Un-Deletable Materials?
Archive: 6 posts
Hi everyone, for my next level project. The level requires it to be Copyable. I was wondering wether it's possible to create non-deletable materials, so I can create a "Made By..." object in the level. Just so newbs can't republish the level, and claim it as their own. Is this possible, if so, where would I go about getting it? Thanks. | 2010-02-15 13:29:00 Author: BlahYourHamster ![]() Posts: 177 |
Yeah I made one for my PTD Boss level... although its not a non-deletable material, it kills off the boss if anyone tries to edit my name. Stops all noobs, but an experienced creator will still be able to hack it. I'll PM you if your interested, in the mean time... u could grab a copy of my PTD boss and try working it out yourself! There are plenty of copyable versions of the PTD boss online... all with my name still on them. | 2010-02-15 13:43:00 Author: ladylyn1 ![]() Posts: 836 |
Yeah you can get a material to go glitched, where you cant even select it. It just floats there, you and other materials fall through it. Theres no sure way to do it though, it just happens randomly when Im using the corner edit tool. Its when you pull a corner of one object through another and it breaks one of them. Its happened countless times to me… but as I said, it’s a bit unpredictable. | 2010-02-15 13:56:00 Author: oLMCo ![]() Posts: 96 |
There's a way first make a rectangle of dissolve then write anything inside it with a undestructable material then bomb it with bombs but make sure the level gets overheated and those yellow warning signs appear then play it should just show the undestructable material and the dissolve dussappeared and then you can only move it with the make bigger button. It's weird but it's undeletable Mabey so people couldn't move it add invissible dark matter above it so it stays there hope it helps ![]() | 2010-02-15 18:14:00 Author: The Object Giver ![]() Posts: 3 |
what you should do, is make a square attach a magic mouth, Then glue it to a Dark Matter Square, then using the corner edit tool, Pull one of the corners of the DM Square across to its diagonal, The other square with the magic mouth on should be ghosting now, I don't know if the magic mouth would still work, But you could always put, Blahyourhamster at the begining/end seen as it pokes through thing material ![]() | 2010-02-15 18:21:00 Author: Kern ![]() Posts: 5078 |
Well... I made something like that before by accident, I couldn't delete it so I had to cover it up in my level. And I don't think you have to worry about an experienced creator attempting to hack it, I doubt any experienced creator would want to copy your level. But if you get an undeletable material, The n00b who is gunna copy it could just cover it up with another material. So think about where you place it. Maybe if you put it in the front thin later... Meh I dunno. : | 2010-02-15 22:03:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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