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The Office (US)

Archive: 17 posts

One of the best shows ever. I've been watching this show non-stop on Netflix and it is amazing. I'm on Season 5 right now.2010-02-25 03:08:00

Posts: 1432

I live 20 minutes away from Scranton, Pennsylvania, so naturally, everyone around here is a fan of it, including me. Two or three years ago, they held an office convention in Scranton and most of the cast members and writers came for it. It was insane. Here are some pictures of that if you're interested:

Anyway, I'm pretty sure my favorite episode is the one where Michael burns his foot on the george forman grill.

The British Office is also quite good.
2010-02-25 03:37:00

Posts: 2569

I love this show. When I first discovered it I watched about 30 hours of episodes in a week. I'm just waiting for the rest of season 6 right now!

My favourite bit is Dwight with the CPR doll. I won't describe it now so as not to spoil it for you, but it had me in tears.
2010-02-25 08:14:00

Posts: 2575

I remember buying season one and just spending a whole night watching all of it (even the deleted scenes) with my friends. After that, I was hooked. I personally believe season 2 to be the best so far, most of the classic episodes are from that. The Booze Cruise one is up there as one of my favorites of all time!2010-02-25 17:43:00

Posts: 2569

British office > US office2010-02-25 18:56:00

Unknown User

I do love the British Office. The boss is much more unlikable in that version. The thing that sorta worries/upsets me about the US version of the office is that they have started to focus way too much on drama/relationships. I think that takes away from the things that are really funny about the show. The Injury, which is my favorite episode, has absolutely none of the romance stuff in it. I think that episode is perfect and brilliant. ^_^2010-02-25 19:01:00

Posts: 2569

British office > US office

The minute I saw this thread title I knew this was coming. I like the US office better, but I agree that it hasn't been as good as usual lately. I kind of just want the whole Jim/Pam thing to be done and get back to my boys Michael and Dwight.

My favorite episode is when Michael tries to be like Survivorman. "I have fashioned my hat... back into pants."
Gets me every time.
2010-02-25 23:53:00

Posts: 256

I love it, and still being in school, I don't really get everything, but it provides a could laughs... or a lot.
My parents even said it sort of scared them it was so "realistic" to their jobs. I just wish my mom worked in a place with weapons in the ceiling tiles and toilets.

I do wish this Pam and Jim thing is over with soon. I also wish Jim wasn't co-officer or the whatnot.
2010-02-26 01:36:00

Posts: 1063

I also wish Jim wasn't co-officer or the whatnot.

Jim isn't the co-manager anymore. In a recent episode, he found out that he can make more money as a salesman.
2010-02-26 01:58:00

Posts: 941

I do love the British Office. The boss is much more unlikable in that version. The thing that sorta worries/upsets me about the US version of the office is that they have started to focus way too much on drama/relationships. I think that takes away from the things that are really funny about the show. The Injury, which is my favorite episode, has absolutely none of the romance stuff in it. I think that episode is perfect and brilliant. ^_^

Is that the "Hey Daryl, how's it hanging!?" episode? Hilarious.

I watched a few episodes of the UK version. I do like Ricky Gervais a lot but I just can't get into it.
2010-02-26 17:13:00

Posts: 2575

I think Toby is my favorite character. Pretty much every time he opens his mouth I'm laughing hysterically. My husband got me a Toby bobblehead doll for christmas. I think my favorite Toby/Michael exchange is in the Casino Night episode when Toby tells Michael why they couldn't invite kids to the Casino Night, to which michael replies "I hate so much about the things you choose to be" I love their little feud they have going on.2010-02-26 17:22:00

Posts: 2569

my favorite show. hands down. i quote it all the time xP2010-02-26 19:03:00

Posts: 99

I think it's a tie for me between the Office and Top Gear right now. I love them both equally.

I quote it a fair amount, too. My husband's birthday was the 20th, and I posted the "happy bird day" card on his profile. That was a really good episode.

2010-02-26 21:31:00

Posts: 2569

America's never know when to end things I love the original English one and seeing the America's is sad no heart too it anymore.

if you never seen original English one look them up and how they ended it in act wait.......

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/CLcTKCRfryg&hl=en_GB&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/CLcTKCRfryg&hl=en_GB&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
2010-02-26 21:42:00

Posts: 1014

Jump_Button, I completely agree that we don't know how to end things over here. We tend to beat a dead horse. It should have ended at the end of season 3 in my opinion. I think that would have been a perfect. But alas, we'll drag it out to season 9, just like FRIENDS. I thought the ending of the British office was perfect. They couldn't have done it better.2010-02-26 21:46:00

Posts: 2569

Yep, in America if a show can still make money, it will still be on the air. With a few exceptions when the creators decide to end it. The Office is probably my 2nd favorite comedy of all-time, close 2nd to Arrested Development (which I strongly recommend if you've never seen it)

I'm not really liking S6 so much, but I still watch just to see what happens... but not so much laughing anymore.
2010-02-28 10:38:00

Posts: 490

I love this show. When I first discovered it I watched about 30 hours of episodes in a week. I'm just waiting for the rest of season 6 right now!

My favourite bit is Dwight with the CPR doll. I won't describe it now so as not to spoil it for you, but it had me in tears.
You mean this?

I'd have to say my favorite episode is The Injury too. I mean, the scene with Dwight, Michael and Jim in the car was hilarious.
2010-02-28 15:52:00

Posts: 1432

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