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The Grapple-Untrapple

Archive: 4 posts

My first creation it's basicly a grapple hook but it can get you out of gaps and holes it doesn't need to hook on to any thing because the grapple thingy stays on the floor while you get pushed up by holding onto a yellow grabbable handle if you want to check it out or use it in your levels go on lbp and test my level PSN: The_Object_Giver2010-02-13 20:05:00

The Object Giver
Posts: 3

I tried this yesterday, it's kind of like a reverse grappling hook lol2010-02-14 16:10:00

Posts: 2454

Yeah lol I thought it was pretty fun playing with2010-02-14 17:32:00

The Object Giver
Posts: 3

can u send some pics im confused2010-02-16 09:59:00

Posts: 376

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