Red Screen Crash?
Archive: 13 posts
Okay, so PSP's crash all the time for everyone. It's just a fact of owning one. It happens to me all the time, and after some tragic losses, I learned to save often enough that they didn't bother me. But one night, something strange happened - the game froze like it does before the system dies, but instead of losing power, the screen turned red - blood red - and stayed. I had to pull the the battery out. As far as I can, tell, nothing ended up different than a normal crash. But considering this was around 1 in the morning, I am creeped out. Does anyone know what caused this? | 2010-02-18 19:22:00 Author: Voltergeist ![]() Posts: 1702 |
Oh don't worry about that, it's just some demons that have possessed your PSP. They may come and steal your eyeballs while you sleep tonight. Nothing to worry about. Seriously though, that has happened to me I think twice. I don't know why the red, but as far as I can tell it's just another crash. It happened on my Go so I was unable to pull the battery, but fortunately I didn't need to. It seemed to figure out on its own that it had gagged up and just rebooted normally. Freaky though, I agree. | 2010-02-18 19:45:00 Author: Taffey ![]() Posts: 3187 |
Yeah, I've had it 3 times now and as far as I can tell it does nothing. It also goes away after a few seconds, no need to pull the battery. | 2010-02-18 20:09:00 Author: MattAstr ![]() Posts: 99 |
this happened to me once I thought something really bad happen, but it was a regular crash | 2010-02-18 23:13:00 Author: Spark151 ![]() Posts: 801 |
Oh that only happens after you make something that displeases the lbp psp gods. They can be real jerks sometimes. If you just pray to them it will stop. | 2010-02-19 01:05:00 Author: austimerr ![]() Posts: 385 |
This just happened to me for the first time about 2 minutes ago. I'm really glad that you made this post, because otherwise I would be a bit worried. I had saved my level literally 10 seconds before the crash, and if I hadn't, I would have lost about 30 minutes of work, so it somehow felt like a victory for me... | 2010-02-19 09:18:00 Author: amazingflyingpoo ![]() Posts: 1515 |
I know, nothing like being able to beat the crashes. It almost makes me prouder of the levels I've published. | 2010-02-19 13:40:00 Author: Voltergeist ![]() Posts: 1702 |
Got my first one. Red Screen Of Death much? | 2010-02-21 07:59:00 Author: CyberSora ![]() Posts: 5551 |
Let's hope not, because the only things that keep Sony ahead of Microsoft in my book are that our consoles work and we can play online for free. And that's already one (almost) down. ![]() | 2010-02-26 20:44:00 Author: Voltergeist ![]() Posts: 1702 |
It happened to me, but only once. | 2010-02-27 00:16:00 Author: masterlemons ![]() Posts: 85 |
The same thing happened to me except my PSP screen turned yellow. Why does my PSP crash when I play LBP in create mode? | 2010-02-27 03:12:00 Author: Drsuny ![]() Posts: 9 |
I think it's just a "feature" of the software. It doesn't seem to have very good error handling capabilities, meaning that when something happens it doesn't expect (like two objects overlapping) it often just locks up. | 2010-02-27 05:28:00 Author: Taffey ![]() Posts: 3187 |
Happened to me last night. My PSP refused to turn on for few seconds after. | 2010-02-27 17:44:00 Author: Fastbro ![]() Posts: 1277 |
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