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Archive: 57 posts

Alot of Ppl have been saying that this game has bad graphics...
If anything this game has the best graphics ever made in a game!
Everything in this game looks exactly like it's real world counterpart. Look at the skateboard in the GDC demonstration on youtube.
Completely perfect.
Tell me if you disagree.
2008-05-25 18:00:00

Sleazy Saint
Posts: 1

i agree mate its just the xbox and wii fanboys who are jelouse that they wont get it2008-05-25 19:02:00

Posts: 382

I haven't heard of anybody saying the graphics are bad.2008-05-25 22:15:00

Posts: 999

check other forums Gia2008-05-26 14:27:00

Posts: 382

a lot of complaints in this game from the other console's fans... its their opinion, why should we care?2008-05-26 18:35:00

Posts: 1081

true let them deal with it and buy a ps32008-05-26 22:12:00

Posts: 382

I haven't heard people say the graphics suck, but people also seem to never mention that this is one of the best looking games. Completely agree. The visuals look like a real diorama made out of real cloth, with real lighting, and with real camera background blur. The smoke is the best I've seen in a game as well. It might not be perfect, but it is the best looking platformer I've ever seen. You can bet if Nintendo had released a Mario game with these visuals, people would have been claiming it's the best graphics ever on a console. 2008-05-27 23:01:00

Posts: 423

So true lbp wonder how much of the ps3 graphics its using anyone wana enlighten us?2008-05-28 18:50:00

Posts: 382

Ehh.. You mean how capable the PS3 is of doing better? I don't think you can get much better graphics and in terms of processing power, the game seems to run really smoothly. I cant imagine that games are going to get like twice as good over the next few years especially in the graphics aspect, like they did with the PS2, because they're pretty much at the top of their game. I mean, look at Final fantasy, and the mud in motorstorm..

If you want to see what the PS3 is really capable of though, I think Killzone 2 is being optimized to push the PS3 to its limits.. atleast 80% of it.

Its funny cause i'd never even heard of Killzone (1) let alone seen or played it, and it seems to be our answer to Halo 3. Oh well
2008-05-30 20:40:00

Posts: 2073

Ehh.. You mean how capable the PS3 is of doing better? I don't think you can get much better graphics and in terms of processing power, the game seems to run really smoothly. I cant imagine that games are going to get like twice as good over the next few years especially in the graphics aspect, like they did with the PS2, because they're pretty much at the top of their game. I mean, look at Final fantasy, and the mud in motorstorm..

If you want to see what the PS3 is really capable of though, I think Killzone 2 is being optimized to push the PS3 to its limits.. atleast 80% of it.

Its funny cause i'd never even heard of Killzone (1) let alone seen or played it, and it seems to be our answer to Halo 3. Oh well

80% for killzone 2!? And the ps3 supposed to have a 10 year life span!
2008-05-31 06:06:00

Posts: 999

I seem to remember reading an article about the PS3 only using 5 out of its 6 cores.

Of course I read this some time close to launch, things could have changed.
2008-05-31 08:52:00

Posts: 1081

The thing with duo core / quad core etc processors is that they don't all actually run efficiently at the same time, nothing incorporates that yet.

Atleast, thats true for the PC, I haven't actually done research but im going on what my Computing teacher said.. so its reliable in my mind, somebody should research what i've said, its all opinion. I pretty much say it like its fact though, you'll have to forgive me about that, its just me.
2008-05-31 16:59:00

Posts: 2073

lol well from 30% which its running at atm to 80% i somehow dont think its gonna be using that much of the ps3's power2008-06-01 13:57:00

Posts: 382

It's seriously only using 30% ? :/

*researches a little for once*

wow... Phil says the top games are using less than 50%, that was almost 2 years ago though, so I assume he was talking about Resistance and such.. considering that though, killzone will surely be more than 50%

Also, Battlefield has to use a fair amount considering every engine was designed from scratch and not brought over from ps2 games or PC.

I'm 6th on the Quake wars leader board at time of this post


2008-06-01 16:54:00

Posts: 2073

well thats when i last heard about it lol and as for you been 6th you still are gratz mate2008-06-01 19:22:00

Posts: 382

ugh quake wars was bad :/. Listen, as of uncharted, only 30% has been used.2008-06-02 20:56:00

Posts: 999

Quake wars is pretty fun, once you get used to it. People don't give it too much of a chance.

only played uncharted demo, but wow.

I still can't see graphics getting MUCH better than, say, how the new Final Fantasies are looking.

You know, they could make games that are like, 3 times longer then what games used to be. I haven't seen that yet. Hopefully MGS4 will be a good many hours of gameplay. Longest game I ever played is probably Dark Chronicle, I think its a minimum of 100 hours to complete, but man, its one awesome game. Highly recommended to everyone here, plus the artistic elements will surely inspire creations for LBP
2008-06-02 21:08:00

Posts: 2073

Theyve been saying the same thing for years and everything gets better.2008-06-02 21:13:00

Posts: 999

Yeah your right. I can't wait to witness it.2008-06-02 21:17:00

Posts: 2073

Tbh i though ps games where good graphics when the games came out for it but now its ridicules to play ps1 games lol (the "3d" ones)2008-06-03 16:04:00

Posts: 382

I still play medievil sometimes. And I would play Loaded, Twisted metal 2 and the Jersey Devil.. Croc.. If I had them; All great PS games.2008-06-03 16:07:00

Posts: 2073

mm the best one was red alert i still have it play it on my ps3 its to good a game2008-06-03 16:09:00

Posts: 382

mm the best one was red alert i still have it play it on my ps3 its to good a game

C&C? Not into it. I heard recently about red alert, maybe they're remaking it or something.. No I think I saw it in the PS store.. yeah, thats it.
2008-06-03 16:11:00

Posts: 2073

ye there making a red alert 3 it looks crap 2008-06-03 16:12:00

Posts: 382

ooh thats what it is.

they should just move on to a different colour.. like.. Gold alert. Then more ppl would buy it cause its gold.
2008-06-03 16:15:00

Posts: 2073

lol na cause then ull think its a complete new game and millions of people love red alert

p.s its command and conquer red alert so its a diff name to generals
2008-06-03 16:16:00

Posts: 382

I know, I wrote C&C two posts up :/2008-06-03 16:18:00

Posts: 2073

ye i knw u did 2008-06-03 16:18:00

Posts: 382

I still play medievil sometimes. And I would play Loaded, Twisted metal 2 and the Jersey Devil.. Croc.. If I had them; All great PS games.

I have all those games!
2008-06-04 01:48:00

Posts: 999

Really? Even the Jersey devil! I thought that was not very well known. I admire your taste, friend.

But hey, do you have Pandemonium?

I forgot about that one!
2008-06-04 09:34:00

Posts: 2073

hated it. sorry2008-06-05 00:04:00

Posts: 999

hated it. sorry

Now YOU get to loose your gamers license
2008-06-05 08:57:00

Posts: 2073

lol nvr haired of them 2 games :S2008-06-05 10:51:00

Posts: 382

lol nvr haired of them 2 games :S

You should really try Pandemonium out some time, any of them, they're all classics imo. Also, Jersey devil, if thats the other game you were on about, is definitely worth a go
2008-06-05 11:25:00

Posts: 2073

ill go buy them from game they will be about ?5 if that now2008-06-05 11:27:00

Posts: 382

ill go buy them from game they will be about ?5 if that now

I doubt you'll ever find them in a store.
2008-06-05 11:39:00

Posts: 2073

i found a michael jackson game for the sega i can find anything haha2008-06-05 11:40:00

Posts: 382

i found a michael jackson game for the sega i can find anything haha

So, little kids got to play with Michael Jackson before he played with them? lol

Hahaha! I think my friend was telling me about that once. there was either a game with Chuck Norris.. or Shack O'Niel (don't know how to spell his first name) on like the sega or nintendo something. "A boy and his blob" was a very fun childhood game i used to have that I still cant get past the first level on. I think it's impossible..

There was something else I wanted to say, but forgot lol
2008-06-05 11:44:00

Posts: 2073

lol no game is impossible and aww u fogot

btw read the back off this game

2008-06-05 11:59:00

Posts: 382

LMFAO. Only in Japan.

Ironic how They're the ones kidnapping the kids
2008-06-05 12:09:00

Posts: 2073

lol ye and the front of it has space people and space ship yet they have nothing to do with the game haha2008-06-05 20:29:00

Posts: 382

lol ye and the front of it has space people and space ship yet they have nothing to do with the game haha

Lol, yeah. So.. you just moonwalk over peoples heads and lean against them and stuff? Sounds like a pretty awesome game. LOL
2008-06-05 20:50:00

Posts: 2073

lol its funny to play as if you have to save kids from mafia2008-06-05 21:27:00

Posts: 382

wow just imagine a game that used all of the ps3's POWER!!! would probly b best to use it on a shooter or a sandbox game 2008-06-22 10:27:00

Posts: 83

wow just imagine a game that used all of the ps3's POWER!!! would probly b best to use it on a shooter or a sandbox game

I read somewhere that it will never happen... but only because one of the 7 processors has to be in reserve or something like that. The PS3 as a system is actually very uhh..

Underachieving.. To its promises, but compared to the existing market its top of the range.
2008-06-22 18:44:00

Posts: 2073

call of duty ftw mate but Battlefield looks like a beater tbh2008-06-22 22:07:00

Posts: 382

call of duty ftw mate but Battlefield looks like a beater tbh

Ugh I HATE CoD4.. its Sooooooooo Sooooooooo overrated.
2008-06-22 22:10:00

Posts: 2073

lol its the best first person shooter out for ps3 atm2008-06-22 22:15:00

Posts: 382

game looks so good some people are just can never say positive things about LBP or anything Sony related fanboys...2008-07-28 22:03:00

Posts: 1246

Let me ignore the fact that the graphics in this game are top-notch, and argue for another reason: Would you really care if the graphics sucked? Really? I mean, this game isn't meant to be based in realism(the trees are made out of felt!), it's intent is for people to have fun being creative together. If you need a game to look like real life to enjoy it, then you need to rethink the definition of "game".

By the way, I own all three consoles, and I love them for different reasons. To tell you guys the truth, if LBP came out on 360 and PS3, I would have bought it for the 360 in a heartbeat, because I prefer the online setup on the 360 and I have more friends who don't own a PS3. I really don't want to be labeled a "fanboy" for that, but that's my opinion.
2008-07-28 22:09:00

Posts: 3729

the game is all about creation so yah things are going to be different but that's what sets this game apart from everything else this game is a much needed breath of fresh air in an overpopulated shooter world2008-07-28 22:17:00

Posts: 1246

Let me ignore the fact that the graphics in this game are top-notch, and argue for another reason: Would you really care if the graphics sucked? Really? I mean, this game isn't meant to be based in realism(the trees are made out of felt!), it's intent is for people to have fun being creative together. If you need a game to look like real life to enjoy it, then you need to rethink the definition of "game".

By the way, I own all three consoles, and I love them for different reasons. To tell you guys the truth, if LBP came out on 360 and PS3, I would have bought it for the 360 in a heartbeat, because I prefer the online setup on the 360 and I have more friends who don't own a PS3. I really don't want to be labeled a "fanboy" for that, but that's my opinion.

Ah, we aren't going to slate you for that.. each to their own opinion! (Although it can't happen due to the BD usage)

And I think your wrong about this game not being based on realism.. for me realism means the physical side of the game moreso than the graphics, and everything you make in this acts as it would in real life (nearly.. with the exception of vehicles running on 2 wheels and things like that) but also, its realistic in the sense that it has an arts and crafts-y feel... you could recreate a level from the game using real world objects and items and it would be cool.. its not supposed to be a tree, but a run representation of a tree within the game.. Hard for me to explain but I think you might get me.

Now don't go attacking me for disagreeing with your opinion and sharing my own
2008-07-28 22:47:00

Posts: 2073

Ah, we aren't going to slate you for that.. each to their own opinion! (Although it can't happen due to the BD usage)

And I think your wrong about this game not being based on realism.. for me realism means the physical side of the game moreso than the graphics, and everything you make in this acts as it would in real life (nearly.. with the exception of vehicles running on 2 wheels and things like that) but also, its realistic in the sense that it has an arts and crafts-y feel... you could recreate a level from the game using real world objects and items and it would be cool.. its not supposed to be a tree, but a run representation of a tree within the game.. Hard for me to explain but I think you might get me.

Now don't go attacking me for disagreeing with your opinion and sharing my own

I understand your point. It's real in the sense that it's a fake representation of the real world, and those items that represent their real counterparts(felt trees) act as they should. The physics are great in their unique behaviour(2.5 D), and they are definitely real in that sense. I understand where you are coming from.
2008-07-28 22:55:00

Posts: 3729

I understand your point. It's real in the sense that it's a fake representation of the real world, and those items that represent their real counterparts(felt trees) act as they should. The physics are great in their unique behaviour(2.5 D), and they are definitely real in that sense. I understand where you are coming from.

You have a way with words, Cartman. Did you study English or something? Write stories perhaps? I'd love to hear one
2008-07-28 22:57:00

Posts: 2073

Only complaint Ive heard was lvl creating would be hard and looks too kiddish.2008-07-29 00:03:00

Posts: 999

You have a way with words, Cartman. Did you study English or something? Write stories perhaps? I'd love to hear one

Well, let's not have just one huge agree-fest here.
2008-07-29 00:32:00

Posts: 1374

Well, let's not have just one huge agree-fest here.

I dis-agree, why not?
2008-07-29 01:31:00

Posts: 999

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