Racing at the Barbeque!
Archive: 18 posts
Racing at the Barbeque!Robotcrash A fairly simple race level, but it's like no other I have played. Instead of racing regular "wheeled" vehicles that are always the same speed, you race a "creature" [What it is, I will not tell, you must find out yourself!] which is affected by your Sackperson's placement and if they are leaning or not. Note: When I say creature I don't mean a "brained" creature with the in-game legs or wheels, I mean an animal themed vehicle Update: Background scenery in the level entirely redone, change the plain, boring run across the brick bottom of the level to a nice forest theme with the help of Lous_Desruc. Also added about 12 prized to the level, can you find them all? ![]() Hello fellow Sackpeople! I've recently released my newest racing level. The name is Racing at the Barbeque!, and it's quite enjoyable. It features a picnic table covered in different foods, "edible" cookies and [bubble] candies. The star of the level is the vehicle I've made for you guys to race: ANTS! Race the ants across the [bonsai sized] forest to the end. The controls for the ants are pretty simple: Grab and hold on! You can lean forward to go faster, or lean back to slow down (in case of chance of tipping). I've attempted to make the ants as stable as possible, but no vehicles are "perfect". If your ant flips either restart or have one player grab the ant's "chest" in front of the legs and pulls while the other player grabs the ant's "stinger" and jumps. This should easily flip the ant so the players can continue the race. In the future I plan to make an actual level based on the creatures I've made. With a story, characters, and all those sorts of things. Anyways, thanks in advance, hope you enjoy the level! ![]() Reviews: ...I had a big grin across my face while playing it! I loved the layout of all the different BBQ items... I was laughing so hard at the little ant's legs running! A simple but charming little level. Nice job! | 2010-02-19 20:30:00 Author: RobotCrash ![]() Posts: 121 |
Is one of them an ant because it looks like it would fit the barbecue theme. | 2010-02-19 21:33:00 Author: austimerr ![]() Posts: 385 |
Uh... eh... how did he-... You'll have to play to find out! ![]() | 2010-02-19 23:03:00 Author: RobotCrash ![]() Posts: 121 |
Haha i'm a genius. | 2010-02-20 00:35:00 Author: austimerr ![]() Posts: 385 |
that was very good im hoping 4 number 2 i rated 5 stars and i hearted because it was cool | 2010-02-20 17:24:00 Author: WESFUN ![]() Posts: 1336 |
Why else would you heart? lol | 2010-02-21 01:41:00 Author: austimerr ![]() Posts: 385 |
Update: Major visual changes to the level. Thanks for the positive feedback so far, hope future players enjoy the level as well. ![]() | 2010-02-21 05:33:00 Author: RobotCrash ![]() Posts: 121 |
Wow, I played this today and while it was pretty simple, I had a big grin across my face while playing it! I loved the layout of all the different BBQ items, but what got me the most was the ant race! I was laughing so hard at the little ant's legs running! A simple but charming little level. Nice job! | 2010-03-04 17:15:00 Author: mrsupercomputer ![]() Posts: 1335 |
Glad you liked it, mrsupercomputer! ![]() Now it's time for the story of the evolution of the running ant of LittleBigPlanet! It all began with... a pair of chattering teeth on LBP. I saw the default ones and thought they were way too slow, so I decided to take the parts and make my own faster ones with faster jaws. I had two different ones, some that didn't open very wide and other that make the mouth nearly go out flat. I cranked up the speed on the wobble bolts and watched them as they flew around the level, jumping and flipping. If it was to "bite" a sackboy it wouldn't hurt him (or her) for some unknown reason (maybe too fast, maybe it was designed that way) it would just sort of chew on them for a bit, then flip and flop away. It was hilarious! I immediately made a simple creature out of it, all it was was the teeth with a balloon glued to the top and some decorations (such as teeth and eyes) from the monster kit. This creature has the ability to "run" using it's bottom jaw hitting the floor. Time went on and I forgot about the chattering teeth critter, I made other random things and such. Then, one day, I brought the mouth critter back out and played around with it, trying this and that, not knowing what I could do. I then tried to make a dog-like critter (like the one in the Mm levels) that would attack you and try to bite you. This creature was ugly and didn't work well (speed of the teeth made it shake too much). Then, randomly, I grabbed on to the original mouth critter and "rode" it across the level. Instantly I saw what I could do: make a running creature from teeth! I got to work immediately on prototypes that would soon become the running ant you see in my level. It went from having a balloon rear to having a normal body and from having teeth as legs to having legs of it's own. This creature changed a lot in it's life and I am glad it's randomness is enjoyed by a few people. ![]() | 2010-03-04 20:24:00 Author: RobotCrash ![]() Posts: 121 |
Nicely designed level. Con: The racing track could have been more diverse, perhaps some small hills or something like that. Is it possible to have the ants race uphill, or will they flip? Pro: Great scenery. (Having to climb along a corndog is always cool. ![]() A lot of cool prizes. Funny intro. If you have the time for 4F4, the threads are in my signature. | 2010-03-05 18:37:00 Author: pickled-punk ![]() Posts: 598 |
Sounds fun and looks very good! I'll probably end up checking this out later!![]() | 2010-03-06 19:15:00 Author: piggabling ![]() Posts: 2979 |
Thanks for the review pickled-punk. Yeah, sadly the track cannot be too steep or the ants will not be able to work properly. In the future, I may try to make them work better. | 2010-03-08 23:47:00 Author: RobotCrash ![]() Posts: 121 |
I love this level mucho grande. As a matter of fact, I liked it so much I "helped" Robo with his visuals. Though.. it maybe was more of.. Forcing it upon his level ![]() I liked the bbq theme and ants so much I just wanted to get more out of the level for robo's sake. If you havent played it yet, and want a rofl.. you should really give this level a go! | 2010-03-09 00:09:00 Author: Luos_83 ![]() Posts: 2136 |
"You need more visuals. Here, lets put trees. Oh, lets put some ground down." ![]() ![]() ![]() | 2010-03-09 08:38:00 Author: RobotCrash ![]() Posts: 121 |
Hehe i liked this level's sense of humor a lot. Sadly, I'm not a fan of fun, so I couldn't get anywhere. ![]() | 2010-03-09 15:40:00 Author: Duffluc ![]() Posts: 402 |
Love it. Awesome objects and characters, the race is just sheer fun and you actually need to do something to control the vehicle unlike other races levels. It's a bit short and streamlined however. F4F my Darkmist Woods level. | 2010-03-10 14:10:00 Author: Flame Dragon ![]() Posts: 312 |
Alright guys, thanks for the postive reviews! Duffluc and Flame Dragon, I'll F4F your level later tonight or tomorrow. ![]() | 2010-03-10 18:59:00 Author: RobotCrash ![]() Posts: 121 |
Hi RobotCrash ![]() To start: Errr...what the heck do you do? The yes/no boxes?? Cant jump on them, cant go anywhere, ahh grab them! Man I am stupid, but I found that hard to work out! Right, now time to play (still feeling stupid) Great visuals, love the cat!!! The Ants (ooo should I not have mentioned that they are ants??) are brilliant!! Genious! Well, it was all over very quickly, a shame that it doesnt progress with some sort of platforming or story, but great fun. Going to play again and wait to see if I can get anyone to race with.....waited five minutes, alas, no-one joined (need a few more friends me thinks!) Great game, gave you five stars, just a shame it's so short! Edit: F4F Pirates of the Carob bean tours | 2010-03-13 13:56:00 Author: Shade_seeker ![]() Posts: 328 |
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