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OFI Renegade 3X by Outlaw Flyers Incorporated

Archive: 1 post

Presenting the OFI Renegade 3X by Outlaw Flyers Incorporated.

The Renegade 3X is THE amphibious vehicle for all sack outlaws. For the purposes of demonstration the 3X has been preprogrammed to take one player to the score board so just grab and hold on.

Coming soon: Free Roam Timed Race mode.

The free roam model is fully equipped to carry any number of sack boys and go any where in the level. Awesome Trick potential and very dangerous. If you're not careful it can overheat and explode.

Built by LittleBigDude805 and myself.

Very fun to play with. Search @IStwisted for "CC10 - OFI Renegade 3X"
2010-02-28 20:08:00

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