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Archive: 5 posts


this is a program that counts your keystrokes, miles done with your mouse and all that stuff, which is quite interesting to see at the end of the day, of course you have to pulse too.

try it, make an account so your stats can be saved and join our team LittleBigPlanetCentral (Password is lbpc)

edit: didn't find any other topics about this.
2010-02-11 21:34:00

Unknown User

I'll try and join once i get used to it and stuff.

EDIT: Joined
EDIT2: I joined but it doesen't show me in the team does it take a while or do i need to do something else?
EDIT3 (lol): Now it does just took a while
2010-02-11 21:37:00

Posts: 5592

How do I join the team?2010-02-11 22:03:00

Posts: 652

log in, go to teams in "my whatpulse" and find it and then join i think.2010-02-11 22:16:00

Unknown User

I bet people are going to be making posts that are a lot longer then they would usually just so they can get a high keys count. Lol kind of like what i just did in this very post that you are reading right now at this very momment. Ok i will now stop.2010-02-11 22:21:00

Posts: 5592

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