Archive: 8 posts
No I do Not work for Brady games, I simply Wanted your thoughts about the book and the psp guide. If you don't have this book, you should get it, even without the PS3 version. what do you think of the create mode section? By the way I noticed a massive amount of mistakes with spelling and factual info. | 2010-02-10 03:15:00 Author: starkastor ![]() Posts: 61 |
starkastor, if you find the way how I can buy this book in Russia - I will appreciate to you. Now only way that I found- is buy it at amazon for 14$ and pay 30$ for delivering. It is not best choice I think, but I can not find another way. Can you help me? | 2010-02-10 08:45:00 Author: Domik12 ![]() Posts: 838 |
I bought it in December. It's a comprehensive guide. The creation part of the guide was a nice surprise. Too bad they used such a thin paper, specially for the covers, which makes it uncomfortable to actually use the guide (and it gets bended and damaged too soon). | 2010-02-10 10:28:00 Author: Lleonard Pler ![]() Posts: 277 |
on Brady games site it is possible buy ebook version for 19$. I will think about it. And Lleonard Pler, what was the price for book and where you bought it? | 2010-02-10 10:56:00 Author: Domik12 ![]() Posts: 838 |
Unfortunately they don't sell it on Play.com, would be great to get it without having to pay for shipping. But thanks for the link, Domik. I desperately want this as a collectors item. Keep in mind that the high price has a reason, this is the Little Big Planet "super book" containing both PS3 and PSP versions. http://www.bradygames.com/ShowCover.aspx?isbn=0744011477&type=f Definitely getting this together with my sackboy figures. | 2010-02-10 11:02:00 Author: Zwollie ![]() Posts: 2173 |
Domik, it was almost 30$ incuding shipment. I bought it on Amazon. | 2010-02-10 11:06:00 Author: Lleonard Pler ![]() Posts: 277 |
It looks really cool but sadly I don't have much money so I'll end up using my money on other things. | 2010-02-10 15:38:00 Author: Mod5.0 ![]() Posts: 1576 |
If any one is wondering I got it from a local chapters for under 25$ | 2010-02-12 15:12:00 Author: starkastor ![]() Posts: 61 |
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