If you were dying tomorrow...
Archive: 30 posts
Oh let's just say it's...Monday morning, and you got a call from...Dr. Pepper saying "Dear...what'syoname, during much inspection I have no easy way of telling you this but, you have until tomorrow to live, I suggest you do whatever you can before you count infinite sheep" What would be the FIRST thing you would do? Let's just say, for this day anything is free...and legal ![]() Well the first thing I would like to do is: Run around naked in New York Times Square yelling out "IM SINGLEEEEEE!" Then I would like to go to the lovely and talented Zooey Deschanel's house and give her a big wet one...-_- Then...Yes I only mentioned the first thing you would do, but hey, the more the better ![]() Creative responses are acceptable ![]() You guys think of the funniest stuff so go on, get busy ^_^ | 2010-03-01 08:24:00 Author: Smart_Alex ![]() Posts: 189 |
Oh let's just say it's...Monday morning, and you got a call from...Dr. Pepper saying "My dear lad/laddy, during much inspection I have no easy way of telling you this but, you have until tomorrow to live, I suggest you do whatever you can before you count infinite sheep" I think its funny that only males are considered. | 2010-03-01 09:14:00 Author: ladylyn1 ![]() Posts: 836 |
I think its funny that only males are considered. Oh hush man-woman ![]() | 2010-03-01 10:10:00 Author: Smart_Alex ![]() Posts: 189 |
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeey what about us ladies!!!?!?![]() Thanks lyn! lol | 2010-03-01 12:29:00 Author: Fenderjt ![]() Posts: 1969 |
first of all regret that I have not finished the 13 "Sack, The legendary" series as that is my main goal in life atm! After that I will probably blow up my insurance company with some spare dynamite I failed to use in "Sack, The legendary - Level 5 of 13" and take a deep breath. I will walk home slowely.. It will be raining as I set the Emitters with paint to a 0.1 emit rate... The blue and green paint splashes will hit my face.. hiding that I am generating blue paintsplashes myself.. When I get home I will probably hug my fellow Sackrelatives and make some food that I love. Call the girl I could never get and tell her she is too late and that she will never play a valentines challenge level with me.. Probably hang up the phone as she must be devestated and ready to delete her psn account she doesnt have. Id probably try to go mass hysteria on the planet. Nuke some country's just for the roflfactor.. and hopefully result in the world finally understanding how fragile we humans are as the world will end up in a post-fallout 3 decline. (got a spare nuke in the basement in the dorm next to Elvis and 2pac (close pals btw.. you should hear them sing "Around the Clock" together!! is so awesome with 2pac's rap chorus!!) After that, (with my radiation suit on), I will boot up the ps3 one last time, thankfully just before the nuke fell they uploaded the "date-bug" (we all are encountering at the moment) patch, and because I said so..the server is still working! (yay!) So I will update my ps3, boot up LBP for the last time.. I will create a new level.. Blank.. I will start with the intro for this level. "Luos_Desruc presents: And that should be the moment I die. *walks away* ![]() | 2010-03-01 14:03:00 Author: Luos_83 ![]() Posts: 2136 |
i would kill everyone i hate then go skydiving without a parachute | 2010-03-01 16:22:00 Author: psnGK22 ![]() Posts: 18 |
ok, i've planned this out in my head. first, i'd go and punch everyone i hate. hey! i'm dying! i deserve to punch them! then, i'd do prank phone calls to annoying and horrible celebrities, like simon cowell. ![]() next, i'd try a bunch of things that i'd never do any way, like bungee jump and swim with sharks. finally, i'd end the day by saying goodbye to all my my loved ones before killing myself in a really dramatic death, such as driving a car through a shopping centre, flip it over a flight of stairs and crash it into the city centre and die in a fiery explosion that could be seen for miles. everyone would now my name. "I remember that guy, the one who died in the most epic way ever." ![]() | 2010-03-01 16:34:00 Author: trip090 ![]() Posts: 1562 |
Well first of all I would go up Dr. Pepper and ask him who the hell he is... or she ![]() | 2010-03-01 18:36:00 Author: Doopz ![]() Posts: 5592 |
Go finish something on LBP, I haven't published any good levels aside from some survival challenges... I was about to say that I would have told a girl I like how I feel about her but I think it would have creeped her out for the rest of her life in case she would also like me and I would just die... ![]() | 2010-03-01 19:15:00 Author: napero7 ![]() Posts: 1653 |
Would relax as this pile of maths homework wouldn't have to be handed in! But alas I will be waking up alive tomorrow ![]() Yeah, not a depressed person ![]() | 2010-03-01 19:25:00 Author: Shermzor ![]() Posts: 1330 |
Would relax as this pile of maths homework wouldn't have to be handed in! But alas I will be waking up alive tomorrow ![]() Yeah, not a depressed person ![]() Emo........... | 2010-03-01 19:33:00 Author: Doopz ![]() Posts: 5592 |
actually, i think you'll find the correct term is emotionally challenged individual or ECI for short. | 2010-03-01 19:36:00 Author: trip090 ![]() Posts: 1562 |
I'd relax and play games. | 2010-03-01 20:46:00 Author: Dexiro ![]() Posts: 2100 |
I would slaughter a sheep and paint my body with it's blood; then from it's bones I would fashion a crude bludgeoning weapon which I would brandish above my head as I let out a primal scream and run naked through the fields, peeing into the wind. I've always wanted to do that. ![]() | 2010-03-01 20:48:00 Author: Ungreth ![]() Posts: 2130 |
I think I'd hang out with my wife and smooch all day.... | 2010-03-01 21:00:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
I would slaughter a sheep and paint my body with it's blood; then from it's bones I would fashion a crude bludgeoning weapon which I would brandish above my head as I let out a primal scream and run naked through the fields, peeing into the wind. I've always wanted to do that. ![]() Now here's someone with a dream! ![]() | 2010-03-01 21:01:00 Author: Smart_Alex ![]() Posts: 189 |
I would slaughter a sheep and paint my body with it's blood; then from it's bones I would fashion a crude bludgeoning weapon which I would brandish above my head as I let out a primal scream and run naked through the fields, peeing into the wind. I've always wanted to do that. ![]() Lol, I'm surprised you haven't already. Sounds like a typical Saturday night out in rural Shropshire to me! | 2010-03-01 21:02:00 Author: shropshirelass ![]() Posts: 1455 |
I'd buy a fancy shirt to match my fancy pants. Win. | 2010-03-01 21:03:00 Author: iGotFancyPants ![]() Posts: 1355 |
I'd buy a fancy shirt to match my fancy pants. Win. Then you could change you nickname to "iHadFancyClothes" ![]() | 2010-03-01 21:10:00 Author: napero7 ![]() Posts: 1653 |
Lol, I'm surprised you haven't already. Sounds like a typical Saturday night out in rural Shropshire to me! You're not wrong there. If I did then I was probably too munted to remember it, although I did once leave a disco after a night out in Ludlow only to wake up the next morning on a hay bale in a barn somewhere near Dorrington, with no memory of the time in between...so who knows? | 2010-03-01 21:13:00 Author: Ungreth ![]() Posts: 2130 |
I would be surprised it has taken this ****ing long for me too die, then get ****** and go to bed. About time. | 2010-03-01 21:48:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I think I'd hang out with my wife and smooch all day.... That is soooo SWEET! Your a rare guy lol most guys would say "id sleep with as many women as i can" lol | 2010-03-02 16:15:00 Author: Fenderjt ![]() Posts: 1969 |
I would spend my life savings on a ticket to Australia....of course I'd probably die midflight on my way to get there. But that's what I would do. I've always wanted to go to Australia. | 2010-03-02 17:30:00 Author: pantspantspants ![]() Posts: 189 |
I would spend my life savings on a ticket to Australia....of course I'd probably die midflight on my way to get there. But that's what I would do. I've always wanted to go to Australia. If ever you get here without dying I'll be sure to say hi. What would I do? Well i'd punch the doctor, not because I hate him it would just make me feel better. After that I'd probably break some stuff (I have an unnatural urge to break things but I compensate with making things, well... almost), drink a glass of milk then lastly I'd go out in a blaze of glory by stuffing a bunch of of rockets in the boot a 60's Mustang fastback which with I would proceed to try and out run the cops chasing me because I did something awesomely illegal and also saved like a bunch of people, one of which became my girlfriend who is in the car with me. The cops start to gain on me so a drop my recently aquired girlfriend off(wow short relationship) and start driving again, somehow a swordfight starts whilst still driving and cars are blowing up everywhere which is when I activate the rockets, blast off like the Delorean from "Back to the Future", and say something awesome and all inspiring that will be quoted for centuries and i'll be a hero. Simply really. | 2010-03-03 09:32:00 Author: SR20DETDOG ![]() Posts: 2431 |
I'd probably relax, reflect on my life while drinking a lot of expensive wine around people whom are dear to me. Who cares if I am too young to drink, I'm dying. | 2010-03-13 05:40:00 Author: Arctos13 ![]() Posts: 258 |
thatd be funny if after all this hugabaloo, the doctor would call and say he was kidding and that your friend set you up. | 2010-03-13 05:47:00 Author: Voodeedoo ![]() Posts: 724 |
if i was to die tomorrow id steal a new ps3 and grab my lbp and get all my stuff back then i would sleep | 2010-03-13 06:37:00 Author: WESFUN ![]() Posts: 1336 |
then i would like to go to the lovely and talented zooey deschanel's house and give her a big wet one...-_- THIS I love zooey deschanel also.:blush: lol most guys would say "id sleep with as many women as i can" lol and THIS. killing myself in a really dramatic death, such as driving a car through a shopping centre, flip it over a flight of stairs and crash it into the city centre and die in a fiery explosion that could be seen for miles. everyone would now my name. "I remember that guy, the one who died in the most epic way ever." ![]() Then probably THIS. I would also go to San Diego Zoo in between there somewhere. ![]() | 2010-03-13 07:02:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
I would drink all the friggin soda bottles in my house, because Ive always wanted to do that. Then while going CRAZILY hyper, tell my family and friends that im gonna die tomorrow. THEN RUN OUT INTO THE HIGHWAY NAKED YELLING SOMETHING AWESOME! | 2010-03-14 00:38:00 Author: Testudini ![]() Posts: 3262 |
All i can say is: When close to death, add accelerant!! | 2010-03-14 00:47:00 Author: Deviantgeek ![]() Posts: 386 |
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