Just how many?
Archive: 11 posts
Ok so I was on last night and as I check the stats it showed around 3900 players online. I am in the US and I know LBP sold well over a million copies here but I don't know how well it did in other countries. Seems to me a game like this with so many passionate players would enjoy a larger global player base all the time, considering the different time zones. But if we are divided into different 'Zones/Regions' then it would make sense why I would see so few on. The normal 'large' amount of players I see online is around 20,000...the most I have seen was over 100,000, avg amount is around 10,000. Now I know most people have quite a few games they play, I do myself...but when I fist got LBP I don't think I put another game in my PS3 for about 6 months at least. After that initial infatuation I began to play other games from time to time...but LBP was still a mainstay. I wonder about this because I think it shows us as a group...that we are all fairly like minded in our desire to create something and our love of LBP in general. So does anyone know if the number I see reflects the whole of the LBP universe or just my region? | 2010-02-26 16:40:00 Author: AJnKnox ![]() Posts: 518 |
I believe it is a whole.... I watched the numbers pretty carefully for a while and it seemed to go WAY up consistently over weekends and the times when kids may be playing in the US. | 2010-02-26 19:25:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
And also remember that everyone doesn't have PSN! Remember LBP does have a single player, even though it's not even that fun without online. | 2010-02-26 22:41:00 Author: Pantyer2 ![]() Posts: 652 |
And also remember that everyone doesn't have PSN! Remember LBP does have a single player, even though it's not even that fun without online. Most people do. Sorry but LBP sucks without online. I wouldn't bother with it if i didn't have online... no comunity levels, no add on packs, no way to fix glitches (meaning you could get stuck with the wheel of death glitch) | 2010-02-26 23:55:00 Author: Doopz ![]() Posts: 5592 |
Thats quite low, and when you think only about 10% of them give levels a chance, no wonder we are badly rated and hearted ![]() | 2010-02-27 00:15:00 Author: GruntosUK ![]() Posts: 1754 |
That's because it was at night, the numbers are usually much much lower than during the day. If you go on weekends that's when there'll be around 21,000 players and on weekdays there's up to 14,000 and sometimes even more. And the 100,000 you saw a while ago was a glitch, it's now fixed. | 2010-02-27 00:39:00 Author: TheFirstAvenger ![]() Posts: 787 |
100,000 was a glitch? Yikes... | 2010-02-28 07:05:00 Author: Incinerator22 ![]() Posts: 3251 |
3000??? This is low and almost alarming actually. Last year it was averaging in the 6000 on week days. . | 2010-02-28 17:02:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
Just how many? JUST HOW MANY? It's over 9000!!!! On Topic: It's fun to see the numbers go up and down from time to time, it shows LBP's giant crowd flow. ![]() | 2010-02-28 17:57:00 Author: FreeFlyzz ![]() Posts: 265 |
EDIT: NVM, reading comprehension for the win. | 2010-03-01 00:44:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
Alot of people actually, my accound is made from PR, and here theres a whole bunch of people playing the whole time, but nothing beats the cuantity in Europe though. | 2010-03-01 01:14:00 Author: Bloo_boy ![]() Posts: 1019 |
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