A Very Short Level
Archive: 3 posts
A Very Short Leveltheonlybub The name of the level describes it all. It gives me a chance to show off my letter making skills. I hope to gain more plays if I post this level here. If you were to play this level you may think it is rubbish just because of the length. I know it is not one of my best levels, because it only took me 10 minutes to make it. I was a little bored in create mode and decided to make a level that will make people laugh if they play it, and thus this level was born! I also wanted to make a level that will have many keys in it so that my levels would appear when they finish that level. So, I put in the keys to my best levels and I locked all of my crappy levels so that you can only play my best. The level is just your average, "Show Off" level. Nothing much. I hope you enjoy! ![]() EDIT: As soon as I get my USB back, I will add photos so that you can get a hint of what you will be seeing. I can't add too much though because I don't want to spoil anything. | 2010-02-12 19:07:00 Author: theonlybub ![]() Posts: 690 |
So let me get this straight this level is a level you want to get plays, BUT you yorslef think its is rubbihs and made it in ten minutes. If i where you i would not have posted this here if you want this level to get played send a key round to your friends so they know its there then ask them to send the keys to their friends and so on, i honsetly don't think this level will get as many plays as you hope for. Fo example looking at this post i would say its your standard Vault Display what ever you want to call it level, these levels are played when people want to get items, so if someone wanted to play your secret level you would tell them the code and they would enter it then the key would drop down, and so on. I will play this level just to se if im wrong but i hope to see some more good levels in the future. Sorry if i was abit harsh but im trying to be totally honest. PS. i wouldn't have posted this as F4F level as what feedback do you want. | 2010-02-12 19:20:00 Author: lbpholic ![]() Posts: 1304 |
"I" didn't call it rubbish, I only said that some people may think it is rubbish. This is because it is just a level to show off how I make words. The level will only take about 10 seconds, but the ending I think is pretty funny, but it may just be me. | 2010-02-13 16:17:00 Author: theonlybub ![]() Posts: 690 |
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