sackboy tracker
Archive: 6 posts
I'm using the sackboy tracker from the logic pack (awesome tools) and I'm trying to figure out a way to have it reset to it's staring position. Say I have a long hallway with a checkpoint at the beginning and the tracker is behind the hallway, the player runs in hits the checkpoint and down the hallway and the tracker stats following him, then halfway down the hallway the player dies, and respawns at the checkpoint. How can I have the sackboy tracker reset to its starting position? | 2010-02-19 16:43:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Could be a glitch in the device. ![]() | 2010-02-19 16:48:00 Author: PoD CREW ![]() Posts: 268 |
Could be a glitch in the device. ![]() Quiet you, else I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance* and furious anger!!! The simple solution to this problem comes in the form of the logistician's best friend: the winch. Attach a winch in parallel to the pistons on the tracker. Set it to inverted, strength 10, and very short timing (0.5-1s). Place a proximity switch at the first checkpoint, set to directional and conenct this to the winch. When the player respawns the tracker will pull back to it's starting position. *Cute poiple ninja vengeance is the best kind of vengeance | 2010-02-19 17:00:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
Quiet you, else I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance* and furious anger!!! I knew you'd say something like that. I'm only a advanced designer, not some logic brainiac. No offense. ![]() | 2010-02-19 17:13:00 Author: PoD CREW ![]() Posts: 268 |
Lol, none taken. I'm just messing. It was a toss up between Ezekiel or something along the lines of: could be a glitch with.... ummm... YOUR FACE!!! So there! ![]() | 2010-02-19 17:23:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
that worked perfect, thanks! | 2010-02-19 17:33:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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