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PSN Signs me out and now I cannot go online with LBP!

Archive: 10 posts

It has been happening for a couple of months. I will be gadding about, mainly on LBP, and out of nowhere I will be signed out.
These instances have recently become far too frequent.

What is weird is that my brother's PS3, upstairs and about equal distance from the router, is completely unnafected and never has been.

It is an older model of the PS3, i.e. 1/2 weeks after release (not slim)

And to top off my connection woes, LBP will now not let me use online features!
Any ideas?
2010-02-25 19:26:00

Posts: 1518

this will not fix it, but it could help with finding the problem

go to settings/network settings/ internets conection test

take a look at the signal strenght and other statistics you get,
this could help determin is its the routers problem, the ps3's problem or somthing in the middle

when my conection was low, all it took was to move the router up a shelf and it shot from 50-60% strenght to 70-80%
2010-02-25 19:29:00

Posts: 591

Ok, LBP is working again
But Signing out is still an issue. Apparently my connection is at 40/45% But moving my brothers PS3 is at 30-45% so, I doubt it is that.
2010-02-25 19:41:00

Posts: 1518

I have similar issues stemming from my router also. Even though my PS3 is hardwired, I often get "an ethernet cable is not connected" when my laptop first acquires a wifi signal. On top of that, I experience frequent disconnections from when my PC is downloading torrents.

In short, it could be your router. Try hooking your PS3 up directly to your incoming internet for a few days and see if the problem goes away. This will at least help you figure out which piece of hardware is to blame.
2010-02-25 19:50:00

Posts: 1465

@Thegide Thanks, I will try that next time the disconnections ********* me off.2010-02-25 22:34:00

Posts: 1518

im no expert, but i think 40% signal strengh is why your getting problems...
maybe look into simpl ways that can boost your conection to the router
2010-02-25 23:03:00

Posts: 591

Oh i'm so sorry i know how annoying that can be when your gladding about in LBP then your friends invite you then you push join and it says failed to join players then your playing a good level (you've been signed out of playstation network would you like to sign back in?) oh it's so annoying2010-09-04 13:48:00

Unknown User

I don't really experience those issues here and there I can't connect to players. My main issue is when you hit "R2" select players "White sackboy icon" I can't usually see everyone playing, but when I join my buddys I see 20 people playing almost each level.
Another issue is my levels aren't displayed across the Online globe, I'll see it for 2mins then its gone and I have the feeling no one can see them. Is it me or am I going insane?
2010-09-04 14:16:00

Unknown User

Erm... you know this thread is quite a few months old?

Try checking the date before posting.
2010-09-04 14:24:00

Posts: 5592

Since my thread has been bumped, I might as well say, this has been solved.
My PS3 is now on a large polished table that seems to reflect and boost the signal.
Went from 10-25% to 40-60%
So, case closed. Thread too?
2010-09-04 14:30:00

Posts: 1518

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