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After reading on Zwollie's profile page that he is thinking of leaving the world of LBP, I felt very sad.
No more Sir Sackboy about the place, what a great shame.
We know not the reasons for his decision to leave but he will be missed a great deal.
Hopefully, one day he might change his mind and return.
Best wishes and good luck Zwollie.
2010-02-22 20:19:00

Posts: 755

Amen to that
Never has someone been able to interject with a picture, a rambling or a quote so brilliantly as Zwollie. He's going to be very much missed by all
2010-02-22 20:20:00

Posts: 2645

yet another big loss for the comunity. But we should reflect on how awesome they have made it 2010-02-22 20:21:00

Posts: 591

I don't have words for this.... he knows how I feel.2010-02-22 20:27:00

Posts: 5983

Nice thought Samalot.

I grew to become quite fond of Zwollie and regard him as one of my close friends. I don't know or pretend to know all the reasons to his departure, but I think he needed to get his home life together. He was an amazing sack. He was hilarious and always made me laugh or smile. I enjoyed working with him on the Caption Contest, especially when we decided to start making all our own sets and pics.

I will miss him greatly. Farewell Zwollie my friend.

Those will be huge shoes to fill around here, but thanks so much Zwollie for all the good times. For those I will always remember and cherish.
2010-02-22 20:28:00

Posts: 11383

We'll still hear him on the SackCast, though. Not truly gone, but still dearly missed by those who knew him well 2010-02-22 20:39:00

Posts: 228


I feel it's only right to have a few pictures in this thread for Zwol.....
2010-02-22 20:41:00

Posts: 2645

I've felt like leaving this game tons and tons of times. I stay for the people and not for the game itself. If something truly stops bringing you joy or interferes with real life, then maybe it's for the best if you stop doing it. I don't know Zwollie's reasons, and while I will miss him, if it's making him unhappy, I totally support his decision to stop. I would hope that he keeps in touch with us, though.

Good luck, Zwollie in whatever you do.
2010-02-22 20:41:00

Posts: 2569

Aww Zwollie : (

Wish you all the best Jedi!! Thanks for all your comments, feedback and all the rest.....If you see me round the planet, come bang me on the head with a frying -pan!

The littleBigplanet just keeps on turning this week,eh.... : (
2010-02-22 20:48:00

Posts: 1156

Oh yes, we gonna miss him!

He said that he didn't want to make a big deal out of this, but a thread to tell him goodbye is a good idea
(and it will not bother him hopefully)

I left two messages on his profile, so I'm not going to repeat myself...
Zwollie, we hope that maybe you'll change your mind one day, if things change, cause you are a great and engaging member! But sadly, we understand that you have your reasons...

Thanks very much for everything and take care !
2010-02-22 20:51:00

Posts: 1486

Meh... MrsSpookyBuz and now Zwollie D:

Makes me think about leaving.. But I won't, I love this site (and game) too much.

Goodbye Zwollie you will be missed. This site will never be as silly as it was when you were around ever again.
2010-02-22 20:59:00

Posts: 1913

Farewell Zwollie! I hardly knew ye, but your hard work was very much appreciated on this site. Best of luck in all your future endeavours.2010-02-22 21:00:00

Posts: 1465

We'll still hear him on the SackCast, though. Not truly gone, but still dearly missed by those who knew him well

He's disappeared off skype too, he's gone unfortunately

Tis a great loss for the community.
2010-02-22 21:08:00

Posts: 1330

All the awesome ones are leaving
**** it. See y'all later.
2010-02-22 21:12:00

Posts: 4291

He's disappeared off skype too, he's gone unfortunately
Well, ******* :C

All the awesome ones are leaving
**** it. See y'all later.
Not you too D:
2010-02-22 21:12:00

Posts: 228

All the awesome ones are leaving
**** it. See y'all later.
Now ARD? D:
2010-02-22 21:13:00

Posts: 1913

Farewell Zwollie,

May the sun shine, all day long,
everything go right, and nothing wrong.
May those you love bring love back to you,
and may all the wishes you wish come true!

I may cry!

2010-02-22 21:20:00

Posts: 1057

I think ARD was joking, but people need a reality check here.

Some of the members are moving on after spending a year or more dedicated to this site. With time, priorities change and life moves on. LBP can't last forever for everyone. What you guys fail to realize is that for every long term member that says goodbye, we have up and coming members gaining seniority who will do what they can to fill those shoes.

People also return. God knows I did... I'm fairly certain you all declared me legally dead then poof PotC comes out and I'm back in action like never before. Having people like Coxy and TripleTremelo tell you they miss your creations certainly helps too. If you read the first post of community spotlight 32, you'll notice how it says "2010 is marking the return of a number of respected creators". People go, people come back, and new people dig their heels in.

Please just remember the community isn't falling apart, it's just evolving.
2010-02-22 21:23:00

Posts: 1465


2010-02-22 21:38:00

Posts: 3262

Good luck Zwollie. Sir Sackboy will still live on in our hearts.

I hope you're going to send me some of that gorgeous belgian chocolate as a leaving present.

Best wishes mate
2010-02-22 21:54:00

Posts: 2210

I wish i knew ye better Zwollie, We will all miss you.
Don't worry guys, Zwollie will come back in 3 days when he wants more LBP. I know it.
2010-02-22 22:01:00

Posts: 386

Bye zwollie 2010-02-22 22:02:00

Posts: 3871

Bye. That's all I am going to say because at this point I can't write out a paragraph for each and every one of you.2010-02-22 22:16:00

Posts: 2046

why does everyone leave?
alot of that friendly and happy feeling on this site disapears by me :'(
2010-02-22 22:32:00

Posts: 668

Well, hope to see you around, Zwollie.... don't erase me from your friend list - there may be a game we both end up getting.....
2010-02-22 22:36:00

Posts: 4430

Well, yep, sad to know my random guy who hangs around is gone... Still, I've had good friends leave before- heck, pretty much everyone I was knew when I registered is gone- I'm fairly certain only me, CC, aer0blue and ryan occassionly stop by from way back then... Well BasketSnake also was on the same day ad me... meh, w/e, the point is everyone I was friends with left. Yay I'm a relic ;o).

Still, yeah, I've pretty much gotten use to LBPC changing- this place is a completely different animal then when I first registered, the mood and purpose of the community- wait, why am I going on like this?

People leave, and while I'll miss Zwollstah... yeah, it pretty much just happens.

I must say, though: I'm sorry for keeping you prisoner on level 4 for so long, you might actually have finished Sir Sackboy 3 if I didn't hold you to level 4... ;-; Still, bai zwollstah. :O
2010-02-22 22:47:00

Posts: 10882

Meh. People leaving are stupid.

I haven't touched LBP in ages, months. I don't post in the LBP threads.

I have posted 2,000+ times in general chat... I'm only here for the community...

Although most of the community hates me, but **** you all, I'm sticking around.
2010-02-22 23:05:00

Unknown User

Good man.

Good bye, Zwollie...I hardly knew you, so I don't know what's appropriate, but I do know that you have talent, and worked hard here. Best of luck to you!

2010-02-22 23:14:00

Posts: 729

eh i just have to say 10 words

GoodBye Sir Sakcboy Zwollie

Sir sackdurp joey will miss ya..
2010-02-23 00:24:00

Posts: 758

d'Oh!! PLease come back when everything turns around for you! We're gonna miss ya Zwollie!2010-02-23 01:41:00

Posts: 1878

All the awesome ones are leaving
**** it. See y'all later.


2010-02-23 01:44:00

Posts: 3664

All the awesome ones are leaving
**** it. See y'all later.
You better be joking. I will be TICKED OFF if you leave. You were the comic relief!

They are dropping like flies because of one simple word.

2010-02-23 01:49:00

Posts: 1063

Please understand, most of the people on this forum are becoming moral barbarians. If this forum were perfect, EVERYBODY would be nice. but no, people have to have limits. "oh he doesn't like this so i dont like him." Cant you just get along? everyone has their beliefs and everyone has their disbeliefs. So what if someone cant be JUST like you? Things like hate are tearing this forum apart and we are the reason our members are leaving. i left my last forum because it was full of hate. Screw personal reasons, WE are the real reason. Of course everybody has done something theyre not proud of, but cant you just forgive them and forget about it? Human kind disgusts me. Everyone has done something bad in the past so dont just sit there and act like it never happened. Everyone is just as much to blame as i am for this websites madness. So please, if you can, respect other peoples decisions and remember this: If you cant say anything nice, dont say anything at all2010-02-23 02:02:00

Posts: 513

Please understand, most of the people on this forum are becoming moral barbarians. If this forum were perfect, EVERYBODY would be nice. but no, people have to have limits. "oh he doesn't like this so i dont like him." Cant you just get along? everyone has their beliefs and everyone has their disbeliefs. So what if someone cant be JUST like you? Things like hate are tearing this forum apart and we are the reason our members are leaving. i left my last forum because it was full of hate. Screw personal reasons, WE are the real reason. Of course everybody has done something theyre not proud of, but cant you just forgive them and forget about it? Human kind disgusts me. Everyone has done something bad in the past so dont just sit there and act like it never happened. Everyone is just as much to blame as i am for this websites madness. So please, if you can, respect other peoples decisions and remember this: If you cant say anything nice, dont say anything at all

Overreacting much? A couple members left. It's happened before and it will happen again. It's not a problem with anyone on this forum. It's the people leaving's own decision, and usually their decisions are stupid. Most of them will come back, too. Look at Thee-Flash. He may not be active anymore, but when he "officially" left LBPC, he came back. It's not because we're barbaric and insensitive, it's because people move on. It's an internet forum, not an island of stranded people. As much as we like to believe LBPC is so important, it's just an internet forum to discuss a video game. If we couldn't say mean things, the world would be a very quiet place.

I don't mean to come off as a jerk, I like everyone here at LBPC. These aren't tearing LBPC apart. We may lose a couple of members, but in a month, all of those who left will either return or be forgotten. People "leave" LBPC all the time, they just don't announce it. And maybe a couple weeks or months later they come back, and they still don't announce it. Sometimes real life takes over and you don't have the time to go on LBPC, or sometimes you just lose interest.
2010-02-23 02:14:00

Posts: 3664

Appreciate your thoughts as I never have quite understood anyone hating anyone involving a game that stars a sackboy made of cloth.

My only hope is we can go back to the topic of the thread or I am afraid this one will be locked. I would really hate that considering..

So about Zwollie... I hope he is watching some of those movies that has been on his list as well as working on his artwork. He got a new wacom tablet while his arm was mending and some of the stuff he was doing was really good. He may have left LBP, but I think he will be doing great things with his talent. I think he just needed some space to pursue those dreams. Wish you well Zwol!
2010-02-23 02:19:00

Posts: 11383

For me, the majority of LPBC members are great and nice people!
Sure we are humans being, and humans being are not perfect, but we try the best we can....

Anyway, Zwollie left for personal and real life reasons, from what I've been told
and as it's a thread to thank him and tell him goodbye, I think it's better to not go off topic and discuss about those (negative) things here...

Edit : Oh Awesomemans and JWW were faster than me....
2010-02-23 02:19:00

Posts: 1486

Ah, I feel bad I didn't sabotage more caption contests with my maniac trickery while the gettings were still juicy-good.

Aaanyway. Wha? I don't know exactly what the deals be, but me, I find myself sometimes disappearing completely for possibly weeks at a time, and it's been at least a month since I've put on the actual GAME. I love the thing, and I love these forums, so I'll never abandon them, but criminy, you reach a certain age and a day's a blink, a week's like eating a sandwich, a month is like sitting on the can. Time just speeds up, or your thought processes slow down so dramatically that time seems to speed up.

The point is, you just go out and buy a tub of ice cream and get a spoon and see what happens. I'll tell you what happens. You look down at an empty tub and realize you've suddenly time travelled into the future.

For me, I don't have ice cream right now so I'm just eating jam straight out of the jar. One good thing that's come out of this whole crappy affair is that I'm too listless to put on clothes, so that keeps me from staining them with all my dribbling blueberry jelly, except for my boxers, which are now speckled with vibrant shades of purple, currently the only color I seem to be able to discern in the gray confines of this dismal place.

But that's fine, I mean I'm getting fruit, that's somewhere on the food pyramid. There's probably a vitamin in there somewhere, maybe two.

Crap there's no jam left is there. **** it, I'm going to make some cookie dough. Just the butter and sugar. My tears will provide plenty of salt to taste.

Where's my ZWOLLIE??


*shovels another spoonful of wretched pseudo-cookie-dough down the gullet*
2010-02-23 08:37:00

Posts: 1937

The world isn't right LBP is supposed to bring the world together and make everyone friends you can't just leave those friends behind, he's also stopping sackcast which isn't good either.

I will miss you much Zwollie i love you Sir Sackboy levels, goodbye
2010-02-23 09:07:00

Posts: 1304

Don't expect me to pull one of these out for just any old thing. I happen to be abuzz right now with late-night sleepy-time silliness, so I wrote a thingy for a zwollie. Left this on his visitor page:

I yelled on the streets, "The Zwollies are gone, the Zwollies are gone, oh crap almighty, where have all the Zwollies gone?"
A child then asked me, "What's so great about Zwollies? What did a Zwollie ever do?"

And I answered.

A Zwollie zardozed the blarbles!
He farayed along the ham-hingers.
He crucked a crooked crinkle-cort,
and blaffed a fortnight's zingers!

But then a blasted gringlegerth blazed,
and hancied around his cruckay.
Where the pulbins jerf and derbin and kwerk,
where Zwollie did purshig away.

So if you tronk the trowls again,
and peep a little truppin's chagrin...
Remember the Zwollie that zardozed the barbles.
He's the same as the Zwollie within.
2010-02-23 09:24:00

Posts: 1937

Zwols has gone for personal reasons, and that is already sad. Real life sucking people from their passion is a s*!t.
What bugged me are his words:
"I waited around for the weekend to pass.
Conclusions: seems like I wont really be missed in the end and all my hard work was a waste of time after all. "
That guys really hurted me since he really didn't deserve to feel let down by the community.
For everything, good luck Zwol!
2010-02-23 10:52:00

Posts: 5112

Zwols has gone for personal reasons, and that is already sad. Real life sucking people from their passion is a s*!t.
What bugged me are his words:
"I waited around for the weekend to pass.
Conclusions: seems like I wont really be missed in the end and all my hard work was a waste of time after all. "
That guys really hurted me since he really didn't deserve to feel let down by the community.
For everything, good luck Zwol!

Not to worry OmegaSlayer... I got a few messages from him after he wrote that as I whacked him for it.

Most know me as a pretty nice guy, but some also know I don't let stuff like that slide off easily. I had a great conversation with him and rest assured he knows he will be missed as well as all his efforts were appreciated.

Must be hard being a legend in your own time doncha think?
2010-02-23 14:14:00

Posts: 11383

awww no the talented funny Zwollie is leaving?! Im sad to hear that =( he will be missed!2010-02-23 14:45:00

Posts: 1969


I understand that people will leave, People will come, People will be forgotten, and people will be replaced, But it will take a heckuvahlot to fill those shoes,

The world isn't right LBP is supposed to bring the world together and make everyone friends you can't just leave those friends behind,

I spoke to him on MSN, He isn't leaving anyone behind, Just the game, he doesn't want to run away from anyone.

You better be joking. I will be TICKED OFF if you leave. You were the comic relief!

They are dropping like flies because of one simple word.


Thats a Pretty bold statement, I think the word isn't thief, I think the word is Life

Hopefully no one else will leave, If they do i'll be there with a bear trap and a paintball gun
2010-02-23 16:27:00

Posts: 5078


I understand that people will leave, People will come, People will be forgotten, and people will be replaced, But it will take a heckuvahlot to fill those shoes,

I spoke to him on MSN, He isn't leaving anyone behind, Just the game, he doesn't want to run away from anyone.

Thats a Pretty bold statement, I think the word isn't thief, I think the word is Life

Hopefully no one else will leave, If they do i'll be there with a bear trap and a paintball gun

lol, i'm not leaving. But if i did, i doubt you would be bothered enough to hunt me down, it would likely be a relief
2010-02-23 17:04:00

Unknown User

With Zwollie gone I figured I could finally get my hands on that fanciful hat. I broke his window and stole this.

2010-02-23 21:04:00

Posts: 1937

you have to be freaking kidding me??????...... 2010-02-23 21:20:00

Unknown User

With Zwollie gone I figured I could finally get my hands on that fanciful hat. I broke his window and stole this.


Take some awsome stuff for me to
2010-02-23 21:24:00

Posts: 668

Yeah, so since this is the forum I never go to I didn't see this... that sucks. Zwollie was a cool dude on here. As soon as I get a PS3 again, I'm leaving... wait, I already did that.2010-02-23 21:27:00

Unknown User

Yeah, so since this is the forum I never go to I didn't see this... that sucks. Zwollie was a cool dude on here. As soon as I get a PS3 again, I'm leaving... wait, I already did that.

i'm confused. You already left or already got your PS3 back? I'm confused. I'm confused.
2010-02-23 21:42:00

Posts: 3664

Ninja was here a long time and did amazing stuff, then had to sell his ps3 and then bought a used one but took it back because it didn't work and now he's trying to get another one so he can "come back" - even though he hasn't really left LBPC - Thank god for that Love ya Ninja!2010-02-23 21:45:00

Posts: 5983

I want to say something very sad:

What Zwollie posted in Morgana's profile page is that no one would miss him and that his efforts have not made a difference.
Let him know it ain't so!

I hope he sees this thread.
2010-02-23 21:47:00

Posts: 3251

I want to say something very sad:

What Zwollie posted in Morgana's profile page is that no one would miss him and that his efforts have not made a difference.
Let him know it ain't so!

I hope he sees this thread.

o' COURSE he'll see this thread. Nobody who has a thread ABOUT THEM is going to miss it. I just think that we should be careful about what we're doing when he comes in, we definitely don't want him to see what we're really up to here. Just do what I say and we should be okay.

1. does everyone have their stuff that I stole from Zwollie's place and passed around? Well, stick it in a bag or a box or something and shove it in the closet.

2. the zwollie voodoo dolls have to go. again, closet.

3. I know that we all stole his creations in the game and passed them off as our own to earn plays and hearts, so if you could just quickly RENAME those levels, or temporarily lock them, that'd help out the cause a lot.

4. Most of all, make sure you don't post any incriminating evidence about what we've been doing in his absence; for example, any lists that might detail the thefts and so on.
2010-02-23 22:01:00

Posts: 1937

You know what? I'm glad Zwollie left. I thought his levels were mediocre and his personality in general was just annoying. Same with MrsSpookyBuz. We're better off without them, IMO.2010-02-23 22:28:00

Posts: 3664

You know what? I'm glad Zwollie left. I thought his levels were mediocre and his personality in general was just annoying. Same with MrsSpookyBuz. We're better off without them, IMO.

If that's your opinion, then just keep quiet....
Zwollie and MrsSpookyBuz were nice people that many liked.
2010-02-23 22:45:00

Posts: 342

If that's your opinion, then just keep quiet!

Zwollie and MrsSpookyBuz were nice people that many liked.

He was just being sarcastic. It was a joke.

I think!
2010-02-23 22:46:00

Posts: 11383

o' COURSE he'll see this thread. Nobody who has a thread ABOUT THEM is going to miss it. I just think that we should be careful about what we're doing when he comes in, we definitely don't want him to see what we're really up to here. Just do what I say and we should be okay.

1. does everyone have their stuff that I stole from Zwollie's place and passed around? Well, stick it in a bag or a box or something and shove it in the closet.

2. the zwollie voodoo dolls have to go. again, closet.

3. I know that we all stole his creations in the game and passed them off as our own to earn plays and hearts, so if you could just quickly RENAME those levels, or temporarily lock them, that'd help out the cause a lot.

4. Most of all, make sure you don't post any incriminating evidence about what we've been doing in his absence; for example, any lists that might detail the thefts and so on.

You are a silly, silly man. God bless you!

He was just being sarcastic. It was a joke.

I think!
Yeah... Awesomemans needs a sarcasm font more than anyone I've ever known. He's a silly one too.
2010-02-23 22:47:00

Posts: 1878

He was just being sarcastic. It was a joke.

I do joke around like this, but I'm actually serious. Never liked Zwollie or MSB very much.
2010-02-23 22:47:00

Posts: 3664

I don't find your sarcasm funny.
Atleast not in this situation.
2010-02-23 22:49:00

Posts: 342

You know we all don't get along all of the time, I can respect that. Might want to be more sensitive about it though Awesomemans. Still you have the right to your opinion.2010-02-23 23:05:00

Posts: 5983

It isn't sarcasm Fredrik. He really means it. Awesomemans has always been a bit of a ****er. I've never known him post a nice comment yet !!2010-02-23 23:06:00

Posts: 2210

I do joke around like this, but I'm actually serious.

Ouch, mans. You could have dazzled with a spectacular display of megaphone shouting, but instead you opted for the drearily-depressing route. Not sure where to file that info, so I'll just pour it into this tin can in the freezer with the bacon grease.

*Busts into the room*
HEY EVERYONE! You want to see an awesome show?? I'm going to put on a SHOW for everyone! WOOOO!! Check THIIIS out!
*pulls out a can of beer, pops it open, and sits down on the couch watching tv*
"crappy commercials... god ******, everything's commercials."
*flips through channels*
*sips beer*
2010-02-23 23:12:00

Posts: 1937

Yeah... Awesomemans needs a sarcasm font more than anyone I've ever known. He's a silly one too.

I do joke around like this, but I'm actually serious. Never liked Zwollie or MSB very much.
Huh - or not. Bad form, sir.
2010-02-23 23:15:00

Posts: 1878

Wow, lol. I don't think some of you have learned your lesson from the MrsSpookyBuz thread. This is the kind of useless fighting that can help drive people away from LBPC in the first place.2010-02-23 23:16:00

Posts: 3251

I know the perfect song for this moment...

2010-02-23 23:18:00

Posts: 1355

I started this thread so that Zwollies 'friends' could remember the fun and happy times they had shared with him and share them with the rest of us.
If you havn't got any 'fun and happy times' to share Awesomemans, please keep your mouth closed.

What is it with people? Someone tries to do something nice and all they can do is spoil it.
2010-02-23 23:30:00

Posts: 755

Fun and happy times: Let me pick one......

Zwollie would sing to me on Sunday nights (mornings for him) He'd get up, sign on and I'd be playing (like 12:30am my time) and he'd sing "Good Morning" to me then make his coffee and we'd be absolutely silly until 3am and sometimes even later.... I seem to recall a 7am bed time on one particular weekend.... Let me tell you, there's nothing in the world like being sung to sleep by someone thousands of miles away. Very sweet. Joey does a pretty good version too so I can thank Zwollie for that part of his legacy.
2010-02-23 23:39:00

Posts: 5983

Joey does a pretty good version too so I can thank Zwollie for that part of his legacy.

His matching Sir Sackboy costume certainly helps his performance
2010-02-23 23:40:00

Posts: 228

I had the pleasure of hearing Zwollie sing too Morgana, although not at such a ludricous time in the morning. We stuck pink springy star thingies in his pod in a row, we stood behind them in a ramshackle line and all sang, different songs! It was hilarious.

Zwollie has a lovely voice, which I can still hear in my head, and the most delightful accent.

2010-02-23 23:45:00

Posts: 1057

I played online in a few games with morgana and zwollie and they were absolute blasts from wall to wall. In one, there was some young'un along for the ride. He really wanted to have a duuurp costume - the kiddos LOVED Zwollie's durp, because he'd set his mic to a really high pitch and run around saying "Hiiiiii!!!" and it was creepy to such a phenomenally absurd extent that you could NOT witness it without cracking up.

Anyway, this particular kiddo wanted a durp costume but didn't know how to make one, so Morgana and Zwollie set about dressing him up. He would occasionally move around, and you could hear his boyish voice giggling with unabashed child glee, as if the popit cursors of Morgana and Zwollie were literally tickling him. "Hold still!" Morgana would say as the sack-child nearly danced in a joyous fit while eyeballs and stickers and horns and decorations were smacked and stuck all over him.

It was, quite frankly, the craziest thing I've ever seen in an online game.
2010-02-23 23:50:00

Posts: 1937

I can thank Sackcast for keeping his voice available when I'm missing him the most. Hakuna Matata never sounded so cool

@ claptonfann - it does indeed..... Sir Sack Duurp is a legacy even Zwol would be proud of I think

@ Teebonsey - lord I remember that night... that was so absurdly funny. Zwol's giggles were often tinged with that slighly mischevious pitch and I could just imagine his impish grin from ear to ear. He used that giggle when threatening to hide in the bushes outside my windows... and he would actually hide Sir Sack Boy in the bushes on levels and giggle.... such good times!
2010-02-23 23:51:00

Posts: 5983

I never actually played online with Zwollie and by the sound of it, I missed out on some great fun.

I do remember listening to one of the first Sackcasts and chatting on the live chat when Zwollie was on. One of the Sackcast crew made a strange noise and someone asked where the sheep had come from, so then there were various 'baa's' coming from quite a few people. Zwollie and I just kept 'baaaaing' for ages, seeing who could do the longest baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
I am proud that I baaaaed with Zwollie!!!
2010-02-24 00:02:00

Posts: 755

The first time I played online with a LBC member, it was with Zwollie and Morgana!
It was really fun, Zwollie making jokes and funny voices, and Morgana laughing...

I played with him some few times after that, and it was very fun, he's just the coolest guy to play with !
But too bad there was not more occasions. We were rarely online at the same time, as I play very late at night usually...
2010-02-24 00:33:00

Posts: 1486

I wish i had the time to play online with all you legends. No LBP players live in florida, it seems. (Except for CCubbage)2010-02-24 01:04:00

Posts: 386

I remember hanging out with Morgy,Zwollie and KoRn.I didn't really know him,but he seemed like a cool person.

He will be missed.
2010-02-24 01:13:00

Posts: 837

ouch, mans. You could have dazzled with a spectacular display of megaphone shouting, but instead you opted for the drearily-depressing route. Not sure where to file that info, so i'll just pour it into this tin can in the freezer with the bacon grease.

*busts into the room*
hey everyone! You want to see an awesome show?? I'm going to put on a show for everyone! Woooo!! Check thiiis out!
*pulls out a can of beer, pops it open, and sits down on the couch watching tv*
"crappy commercials... God ******, everything's commercials."
*flips through channels*
*sips beer*

don't ****ing tell me how to try to be a good troll! I'm a great troll, you're just mad because all you're levels are **** and ur *** and everyone here hates you. Shut the **** up before i find out where you live and kick your ****ing ***, *****! I'm gonna cut open your stomach and rip out your intestines and wear them around like a slippery scarf!

Anyway, I fooled three people. That must mean something, right?

Wait a minute...I think mistervista is being sarcastic.
2010-02-24 01:34:00

Posts: 3664

I started this thread so that Zwollies 'friends' could remember the fun and happy times they had shared with him and share them with the rest of us.
If you havn't got any 'fun and happy times' to share Awesomemans, please keep your mouth closed.

What is it with people? Someone tries to do something nice and all they can do is spoil it.

I couldn't outline the purpose of this thread any better. That said, consider this fair warning. Clean up the nonsense or we'll have no choice but to lock it up.
2010-02-24 01:49:00

Posts: 1366

We all remember the spousal domestic abuse (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/entry.php?782-Random-pictures-from-LBP-%28couldn-t-find-a-thread-for-it%29) that Zwollie had such a penchant for. Oh, he could give Morgana a black eye like NOBODY else! The underside of her eye would be slightly purple, and around the outside of that, a sickly shade of yellowish green. These black eyes, they were works of art. He knocked most of her teeth out as well, and I'm not going to lie, it was a bloody affair, but it was okay because it was really all just a silly misunderstanding.

What a lovably violent gentleman he is!
2010-02-24 04:18:00

Posts: 1937

Yes... I've been witness to such shenanigans on many occasions. Laughter coupled with stickering torture after untold slapping. Hysterical and grim all in one wacky slap happy bundle.

Good times good times..
2010-02-24 04:30:00

Posts: 11383

I've got the feeling back in my jaw now And the dentist said I'm an excellent candidate for implants..... Love hurts.

only condoned in lbp mind you otherwise not funny.
2010-02-24 04:39:00

Posts: 5983

Yeah.. no kiddin. 2010-02-24 04:48:00

Posts: 11383

Yeah.. no kiddin.

jww and I know what that's like, am I right?? Am I right??

NEVER punching my girlfriend again, ESPECIALLY not for the reason "it'll make for a fun story and in the end will bring us closer together". I think we can all agree that sack-people seem somewhat custom-designed to take beatings in ways that people aren't.
2010-02-24 05:21:00

Posts: 1937

Well... not really.. but I have seen it on TV!!

I will agree that sacks are designed for heavy abuse. Think of the falls, blazing fire, spikes, fountains of plasma, electro-whizzical sparky stuff and evil gas they have to endure. ..but you know what, they always land on their feet. Oh you can smack em down alright, but by golly have them jump off a mountain to safe flat ground and they land feet first without a scratch. Incredible!

Think of how humanity could be saved if we wore such a noble cloth as sacks!
2010-02-24 05:34:00

Posts: 11383

I remember a trip I had in the boat Zwollie and Fjonan built in the beta.
I'm really shy to talk online, so I'm usually a loner and I use the keyb even if I have a mic, but I enjoyed it a lot.
Knowing Zwol is like having known him for the dawn of times.
2010-02-24 07:22:00

Posts: 5112

jww and I know what that's like, am I right?? Am I right??

NEVER punching my girlfriend again, ESPECIALLY not for the reason "it'll make for a fun story and in the end will bring us closer together". I think we can all agree that sack-people seem somewhat custom-designed to take beatings in ways that people aren't.

Ha, I remember when I was showing a really nice lookin' girl LBP, and she had just finished making her sackgirl look like her, and thought she was getting the hang of it. I accidentally slapped her, much sooner than when I was planning to purposely slap her off of something.

It went from

"we look good together"


"ah, the abuse begins already."

Once I showed her how to slap, it was all good.
2010-02-24 14:20:00

Unknown User

whos zwollie2010-03-04 10:53:00

Posts: 724

I think i found him!
2010-03-18 00:48:00

Posts: 1063

Yes, I think it's him... I see some nice drawings
So that's what he's been doing since he left

Zwollie, come back! LBPC misses you!
2010-03-18 01:07:00

Posts: 1486

lol - yep that's him.2010-03-18 01:10:00

Posts: 5983


2010-03-18 01:56:00

Posts: 386

Give him privacy

Edited by comphermc
2010-03-18 22:10:00

Posts: 5592

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