Building a sackboy angle tracker...
Archive: 13 posts
I'm trying to build a device that tracks where your sackboy is, (sort of like the sackboy tracker from the logic pack) but instead of following the sackboy, it points to the him by tracking his angle to the device. So far, I've been able to get it to point to you fairly well using similar logic to the sackboy tracker and a wobble bolt instead of pistons. But the thing has a couple of problems... first of all, the 'sackboy pointer' is incredibly unreliable with more than 1 person playing... is there any way to fix this? Secondly I'm using this piece of logic on a boss, and I want the pointer to speed up as the boss gets tougher. But at higher speeds, the device starts wobbling out of control. This is because the device overshoots the sackboy and tries to correct itself, but ends up overshooting it again. Any ideas on how to fix these problems? Thanks in advance! | 2010-02-27 21:52:00 Author: Duffluc ![]() Posts: 402 |
Yeah, I used Angle Trackers extensively in the levels on my old account to simulate snipers. Unfortunately, they won't work properly with more than one Player. You can reduce the wobble by adding another set of weak winches to either side of the 3 way switch, wire them up to a keyswitch so they're always off. (Thanks to CompherMC) Another idea you could try is instead of having the weapon actually 'track' the player, have it scan the area and 'fire' when it detects a player in it's LOS. | 2010-02-27 22:14:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Thanks, I'll try the winches idea to minimize wobbling. Sadly I need the device to track the sackboy, I don't think my idea will work as well with a scan. And I guess people who are playing as a group are just gonna have to be coordinated enough to bring the tracker to the correct spot lol. | 2010-02-27 22:52:00 Author: Duffluc ![]() Posts: 402 |
If you make one of the sensor switches require all, it will always track at least one person. For example, if you want it to follow the player most to the right, make the left sensor switch require all, which makes it so all the players have to be behind it to move it. | 2010-02-27 23:01:00 Author: thekevinexpress ![]() Posts: 256 |
Ah, thanks! that makes the section much more playable ![]() | 2010-02-27 23:21:00 Author: Duffluc ![]() Posts: 402 |
I haven't tried the weak winches idea, but I made a remote 3way that goes from left or right to neutral in .1 second. I use a second set of winches (but at full strength) and set their min length to the centered position and max length long enough for the switch to move. Then I set them opposite of the other two (meaning they extend when triggered instead of retract). When the left input is triggered, the bottom left winch pulls and the top right winch extends. When it untriggers, the top right one snaps the switch back to center, and since there's another winch on the top left to keep it from over-extending, it stops in the center. It's very snappy. If you don't want to make one yourself, I give it as a prize in one of my tech demos: "Motion sensing searchlight." To get the variable speeds, you can double bolt multiple bolts, but it'll work better if they're motors instead of wobbles so they don't end up out of position from each other. Also, when you're playing in OC, the remote 3way appears to respond much slower, but don't worry about it. The mechanism will still operate exactly the same even though the switch looks like it's moving slow.. | 2010-02-28 08:02:00 Author: Sehven ![]() Posts: 2188 |
It is possible to get something working for multiple players, but it requires some tricky use of rockets, speed switches, and springs. I've never tried that hard to do it because the use of an angular tracker never interested me much. The idea, though, is that by using speed switches, you can have either the closer or further sackboy take precedence (who is closer to which speed sensor). The purpose of the rockets is to pull a block in opposite directions. The rocket that is given the higher speed will win out. Then, it takes some tricky work relaying some kind of rocket device into a 3-way for your output. The springs are used to hold the rockets. See it's a mess. Not worth it to me. ![]() | 2010-02-28 14:45:00 Author: comphermc ![]() Posts: 5338 |
That's an interesting idea. I'd be tempted to try it except that I'm fairly sure that would introduce a mess of delay into the tracker. Like, it would take a while to get moving and then take a while to stop again... unless I didn't quite understand something in your explanation. | 2010-02-28 18:35:00 Author: Sehven ![]() Posts: 2188 |
Thanks for the idea hehe, but that sounds a little bit beyond me... If i tried it I would probably end up with a jumbled mess and a huge headache. o.o The idea of switching one of the trackers to 'require all' is working good enough for my purposes, I think ![]() | 2010-02-28 23:45:00 Author: Duffluc ![]() Posts: 402 |
I just posted a new version of an angle tracker that could be useful. It doesn't involve using a 3 way switch which helps cut down on latency and you don't have to worry about the flipper going crazy. It does, however take up two layers. (One thin/one thick which may or may not work for you.) Over all it works pretty well, but it does involve a bit of tweeking. Check out my thread if you get a chance. | 2010-03-01 09:37:00 Author: M_R_Enigma ![]() Posts: 161 |
They should invent a "strength" setting for switches ... the closer you are the harder the connectors push. Duffluc, try slowing the rotary movement to make it more stable. It should also be possible to add in another wobble bolt under/over your current wobble bolt to slow up the movement - it would spin more slowly in the opposite direction. Dunno if this might work, but on some trackers I've seen that there are two 180 degree sensors facing opposite each other. However, their radii do not cover a tiny area exactly in the middle of the sensors, causing rapid reciprocal motion as the system repeatedly adjusts itself. If you overlap the sensor switches (so the one pointing left is on the right etc) there is no place where sackboy is out of range. If sackboy were to stand in the middle and therefore activate both sensors, both winches attached to the three-way switch would pull, thereby causing no movement, and keeping the object stationary (obviously the winches' strengths would have to be adjusted to prevent the switch thing from breaking). I'll test this out, see what happens. | 2010-03-01 18:51:00 Author: Holguin86 ![]() Posts: 875 |
I managed to get it tracking at a steady and smooth pace, I just set the angle of the trackers to 170 instead of 180. I'm hoping that multiplayer won't be too huge of a problem, but I'll have to test it out once the whole section is built to see if it is. | 2010-03-01 22:36:00 Author: Duffluc ![]() Posts: 402 |
Cool - I tried out my theory. Didn't work. But then again I suppose you just make the gap between the sensor radii bigger! Your solution's so much simpler than mine. | 2010-03-01 23:29:00 Author: Holguin86 ![]() Posts: 875 |
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