya to get some evolutions as an alakazam would come in handy. Also I would suggest an ice move as dragons are tough. Haha. So atm I'm trying to catch Lugia in SS, I get him down to one sliver of HP, put him to sleep, and my dusk balls dont even get a wobble?! Wtf. This is quite ridiculous imo. EDIT: You cannot continue without catching/killing it? Lame. :o @ kirbyman, could ya trade me a tropius for HM slave purposes? I wanna drop my pidgeot for an ursaring (I havent even seen one yet, must be kinda rare this time round) Also can you trade with yourself if you have say HG and SS? OK then, sure thing ^_^ Any particular items in mind? As I sed I have tons of stones, a few Shinnoh fossils and some other stuff. And in two stories unrelated to what I just said: 1. RNGing is HARD! 2. I tried the cloning glitch in Emerald and accidently deleted my save data ![]() ![]() | 2010-05-02 19:15:00 Author: kirbyman62 ![]() Posts: 1893 |
Im trying to get back into this game really badly but idk i just rather play a non-handheld game =/ And the fact that i can not continue as i need to train Nidoran and Weepingbell to be good like my other pokemon | 2010-05-04 22:54:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
hey good news guys! my dad bought our household a linksys that has cisco connect! once my dad installs that, and i set up my connection... i can trade with you guys! ie; this weekend i should be able to trade pokemon with you guys ![]() soooo... who wants some hoehn guys? i have tons laying around :3 hey... snrm, would you like my lvl 35+ nidoking(don't remember exact level...) and i can trade my jirachi now! so who wants some poke-beauties? | 2010-05-05 00:57:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
i cant trade =( I don't have a WEP wireless internet (the only security type the DS connects to ![]() | 2010-05-05 03:11:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
do you have a no-security? that works too... wait, what DO you have? | 2010-05-05 03:32:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
I have somthing called TKIP WPA-personal or somthing. Im pretty sure it is more secure than WEP actually. I remember reading that WEP keys are easy to ""hack"" if your good with computers | 2010-05-05 03:45:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
hmm, that is a problem! if you had a dsi, you could at least get internet and play dsiware games online... but, whatever. sorry you can't! | 2010-05-05 03:52:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
Yeah, the whole WEP thing is lame. ![]() I used the pokewaker today, got about 3500 steps or what ever. I didn't even unlock a new route, I looked it up online, some of these numbers are ridiculous. If I want a kecleon it will take me 15000 W (that's watts not steps!) just to unlock the route. Anyone know a good way to "cheat" the pokewalker? ![]() As for trades, I would be very keen for a Tropius and a Kecleon. As these are both pokewalker exclusives, both in final routes, both in the rare A group. o_O; Nature/ability doesn't matter as I will breed them anyway. ![]() | 2010-05-05 11:28:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
Well guys, I've got me a tropius ![]() I've found the pokewalker unbeleivabley hard to cheat - unless you have something that vibrates or shakes around a lot (i.e. younger sibling) in which case you can get loads! Honestly it's not that much to unlock a few routes (granted to get tropius/kecleon is VERY hard and will take time) especially if you have to walk to school everyday like me ![]() But yes, midnight I could trade you a tropius if you want one, and I'm actually only something like 5000 steps from unlocking the kecleon route as well, so I could get one for you if you want ![]() oh, did I see a jirachi being offered ![]() It sounds nommy to me, whatcha asking for it? | 2010-05-05 23:20:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
i have like 3000 watts or somthing from wearing it in home somtimes haha | 2010-05-06 00:10:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
I actually don't even use the Pokewalker. I think I put in my Suddowoodo and never took him out. I still have no idea where my DS is, so if you haven't already Klaww, I'd recommend trading with someone else for a Thunder Stone. Sorry about that. | 2010-05-06 00:49:00 Author: srgt_poptart ![]() Posts: 425 |
jirachi? well that would be me! i have the colleseum pre-order, it has a way to send a jirachi into sap/ruby... so yeah, i have tons! hmm... what can you offer? | 2010-05-06 01:19:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
OK then, sure thing ^_^ Any particular items in mind? As I sed I have tons of stones, a few Shinnoh fossils and some other stuff. Items? um.. A "choice band" would be helpful, but I would also love a Skull Fossil (Cranidos), or even a water/thunder/fire stone would be lovely. I would be happy with anything that is hard to get in ss/hg really. ![]() But yes, midnight I could trade you a tropius if you want one, and I'm actually only something like 5000 steps from unlocking the kecleon route as well, so I could get one for you if you want ![]() Great! @ both of you: What are you guys after in return for tropius/kecleon? Decent things I have to trade in return.. pokemon: I have been going through swarms recently, so I have a few of most of them (yanma,marill, buneray,relicanth, remoraid, qwilfish, dunsparce, chansey, mawile) + skarm (or any other SS exclusive you need), scyther, jynx, chansey + x1 modest/sync Natu. items: lucky eggs! (increases exp gained), deepseascales, oval stones, sun stones, moon stones. ATM I am in a chansey swarm farming lucky eggs so I have a few. chansey swarm + compound eyes + frisk + covet = lucky eggs out the wazoo. Let me know what ya want. ^_^ | 2010-05-06 12:02:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
hey i could get someone those pok'es! i HAVE been replaying hoehn recently... at the 7th gym, and training! | 2010-05-07 17:29:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
Wut were the Hoenn gyms again? Just caught Entei, it was a pain, wasted a bunch of ultra balls... | 2010-05-08 05:54:00 Author: JspOt ![]() Posts: 3607 |
Items? um.. A "choice band" would be helpful, but I would also love a Skull Fossil (Cranidos), or even a water/thunder/fire stone would be lovely. I would be happy with anything that is hard to get in ss/hg really. ![]() Great! @ both of you: What are you guys after in return for tropius/kecleon? Decent things I have to trade in return.. pokemon: I have been going through swarms recently, so I have a few of most of them (yanma,marill, buneray,relicanth, remoraid, qwilfish, dunsparce, chansey, mawile) + skarm (or any other SS exclusive you need), scyther, jynx, chansey + x1 modest/sync Natu. items: lucky eggs! (increases exp gained), deepseascales, oval stones, sun stones, moon stones. ATM I am in a chansey swarm farming lucky eggs so I have a few. chansey swarm + compound eyes + frisk + covet = lucky eggs out the wazoo. Let me know what ya want. ^_^ For me, nothing, I'm fine ^_^ EDIT: Tropius are easy to get in Platinum, and I have a few spare Kecleons too. What nature are the Jirachis? I offer my Legit Shiny Darkrai and Event Arceus (both cloned). | 2010-05-08 08:13:00 Author: kirbyman62 ![]() Posts: 1893 |
Just a little question .But why are all you saying its hard to get tropius and kecleons. Isn't there a migrate feature? So go on Ruby/Sapphire and catch one easy/ I believe i have asked this before but i forget.... so you can migrate from Pearl to Soul Silver? | 2010-05-08 16:41:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
Just a little question .But why are all you saying its hard to get tropius and kecleons. Isn't there a migrate feature? So go on Ruby/Sapphire and catch one easy/ I believe i have asked this before but i forget.... so you can migrate from Pearl to Soul Silver? Nope, since they're both on DS, it's regular trades only, meaning you need two DSes or some friendly folk on WiFi (good thing I am one, and have 2 DSes ![]() | 2010-05-08 17:01:00 Author: kirbyman62 ![]() Posts: 1893 |
just a second... and its one. ... ... ... plus i have an event arceus. but that shiny sounds nice! edit: where is my paltinum??? edit-edit: i CAN get more jirachis though, pre-order disc ftw! | 2010-05-08 23:37:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
I tried WPA/WEP/unsecured to connect, but nothing worked. ![]() Looks like i'll have to get kecleon + tropius the hard way. lol. Oh, and I got a shiny pokemon. Guess what it was... ...a unown! WTH!? It's a T, and it's blue. yay for me. Results of having the pokewalker in my pocket all day: 3 watts. ![]() I must have been butt pressing the buttons all day because... dowsing: leppa berry, full heal, heart scale, blue shard, heart scale, heart scale, heart scale, full heal, heart scale, dive ball, blue shard, fresh water, dive ball, dive ball, blue shard. radar: poliwag, poliwag, sunkern, sunkern. (3 ran and I caught a sunkern somehow.) "Collected 3 W on the Stroll!" There really needs to be a hold button. ![]() | 2010-05-09 10:07:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
jirachi? well that would be me! i have the colleseum pre-order, it has a way to send a jirachi into sap/ruby... so yeah, i have tons! hmm... what can you offer? Well I've got all the soul silver exclusives.. not sure what version you have though ![]() My brother has HG so I guess I can get any of the exclusives.. Got some of the pokemon from more advance pokewalker routes (all of them up to and not including treehouse). Oh and I downloaded the Yellow forest pokewalker event so I can get surfing/flying pikachus.. I also have adamant + jolly pikachus... and a pikachu with flail ![]() Quite a few of the safari zone pokemon (pachirisu, houndour, hippopotas) and also bagon, beldum AND gible. Also anyone else who likes the look of any of those pokes, just say ![]() I'm generally quite free with trades... @Midnight - it's shame you can't trade, but if you do somehow get it working feel free to send me a PM and I can trade you a tropius or something ![]() | 2010-05-09 13:13:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
My dad said we can change to WEP if we can make it a custom passkey. Does anyone know a way to make a WEPkey to what you want instead of random letters? | 2010-05-09 18:32:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
most things now make you make the wepkey, but unfortunately, my decided that-get this- our connection should be wpa ![]() ...however, i can't get on it now, because it 'tis raining @coxy224 i have bagons galore, and gibles...and there is that new winners path that has beldum... though houndour sounds nice! and i have both versions. | 2010-05-09 21:06:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
most things now make you make the wepkey, but unfortunately, my decided that-get this- our connection should be wpa ![]() ...however, i can't get on it now, because it 'tis raining @coxy224 i have bagons galore, and gibles...and there is that new winners path that has beldum... though houndour sounds nice! and i have both versions. As I said before, what nature are they? Are they a fixed nature, or are they different every time? I only want Timid/Bold/Jolly/Impish/Careful (bold(lol, Bold nature is in bold) are priority) ones. | 2010-05-09 21:36:00 Author: kirbyman62 ![]() Posts: 1893 |
it doesn't matter, because i have tons! oh and regardless, it will know dragon rush... breeding ftw! | 2010-05-10 00:42:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
What does Nature do anyway? | 2010-05-10 01:14:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
it determines which stats grow quicker. different natures are better than others. | 2010-05-10 01:37:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
What's the best/worst nature? EDIT: Woah i just realized i made this thread i forgot XD) | 2010-05-10 02:00:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
What's the best/worst nature? There is no 'best' one really, they all do different things. An Adamant nature (+Atk -SpAtk), is perfect for a Metagross, as it boosts it's attack to make it stronger. It would be awful, however, on say, a Starmie, because Starmie needs a boost in SpAtk because that's what it's better at. The increase/decrease is 10%, so it's definatly worth it. Here's a list of what they all do (http://www.smogon.com/dp/natures/) it doesn't matter, because i have tons! oh and regardless, it will know dragon rush... breeding ftw! Wha? I thought we were talking about the Jirachis ![]() And yes, nature does matter. | 2010-05-10 17:29:00 Author: kirbyman62 ![]() Posts: 1893 |
hmm i have never payed attention to nature before | 2010-05-11 00:43:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
hmm... i only have my GO atm... but good news! i found out how to get guest to work! (new linksys feature) so once i get my dsi back i can get on and trade ANYTIME! | 2010-05-12 02:08:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
hmm what is this guest on Linksys. could it get my DS to work without changing to WEP? | 2010-05-12 02:19:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
umm...its pretty much cisco E@@@@ series only... but yeah, you are gonna need WEP | 2010-05-12 02:27:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
DArn i have WRT610n i think and i wish DSs weren't so stubborn and would not only take WEP ![]() | 2010-05-12 03:31:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
eh, psps are much better wifi-wise... at least dsis' can half-use WPA! | 2010-05-12 03:43:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
how could it half use it??? ![]() | 2010-05-12 04:00:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
Where do you get the "Yellow Flute" in HG/SS? Most guides say Route 12, but I can't find it there or in my inventory (inc in battle). :/ | 2010-05-14 02:52:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
yellow flute? no idea... but i could get one in emerald an transfer it... @snrm it can use it for the browser/store/and dsiware games... just not regular games! | 2010-05-14 14:46:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
Is the guy with the Jirachis even here still? I'd really like one. Btw, still don't have HG/SS! | 2010-05-14 17:28:00 Author: kirbyman62 ![]() Posts: 1893 |
hello! his post is now above AND below you... and can you wait a while? i won't be able to trade until after the 28th... i hate projects! | 2010-05-14 23:05:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
hello! his post is now above AND below you... and can you wait a while? i won't be able to trade until after the 28th... i hate projects! Ok then, sorry, I couldn't remember :blush: Do you have any of the Natures I want? ANd yeah, I don't need it immediatly, tell me when your ready. | 2010-05-15 13:09:00 Author: kirbyman62 ![]() Posts: 1893 |
i might have some time today...whats your friend code? | 2010-05-15 16:14:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
I thought it would be interesting to see how everyone is doing in their game. ![]() My pokedex: 276 caught (all caught in SS, no trades/tansfers). Logged about 200 hours lol (I doubt I was always active during though). My team: - Feraligatr (lvl 91) - Ambipom (lvl 93) - Parasect (lvl 84) - Kecleon (lvl 75) (with recover!) - Banette (lvl 69) - Dragonite (lvl 60 HM slave) Other pokemon of note: Adamant Gallade with killer moves (leaf blade, sword dance, psycho cut, night slash), Adamant Spinda (with thrash, teeter dance, wish, double-edge) Shiny Ninjask/Shedinja (2 shiny for the price of 1! So awesome!) (caught as Nincada) I have beaten Red/Ash (with just my Feraligatr and a few potions), gotten all badges, explored all routes thoroughly except Mt. Silver (and most caves that need flash lol), Caught the dogs/birds (except Zaptos). Still have those other legends like ru/sa one to get. Still collecting those pokeball seals (when does it end?!), man there is a ton of those things. And my pokewalker ran out of battery before I could unlock the Tropius route. ![]() At the moment I'm trying to catch a darn Beldum (for dex), but it's pretty hard. My setup: lvl 30 magneton (with Magnet Pull) starter + max repel + white flute. 95% of the wild pokes are Beldum, with 5% being electabuzz. I have tried throwing mud/safari balls, but it won't stay in the darn ball. The catch rate much be something ridiculous. I might buy the Heart Gold version because I have spent too much time on this save to delete it and start over, haha. | 2010-08-14 04:40:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
I havent played in a while, but I never felt like filling my pokedex... | 2010-08-14 16:26:00 Author: grayspence ![]() Posts: 1990 |
im always the same with DS/PSP games, i buy them and play them a ton for a week, i play somthing else and i never play them again, the only handheld i have continulely kept playing is LBP PSP D: | 2010-08-15 01:07:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
not with me, i play pokemon constantly... | 2010-08-15 02:21:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
Eh i still love pokemon though ![]() | 2010-08-15 02:34:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
Well erm yeah. I can't beat RED! And on another note, does anyone have a soul silver groudon that they would be willing to let me borrow so I can get raquazza? Obviously I wouldn't be able to do it yet but within the next 3-4 weeks? I'll let you borrow the kyroge after? *puppy dog eyes* | 2010-08-15 18:44:00 Author: bs58qw ![]() Posts: 59 |
eh, working on SS right now... at ice cave so shouldn't be TOO long... if anyone needs hoehn legendariews just for fun, i have tons though...still got emerald and sapphire, so can get both birds, and as many jirachis as i want! | 2010-08-15 18:51:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
Well, NOW I have all 16 badges, all of my team are level 57-59. Meganium Venomoth Ampharos Raichu Noctowl Slowbro Not gonna bother with all their details... ![]() By the way, if anyone wants any untouched HG exclusive Pokeymans, or just any untouched pokemon, I can breed and trade you any of these... Dratini Pineco Sunkern Swinub Krabby Shuckle Bronzor Scyther Smeargle Gligar Growlithe Roselia Phanpy Sudowoodo Horsea Exeggcute Tangela Aipom Vulpix Psyduck Heracross Slugma Linoone Swablu Cubone Eevee-[With a few more BP, it could have perfect 31 speed IVS] Electabuzz-[You'd get Elekid] Pikachu-[You'd get Pichu] Whismur Shinx Snorlax Diglett Nidoran(FEMALE) Chinchou Octillery-[You'd get Remoraid] Sneasel Larvitar Misdreavus Ekans Grimer Koffing Doduo Sandshrew And I would really like... Trapinch Riolu Gible Snorunt Magby Any Pokemon with a Power _____ (Except Power Lense) Charmander Squirtle Cyndaquil Totodile Mudkipzzz Treecko Pinsir Ledyba Bagon Murkrow Qwilfish I'll still trade for a lot more, but those are what I want, that I can think of right now. ![]() Leave a visitor message if you want to trade? Even if this post gets old, I'll still trade. ![]() | 2010-08-16 01:21:00 Author: KlawwTheClown ![]() Posts: 1106 |
so io be guessing this is a trade thread now? i honestly don't trade on any site besides www.serebiiforums.com anymore... just way more people there that are willing to trade, and it is a huge community for other things, only prob is that its a majority so there are spammers going into the irc chat... constantly...but otherwise, this is the best place to trade some pokemon...quick but since you are asking... i got mudkipz,bagon,ledyba,treecko,gible,riolu,trapinch, can get totodile, and cyndaquil,and can get snorunts ![]() also... i have more jirachis than i can keep track off! so please offer me an event if you want one | 2010-08-16 02:16:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
so io be guessing this is a trade thread now? i honestly don't trade on any site besides www.serebiiforums.com anymore... just way more people there that are willing to trade, and it is a huge community for other things, only prob is that its a majority so there are spammers going into the irc chat... constantly...but otherwise, this is the best place to trade some pokemon...quick but since you are asking... i got mudkipz,bagon,ledyba,treecko,gible,riolu,trapinch, can get totodile, and cyndaquil,and can get snorunts ![]() also... i have more jirachis than i can keep track off! so please offer me an event if you want one Yush, it is the trade thread. ![]() Nah, I did say how my team was right now. ![]() Also, I never use Serebii's forums. It's so slow and never loads half the time. I'm gonna start using PokeCommunity, since they allow talking about hacking ro--Changing subject... Is there anything I have that you want? Otherwise, I can always go check Diamond... ![]() I just really want a Trapinch. ![]() Also, anyone here have any advice for breeding for IVs? I was gonna make a competitive battlering team. ![]() | 2010-08-16 03:28:00 Author: KlawwTheClown ![]() Posts: 1106 |
true, but blame vbulletin...it isn't meant for a forum of theat size! i bet that it would be easier if they vb 4.0 though... i do have trapinches...i think, but if i don't, i have an emerald ready for transfer! BUT...unfortunately having hg,ss,plt,emerald, and spahirre...i can get any of the pokemon you are willing to offer, have a deoxys i could trade a jirachi for though? | 2010-08-16 03:34:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
, have a deoxys i could trade a jirachi for though? I think I might... I don't remember 100%, but I think I might have one on Diamond, but it's from the GTS... Don't remember if I gave it to my friend's friend or not... Also, Red. Is Hard. ![]() I almost beat his Pikachu, it Full Restores, and then I almost do again, and he switches it out. Guess I'll need to train a bit. ![]() | 2010-08-16 15:56:00 Author: KlawwTheClown ![]() Posts: 1106 |
lol, i beat him with all lvl 60's! and i don't mean 60-70, i mean straight 60... yah | 2010-08-17 02:58:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
Klaww if you wanted a todidile you could have just asked me since we live in the same house but i want a larvatar pl0x. | 2010-08-17 03:04:00 Author: TheMonkeyBlade ![]() Posts: 687 |
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