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Zoltar ? The Fortune Teller

Archive: 13 posts

I got my inspiration for this machine after watching Big.

Here's a brief video I recently made showing off a bit. Its only a minute long and shows off the function of the object as well as a bit of the tech behind it. Also, if you go and play the "level" there is a jet pack that you can take up and look at the mechanics of the level first hand.


I wanted to make a randomizer that could produce a large number of outputs triggered by one switch. As such I couldn't base it off of pistons or anything with a set rhythm or timing. Then it hit me. The physics of LBP are so incredible that if I could tap that I would have a truly random output.

I started with two tumblers ala Lotto or Bingo and placed seven cylinders in both so that I wasn't stuck with only seven or a max of eight outcomes.

Once the dissolve block is released on the left tumbler a random cylinder rolls out and along a path which picks up what color the switch is. That in turn triggers an OR switch which triggers a permanent switch that triggers the indicated color in a series of AND switches. Since I needed to use OR switches I had an issue with making it so that the same color didn't drop down in the secondary tumbler. I solved this by making the secondary cylinders dissolve so that when a color drops in the first tumbler it dissolves the cylinder of the same color in the secondary tumbler, therefore eliminating any doubling up and cutting down on the number of switches required.

Once the secondary cylinder is dropped and read and picked up by the OR switch and then the AND switch a connection is made and one of the 21 mouths/fortunes is activated. Each time one of the two colors is determined seven switches are activated but only the one that intersects activates.
2010-02-12 20:46:00

Posts: 52

This looks really interesting i liek how different fortunes are picked this is an ingeniuos piece of logic well done.2010-02-12 21:04:00

Posts: 1304

I played it this morning, it was very detailed, and I liked the logic. I tried it only 1 time, but I'm going to retry it to see other fortune tells 2010-02-12 21:08:00

Posts: 504

Thanks for the nice comments, both of you. Took me a long time to work out all of the kinks in the logic. A long time lol longer than it should have probably.2010-02-12 23:12:00

Posts: 52

This is the exact same idea I've been thinking about except I'd have a randomizer that just gives you a random prize object I've created. Then I could create more over time and add them to the level... nice one.2010-02-13 12:57:00

Posts: 2391

Wow! That's really cool! Not only is the concept smart, but the genie looks incredibly good! Two thumbs up!2010-02-13 13:33:00

Posts: 2979

Nice job! Maybe you could use the same logic to make a LBP lottery machine? It would make choosing your weekly numbers easier. 2010-02-13 16:29:00

Posts: 2454

It did actually occur to me. Thought about making a small level based on it. You could enter say five numbers.. rotating wheel style. then hit a ball release and depending on the amount of numbers you match you would get a different amount of prize bubbles. The problems start at the fact that there are only 8 different colored magnetic switches and ten digits. I suppose i could simplify it a bit and have the player choose from 1-5.2010-02-13 16:57:00

Posts: 52

It did actually occur to me. Thought about making a small level based on it. You could enter say five numbers.. rotating wheel style. then hit a ball release and depending on the amount of numbers you match you would get a different amount of prize bubbles. The problems start at the fact that there are only 8 different colored magnetic switches and ten digits. I suppose i could simplify it a bit and have the player choose from 1-5.

That's a great idea! It could kind of be like Teebonesy's level, "The Movies," you know? You could go on a little journey to the fortune teller. Haha!
Just an idea....
2010-02-13 18:14:00

Posts: 2979

Was thinking of making a full on lotto level. Like a drive to the 7-11 talk to the cashier.. watch the cheesy lotto show on tv. All that. 2010-02-14 01:57:00

Posts: 52

That's a cool idea! Nicely built and the logic is most impressive.

I'd like to see a level with this as the main feature as well. Nice work!
2010-02-14 02:09:00

Posts: 5983

Very nice! I love randomisers... They were the first bits of real logic I ever built in LBP. One thing though I got unlucky and got the same fortune three times in a row! XD2010-02-15 03:59:00

Posts: 425

lol really!? wow thats pretty bad. must mean that its VERY true. Its fate 2010-02-15 05:00:00

Posts: 52

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